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CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, Get Board Paper Set 1, 2, 3

The CBSE Class 12 History Exam has been successfully conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education on 28 March 2024. The Class 12 History board exam took place from 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. According to the students’ initial reactions, the CBSE Class 12 History Exam 2024 is considered as moderate in difficult level.  Most students thought the history paper was lengthy. After the exam, students can access the Class 12 History Answer key 2024 for Sets 1, 2, and 3, as well as a comprehensive analysis, on this page.

CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024

History is Students are often concerned about their exam responses after taking it, whether they are correct or incorrect. Following the exam, our in-house experts provided you with the CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024 for all sets listed on this page. Although unofficial, the Class 12 History Answer Key 2024 is error-free and developed by expert professors. Go through the article to find the answer key and paper analysis for the History paper.

Class 12 History Answer Key 2024

History is a crucial paper for students in the Arts stream.The Class 12 History exam is worth a total of 100. The Theory exam is worth 80 marks, with the remaining 20 marks for the project and internal assessment. The question paper has five sections: A, B, C, D, and E. The question paper contains 34 questions, which include MCQs, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, and Source and Map-Based Questions. Let’s take a quick glance at the CBSE Class 12 History exam highlights.

Particulars Details
Exam Conducting Body
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Name of Examination
CBSE Class 12 Board Examination 2024
Subject History
Mode of Exam Offline
Exam Duration 3 Hours
Medium of Exam English / Hindi
Type of Questions
MCQs, Short and Long Answer Type Questions
Theory Marks 80
Practical / Internal Assessment 20
Total Marks 100
Passing Marks
33% in aggregate
Negative Marking No

Ace your Preparation with CUET 2024 प्रतिज्ञा Arts Complete Batch

Class 12 History Answer Key 2024 for All Sets

The CBSE Class 12 History Exam ended at 01:30. After that, students can look up the correct answers to each question in the Answer Key. Adda247 Experts are constantly evaluating CBSE Class 12 History questions and answers. In the section below, you will find the CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key for all sets given below.

Class 12 History Answer Key 2024 Set 1

QP -61/5/1


1. Which one of the following is the correct statement regarding Harappan Culture ?

(A) Most of the Harappan sites were located in semi-arid lands.
(B) Irrigation was probably not required for agriculture at the Harappan sites.
(C) No trace of canals have been found at the Harappan sites.

(D) The Iron tipped Ploughshare was used at the Harappan sites.

Answer: Option (A)

2. Who among the following was an ex-army official and worked as Director General of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)?
(A) John Marshal
(C) R.D. Bannerjee
(B) Alexander Cunningham
(D) R.E.M. Wheeler

Answer: Option (D)

3. Which one of the following is not a true statement regarding Harappan Script?

(A) This script remains undeciphered till date.
(B) This script was written from left to right.
(C) It was not alphabetic.
(D) It has too many signs between 375 and 400.

Answer: Option (B)

4. Identify the following picture from the given options:

CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, Get Board Paper Set 1, 2, 3 -_4.1

(A) Sultan Jahan Begum
(B) Shahjahan Begum
(C) Jahanara Begum
(D) Ruksar Begum

Answer: Option(B)

Note: The following question is in lieu of Question No. 4 for Visually Impaired Candidates only.
In which of the following states Sanchi Stups is located?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Andhra Pradesh


5. Write the appropriate option from the given in your answer sheet.
The practice of ___________________ means a man having several wives.

(A) Exogamy
(B) Endogamy
(C) Polygyny
(D) Polyandry

Answer: Option (C)

6. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose the correct option from the following:

I. Rule of Ashoka
II. Invasion of Alexander
III. Rule of Gupta dynasty
IV. Rise of Chalukyas in Karnataka
(A) I, III, II and IV
(B) IV, II, I and III
(C) II, I, III and IV
(D) III, IV, II and I

Answer: Option (C)

7. Given below are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read them carefully and choose the correct option from the given options.

