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Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with solutions

The sample paper class 10 English 2023-24 with solutions has been released by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The CBSE English sample paper class 10 2024 is now available at cbseacademic.nic.in. The Central Board of Secondary Education has issued CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers for all major subjects.

Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023 24

In addition to the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023 24, the CBSE also releases the Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023 24 Marking Scheme. With the aid of CBSE Class 10 English sample paper 2024, students may get a good concept of the board exam pattern, question types, response possibilities, and other aspects.

Check Out: Most Repeated Questions of Class 10 English

English Sample Paper Class 10 2024: Exam Pattern

The CBSE english class 10 sample paper 2023-24 follows the same question format as the actual Class 10 English Question Paper. Students who practice CBSE english class 10 sample paper 2023-24 will be able to comprehend the kind of questions that will be asked as well as the marking systems that will be implemented by the board throughout the examination.

  • The english class 10 sample paper 2023-24 is worth 80 marks.
  • Students have three hours to finish the Question paper.
  • The english class 10 sample paper 2023-24 contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING, and LITERATURE.
  • Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2023-24

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions Pdf Download

sample paper class 10 English 2023-24 with solutions PDF and marking Scheme is now available on cbseacademic.nic.in.Candidates can download them from the official website for future use. For the convenience of the students here, we will provide you with the CBSE class 10 English sample paper 2023 24 PDF below.

English sample paper class 10 2023 Pdf Download
CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023 24 Pdf Download
Class 10 English Sample Paper 2024 with Solution Pdf

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions: Section A

Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages

1. Read the following text. (10 marks)
(1) As a high school student, studying poetry can be a rollercoaster ride. This journey is punctuated by moments of profound appreciation for simpler pieces and intermittent frustration with more complex works. Let’s be real here -some poems are just plain confusing and no amount of re-reading seems to help decipher the intended meaning. The puzzlement that results from such instances can be both vexing and demotivating. If solving a riddle is what was intended, then playing Sudoku is a better option. One is led to ponder if obscurity was the goal

(2) Conversely, some pieces resonate with the reader’s soul. stirring feelings of warmth, happiness, and connection to the world. Often, these compositions centre on themes that are universally understood, such as love, nature, or faith. Being able to actually understand what the poet is trying to say can feel like a little victory and is a welcome relief after grappling with more perplexing poetry.

(3) Then there are poems that are emotionally charged; the ones that make the reader curl up in a ball and cry or jump up and down with joy. One is left in awe of the poet’s ability to convey emotion through words. Let’s not forget the downright weird poems. These are the ones that defy categorization and leave the reader to their own devices in attempting to interpret meaning. The author’s use of figurative language and unconventional imagery can create a sense of bewilderment that is either intriguing or off-putting. Regardless, the reader can appreciate the uniqueness of the work.

(4) Despite the wide range of emotions and reactions that come with studying poetry, it can be a
rewarding pursuit. Not only does reading poetry allow one to appreciate the artistic beauty of the
written word but also enables one to develop crucial critical thinking and analytical skills. The process of unlocking a poem’s meaning can feel like cracking a code or solving a puzzle but the sense of accomplishment derived from mastering a challenging piece can be deeply gratifying. Finally, impressing an English teacher with a well-analysed poem can be a source of pride and validation.

(5) Overall, studying poetry is like a box of mixed chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. But whether it’s complex, emotional, simple, or just downright weird, there’s always something to be gained from the experience. So, let’s applaud all the poets out there, for making us laugh, cry, scratch our heads, and occasionally feel like genius.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i. Which of the following statements best describes the author’s attitude towards studying

A. Finds poetry to be a frustrating and meaningless endeavor.
B. Believes that the emotional rollercoaster of studying poetry is not worth the effort.
C. Recognizes the challenges of studying poetry but also acknowledges the rewards it offers.
D. Feels that poetry is too obscure and abstract for the average person to appreciate.

ii What is the tone of the writer in the given lines from paragraph (1)? Rationalise your response
in about 40 words. If solving a riddle is what was intended, then playing Sudoku is a better option. One is led to ponder if obscurity was the goal.  2

iii Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author’s use of vivid imagery in the paragraph (3), such as “curl up in a ball and cry” and
“jump up and down with joy”, greatly affects the reader because ____________. 1
iv The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other. From the sets (a)-(e) below, identify two sets of antonyms:

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_3.1

v Complete the sentence appropriately.
We can say that the author’s tone becomes more neutral and objective when discussing weird
poems, compared to other types of poetry because __________. 1
vi Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in about 40 words, how studying poetry can
be like exploring a new city. 2
vii What is the message conveyed by Hina’s experience, in the following case? Hina spends hours trying to analyze a poem for her assignment and finally feels a sense of accomplishment and pride, once she understands.
A. Only those with natural talent for poetry should engage with it.
B. Persistence makes studying poetry a rewarding pursuit.
C. Study of poetry is guaranteed to impress others.
D. The efforts of studying poetry is inversely proportional to the rewards gained.

viii State whether the following lines display an example of a simple / complex / emotionally
charged / downright weird , poem.

