Table of Contents
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24: The syllabus for the CBSE Class 6 Hindi subject for the year 2023-24 has been released. Students must check out the latest updated syllabus to know about the detailed chapters and themes important for the examination. Hindi is a compulsory subject for the CBSE class 6 students. Hindi is a very beautiful language. One of India’s official languages, Hindi has its origins in the Devanagari script. It is estimated that 52.83 crore people speak Hindi, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in India. Proficiency in Hindi reading and writing is needed. Hindi is the primary language used for the majority of work in the Indian central government, so it’s critical that pupils understand the language well. That is why, students are taught this language from their early years in school.
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24
The CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023–24 has undergone several modifications as mandated by the board. For sixth-graders, one of the most crucial topics is CBSE Hindi. It acquaints the kids with Hindi literature and language. Therefore, both teachers and students should take note of the newly amended curriculum. Important subjects, chapters, and questions that provide students with a foundational understanding of the subject and its significance going forward are included in the Class 6 CBSE Hindi Syllabus. Students should thoroughly study the fundamentals of Hindi grammar and literature in order to both ace the test and revel in the language’s literary joys. To help students in streamlining their study resources, we have mentioned the detailed syllabus for the Hindi subject along with providing its PDF.
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24 Overview
The CBSE Class 6 Hindi syllabus consists of three different books. These books are named Vasant, Durva, and Bal Ram Katha. There are 45 chapters in the CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023–2024—28 from Vasant and 17 from Durva. There are twelve chapters in the third book, Bal Ram Katha. The CBSE Board’s guidelines are followed in the preparation of the Hindi Class 6 Syllabus. The chapters that students in Class 6 Hindi must study are included in the CBSE Syllabus. Even the question papers are written using the CBSE Syllabus that the Board has approved. It is therefore imperative that sixth-grade pupils grasp the material thoroughly before beginning to prepare for their Hindi exam.
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus Term 1 and Term 2 2023-24
Looking at the vast number of chapters present in the Hindi language, the entire curriculum has been divided into tow terms: Term 1 and Term 2. The syllabus for both term 1 and term 2 has been given in this informative article. The NCERT Class 6 Hindi syllabus 2023-24 is available on for bot term1 and term 2 by the courtesy of the National Council of Educational Research and Training. Both the term exams will include the NCERT syllabus, which is included in the NCERT books. Chapter names that will be tested in the term exams are listed in the NCERT 6th Hindi syllabus 2023-24. The NCERT syllabus for Class 6 Hindi 2023-24 is prescribed by the CBSE and a few other State Boards.
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24 PDF
The latest syllabus for the class 6 Hindi syllabus for the CBSE board 2023-24 is given below in the PDF form. As we know, CBSE board prescribes NCERT books in their curriculum, so, the syllabus is updated as per the latest NCERT curriculum.
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24: Hindi Vasant Syllabus
The Hindi Vasant syllabus is one of the main books for the Hindi subject in class 6. There are a total of 17 chapters in the Hindi Vasant syllabus. The chapters consist of different themes including stories, poems and essays. The Class 6 Hindi Vasant syllabus is thoughtfully designed to develop language fluency as well as a profound understanding of the rich cultural legacy that Hindi embodies. The chapters number along with the chapters name is given below.