Assertion (A): In the Eighth Century, the Kailashnath Temple was carved out of mountain.
Reason (R): King Ashoka had given the directive to create artificial caves by cutting into the mountains to resemble temples.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is untrue.
(D) (A) is untrue, but (R) is true.

Answer: Option (C)

8. Identify the medieval globe-trotter with the help of the following information:

  • Before he set-off for India he made pilgrimage trips to Mecca before 1332-33 C.E.
  • The Delhi Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlaq made him Qazi or the judge of Delhi.

(A) Abd-al-Razzak
(C) Ibn Batuta
(B) Al-Biruni
(D) Seydi Ali Reis

Answer: Option (C)

9. Who among the following Sikh Gurus compiled ‘Adi Granth Sahib’?
(A) Guru Nanak Dev ji
(B) Guru Arjun Dev ji
(C) Guru Hargobind Sahih ji
(D) Guru Gobind Singh ji

Answer: (B) Guru Arjun Dev ji

10. Choose the correct option regarding Virsshaiva tradition from the following:

(A) This tradition emerged in Karnataka.
(B) They are the followers of Vishnu
(C) They believed in the theory of rebirth
(D) They practice funerary rites.

Answer: Option (A)

11. Read the following information carefully and choose the correct location for this dargah from the given options

  • It is a dargah of Shaikh Salim Chisti.
  • Akbar visited this dargah many a times.

(A) Ajmer
(C) Agr
(B) Delhi
(D) Fatehpur Sikri

12. Which one of the following description of Mughal rural society is correctly matched?

(Rural-people) (Profession)
(A) Ralyst Boatsman
(B)Mallah Banker
(C)Shroff Peasunt
(D) Mansabdar Military Bureaucrat

14. Identify the forest tribe during sixteenth and seventeenth century with the help of following information

  • In Assam these Tribal Chiefs became kings
  • They rendered military service in exchange of land.
  • They declared their monopoly on catching wild elephants.

(A) Lohani tribe
(B) Santhal tribe
(C) Ahom tribe
(D) Munda tribe

15. Identify the primary purpose of Britishers to implement Permanent Setilement in Bengal. Choose the best suitable option from the following:

(A) To empower pesaants of the region.
(B) To abolish land ownership in the region.
To increase agricultural productivity of Jótedars
(D) To provide financial stability to British govt.

16. Who among the following was the leader of the revolt of 1867 from Bihar region?
(A) Shahmal
(B) Kunwar Singh
(C) Gonco
(D) Nana Saheb

Answer:  (B) Kunwar Singh

17. Who among the following described the following line for the Kingdom of Awadh
“A cherry that will fall into our mouth one day,
(A) Lord Cornwallis
(B) Lord Wellesley
(C) Lord Dalhousie
(D) Lord Canning

Answer: (C) Lord Dalhousie

18. At which of the following places the mutiny broke out on 10th day of May 1867
(A) Barrakpore
(B) Delhi
(C) Meerut Cantt
(D) Lucknow

Answer: (C) Meerut Cantt

19. Who among the following moved the resolution in the Constituent Assembly that the Indian National Flag be horizontal tricolour of saffron, white and dark green in equal proportions with a wheel in navy blue in the centre?

(A) Vallabhbhai Patel
(B) Rajendra Prasad
(C) B.R. Ambedkar
(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

20. Identify the member of Constituent Assembly with the help of information given below:

  1.  He was a member of drafting committee of constitution.
  2.  He was a lawyer.
  3. He gave crucial inputs in drafting of constitution.
  4. He belonged to Madras (Chennai

(A) B.N. Rau
(B) KM. Munshi
(C)Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
(D) S.N. Mukherjee

21. Which of the following movements was broadened by “Lal-Bai-Pal and conveyed it as the all-India character of their struggle from 1905-1907?
(A) Gadar Movement
(B) Swadeshi Movement
(C) Satyagraha Movement
(D) Peasant Movement

Answer: (B) Swadeshi Movement

CBSE History Answer Key 2024 Set 3

QP Code 61/4/3 (Set 3)

