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Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25, Download English Core Model Paper PDF

English is a subject that requires more practice to secure a good score on the board exams. Students should download and solve the CBSE 12th English example paper 2024-25 after completing the syllabus. Solving the CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper English 2025 can enhance your confidence before taking the actual test. Students can get the CBSE Class 12th English Core Sample Paper 2024-25 PDF and the CBSE Class 12 English Elective Sample Paper 2025  from the direct link shared on the page.

Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is scheduled to hold the Class 12th test 2025 in February 2025. CBSE published the CBSE 12th English Sample Paper 2024-25 on its official website in the middle of the academic year. Students studying for the exam can review the CBSE English sample paper Class 12 PDF 2025 to understand the kind of questions, marking scheme, and pattern of the CBSE 12th English exam. This information related to the exam will help to students to boost their preparation.

CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25 PDF Download

The CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25 PDF for both core and eclectic courses has been released at https://cbseacademic.nic.in/. To make things simpler we have shared the direct link to download Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25 with solutions PDF from the table below.

Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25 with Solutions PDF Download
Class 12 English Core Sample Paper 2024-25 Sample Paper PDF Marking Scheme
Class 12 English Elective Sample Paper 2024-25 Sample Paper PDF Marking Scheme

English Core Sample Paper 2025 Pattern

The CBSE professionals have made the CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper 2025 based on the exam pattern and the marking scheme. Before going through the model paper, read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:

  • Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
  • This question paper has 13 questions. All questions are compulsory.
  • This question paper contains three sections:
    Section A: Reading Skills,
    Section B: Creative Writing Skills
    Section C: Literature.
  • Attempt all questions based on specific instructions for each part. Write the correct question number and part thereof in your answer sheet.
  • Separate instructions are given with each question/part, wherever necessary.
  • Adhere to the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Class 12 English Core Sample Paper 2024-25


1. Read the following passage carefully: (12 Marks)

(1) In a room filled with people, each face illuminated by the soft glow of their smartphones, moments drift away like autumn leaves in the wind. The constant hum of notifications fills the air, punctuating conversations like an incessant drumbeat. Every vibration or ping sends fingers flying to screens, a response ingrained by years of digital conditioning. The once-reliable tick-tock of analog timepieces has been overshadowed by the constant flicker of notifications on the wristwatch, blurring the boundaries between the virtual and the real.

(2) Anxiety gnaws at the edges of consciousness when the phone is out of reach, a phantom limb syndrome that leaves us feeling incomplete without our digital appendage. The fear of missing out permeates every moment spent away from the screen, driving us to check for updates and notifications constantly.

(3) Thumbs move with the speed and precision of skillful pianists, tapping out messages and scrolling through feeds with practiced ease. Yet amidst the flurry of activity, the true rhythm of life remains unheard, drowned out by the dissonance of digital noise. The weight of constant connectivity forms a hunch upon our shoulders, a physical manifestation of the burden we carry in an age of information overload. Our minds are perpetually on high alert, scanning for the next wave of excitement that comes with each like, share, or comment.

(4) And yet, for all our efforts to stay connected, we find ourselves increasingly isolated in a sea of digital faces. Genuine connections are fleeting, drowned out by the constant clamour for attention. In the pursuit of digital validation, we sacrifice the wealth of lived experience, trading meaningful moments for fleeting glimpses of connection. The true essence of life lies not in the pixels on a screen, but in the depth of human connection and the richness of shared experiences

(5) As we navigate this brave new world of constant connectivity, let us not forget the value of presence and the beauty of being fully engaged in the moments that matter most. For in the end, it is not the number of likes or followers that defines us, but the depth of our connections and the richness of our experiences that truly matter.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
I. According to paragraph 1, what effect do smartphone notifications have on the people in the room?II. How does the author use the metaphor of ‘autumn leaves in the wind’ to interpret the passing of time in the setting described?

III Read and complete the following sentence suitably.

The phrase ‘a phantom limb syndrome that leaves us feeling incomplete without our digital appendage’ suggests that just as an amputee might feel pain in a limb they no longer have, individuals can feel a sense of loss or incompleteness when they are separated from their digital devices.

Choose the correct response from the two options to complete the sentence.
The concern this analogy points towards is about ______________.
A. a deep (psychological) dependence on technology for a sense of wholeness or connection
B. excessive physical damage that can be caused due to constant use of digital devices

IV Complete the following suitably with ONE advantage, with reference to paragraph 2.
Designating specific hours each day to intentionally avoid checking digital devices can help __________________.