The sun rises in the east,
A new day begins, a fresh start.
Birds chirp, nature wakes up,
A peaceful feeling in my heart.

2. Read the following text. (10 marks)

(1) Reduction in green areas has caused various environmental problems. People squeezed between concrete structures are looking for various ways to meet their longing for green. One of the ways to do so is through vertical gardens and green walls. Vertical gardening is a unique method of gardening where plants are grown in a vertical position or upward, rather than in the traditional method of planting them on the ground.

(2) The purpose of vertical gardens and green walls, which arises from the studies of different
disciplines (landscape architects, architects, engineers, etc.), is to close the cold image of concrete
and increase its visual value. In these systems, nature and structures are integrated, and thus, urban areas and the desired environment have become intertwined.

(3) Vertical garden case studies often show that , though functionality should be in the foreground, when vertical gardens are planned, they are generally made as aesthetic elements in the city’s underpasses and city squares, and decorative elements in residences, without seeking functionality.

(4) Experts support that the visual quality and evaluation of landscape architecture is determined based on the satisfaction of the users. Hence, a survey questionnaire was prepared for residents of varied age groups from of a metropolitan city. The given Table 1, displays these responses:

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_4.1

(5) The study acknowledged that vertical gardening has the potential to transform urban spaces into green, sustainable areas, and further research should explore the impact of vertical gardening on the environment and human well-being.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above

i Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraphs 1 & 2.

We can say that the situation of people living in concrete structures is comparable with a fish
living in a fishbowl, and the need for vertical gardens to the need for decorations in the
fishbowl because _______________.

ii Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of paragraph 2.
The statement that , urban spaces have become more closely connected with the desired
natural surroundings through the incorporation of nature and structures in vertical gardens
and green walls, is a ___________ (fact/ opinion) because it is a _____________ (subjective
judgement/ objective detail).
iii Justify the following, in about 40 words.
While the survey results suggest that vertical gardens may be effective in improving the
quality of life in urban areas, further research and evaluation may be necessary to fully
understand their effectiveness and potential drawbacks.
iv Based on the survey results, which two concerns should a city government, looking to install
vertical gardens, address?
v In Table 1, the statement 3, “Vertical gardens increase air quality – indoors and outdoors,”
received the most neutral responses from participants, with 51 respondents indicating a neutral stance. State any one inference that can be drawn from this.

vi Select the option that correctly displays what ‘intertwined’ signifies. (Reference-Paragraph 2)

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_5.1

A. (i) , (iv) and (v)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
In the given sentence taken from paragraph 1, select the option that correctly replaces the
underlined word, with its most likely antonym.
Vertical gardening is a unique method of gardening.
A. an indefinite
B. an exclusive
C. a combined
D. a standard

vii Infer one benefit and one drawback of vertical gardening, in comparison to other solutions,
such as community gardens or parks. (Answer in about 40 words)

viii Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Vertical gardening has minimal impact on the environment or human well-being.

A. (i) , (iv) and (v)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)

In the given sentence taken from paragraph 1, select the option that correctly replaces the
underlined word, with its most likely antonym. Vertical gardening is a unique method of gardening.
A. an indefinite
B. an exclusive
C. a combined
D. a standard

vii Infer one benefit and one drawback of vertical gardening, in comparison to other solutions,
such as community gardens or parks. (Answer in about 40 words)
viii Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Vertical gardening has minimal impact on the environment or human well-being.

B. Vertical gardening is a sustainable practice that can transform urban spaces into green areas.
C. The impact of vertical gardening on the environment and human well-being has already been thoroughly explored.
D. The study needs to include experts from horticultural firms to offer any recommendations for further research.