1. Who among the following was the first Director General of Archaeological Survey of India (A.S.I.)?

Answer: (D) Alexander Cunninghum

2. Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct option from the Following

Column-1 (Harappan Sites) Column-II (Present region)
I. Manda
II. Rakhagarhi
III. Nageshwar
IV. Kalibangan
a. Gujarat
b. Rajasthan
c. Haryana
d. Jamma

Answer: (D) I – d, II – c, III – a, IV – b

3. Arrange the following events in a chronological order and choose the correct option
I. Beginning of Gupta rule
II. End of Mauryan Empire
III. Rise of Pallavas in Tamil Nadu
IV. Rase of Harshavardhana as a king of Kannauj

Answer: (B) II, I, III and IV

4. Identify the given image of the ancient temple from the given options :

Answer:  (C) Kailashnath Temple

For visually impaired only:
Who among the following ancient scholar belonged to Greece?
Answer:  (C) Aristotle

5. Write the appropriate option from the given in your answer sheet
The first Sermon of the Buddha was delivered at ___________.

Answer: (C) Sarnath

6. Identify the character of Mahabharata with the help of following information:

  • He was the son of Bheema
  • He belonged to Rakshasa clan from maternal side

Answer: (C) Ghatotkacha

7. Assertion (A): The sixth century BCE is often regarded as a major turning point in early Indian history.
Reason (R) This was an era associated with early states, cities, use of iron, development of coinage and growth of Buddhism and Jainism.

Answer: (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

8. Identify the name of a woman devotee of early Bhakti tradition with the help of the
information given below:

  • She was a devotee of Lord Shiva
  • She adopted a path of extreme asceticism to attain her goal

Answer: (A) Karaikkal Ammaiyar

9. Which one of the following option is NOT correct regarding the contemporaries of
Vijayanagara empire?

Answer: (D) Rise of the Chalukyas in Karnataka

10. Choose the correct statement from the following options with reference to
Vijayanagara empire:
Answer: (C) The battle of Talikota proved disastrous for Vijayanagara empire.

11. Match Column I with Column II regarding Vijaynagara empire and choose the correct option:

Column I (Travellers who visited Vijayanagara Empire) Column II (Country they belonged)
I. Nando de Conti
II. Abdur Razank
III. Duarte Barbora
IV. Afanasi Nikitin
a. Persia
b. Portugal
c. Italy
d. Russisa

Answer: (B) I – c, II – a, III – b, IV – d

12. Which one of the following was not a major factor that accounted for the constant
expansion of agriculture in the Mughal state?

Answer: (D) Availability of tractors

13. With reference to the land revenue system of the Mughals, match Column-I with that of Column-II:

Column-I Column-II
I. Jama
II. Khet Batai
III. Lang Batai
IV. Hasil
a. The amount actually collected
b. After cutting the crops, putting it in heaps and divided equally
c. Field is divided when it is sown for levying revenue
d. The amount of revenue assessed

Answer: (A) I – d, II – c, III – b, IV – a

14. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

  • Sofi teachers – Location of Dargah
  • Shaikh Moinuddin Chisho – Ajodhan (Pakistan)

Answer: (C) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya – Delhi

CBSE Class 12 History Paper Analysis 2024

The Class 12th History exam is now over. The Class 12 exam analysis presented here is entirely based on feedback and reviews supplied by students and teachers. . Check out the section-by-section exam analysis provided by students.

  • The history paper was moderately lengthy, according to the students.
  • Although, the question paper followed the pattern of the official CBSE sample paper.
  • The questions were based on the mandated history syllabus and NCERT textbooks.
  • Some of the MCQ questions were straightforward, while others were a little more difficult.
  • Short-answer questions were also simple.
  • Long-answer and map-based questions were particularly difficult.
  • Long-answer questions were lengthy.