V. Why does the writer refer to digital noise as ‘dissonance’ in paragraph 3?

A. It creates a jarring and chaotic environment that disrupts focus.
B. It contributes to a sense of overload, overwhelming the senses.
C. It interferes with our ability to engage with meaningful aspects of our life.
D. It induces stress by interrupting with regular updates about the device.

VI. Provide ONE textual evidence with reference to paragraph 3, to prove the following:
The need to be perpetually engaged with digital notifications manifests in the body.

VII. In the line, ‘Yet amidst the flurry of activity, the true rhythm of life remains unheard…,’ what does the phrase ‘true rhythm of life’ refer to? (Paragraphs 3-4)

VIII Complete the analogy with ONE word from paragraph 4.
whisper: quietly: _______: loudly
A. validation
B. fleeting
C. essence
D. clamour

IX Why is it fair to say that the statement ‘And yet, for all our efforts to stay connected, we find ourselves increasingly isolated in a sea of digital faces’ from paragraph 4, employs irony?
A. Despite the intent to connect more effectively, the result is the opposite.
B. The writer mocks the seriousness with which people approach digital connectivity.
C. The writer exaggerates the effects of digital connectivity to highlight its impact.
D. Use of ‘a sea of digital faces’ to symbolically represent digital platforms.

X Assess the potential challenges OR benefits of relying on survey outcomes for designing health interventions, as outlined in paragraph 5.

2. Read the following carefully. 10

(1) Introduction:
In the hasty lifestyle of today’s world, the choice of snacks can greatly impact one’s health and well-being. This case study aims to analyse the preference for seasonal fruits compared to packaged snacks among different age groups and the implications for overall health.

(2) Methodology:
A survey was conducted among individuals across various age groups, ranging from children to seniors, to determine their snacking preferences. Participants were asked to indicate their preferred snack choices and provide reasons for their preferences. The data was then analysed to identify trends and patterns among different age demographics.

(3) Survey Examination:
The survey encompassed a comprehensive examination of snacking habits, including not only preferred snack choices but also delving into the underlying motivations and influences guiding these choices. Beyond mere preference, participants were encouraged to articulate the reasons behind their selections, providing invaluable insights into the multifaceted nature of snacking behavior.
(4) Results:
The survey results revealed interesting insights into snacking preferences among different age groups:

Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25, Download English Core Model Paper PDF -_3.1

(5) Implications for Interventions:
By discerning the diverse preferences among different age groups, policymakers and health practitioners can tailor interventions to address specific demographic needs. For instance, targeting educational campaigns towards parents could empower them to instill healthy eating habits in their children from an early age. Concurrently, efforts to mitigate the influence of advertising and peer pressure on teenagers could involve regulatory measures and educational initiatives aimed at promoting critical thinking and informed decision-making.

Furthermore, the prominence of seasonal fruits as a preferred snack choice among middleaged adults and senior’s points towards the importance of promoting access to fresh produce and nutritional education across all age demographics.

(6) Conclusion:
The survey outcomes serve as a roadmap for designing targeted interventions that not only cater to diverse demographic needs but also nurture a culture of health and well-being. By harnessing the insights gleaned from this study, stakeholders can collaboratively work towards building healthier communities and promoting sustainable practices for generations to come.

Answer the following questions, based on given passage.

I. Complete the following suitably.
In the introduction, the researcher links a hasty lifestyle with the choice of snacks in the study to highlight__________.

II. What would the following be classified as?
To examine snacking preferences across various age groups in detail, and assess health implications.

Select the appropriate response.
A. Primary purpose B. Secondary objective
C. Method of analysis D. Research outcome

III. Give two points to support why it is likely that fresh fruits were given as an option to the survey participants to choose from in the study on snacking preferences.

IV. Paragraph 3 includes words – ‘motivations’ and ‘influences.’
Classify the following sentences as ‘influence’ or ‘motivation’:
Sentence 1: Peer pressure leads teenagers to prefer packaged snacks over healthier options.
Sentence 2: The drive to maintain health as one ages makes middle-aged adults to choose seasonal fruits.

V. Read the following:
Seema regularly enjoys snacking on chips and cool drinks while watching movies. Mohan, her neighbour, prefers to snack on oranges and also some nuts occasionally. Arindam, who lives across, often tends to eat a mix of carrot sticks and instant noodles, in between meals.
Select the option that identifies the correct demographic Seema, Mohan and Arindam belong to.
A. Seema – young adult; Mohan – teenager; Arindam -middle-age
B. Seema – teenager; Mohan – middle-age; Arindam -child
C. Seema – young adult; Mohan – child; Arindam – teenager
D. Seema – teenager; Mohan – elderly; Arindam -young adult

VI. Although children, middle-aged, and elderly groups all prefer seasonal fruits, why is the preference percentage highest among the elderly?

