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CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 for All subject, Download Subject Wise PDF

Class 7 students should learn the full CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 for all subjects at the start of the academic year. They could create an effective study strategy for themselves if they were familiar with the CBSE syllabus for Class 7 2023-24 from the start of the session. Students can use the CBSE class 7 syllabus PDFs as a blueprint to analyze how many syllabi they completed. Students can download the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 PDFs for all subjects via the links provided in this post.

CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24

Science, Mathematics, Social Science, and English are included in the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24. Knowing the CBSE Syllabus for class 7 2023-24 allows students to plan their preparation by knowing what topics they need to cover in each subject. Students can see which topics require more or less time in their preparation with the help of a syllabus PDF. The CBSE class 7 syllabus presented here helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of each topic while emphasizing more hard topics.

CBSE Class 7 Syllabus for All Subjects 2023-24

The CBSE Syllabus for all classes was created by the government of NCERT and CBSE and includes Syllabus for subjects such as Math, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, and so on. We discussed the entire CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 for all subjects in this article, which will assist students in their board exam preparation. As our purpose is to raise awareness and provide comprehensive guidance on the CBSE Syllabus for class 7 2023-24.

Download CBSE Class 7 Syllabus Subject Wise PDF

The CBSE Class 7 Syllabus subject wise PDF is an important part of the preparation process. Students can access the CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 for all subjects by downloading them. CBSE Class 7 students can download the CLASS 7 syllabus PDF, as well as the marking scheme and weightage, by clicking on the links below.

CBSE Class 7 Syllabus for All Subject PDFs 2023-24*
CBSE Class 7 Maths Syllabus 2023-24 PDF
CBSE Syllabus Class 7 Science 2023-24 PDF
CBSE Syllabus Class 7 Social Science 2023-24 PDF
CBSE Syllabus Class 7 English 2023-24 PDF
CBSE Syllabus Class 7 Hindi 2023-24 PDF

*All the Subject wise syllabus pdf will be uploaded soon. Please refer to the detailed CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 subject-wise syllabus below.

CBSE Science Lab Manual for Class 7

Students in Classes 6 to 8 will benefit from the CBSE Science Lab Manual for upper primary stage activities. The NCERT also provides the CBSE Class 7 Science Lab Manual so students can focus on Science experiments. This will test the students’ creativity as well as their interest in science. They will gain a thorough understanding of the topic and a conceptual understanding of science by conducting experiments. The CBSE Science Manual for Primary Classes is available in PDF format for students to download from the table below.

CBSE Class 7 Science Lab Manual PDF Download Link
CBSE Science Lab Manual PDF for Classes 6, 7, and 8 

CBSE Class 7 Math Syllabus 2023-24

All chapters of CBSE Class 7 Math Syllabus 2023-24 are tabulated below.

CBSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus
 Fractions and Decimals
Data Handling
Simple Equations
 Lines and Angles
The Triangle and its Properties
Congruence of Triangles
 Comparing Quantities
Rational Numbers
Practical Geometry
 Perimeter and Area
Algebraic Expression
 Exponents and Power
 Visualising Solid Shapes

CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus 2023-24

The CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus 2023-24 includes three different topics – history, geography, and political science. The CBSE Class 7 SST Syllabus 2023-24 for all of these topics is provided in the table below.

CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus
History Syllabus for Class 7 Political Science Syllabus for Class 7
Geography Syllabus for Class 7
Chapters Chapters Chapters
Where When and How Democracy
Environment in its totality
New Kings and Kingdoms  State Government
Natural Environment
The Sultans of Delhi Understanding Media Air
The Creation of an Empire Unpacking Gender Water
Architecture as Power: Forts and Sacred Places Markets Around Us
Natural Vegetation and WildLife
Towns, Traders and Craftsmen
Human Environment
Social Change: Mobile and Settled Communities
Human-Environment Interaction
Popular Beliefs and Religious Debates
The Flowering of Regional Cultures
New Political Formations in the Eighteenth Century

CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus 2023-24

CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus 2023-24 consists of a total of 18 chapters. Learn them here.

CBSE Class 7 Science Syllabus
Nutrition in Plants
Nutrition in Animals
 Fibre to Fabric
Chapter 4: Heat
Acids, Bases and Salts
Physical and Chemical Changes
Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Climate
Winds, Storms and Cyclones
Chapter 9: Soil
Respiration in Organisms
Transportation in Animals and Plants
 Reproduction in Plants
Chapter 13: Motion and Time
Electric Current and its Effects
Chapter 15: Light
 Water- A Precious Resource
Forests- Our Lifeline
Wastewater Story

CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus 2023-24

The CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus 2023-24 is mainly divided into two parts – Honey Comb and Alien hand chapters. These two parts including all poems’ chapters are discussed below.

CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus
Honeycomb Alien Hand Poems
Chapter Name Chapter Name Chapter Name
Chapter 1: Three Questions & The Squirrel Chapter 1: The Tiny Teacher
Chapter 1: The Squirrel
Chapter 2: A Gift of Chappals & The Rebel Chapter 2: Bringing Up Kari
Chapter 2: The Rebel
Chapter 3: Gopal and the Hilsa Fish & The Shed Chapter 3: The Desert
Chapter 3: The Shed
Chapter 4: The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom & Chivvy Chapter 4: The Cop and the Anthem
Chapter 4: Chivvy
Chapter 5: Quality Chapter 5: Golu Grows a Nose
Chapter 5: Trees
Chapter 6: Expert Detectives Chapter 6: I Want Something in a Cage
Chapter 6: The Mystery of the Talking Fan
Chapter 7: The Invention of Vita-Wonk Chapter 7: Chandni
Chapter 7: Dad and the Cat and the Tree
Chapter 8: Fire-Friend and Foe Chapter 8: The Bear Story
Chapter 8: Meadow Surprises
Chapter 9: A Bicycle in Good Repair Chapter 9: A Tiger in the House
Chapter 9: Garden Snake
Chapter 10: The Story of Cricket
Chapter 10: An Alien Hand

Significance of CBSE Syllabus for Class 7 All Subjects 2023-24

Some important aspects of downloading and following of CBSE syllabus for class 7 all subjects 2023-24 are given below.

  • Knowing the CBSE class 7 syllabus will assist students in planning their exam preparation from the start.
  • The CBSE 7th class syllabus emphasizes an ability-based complete syllabus.
  • After reviewing the syllabus topics, students can answer the CBSE Sample papers, which cover important questions from the syllabus.
  • Students should also attempt previous years’ question papers to gain an understanding of exam patterns and question difficulty levels.
  • Students must have an excellent command of the CBSE Syllabus because the majority of the most competitive examination syllabuses such as JEE, NEET, and AIIMS are similar to the CBSE.

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CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2023-24 for All subject, Download Subject Wise PDF -_3.1
About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 2 years of experience in the Ed Tech sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, CLAT, other entrance and CBSE, ICSE, ISC and other State Board exams.