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions: Section B



3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. (1×10)

i. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter:
Dear Sir
This is with reference to committee’s letter of recommendation that ________ (highlight) the
nominations for ‘Safe Residential Area’ award for this current year.

ii. Read the given sentence from a recipe review article. Identify the error and supply the correction in the sentence.
This delightful recipe must keep your hunger pangs at bay with its balanced spices and oriental flavour.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

iii. Abhilash and Neha had a conversation about the inauguration of Neha’s Dance Academy.
Report Abhilash’s question.
Is your best friend helping you in this venture?
iv. Read the dialogue between Shabnam and her mentor, Sara, regarding her summer internship
Sara: Why did you choose to participate in this internship programme?
Shabnam: Ah! I am convinced this programme has the potential to enhance my abilities.
Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue.
Sara asked Shabnam _________________________________ in that internship programme.
Shabnam sighed and exclaimed that she was convinced that programme had the potential to
enhance her abilities.
A. why to choose to participate
B. to choose participation
C. about her choice to participate
D. with her choice in participating

v. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the concluding line of an issued
circular by an Organisation, to its Managers.

A copy of the plan is enclosed and __________ (that/ then/ this) may be communicated to all
Team Leaders for compliance.

vi. Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a commercial company’s
current marketing strategy.
The company aimed at increasing authority in areas frequently visited by the clients.
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

vii. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the closing line, from
an analytical report.
In conclusion, this study explores the association between short sleep pattern and overweight

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_6.1

viii Complete the given narrative, by filling the blank with the correct option.
The experience of nursing an injured bird left me _____________ grateful for knowing the importance of being kind and compassionate to all creatures.
A. feeling
B. having felt
C. felt
D. feels

ix. Report the dialogue between a vendor and his customer, by completing the sentence:
Vendor: It is nice to see you, Sir!
Customer: Yes, indeed! Unlike last month, I have been away for quite some time this month.
The vendor greeted his customer respectfully and mentioned that he was pleased to see him.
The customer answered in the affirmative and explained that ______________________

x. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the live feed on a school news
Congratulations Change Makers!
The regional competition awards have been announced and our school music club
___________ the first prize.
A. had been won
B. will win
C. was winning
D. has won

xi. Complete the line from a self- awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option.

The river runs through your veins
The trees and mountains ______ your name
The moon and stars watch over
You’re guiding your way back home
To dream the night away.
A. will call
B. call
C. had called
D. calls

xii. Identify the error and supply correction for the following note in a passenger’s flight
instruction manual:

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_7.1

Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023 24: Writing section


Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purposes.

4. A As Vaishali Nathani of 214, Indrayani Apartments, Vaishali Street, Daipur, you believe that
Forming ecology clubs and appointing Eco-minders in your city can aid in the preservation and
conservation of nature.
Write a letter to the MLA of your city area, in about 120 words, suggesting the need to form
such clubs. Share their importance and implications. Recommend the involvement of resident
volunteers for the implementation of eco-club activities that nurture and protect the local


4.B As Armaan Khan, the School Literary Captain of Ujjwal Academy, Old City, Kiladerabad, you
believe that languages can help bridge regional divides and promote unity.
Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, in about 120 words, suggesting the introduction
of an online regional language learning programme managed and run by student councils and
language clubs in the city. The programme aims to help residents who have recently relocated
to a new region in picking up the local language organically. Share the importance and
credibility of such a programme and suggest a feasible way to execute it along with possible

5.A Tsering, of class X, is contesting for the post of the Junior School Captain, in the upcoming
student council elections. Given below is her character traits’ graphic, shared in the public
domain, by the school counsellor, for the awareness of student voters, at school.

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_8.1


5.B As the Captain of the school’s Cultural Club, you have been asked to study the given itinerary
provided by a tour-organizing vendor.
A 3N/2D Educational Tour for the Senior School Students:
Jabalpur and Ranha National Park (Vandhya Pradesh)
▪ Tour Travel & sightseeing by bus.
▪ Accommodation on quad sharing basis.
▪ One staff complimentary for every 20 students.
▪ Bottled mineral water throughout the tour.
▪ Dance Party on 22 November.
▪ Insurance policy of ₹ 20,000/- per head.
▪ Provision of Tour Manager’s assistance to all places

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_9.1

CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper 2023-24
CBSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper 2023-24
CBSE Class 10 Hindi Sample Paper 2023-24
CBSE Class 10 Maths Sample Paper 2023-24

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_10.1

Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023 24: Additional Practice Paper

CBSE Class 10 English Additional Practice Paper 2023-24 PDF is now available for download from the official website, cbseacademic.nic.in. Students preparing for the Secondary School Examination (Class 10) can use the CBSE Class 10 Additional English Practice Paper 2023-24 pdf to familiarize themselves with the actual exam-level question paper. Understanding the real class 10 English question paper style and marking process is aided by doing these CBSE English Practice Paper Class 10 2023 -24.