VII. Analyse how targeted interventions based on the diverse snacking preferences of
different age groups can lead to improved health outcomes. (Paragraph 5)

VIII What is the ultimate goal for stakeholders, based on the insights from the study?
A. Increase profitability through enhanced snack marketing
B. Building healthier communities
C. Reducing the cost of healthcare services
D. Expanding the range of available snack product

English Sample paper 2024-25 Class 12 CBSE Board


3. Attempt any one of the two, (A) or (B), in about 50 words 1×4=4
A. Your school is planning to conduct an inter-class seminar on the topic The Importance of Mental Health to create awareness in adolescents. As the head of the organising committee, write a notice to inform all students about the seminar and invite registrations from classes XI-XII. Include other necessary details. Put your notice in a box.


B. Your school is organising an inter-House webinar on enhancing coding skills, As the President of the Computer Club, write a notice to inform all House members from IX-XII about the webinar and specify the number of registrations invited per House. Include other necessary details. Put your notice in a box.

4. Attempt any one of the two, (A) or (B), in about 50 words. 1×4=4
A. Draft an invitation in not more than 50 words from Vani Gopalan, Chief Project Officer of an NGO, for the launch of the ‘Each One Teach One’ programme, addressed to school Principals and Coordinators. Mention a compelling highlight of the programme along with other necessary details


B. An invitation had been issued by Mr. Cherian, the HR Head of your company inviting you for the company picnic. As Joseph Vijayan, Asst. Manager, Operations, draft a reply in not more than 50 words, consenting to attend.

5. Attempt any one of the two, (A) or (B), in 120 150 words 1×5=5
A. Financial literacy is increasingly recognised as a crucial 21st-century skill for young individuals. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily discussing the benefits of providing financial literacy education to children. Also, suggest effective ways to raise awareness about the importance of this education among parents and guardians. You may use some of the given cues along with your own ideas to draft the letter. You are a counsellor, Chitra Mahapatra from Puri, Odisha.

  • What are the long-term benefits of learning financial independence from a young age?
  • Why is understanding the power of finances beneficial for young learners?
  •  Why skills learned during childhood tend to have a lasting impact.


B. You are Maya Syiem from Shillong. You read the given advertisement and wish to apply for the post advertised. Write this job application along with your bio-data.

6. Attempt any one of the two, (A) or (B), in 120 150 words 1×5=5

A. In an era of rapid globalisation and technological advancement, the preservation of cultural heritage remains a vital challenge, particularly for the youth. India continues to navigate the complexities of maintaining tradition alongside modernity. Write an article exploring the role of cultural heritage in shaping the identities of today’s Indian youth. Provide examples to illustrate your points wherever necessary. You may use some of the given cues along with your own ideas. You are Arti Nirula of Class XII-A.

  • How have global interactions and technologies influenced or changed these traditional practices among today’s youth?
  •  What are the benefits of preserving cultural heritage for young people? How does it contribute to their sense of identity and community?
  • Suggest ways in which young people and institutions can work together to ensure the preservation of cultural heritage.


B. You are Hina Aziz, student of Class XII-D and a member of the school magazine editorial board. Write a comprehensive report detailing the activities undertaken by students as part of the celebrations on Yoga Day. Include descriptions of the events, participation details, and the overall impact of these activities on the school community. You may organise your report by following – Who – What – When – Where – Why – How

Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024-25

LITERATURE (40 marks)

7. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for any one of the given two-A
or B 1×6=6
A Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victory with no survivors,
would put on clean clothes
and walk about with their brothers
in the shade, doing nothing. (poem – Keeping Quiet)
I. What is a common outcome of all the wars described?
II What does the imagery of ‘walking about with their brothers in the shade’ primarily
A. The readiness for further conflicts.
B. A return to normal activities post-conflict.
C. A moment of unity and peaceful reflection.
D. The physical environment of a typical war zone.
III. Complete the following suitably.
The putting on of ‘clean clothes’ by the warmongers, symbolises_________.

IV. Select the correct option from those given in brackets, to fill in the blank.
The excerpt tells us that the speaker ________ (condemns/glorifies) the destructive nature of modern warfare.

