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Class 12 English Sample Paper 2025

The Central Board of Secondary Education will release the Class 12 English Sample Paper 2025 on the official website. To make sure students don’t stop the practice we have provided English Sample Paper PDF with a full solution for class 12 students. These good quality questions from the CBSE class 12 English Sample Paper prepared by our expert team will help out to learn the difficulty level of the English paper.

English Class 12 Sample Paper 2025: Highlights

English Class 12 Sample Paper 2025 guides students to perform better and score higher. The Class 12 sample paper of English let them know the exam pattern, marks distribution, type of questions and more.

Class 12 English Model Paper 2025 with Solution
Subject English
Exam CBSE Board Exam 2024-25
English Class 12 Sample Paper Solution The solution PDF is given below
Paper Duration 3 Hours
Total Questions 80

English Sample Paper 2025 PDF Class 12



I. Read the passage given below.

  1. That large animals require luxuriant vegetation has been a general assumption which has passed from one work to another; but I do not hesitate to say that it is completely false, and that it has vitiated the reasoning of geologists on some points of great interest in the ancient history of the world. The prejudice has probably been derived from India, and the Indian islands, where troops of elephants, noble forests, and impenetrable jungles, are associated together in everyone’s mind. If, however, we refer to any work of travels through the southern parts of Africa, we shall find allusions in almost every page either to the desert character of the country, or to the numbers of large animals inhabiting it. The same thing is rendered evident by the many engravings which have been published of various parts of the interior.
  2. Dr. Andrew Smith, who has lately succeeded in passing the Tropic of Capricorn, informs me that, taking into consideration the whole of the southern part of Africa, there can be no doubt of its being a sterile country. On the southern coasts there are some fine forests, but with these exceptions, the traveller may pass for days together through open plains, covered by a poor and scanty vegetation. Now, if we look at the animals inhabiting these wide plains, we shall find their numbers extraordinarily great, and their bulk immense.
  3. It may be supposed that although the species are numerous, the individuals of each kind are few. By the kindness of Dr. Smith, I am enabled to show that the case is very different. He informs me, that in lat. 24’, in one day’s march with the bullock-wagons, he saw, without wandering to any great distance on either side, between one hundred and one hundred and fifty rhinoceroses – the same day he saw several herds of giraffes, amounting together to nearly a hundred.
  4. At the distance of a little more than one hour’s march from their place of encampment on the previous night, his party actually killed at one spot eight hippopotamuses, and saw many more. In this same river there were likewise crocodiles. Of course it was a case quite extraordinary, to see so many great animals crowded together, but it evidently proves that they must exist in great numbers. Dr. Smith describes the country passed through that day, as ‘being thinly covered with grass, and bushes about four feet high, and still more thinly with mimosa-trees:
  5. Besides these large animals, anyone the least acquainted with the natural history of the Cape has read of the herds of antelopes, which can be compared only with the flocks of migratory birds. The numbers indeed of the lion, panther, and hyena, and the multitude of birds of prey, plainly speak of the abundance of the smaller quadrupeds: one evening seven lions were counted at the same time prowling round Dr. Smith’s encampment. As this able naturalist remarked to me, the carnage each day in Southern Africa must indeed be terrific! I confess it is truly surprising how such a number of animals can find support in a country producing so little food.
  6. The larger quadrupeds no doubt roam over wide tracts in search of it; and their food chiefly consists of underwood, which probably contains much nutriment in a small bulk. Dr. Smith also informs me that the vegetation has a rapid growth; no sooner is a part consumed, than its place is supplied by a fresh stock. There can be no doubt, however, that our ideas respecting the apparent amount of food necessary for the support of large quadrupeds are much exaggerated. The belief that where large quadrupeds exist, the vegetation must necessarily be luxuriant, is more remarkable, because the converse is far from true.
  7. Mr. Burchell observed to me that when entering Brazil, nothing struck him more forcibly than the splendour of the South American vegetation contrasted with that of South Africa, together with the absence of all large quadrupeds. In his travels, he has suggested that the comparison of the respective weights (if there were sufficient data) of an equal number of the largest herbivorous quadrupeds of each country would be extremely curious. If we take on the one side, the elephants, hippopotamus, giraffe, bos caller, elan, five species of rhinoceros; and on the American side, two tapirs, the guanaco, three deer, the vicuna, peccari, capybara (after which we must choose from the monkeys to complete the number), and then place these two groups alongside each other it is not easy to conceive ranks more disproportionate in size.
  1. After the above facts, we are compelled to conclude, against anterior probability that among the mammalia there exists no close relation between the bulk of the species, and the quantity of the vegetation, in the countries which they inhabit.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

  • The author is primarily concerned with _________.

(a) discussing the relationship between the size of mammals and the nature of vegetation in their habitats

(b) contrasting ecological conditions in India and Africa

(c) proving that large animals do not require much food

(d) describing the size of animals in various parts of the world

  • According to the author, the ‘prejudice’ (Para 1) has led to _________.