After the conclusion of the exam, we also spoke to the teachers to find out what they thought about today’s paper. The subject experts rated the paper was balanced and had a moderate difficulty level. Students who have thoroughly covered the course will be able to perform well in the exam. Objective-type questions were simple. Short-answer questions were simple and straightforward. Source-based questions were likewise simple.

History Class 12 Answer Key & Marking Scheme

Candidates should check the History Marking System while analyzing the CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024 to predict their Class 12 History Exam score.

The CBSE class 12 History question paper will be based on the board’s Class 12 History sample paper. The Class 12 History Question Paper is worth 80 points. and must complete the exam in three hours. There are 34 questions on the Class 12 History Question Paper 2024.

  • Section A consists of 21 MCQs worth one mark each.
  •  Section B – Questions 22–27 are Brief Answer Type Questions for 3 marks each.
  • Section C – Questions 28 to 30 are Long Answer Type Questions for 8 marks.
  • Section D – consists of 31 to 33 source-based questions, each with three sub-questions and four marks.
  •  Section-E – Question No. 34 is a map-based question worth 5 marks that comprises the identification and location of relevant test elements.

CBSE Class 12 History Board Paper 2024

Here we have provided the CBSE Class 12 History Board Paper 2024 for all sets from the direct Link given below.

Sets Download link
CBSE Class 12 History Paper 2024 Set 1 Click here
CBSE Class 12 History Question Paper 2024 Set 2 Click here
Class 12 History Question Board Paper 2024 Set 3 Click here

CBSE Class 12 History Paper Analysis 2024 & Answer Key

In this Video our History faculty analyzes the Class 12 History Paper of all sets. Watch Now.