V. Read the assertion and the reason below, with reference to the given extract.
Assertion: The poet advocates for ‘doing nothing’ as a way to prevent the devastation of war.
Reason: ‘Doing nothing’ refers to a time for stopping any action for a few moments.
Choose the correct option regarding their relationship.
A. Both the assertion and the reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
B. Both the assertion and the reason are true, but the reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C. The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
D. The assertion is false, but the reason is true.
VI. How can the message in the excerpt, about the outcome of wars be applied to promote
B While greedy good-doers, beneficent beasts of prey,
Swarm over their lives enforcing benefits
That are calculated to soothe them out of their wits,
And by teaching them how to sleep they sleep all day,
Destroy their sleeping at night the ancient way. (poem-The Roadside Stand)
I Select the phrase that suggests the following:
The so-called aids are not offered out of genuine care or consent but are imposed in a
controlling and perhaps unwelcome manner.
II What does the imagery of ‘swarm’ NOT represent in the given extract?
A. Coordinated help B. Overwhelming force
C. Discomfort and chaos D. Neglect of individual needs
III Complete the following suitably.
In the line, ‘destroy their sleeping at night the ancient way,’ the phrase ‘the ancient way’
refers to________.
IV. Select the correct option from those given in brackets, to fill in the blank.
The poet has used phrases like ‘greedy good-doers’ and ‘beneficent beasts of prey’ to
illustrate the ________ (irony/satire) in the situation where those claiming to help the rural
poor actually impose self-serving and detrimental actions on them.
V. Read the assertion and the reason below, with reference to the given extract.
Assertion: The poet criticizes the way the rural poor are treated by benefactors, suggesting
it instills ambition.
Reason: The interventions are overwhelmingly calming and lead to a loss of critical thinking
among the rural poor.
Choose the correct option regarding their relationship:
A. Both the assertion and the reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of
the assertion.
B. Both the assertion and the reason are true, but the reason is not the correct explanation
of the assertion.
C. The assertion is true, but the reason is false.
D. The assertion is false, but the reason is true.
VI. State in one sentence, what cautionary advice your address to the rural poor from the
extract, is most likely to include.

8. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for any one of the given two, (A) or (B) 4×1=4

A. To visit Antarctica now is to be a part of that history; to get a grasp of where we’ve come from and where we could possibly be heading. It’s to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone and carbon; evolution and extinction. When you think about all that can happen in a million years, it can get pretty mind-boggling. Imagine: India pushing northwards, jamming against Asia to buckle its crust and form the Himalayas; South America drifting off to join North America, opening up the Drake Passage to create a cold circumpolar current, keeping Antarctica frigid, desolate, and at the bottom of the world. (Journey to the End of the Earth)

I. Complete the following suitably.
The passage suggests that visiting Antarctica offers insight into geological processes and Earth’s history by ______________.
II. How does the author imply the role of geological knowledge in understanding the Earth’s
past and potential future changes?
III. The writer says, ‘When you think about all that can happen in a million years, it can get
pretty mind-boggling.’
What is the most likely impact on the writer?
A. Feels overwhelmed by the vastness of geological time scales.
B. Is uneasy about the rapid pace of geological changes.
C. Feels indifferent towards geological phenomena.
D. Is surprised by the lack of significant geological events over a million years.
IV. How might understanding the geological processes mentioned in the passage help
scientists in predicting and mitigating future environmental changes, particularly in polar regions?


B. I cried aloud, shaking my head all the while until I felt the cold blades of the scissors against my neck, and heard them gnaw off one of my thick braids. Then I lost my spirit. Since the day I was taken from my mother I had suffered extreme indignities. People had stared at me. I had been tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet. And now my long hair was shingled like a coward’s! In my anguish I moaned for my mother, but no one came to comfort me. Not a soul reasoned quietly with me, as my own mother used to do; for now, I was only one of many little animals driven by a herder.
(Memories of Childhood: The Cutting of My Long Hair)

I. Complete the following suitably.
Zitkala-Sa’s description of her experience at the boarding school conveys a sense of abandonment through her portrayal of __________
II. List any one emotion that Zitkala-Sa experiences as her hair is being cut.
III. Select the suitable option to complete the following.
The metaphor of being ‘tossed about in the air like a wooden puppet’ contribute to the reader’s understanding of Zitkala-Sa’s feelings of being ________.
A. forced to interact with others
B. manipulated and controlled
C. preached at and insulted
D. made to exist like toy animals

VI In what ways does the imagery of her ‘long hair shingled like a coward’s’ symbolise the erasure of Zitkala’s cultural heritage and the imposition of Western norms?

9. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for any one of the given two, A or B. 1×6=6

A. What a thunderclap these words were to me! Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town-hall! My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn anymore! I must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn’t give up. And M. Hamel, too; the idea that he was going away, that I should never see him again, made me forget all about his ruler and how cranky he was. (The Last Lesson)

I. What was the writer’s purpose in using the metaphor of a ‘thunderclap’?
II. Select the correct option from those given in brackets to fill in the blank.
The use of exclamatory marks in the first five sentences of the extract serves to express the speaker’s _______ (hidden/ intense) emotions.
III. Complete the following suitably.
The activities of seeking birds’ eggs and sliding on the Saar reveal two things about Franz’s character before his change in perspective. First, his youthful carefree nature and second, his preference for _________________.
IV. What is reflected through the shift in the speaker’s perception of Mr. Hamel, conveyed through his readiness to forget the ruler?

V. Select the textual option that is closest to indicating a sense of panic.
A. Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons…
B. Why, I hardly knew how to write!
C. Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town-hall!
D. And M. Hamel, too;

VI. What does the following line from the extract, showcase?
My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history of the saints, were old friends now that I couldn’t give up.
A. realization B. confusion
C. expectation D. affirmation


B. And survival in Seemapuri means rag-picking. Through the years, it has acquired the proportions of a fine art. Garbage to them is gold. It is their daily bread, a roof over their heads, even if it is a leaking roof. But for a child it is even more “I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten-rupee note,” Saheb says, his eyes lighting up. When you can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don’t stop scrounging, for there is hope of finding more. It seems that for children, garbage has a meaning different from what it means to their parents. For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders it is a means of survival.(Lost Spring – Stories of Stolen Childhood)

I. What does Saheb’s statement about finding money in the garbage reveal about his daily life and aspirations?
II. Select the correct option from those given in brackets to fill in the blank.
Describing garbage as ‘gold’ metaphorically elevates its value to the children, helping the reader understand the _______ (dynamic / desperate) conditions under which these children live, where even garbage can represent crucial economic resources.
III. Complete the following with a suitable reason.
Children continue to scrounge in the garbage because _______.

IV. How does the perception of garbage differ between children and adults in Seemapuri?
V. What is implied by the description of rag-picking as having ‘acquired the proportions of a fine art’ in the excerpt?
A. Rag-picking is an undesirable and simple task that anyone can do without effort.
B. Rag-picking has evolved into a complex skill that is valued within the community.
C. Rag-picking is a temporary activity that does not significantly impact the community.
D. Rag-picking has the status of an artistic hobby that children pursue for enjoyment.

VI. What is the reason for Saheb’s eyes ‘lighting up’?
A. The immediate experience of finding something valuable.
B. Discussing his findings with others.
C. Reminiscing about past findings in the garbage.
D. Planning future scavenging expeditions

10. Answer any five of the following six questions in 40 50 words each : 5×2=10
I. Identify an instance of hope or resilience in ‘Lost Spring’ and analyse how it reflects one of the story’s themes.
II. Interpret the use of visual imagery by Kamala Das in her poem to depict the passage of time.
III. What does the contrasting imagery of the church clock and the Prussian trumpets represent, in ‘The Last Lesson’?
IV. How does the author’s writing style in ‘The Interview’ affect the reader’s understanding of the story?
V. Explain how the rattrap symbolises the dual aspects of human nature. (The Rattrap)
VI What factor/s were largely instrumental in the victory of the peasants in ‘Indigo’?

11. Answer any two of the following three questions in 40 50 words each : 2×2=4
I. Discuss the significance of the toy tiger in the climax of ‘The Tiger King.’
II. Interpret the significance of both literal and metaphorical journeys in the story, ‘The Third Level.’
III. How does Susan Hill subtly portray a blend of pessimism and optimism in ‘On the Face of It’?

12. Answer any one of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words. 1×5=5

A Analyse the poems, A Roadside Stand and Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers for the theme of inequality and its impact on the bearers.
B How do the characters of Sophie from ‘Going Places’ and Subbu from ‘Poets and Pancakes compare and contrast in terms of their aspirations, constraints, and the pursuit of their dreams?

13. Answer any one of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words 1×5=5
A The influence of belief in traditions such as religion, family bonds, or patriotism can be used to develop narrative techniques like setting, motivation, sources of conflict, and pacing. Analyse how the writer has incorporated such influences to good effect in the story, The Enemy. Support your answer with valid textual evidence.


B Discuss the narrative techniques used by the author in The Third Level. How do these techniques effectively convey the themes of escapism and nostalgia? Provide specific examples from the text to support your analysis.

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About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities. 

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