English Sample Paper Class 10 2024 Practice Paper

Section A: READING SKILLS (20 marks)
Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages

1. Read the following text.  10 Mark
(1) The invention of the safety bicycle in the late nineteenth century transformed the world of cycling. While early versions of bicycles had been used in Europe since the seventeenth century, it was the safety bicycle with its lightweight hollow steel frame and equal-sized wheels that revolutionised the cycling experience.
(2) This resulted in enhanced mobility for both men and women, allowing them to explore the countryside freely and travel between towns. Bicycles symbolised freedom, particularly for women, granting them self-reliable transportation and the ability to participate in recreational activities, like bicycle racing. The rise of bicycles also brought a shift in fashion, with more functional and relaxed clothing tailored specifically for cycling.
(3) Bicyclists also became a political force. They played a significant role in the development of road maps, guiding riders along the best routes. They campaigned for better infrastructure to enhance their riding experiences.
(4) Today, advances in technology, wearables* and complex data analysis have transformed sports science, particularly in endurance sports, like cycling. Cyclists can now gather vast amounts of data simply by using mobile apps to track their activities. This data not only encompasses exercise details, like its volume or intensity, but also external factorslike the impact of weather on the physiological response of the athlete. Furthermore, technology has made it very easy to monitor performance-influencing data outside of training, such as heart rate or sleep quality, through various wearables and cost-effective mobile apps.

(5) However, just because we are able to monitor so much information does not mean that it is useful for improving the sports performance of our athletes. In this sense, we believe that we must be critical while adopting any new technologies or trends in training. The first thing we should know is whether there is scientific support for the use of that new gadget or wearable. For example, core temperature is of great importance in the
mechanisms that produce fatigue and exhaustion in endurance sports. A few years ago, a device came on the market that estimated this measurement in a non-invasive way and we saw many top cyclists and runners wearing it. However, a study later showed it is an invalid device for measuring one’s temperature.

(6) Innovation in cycling has evolved from the invention of safety bicycles to technological advancements in sports science. Maximizing the potential benefits of these developments requires critical thinking to enhance the training and performance of modern cyclists.

*wearables – technological devices worn on the body for data collection

Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

i What is the passage mainly about?[1]
A. How did the advancement of sports science impact the fashion industry?
B. What were the primary societal changes brought about by the rise of bicycles?
C. How did the invention of the safety bicycle contribute to the development of wearable technology?
D. In what ways did early versions of bicycles differ from the safety bicycle in the late nineteenth century?

Answer:B. What were the primary societal changes brought about by the rise of bicycles?

ii In which sentence does the author express uncertainty about the use of new technologies in training?[1]
A. “…advances in technology have transformed sports science.” (paragraph 4)
B. “This data not only encompasses exercise details but also external factors like weather.” (paragraph 4)
C. “…just because we can monitor so much information does not mean it is useful.” (paragraph 5)
D. “Maximizing the potential benefits of these developments requires critical thinking.” (paragraph 6)

Answer: C. “…just because we can monitor so much information does not mean it is useful.” (paragraph 5)

iii Complete the sentence appropriately by providing two distinct reasons in the blank below.[1]
It can be said the world of cycling has seen massive changes because __________.

Answer: it transitioned from primarily using steel cycles to safety bicycles and saw technological advancements, like wearables in sports

iv Which of these is opposite to ‘invalid’ as used in paragraph 5? [1]
A. ethical
B. accurate
C. authentic
D. trustworthy

Answer: B. accurate

v .Using information solely from the passage, provide two distinct reasons to complete the sentence appropriately.[1]
Bicycles can be seen as a symbol of empowerment because ____________.

Answer in your own words.
vi Imagine you are a sports scientist tasked with developing a new technological tool to aid cyclists in their training. Provide a brief description, within 40 words, of its specific features and why you chose to include them. [2]

Answer in your own words.

vii Select the option that shows the correct relationship between (1) and (2).[1]
(1) Cyclists were able to improve the accuracy of maps.
(2) Cyclists became influential and campaigned for better infrastructure.
A. (2) is a contradiction of (1)
B. (2) is independent of (1)
C. (2) is an example of (1)
D. (2) is the cause of (1)

Answer : D. (2) is the cause of (1)
viii Below are statements from cyclists. Identify two statements that could be said by a cyclist in the late nineteenth century.[1]
1. “I like having a personal coach on my wrist. It just told me how many calories I have burned so far!”
2. “It’s quite a struggle riding up these steep hills on my heavy steelframed bicycle.”
3. “I feel so liberated whenever I hop on my bicycle. I didn’t have freedom like this before!”
4. “Ugh, there is so much traffic ahead. And I feel so pressured to meet my performance targets every time I hop on a bike.”