- अध्याय 1: वह चिड़िया जो (निबंध)
- अध्याय 2: बचपन (संस्मरण)
- अध्याय 3: नादान दोस्त (कहानी)
- अध्याय 4: चाँद से थोड़ी सी गप्पें (कविता)
- अध्याय 5: अक्षरों का महत्व (निबंध)
- अध्याय 6: पार नज़र के (कहानी)
- अध्याय 7: साथी हाथ बढ़ाना – एक दौड़ ऐसी भी (केवल पढ़ने के लिए)
- अध्याय 8: ऐसे – ऐसे (एकांकी)
- अध्याय 9: टिकट एल्बम (कहानी)
- अध्याय 10: झांसी की रानी (कविता)
- अध्याय 11: जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते (निबंध)
- अध्याय 12: संसार पुस्तक है (पत्र)
- अध्याय 13: मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं (कविता)
- अध्याय 14: लोकगीत (निबंध)
- अध्याय 15: नौकर (निबंध)
- अध्याय 16: वन के मार्ग में (कविता)
- अध्याय 17: साँस – साँस में बांस (निबंध)
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24: Hindi Durva Syllabus
The Hindi Durva syllabus of Class 6 has the highest number of chapters in its syllabus. There are a total of 28 chapters in this book. The Hindi Durva syllabus is made to help students become more adept at deriving information from texts, expand their vocabulary, and understand the deeper meaning that is included in written language. This improves their language abilities and fosters a passion for reading. This broadens their comprehension of the language and introduces them to the rich cultural and literary diversity found in Hindi literature. The detailed syllabus for the Hindi Durva for the year 2023-24 is tabulated below.
Chapter Number |
Chapter Name |
1 |
कलम |
2 |
किताब |
3 |
घर |
4 |
पतंग |
5 |
भालू |
6 |
झरना |
7 |
धनुष |
8 |
रुमाल |
9 |
कक्षा |
10 |
गुब्बारा |
11 |
पर्वत |
12 |
हमारा घर |
13 |
कपडे की दूकान |
14 |
फूल |
15 |
बातचीत |
16 |
शिलांग से फ़ोन |
17 |
तितली |
18 |
ईश्वरचन्द्र विद्यासागर |
19 |
प्रदर्शनी |
20 |
चिट्ठी |
21 |
अंगुलिमाल |
22 |
यात्रा की तैयारी |
23 |
हाथी |
24 |
डॉक्टर |
25 |
जयपुर से पत्र |
26 |
बढे चलो |
27 |
व्यर्थ की शंका |
28 |
गधा और सियार |
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus 2023-24: Bal Ram Katha Syllabus
This is the latest third book that has been introduced in the Class 6 Hindi syllabus. This book has a total of 12 chapters. It presents Indian culture and ethos to the pupils. This book describes a number of events and situations throughout Rama’s life. The book’s primary goal is to impart important life lessons to kids and provide them with the right outlook and guidance. Reading comprehension questions in the book incorporate passages from the text, and chapter-ending exercises assess students’ understanding. The syllabus of Bal Ram Katha is given hereunder.
Chapter Number |
Chapter Name |
1 |
आवध्पुरि मे राम |
2 |
जंगल और जनकपुर |
3 |
दो वर्दान |
4 |
राम का वन-गमन |
5 |
चित्रकूट में भरत |
6 |
दंडक वन में दस वर्ष |
7 |
सोन॓ का हिरण |
8 |
सीता की खोज |
9 |
राम और सुग्रीव |
10 |
लंका में हनुमान |
11 |
लंका विजय |
12 |
राम का राज्याभिशेक |
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Grammar Syllabus 2023-24
Hindi grammar is one of the most important components of the Hindi language. The study of grammatical nuances is fundamental to the CBSE Class 6 Hindi syllabus. The complexities of Hindi grammar are examined by the students as they analyse terms like gender (Ling), singular-plural (Ekvachan-Bahuvachan), pronouns (Sarvnam), verbs (Kriya), adjectives (Visheshan), adverbs (Kriyavisheshan), prepositions (Samanarthak Sambandh), conjunctions (Samanarthak Sambandh), tenses (Kal), and sentence formation (Vakya Rachna). Additional language abilities are constructed on top of this linguistic base. The syllabus for the Class 6 Hindi Grammar is given herein.
Grammar Concepts |
भाषा, लिपि और व्याकरण |
वर्ण-विचार |
शब्द-विचार |
संज्ञा |
संज्ञा के विकार |
वचन |
कारक |
सर्वनाम |
विशेषण |
क्रिया |
काल |
वाच्य |
अव्यय या अविकारी शब्द |
संधि |
समास |
उपसर्ग |
प्रत्यय |
वाक्य-विचार |
विराम-चिह्न |
अशुद्ध वाक्यों का संशोधन |
मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ |
शब्द-भंडार |