(a) errors in the reasoning of biologists

(b) false ideas about animals in Africa

(c) incorrect assumptions on the part of geologists

(d) doubt in the mind of the author

  •  The flocks of migratory birds (Para 5) are mentioned to ____________.

(a) describe an aspect of the fauna of South Africa

(b) illustrate a possible source of food for large carnivores

(c) contrast with the habits of the antelope

(d) suggest the size of antelope herds

  • Darwin quotes Burchell’s observations in order to ____________.

(a) counter a popular misconception

(b) describe a region of great splendor

(c) prove a hypothesis

(d) illustrate a well-known phenomenon

  • Among the mammalia, there is no close relation between ____________.

(a) bulk of the species

(b) quantity of the vegetation

(c) countries they inhabit

(d) all of these

  • What prejudice has vitiated the reasoning of geologists?
  • Why does Dr. Smith refer to Africa as a sterile country?
  • What is the ‘carnage’ referred to by Dr. Smith?
  • What does Darwin’s remark, ‘if there were sufficient data’ indicate?
  • To account for the ‘surprising’ number of animals in a ‘country producing so little food, what partial explanation does Darwin suggest?

Read the passage given below.

  1. Classical dance evolved from Tamil Nadu’s temples across centuries. The revived and reformed Bharatanatyam keeps the art born of these ancient temples alive even to this day. Once sustained and nurtured in temples as part of a rich and vibrant temple tradition, classical dance in South India has remained over centuries a dynamic, living tradition that is continuously renewed.
  2. Even 2000 years ago, dance in India was a highly evolved and complex art. It was an integral part of ancient Indian theatre as established by the Natya Shastra, the oldest and exhaustive treatise on theatre and dramaturgy. Dance dramas were performed in temple precincts. Dance movements were crystallised in stone as karanas in temple sculpture. Following the Bhakti movement in the 6th century, dance and music became powerful vehicles of veneration. The deity was treated like a much-loved king, praised and royally entertained with music and dance, as part of the daily sacred rituals of worship. Gifted, highly educated temple dancers or devadasis were supported by the temples that were richly endowed by the rulers. Some 400 temple dancers were dedicated to and maintained by the Brihadeswarar Temple in Thanjavur. Dance evolved as a composite art in temples as dancers, nattuvanars (dance gurus), musicians, poets, composers, architects, sculptors and painters shared a holistic approach to all the arts.
  3.  The evolution of Bharatanatyam derives from the invaluable contribution of The Tanjore Quartet. The four Pillai brothers – Chinnayya, Ponnayya, Sivanandam and Vadivelu – served as court musicians at the kingdom of Maratha king, Serfoji II in the early 19th century. Their legacy to Bharatanatyam has been their restructuring of the dance repertoire into the margam format and their vast and diverse music compositions set specifically for dance. Some of their descendants like Guru Meenakshisundaram Pillai evolved the famous Pandanallur bani (style) and trained many eminent dancers.
  4. From the temples, dance made its way into the courts of kings and dancers were not just devadasis, but also rajanartakis. By the early 17th century dance forms like sadir or chinna melam, precursors to Bharatanatyam as we know it today, had become popular in the courts of the Maratha rulers in Thanjavur. However, in the 19th century, colonial propaganda perceived such dance as vulgar and immoral. It led to the Anti-Nautch Movement and legislation against temple dance and dancers. Divested of all patronage and temple support, devadasis were thrown into dire straits. In the early 20th century, thanks to enlightened visionaries like EV Krishna Iyer and later, Rukmini Devi Arundale, and the dedication of a handful of devadasis and nattuvanars, classical dance was resuscitated and revived as bharatanatyam. Today, apart from a few cultural festivals in some temples, dance has left the temple for the proscenium stage.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

I.According to the passage, what kept Bharatnatyam alive even to the present day?

II. Pick the option that lists statements that are not true according to the passage.

  1. In India, dance has always been an integral part of ancient theatre.
  2. Dancing forms has never been changed or reformed but it is liked by all in its nascent stage only.
  3. Although classical dance has evolved so much that its forms like sadir or chinna reached from temples to courts but it was perceived as vulgar by the colonials.
  4. Today, apart from few cultural festivals dance is restricted to the temples only.

(a) 2 and 4

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 3 and 4

(d) 1 and 3

iii. The word ‘repertoire, as used in paragraph 3, means the same as

(a) legacy

(b) movement

(c) collection

(d) perception

IV. As given in the passage, what does the word ‘nattuvanars’ mean?

V. Pick out the option which is not stated correctly according to the passage.

(a) The Guru Meenakshisundaram, descendent of Pillai brothers, has evolved dance style called pandanallur bani.

(b) The Pillai brothers served the kingdom of Maratha King in the early 12th century.

(c) Dance movements were also crystallised in stone as karanas in the structure of temples.

(d) In south India, classical dance has remained over centuries a dynamic and living tradition.