Answer: 2,3

2. Read the following text. 10 Marks
(1) India is a country of many languages. The constitution recognises 22 languages officially, but over 121 unique languages have been identified in the country.
(2) To preserve and encourage the literary function of language, the government introduced ‘classical languages’ in 2004. According to the Ministry of Culture, a classical language is one that is at least 1,500 years old and has ancient, valuable literature recorded in it. Further, such a language is original and not derived from another language. Based on these guidelines, six languages have been classified as classical languages: Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Odia.

(3) The following graph shows the percentage of Indian people whose mother tongue is a classical language. This is as per data collected by the census of 2011. The census was not conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic.

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with Solutions -_11.1

(4) According to the graph, around 6.7% of the Indian population are native speakers of Telugu, whereas Sanskrit has been identified as a mother tongue by only 0.002% of the population, which is around 24,821 people. Malayalam has the second lowest number of native speakers, making up about 2.9% of Indians.
(5) The 2011 census data also noted that a majority of the native speakers reside in the area that their mother tongue originated from. For example, 93% of Kannada speakers live in Karnataka. Similarly, 93% of Malayalam speakers live in Kerala.
(6) Balancing preservation of culture and inclusivity is a delicate equation for a heterogeneous country like India. With growing awareness, concepts like ‘classical languages’ may help us achieve harmony.
census – a survey that is conducted every ten years to collect information about the population of the country

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above
i Which of these pieces of information can be confirmed by reading the passage?[1]
(I) the number of people in India who speak Tamil
(II) where the majority of native Sanskrit speakers live
(III) the reason Malayalam is considered a classical language
(IV) when the idea of classical languages was introduced in India
A. Only (I)
B. Only (IV)
C. Only (I) and (II)
D. Only (III) and (IV)

ii Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets.[1]

Based on the passage, the __________ (functional/historical) value of a language is of utmost importance while (preserving/categorising) it as a
classical language.

iii Imagine that a committee was formed to ensure that classical languages have more native speakers by the time the next census is conducted. In 40 words, answer the following questions to help the committee achieve its objective.[2]
(1) Which classical language needs its attention most urgently and why?
(2) Which classical language would be THIRD on its priority?
iv State an example from the passage that shows that India is a ‘heterogeneous country’. Answer in one sentence. [1]

v Why has the writer stated the following line in the passage? Give a reason.[1]
The census was not conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic.
vi Complete the sentence based on information from the passage. .[1]
If Tamil originated from Tamil Nadu, we can infer that __________ of the native Tamil speakers would be living in Tamil Nadu.

vii Which of these hypothetical situations would help India achieve harmony? Justify your answer in about 40 words. .[1]
(a) if the majority of Indians who speak a classical language are settled abroad
(b) if more languages from remote and tribal areas of India are identified as classical languages
c) if the percentage of Indians who are native Telugu speakers increases to more than 10 percent

viii Which of these sentences uses ‘delicate’ in the same way as paragraph (6) does? .[1]
A. She looked beautiful in the dress with the delicate floral pattern.
B. He was frequently admitted to the hospital due to his delicate health.
C. This discussion will require careful consideration as it is a delicate matter.
D. Please handle these delicate items carefully during transportation as they break easily.

Sample Paper Class 10 English 2023-24 with solutions Additional Practice Paper PDF

CBSE Class 10 English Practice Paper 2023-2024 along with the marking scheme is now available to download on the official website of CBSE. Candidates may download the CBSE Class 10 English Practice Paper 2023-2024 provided here in PDF format. and enhance their preparation for the upcoming CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2024.

CBSE Class 10 English Additional Practice Paper 2023-24 PDF Download
CBSE English Practice Paper Class 10 2023-24 PDF Download
English Practice Paper Class 10 2023-24 Marking Scheme


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Where can I get CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24?

The Central Board of Secondary Education has published CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24 on cbseacademic.nic.in. We have provided CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24 pdf on this page. You can get it from the page.

What is the total marks for the CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam 2023 ?

The total mark for the CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam is 80.

How many sections are in the CBSE class 10 English Sample paper?

The CBSE class 10 English Sample paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING, and LITERATURE.

What is the subject code of Class 10 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ?

The subject code of Class 10 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE is 184.

Where can I get the Solutions of the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24?

CBSE also releases the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24 Marking Scheme along with the Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24. You can get the solution Pdf from the page.

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities. 

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