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Biology Investigatory Project Class 12, Get Unique Topics

Biology Investigatory Project Class 12

The Biology Investigatory Project Class 12 is the best way to conceptualize theoretical knowledge into practical real-world applications. The investigatory projects are the best way to assess the theoretical knowledge and understanding of the candidates. That is why, the Biology Investigatory Project Class 12 are included in the syllabus of class 12 Biology. As biology is an important subject whose practical application can affect the life of an individual, so, it becomes even more essential to know how to utilize theoretical knowledge in the real world.

Class 12 Biology Investigatory Project

The Class 12 Biology investigatory project is a hands-on activity that uses independent inquiry and investigation to assess the comprehension of scientific ideas. This present students with an opportunity to investigate a particular biological phenomenon in further detail, pose interesting queries, and gather information to address them. Biology is a significant field of study in science that deals with life, living organisms, and life’s evolution.

Investigatory biology projects are part of the curriculum for class 12 in most education board in India, and they aid in the students’ understanding of the underlying theories. It helps students get a greater understanding of biological principles by giving them the chance to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world circumstances. For the convenience of students, below we have mentioned some of the samples and topics for the Biology Class 12 Investigatory Projects.

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Biology Investigatory Projects Class 12 Samples

The investigatory project domain of the Class 12 Biology ranges from fermentation to the study of effects of radiation on the living organisms. Some of the project samples along with the materials required and their overview is given below.

pH Effect on Seed Germination Process

Overview: The pH of the germination medium has an impact on seed germination. The pH of soils is determined by the quantity and quality of humus, as well as the type and amount of different minerals. For optimal germination, various seeds need varying pH levels. The plant’s ability to reproduce, grow, and regulate its metabolism are all impacted by the pH level.

Materials Needed: 125 seeds (of different types), distilled water, pH buffers, Petri dishes and blotting paper.

To Study the Growth of Mold

Overview: A fungus called mold grows when it gets water and nutrients. Mold grows on stale food items such as bread, fruits, cheese, meat, etc. at home.

Materials Needed: Plastic zip bags, different types of foods (cheese, meat, fruits, bread), spray bottle, water.

Effect of Microwave Radiation on Different Organisms

Objective: To study how the microwave radiation affects bacteria, fungi, and plant life

Overview: Due to the high energy levels that microwave ovens emit, some food components including lipids become heated. Other chemicals are not impacted.

Materials Needed: Baker’s yeast, agar-filled Petri dishes, paper towels, bowls, gloves, microwave, notepad, and pen are needed along with radish seeds.

To Investigate the pH of Water Sample

Overview: It is important to keep an eye on the chemical composition of the water we use or drink on a daily basis. Water with a pH between 6.5 and 8.5 is acceptable for human life and health. The pH range of 3 to 5 is too acidic for most species to survive. Fish perish below pH 4.5, and few invertebrates that can withstand acidic conditions live. A pH of more than 8.5 is also too basic for most species to survive.

Materials Needed: Water Samples, Litmus Paper, and Universal Indicator

To Study Growth Speed of Sprouting Seeds

Objective: To determine the speed of growth of bean seeds in different growth solutions

Materials Needed: 5 sets of 10 bean seeds each, distilled water, fish emulsion, coffee filters, hydrogen peroxide, malt, humic acid, potassium nitrate, cups.

Methodology: The bean seed should be soaked in several cups that contain fish emulsion, distilled water, hydrogen peroxide, malt, humic acid, and potassium nitrate. Stow the seeds in between coffee filters to keep them damned. Keep track of the germination outcomes for four days.

To Study the Process of Sugar Fermentation

Overview: Yeast belongs to the class of fungi and is composed of eukaryotic microorganisms, which means that its cells have nuclei. The process by which bacteria, microbes, or yeast break down a substance is called fermentation. When sugar is combined with yeast, fermentation causes the sugar to break down. There is no reaction from yeast when combined with water or when used alone.

Materials Needed: 3 clear cups, sugar, water, permanent marker

Study the Effect of Sugar on Bean Plant Growth

Objective: To ascertain whether adding sugar to watering plants resulted in their growing stronger and healthier

Overview: One source of energy is sugar. When you add sugar to water when you water plants, the sugar gives the plants more energy, which should help the plants grow stronger and healthier. Visual inspection and measurement of plant samples with and without sugar could be used to observe this.

Materials Needed: Bean seeds, cotton, beaker, distilled water, water with added sugar.

Study the Factors Influencing Node Formation in Legumes

Objective: To determine the factors important nodules formation in legumes.