Class 12 History Answer Key Last year


(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Which of the following are correctly matched?
I. Cholas in Tamil Nadu
II. Hoysala in Warangal
III. Sultans of the Deccan
IV. Gajapati of Orissa s
(A) I, II and III
(C) I, III and IV
(B) I, II and IV
(D) II, III and IV
Answer :(C) I, III and IV
2. Identify the given image of a temple from the following options:
CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, Get Board Paper Set 1, 2, 3 -_6.1
(A) Vitthala Temple
(C) Virupaksha Temple
(B) Brihadeshwara Temple
(D) Kailasha Temple
Answer :(C) Virupaksha Temple
Note: The following question is for the Visually Impaired candidates in lieu of question number
2. Which one of the following dynasties was the first dynasty of Vijaynagara empire?
(A) Sangama dynasty (C) Saluva dynasty
(B) Tuluva dynasty (D) Aravidu dynasty
Answer :(B) Tuluva dynasty
3. Identify the British official with the help of the following information and select the correct option:
  • He was a Physician, came to India during 1794 to 1815.
  • He served in the Bengal Medical Services.
  • He served as Surgeon to the Lord Wellesley.
  • He organised ‘Calcutta Alipore Zoo’.
(A) Marco Polo
(B) Francis Buchanan
(C) Francois Bernier
(D) Colon Meckenzie
Answer :(B) Francis Buchanan
4. Which of the following statements regarding Krishnadeva Roy is incorrect?
(A) He belonged to the Tuluva dynasty.
(B) His rule was characterised by expansion and consolidation.
 (C) He founded a suburban township called Krishnapuram.
(D) He composed a work on statecraft known as ‘Amuktamalyada’.
Answer : (C) He founded a suburban township called Krishnapuram.
5. Which of the following crops were considered as ‘Jins-i-Kamil’ in the Mughal Empire?
(A) Maize and Bajra
(C) Chillies and Potatoes
(B) Rice and Wheat
(D) Cotton and Sugarcane
Answer :(D) Cotton and Sugarcane
6. Consider the following statements regarding the early traditions of Bhakti and select the correct ones:
I. Historians draw on hagiographies of saints for knowing traditions.
II. Many beliefs and practices were shaped through ‘great’ and ‘little’ Sanskritic Puranic traditions.
III. Bhakti tradition was classified into two broad categories Saguna and Nirguna.
IV. God was worshipped with attributes in the Nirguna bhakti.
(A) I, II and III
(C) I, III and IV
(B) I, II and IV
(D) II, III and IV
7. Which one of the following countries did ‘Afanasi Nikitin’ belong to?
(A) Russia
(B) Portugal
(C) Spain
(D) France
8. Which one of the following statement is correct?
(A) Buddha was born in Sanchi.
(B) Buddha attained enlightenment in Lumbini.
(C) Buddha delivered his first sermon in Bodhgaya.
(D) Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana at Kushinagar.
9. Arrange the following dynasties in chronological order:
I. Nandas
II. Shungas
III. Mauryas
IV. Guptas
(A) IV, II, III and I (C) I, III, II and IV
(B) II, I, IV and III (D) III, I, IV and II
Answer : To be Updated
10. Match the following:
CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, Get Board Paper Set 1, 2, 3 -_7.1
11. Who among the following was the author of ‘Ashtadhyayi’, a work on Sanskrit grammar?
(A) Aryabhatta
(C) Charaka
(B) Bhardwaj
(D) Panini
12. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): The book ‘Sipah Abadi’ was the important book on the military and civil administration of the Mughals.
Reason (R): Book includes short biographical sketches of imperial officials like Mansabdars, Poets etc.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
(D) (R) is correct but (A) is not correct.
13. Which one of the following regions was called as the “Nursery of the Bengal Army” by the British during 1850’s?
(A) Banaras
(C) Barrackpur
(B) Awadh
(D) Azamgarh
14. Consider the given statements regarding Constituent Assembly and select the correct from the following options:
(A) Motilal Nehru moved resolution of National flag in the Constituent Assembly.
(B) G.B. Pant was the Legal Advisor.
(C) Sardar Patel was the Constitutional Advisor.
(D) K.M. Munshi was called as Frontier Gandhi.
15. Who among the following rulers rebuilt ‘Sudarshan Lake’ ?
(A) Chashtana (C) Samudragupta
(B) Rudradaman (D) Vikramaditya
 16. In which of the following regions Satvahanas ruled during second century BCE to Second century CE?s the THE CA)
(A) Northern and Deccan India (C) Deccan and Eastern India
(B) Western and Deccan India (D) Eastern and Northern India
17. Who among the following rulers worked on the preservation of Sanchi Stupa?
(A) Ruksar Begum (C) Roshnara Begum
(B) Jahanara Begum (D) Shahjahan Begum
18. CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, Get Board Paper Set 1, 2, 3 -_8.1

19. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Gandhiji called for a countrywide agitation against the Rowlatt Act.
Reason (R) British authorized the government to imprison people without trial.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.
(D) (R) is correct but (A) is not correct.
20. Identify the character of Mahabharata with the help of the following information:
Was the husband of Gandhari.
Became the King of Hastinapur.
(A) Pandu (C) Yudhisthira
(B) Dhritrashtra (D) Duryodhana
21. Find out the chronological order of the events of the Revolt of 1857:
I. Subsidiary Alliance introduced by Wellesley in Awadh.
II. Nawab Wajid Ali Shah deposed.
III. Summary Revenue settlement introduced in Awadh by the British.
IV. Mutiny started in Meerut.
(A) I, II, III and IV    (C) III, II, I and IV
(B) II, III, IV and I     (D) IV, I, II and III
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CBSE Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, Get Board Paper Set 1, 2, 3 -_9.1


Where can I get the Class 12 History Answer Key 2024?

On this page, you will get the Class 12 History Answer Key 2024, check your responses with the answer key, and calculate your marks.

What is the duration of the CBSE 12 History paper?

students will get 3 hrs to solve the CBSE 12 History paper.

What is the full marks of Class 12 History Question paper?

The full mark of the Class 12 History Question paper is 80 marks

Is History in Class 12th hard?

The History exam for class 12 should not be too difficult if well prepared. You simply need to work harder and focus on the exam syllabus. Prepare your themes carefully and you will certainly pass.

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.