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Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solutions Out, Download PDF

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the class 12 sample papers for all the subjects including Computer Science. The Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 has been published on the official website: cbseacademic.nic.in. Along with the sample paper, the board has also issued the class 12 latest marking scheme. The computer sample paper has been designed by taking the updated class 12 syllabus into account.

Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25

Students who are looking for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 can use this page to download the official CBSE Sample question paper for class 12 Computer Science board exam. Here the CBSE Class 12 computer science Sample Question Paper 2024-25 is given in PDF along with solutions for students to make them prepare for their final year board examinations. The sample paper is one of the best sources for the students to prepare for their board exams.

CSBE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2025

These CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper help students to get an earlier experience before they attempt for the final examination. Also, they will understand if they are prepared for the examination completely or not. They can examine their knowledge of the subject and get good confidence about the answers. Candidates can find their mistakes and weak concepts by solving the sample questions and get ready for the board examination in a better way.

Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solutions Out, Download PDF -_3.1

Class 12 Computer Science Exam Pattern 2024-25 CBSE

As per the official sample paper of the CBSE class 12 computer science, the exam is held for 70 marks in offline mode. The total duration of the computer science exam paper is 3 hours. The question paper of computer science consists of 37 questions in total divided into 5 sections. The section-wise exam pattern and marking scheme as per the CBSE class 12 computer science sample paper 2024-25 is given below.

  • Section A is made up of a total of 21 questions, numbered from 1 to 21. 1 point will be awarded for each question.
  • Section B comprises of seven questions, ranging from question 22 to question 28. Every question is worth 2 points.
  • Section C is comprised of three questions, specifically questions 29 to 31. Every question is worth 3 Marks.
  • Section D comprises of 4 inquiries, from questions 32 to 35. Every question is worth 4 Marks.
  • Section E includes two questions (from 36 to 37). There are 5 Marks assigned to every question.

Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper Questions 2024 25 CBSE

Check the official sample paper questions of CBSE class 12 computer science subject below.

1. State True or False: (1)

The Python interpreter handles logical errors during code execution.

2. Identify the output of the following code snippet: (1)


3. Which of the following expressions evaluates to False? (1)
(A) not(True) and False
(B) True or False
(C) not(False and True)
(D) True and not(False)

4. What is the output of the expression? (1)

(A) (‘I’, ‘ter’, ‘atio’, ‘al’)
(B) [‘I’, ‘ter’, ‘atio’, ‘al’]
(C) [‘I’, ‘n’, ‘ter’, ‘n’, ‘atio’, ‘n’, ‘al’]
(D) Error

5. What will be the output of the following code snippet? (1)
str= “World Peace”

6. What will be the output of the following code? (1)
tuple1 = (1, 2, 3)
tuple2 = tuple1
tuple1 += (4,)
print(tuple1 == tuple2)

(A) True
(B) False

7. If my_dict is a dictionary as defined below, then which of the following statements will raise an exception? (1)
my_dict = {‘apple’: 10, ‘banana’: 20, ‘orange’: 30}

(A) my_dict.get(‘orange’)
(B) print(my_dict[‘apple’, ‘banana’])
(C) my_dict[‘apple’]=20
(D) print(str(my_dict))

8. What does the list.remove(x) method do in Python? (1)

(A) Removes the element at index x from the list
(B) Removes the first occurrence of value x from the list
(C)Removes all occurrences of value x from the list
(D)Removes the last occurrence of value x from the list

9. Which of the following statements will cause an error? (1)

(B) t=(1,)

10. Write the missing statement to complete the following code: (1)
file = open(“example.txt”, “r”)
data = file.read(100)
____________________ #Move the file pointer to the beginning of the file
next_data = file.read(50)

11. State whether the following statement is True or False: (1)

The finally block in Python is executed only if no exception occurs in the try block.

12. What will be the output of the following code? (1)
c = 10
def add():
global c
c = c + 2

(A) 12%15#
(B) 15#12%
(C) 12#15%
(D) 12%15#

13. Which SQL command can change the degree of an existing relation? (1)

14. What will be the output of the query? (1)

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name LIKE ‘App%’;

(A) Details of all products whose names start with ‘App’
(B) Details of all products whose names end with ‘App’
(C)Names of all products whose names start with ‘App’
(D)Names of all products whose names end with ‘App’

15. In which datatype the value stored is padded with spaces to fit the specified length. (1)


16. Which aggregate function can be used to find the cardinality of a table? (1)

(A) sum()
(B) count()

17. Which protocol is used to transfer files over the Internet? (1)


18. Which network device is used to connect two networks that use different protocols? (1)

(A) Modem
(B) Gateway

19. Which switching technique breaks data into smaller packets for transmission, allowing multiple packets to share the same network resources. (1)

Q20 and Q21 are Assertion(A) and Reason(R) based questions. Mark the correct choice as:

(A)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(B)Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(C)A is True but R is False
(D)A is False but R is True

20. Assertion (A): In the case of positional arguments, the function call and function definition statements match in terms of the number and order of arguments.
Reasoning (R): During a function call, positional arguments should precede keyword arguments in the argument list. (1)

21. Assertion (A): A SELECT command in SQL can have both WHERE and HAVING clauses.
Reasoning (R): WHERE and HAVING clauses are used to check conditions, therefore, these can be used interchangeably. (1)


Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 PDF with Solutions

The CBSE class 12 computer science sample paper 2024-25 pdf along with its solutions and marking scheme PDF has been provided below. Students can download the official sample paper PDF and its solutions for free.

CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 PDF

Download Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper Solutions and Marking Scheme 2024-25

Advantages of Solving Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25

Solving CBSE 12th Computer Science question paper will enable students to achieve higher scores in the CBSE 12th Computer Science Board Exam. It is advised that students practice solving the CBSE Class 12 sample question paper for the upcoming CBSE Computer Science Board Exam in 2024-25. Below are the advantages of solving the CBSE 12th Computer Science question paper.

  • Students will gain an understanding of the marking scheme and exam pattern for the Class 12 Computer Science board exam in 2024.
  • The Computer Science sample question paper aids students in identifying the most crucial and frequently asked questions.
  • Assists in achieving higher grades in the Class 12 Computer Science CBSE Board Exam.
  • Familiarize yourself with the kinds of questions that will appear in the CBSE 12th Computer Science Board Exam 2025.
  • Be aware of their readiness for the CBSE 12th Computer Science board exam Paper to be held 2025.
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Where can I download the Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 CBSE?

Students can download the Class 12 Computer Science Sample Paper 2024-25 PDF directly from the above article.

How many questions are there in the class 12 sample question paper of Computer science?

As per the CBSE class 12 computer science sample paper 2024-25, there are 37 questions in total in the question paper.

Are there MCQs in the CBSE class 12 computer science question paper?

Yes, the CBSE class 12 computer science board exam paper consists MCQs.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have completed my education from Science Domain. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.