Overview: The bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum fix nitrogen for legume plants in exchange for a nodule that houses and feeds the bacteria.

Materials Needed: Twelve pots, two bags of vermiculite, one bag of potting soil, thirty-six snow pea seeds, nutritional broth, an inoculating loop, bacteria (Rhizobium leguminosarum), and a Bunsen burner.

To Study the Effect of Diet on Blood Glucose

Objective: To find out the relationship between blood glucose and diet in non-diabetic people.

Overview: Blood glucose levels increase in individuals who have eaten a high-carbohydrate meal. In the same way, a low-carb diet would result in low blood glucose.

Materials Needed: Non-Diabetic People (at least 3 persons), a glucometer

To Study the Effect of Light on Plant Growth

Objective: To study how the light affects the growth of plants

Materials Needed: Five transparent boxes (red, blue, green, yellow, and clear) with seeds, a potting plant, and rulers on top and front.

Methodology: Plant pots should be placed beneath various boxes to allow them to grow and be measured.

Check: CBSE Class 12 Biology Expected Question Paper 2024

Unique Topics for Class 12 Biology Project PDF Based

Students should try to make investigatory projects on some unique topics. These topics not only help students get more marks but also give them a better understanding of the subject. Some of the unique topics for Class 12 Biology projects are given below.

  • Aeroponics
  • ABO blood group
  • Hydroponics
  • Aquaponics
  • Comparison of plant growth in soil and soil less medium
  • DNA fingerprinting
  • Tissue Culture
  • Sporulation in Fungi
  • Preparation of DNA Model
  • Single Cell Protein

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Easy Topics for Biology Investigatory Project Class 12

You should choose a topic for your biology investigatory project that is both original and captivating. An experiment-based initiative ought to take precedence. Ideally, you should create a model related to the project topic if you are choosing a theory-based research. It is recommended to choose a topic from the textbook and base your project on its ideas. Some of the easy topics for Biology Investigatory Project of Class 12 is given below.

  • Determining the pH of a given solution
  • Effect of Light on Photosynthesis
  • Water Transport System in Plants
  • Study the leaf structure of different plants
  • Study the effects of drug addiction
  • Study the impact of ozone layer depletion on the environment
  • Study the effects of antibiotics on organisms

Class 12 Biology Investigatory Project Topics List 2023-24

The Class 12 Biology subject is a fascinating one that has great practical applications in the real world. Students are therefore encouraged to take up and complete investigatory project in the Class 12 by themselves. Taking up the investigatory project and doing experiment with it helps students understand the complexities behind the research that goes into new discoveries and inventions. Some of the interesting topics that a class 12 student should opt for their Class 12 Biology Investigatory Project are given below.

  • Study the components of the soil in your area
  • Quantitative analysis of phytoplankton in a water body
  • To Study Drug Resistance In Bacteria Using Antibiotics
  • To Study the Coagulable And Non-Coagulable Milk Proteins
  • Mapping the genetic diversity of flora and fauna in your area
  • The ability of Curry and Cinnamon to Inhibit Bacterial Growth
  • Which Cheese Grows Mold The Fastest
  • Effect of Cannabis on the Human Body
  • Study on gene therapy
  • How Cigarettes Affect Your Health
  • Study on Probiotics and their Preparation
  • The Way Blood Works
  • Human genome project
  • Eye Disorders in Children and Adolescents
  • Ozone Depletion
  • Diffusion vs food colouring
  • Coffee addiction

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IS Class 12 Biology investigatory project important for students?

Yes, the Class 12 Biology investigatory project is an important part of the Class 12 curriculum that every student should do on their own.

What are some of the sub-domains from which the Class 12 Biology Investigatory project can be made?

Some of the sub-domains from which the Class 12 Biology Investigatory project can be made are Biotechnology, Genetics, Ecology, Human Physiology, etc.

Name Some Important Topics for the Class 12 Biology Investigatory Project 2023?

Some of the Important topics for the Class 12 Biology Investigatory Project 2023 are given below.
Study the components of the soil in your area
Quantitative analysis of phytoplankton in a water body
To Study Drug Resistance In Bacteria Using Antibiotics
To Study the Coagulable And Non-Coagulable Milk Proteins
Mapping the genetic diversity of flora and fauna in your area
The ability of Curry and Cinnamon to Inhibit Bacterial Growth
Which Cheese Grows Mold The Fastest
Effect of Cannabis on the Human Body
Study on gene therapy 

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have done my post graduation in Science. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.


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