VI. In the sentence “dance has left the temple for the proscenium stage”, what does the phrase ‘proscenium stage’ refer to ?

vii. “…the dedication of a handful of devadisis and nattuvanars classical dance was resuscitated and revived as Bharatnatyam.” What does the word ‘resuscitated’ mean in the context of the passage?

viii. ‘…the Bhakti movement in the 6th century, dance and music became powerful vehicles of veneration” The phrase ‘vehicles of veneration’ here referred to as

(a) the medium to gain respect

(b) the rich and vibrant tradition

(c) the evolving art form

(d) the handful of devadasis

IX. According to the passage, in India, dance was established by whom?

X. The word ‘evolve(d)’ in the 1 paragraph has the same meaning as

(a) decrease

(b) diminish

(c) slacken

(d) progress

More Questions about CREATIVE WRITING SKILLS and LITERATURE will be added soon

Download English Sample Paper PDF with Solution

To get easier access to the full English Sample Paper we have placed the PDF copy below. The solutions also included in this pdf.

CBSE 12 English Sample Paper with Solution PDF

CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper Solution

Here we have provided detailed solutions to above mentioned questions. Match your answers with this Sample Paper Solution.



I. Read the passage given below.

Si. Ans. (a) discussing the relationship between the size of mammals and the nature of vegetation in their habitats

Sii. Ans. (c) incorrect assumptions on the part of geologists

Siii. Ans. (d) suggest the size of antelope herds

Siv. Ans. (c) prove a hypothesis

Sv. Ans. (d) all of these

Svi. Ans. The prejudice that vitiated the reasoning of geologists is their belief that dense jungles were the only habitat for large animals.

Svii. Ans. Dr. Smith calls Africa a sterile country because a large part of it lack any significant vegetation.

Sviii. Ans: Carnage refers to the large number of killing of wild animals in the African continent on a regular basis.

Six. Ans: Darwin’s remark indicates that he is quite sure that if there were adequate data, his hypothesis would be easily proved.

Sx. Ans. The partial explanation suggested by Darwin suggests that the underwood vegetation probably are very nutritious and re-grow quickly. He indicates that these may be adequate to feed the large herbivores.

II. Read the passage given below.

Si. Ans. Its revived and reformed form.

Sii. Ans. (d) 1 and 3

Siii. Ans: (c) collection

Siv. Ans. It means dance gurus

Sv. Ans. (b) The Pillai brothers served the kingdom of Maratha King in the early 12th century.

Svi. Ans. (b) Proscenium stage refers to the frontage part of the stage.

Svii. Ans. Here, it means that the dance movements were brought out and enlivened as Bharatnatyam.

Sviii. Ans. (b) the rich and vibrant tradition

Six. Ans. It was established by Natya Shastra.

Sx. Ans. (d) progress


1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.

S1A. Ans. 

Class 12 English Sample Paper 2025 with Solution PDF -_3.1

S2A. Ans.

40, Krishna Colony, Manali

Date: 20 Feb. 20xx

My dear uncle and aunt on the auspicious occasion of the Golden wedding Anniversary of my grandparents, I am inviting you to the grand lunch at our residence. 

The lunch is scheduled to be on 28 Feb. at 12 : 30 pm.

Kindly confirm your presence by 25 February.

Thank you


S2B. Ans.

Mr And Mrs Shankar, Kanpur

Date: 5 May, 20XX

Mr and Mrs Vikram Gaur thank Mr And Mrs Shankar for inviting them on the occasion of the wedding of their son Ankush at 24, Green Park Road, Kanpur on 15 May, 20XX and assure them that they will be present on the occasion to wish the newly weds a very happy married life. Mr and Mrs Gaur will reach Kanpur by the Agra Mail which leaves Agra at 8.00 a.m.

Vikram Gaur

S3A. Ans.

2, Gobind Enclave,


31st August, 20xx

The Editor

The Morning Chronicle

31, MG Road,


Subject: Utter Neglect of the Two Main Parks in the 



Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and express my concerns regarding the problems arising due to utter neglect of the two main parks in Gobind Enclave both of which are visible from my house.

The caretaker and gardener assigned by the horticulture department are inefficient in doing their jobs. As a result, the trees, grass as well as the bushes remain untrimmed. The garden too is not properly tended to because of which there aren’t many flowers to please our senses. Needless to say, the local authorities have failed to do their duties of looking after the two main parks, and now they have virtually been taken over by undesirable elements, who are often seen involved in substance abuse. Many residents have complained about the nuisance they create for the park-goers under the influence of alcohol. However, no action has been taken against these anti-social elements. These parks used to be a sight for the sore eyes because they were so well maintained and beautiful. I regret to inform you that because of the above mentioned reasons the residents have stopped going to the park.

The concerned authorities must take adequate action immediately to restore the two main parks of Gobind Enclave to their old glory. It must hire responsible people to tend to the parks and the gardens and keep a check on their maintenance by paying surprise visits. They should appoint two security guards on 24×7 basis who must be alert on duty. Only then the undesirable elements will be prevented from entering the parks.

I hope I have been able to put my concerns and views across in this letter and that required actions will be taken by the concerned authorities at the earliest.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Gautam Pradhan

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About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 1.5 years of experience in the school education sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, and other entrance exams.

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