Table of Contents
In this article, we learn about Country Names in English and Hindi. Along with Country Names, we also know their capital, flag, and their currency. we know that Earth is made of only 1% of the land of its total surface, the rest of the surface is covered by water. If we look at the globe, only 1% of the land is divided into numerous countries with different colors. As India is booming its economic boundaries throughout the world, we encounter various country names while listening to the News. So, Learning Countries Name all over the world is very important for students, not only for geopolitical aspects but also for expanding the boundary of their area of interest. As of now, there are around 254 countries are there in the world but As per Members of the UN, currently 197 independent countries in the world. Let’s start learning.
Check: Body Parts Name With Pictures in English & Hindi
Country Name
All Country Name list based on alphabetic order. As per United Nations recognition, there are currently 197 independent states in the world. An independent country also needs international diplomatic acknowledgment of its sovereignty with its own government. Out of a total of 197 countries, 193 countries have permanent membership in the United Nations. The rest of the four, Palestine and the Vatican City are both recognized as permanent observers in the UN. On the other hand, Taiwan and Kosovo are recognized by 15 countries, we may include them in the list of Countries Name in the world.
All Country Name List- A to Z Country Name
Here we provide an All Country Names list which is organized in alphabetical order so that it is easily remembered. Let’s start with the All Country Name list.
Country Name from A
Country Names Starting with A.
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
All Country Name List from B
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Brazil
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
All Country Name List With C
- Cabo Verde
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Central African Republic (CAR)
- Chad
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- Congo, Republic of the
- Costa Rica
- Cote d’Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czechia
All Countries Name List With D
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
Read:All Seasons Name in English and Hindi
All Country Name List With E
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
Countries Name List Starting With F
- Fiji
- Finland
- France
Country Name List Starting With G
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Greece
- Grenada
- Guatemala
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
Countries Name List With H
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Hungary
Country Names List With I
- Iceland
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
Countries Names List With J
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jordan
Country Names List With K
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kiribati
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
All Country Name List With L
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
Countries Names List With M
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Marshall Islands
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Micronesia
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
Countries Name List With N
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- North Korea
- North Macedonia
- Norway
Country Name With O
- Oman
Country Names List With P
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Palestine
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
Countries Name With Q
- Qatar
All Country Name List With R
- Romania
- Russia
- Rwanda
All Countries Name List With S
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- South Sudan
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Suriname
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
Country Names List With T
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Timor-Leste
- Togo
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Tuvalu
All Country Names List Starting With U
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- United Kingdom (UK)
- United States of America (USA)
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
Country Names With V
- Vanuatu
- Vatican City (Holy See)
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
X Country Name
There are very few countries with names starting with “X.” The most notable one is:
Xenophobia (a fictional or hypothetical country often used in discussions about nationalism or identity).
Country Name With Y
- Yemen
All Country Names With Z
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Must Check: All Month’s Name List in English
Total Countries in World- 240 देशों के नाम
दुनिया में वर्तमान में कुल 240 देश ( Total Countries in World) (स्वतंत्र और अखिल भूपूषित क्षेत्र) हैं, जिनमें से चार देशों के नाम यहाँ पर दिए गए हैं।
Serial no. | Code | Total Countries in World- English | Total Countries in World- Hindi |
1 | AX | Aaland Islands | आलैंड द्वीप |
2 | AF | Afghanistan | अफ़ग़ानिस्तान |
3 | AL | Albania | अल्बानिया |
4 | DZ | Algeria | अल्जीरिया |
5 | AS | American Samoa | अमरीकी समोआ |
6 | AD | Andorra | अंडोरा |
7 | AO | Angola | अंगोला |
8 | AI | Anguilla | अंग्विला |
9 | AQ | Antarctica | अंटार्कटिका |
10 | AG | Antigua And Barbuda | अंटिग्वा और बारबुडा |
11 | AR | Argentina | आर्जेंटीना |
12 | AM | Armenia | आर्मीनिया |
13 | AW | Aruba | अरूबा |
14 | AU | Australia | ऑस्ट्रेलिया |
15 | AT | Austria | ऑस्ट्रिया |
16 | AZ | Azerbaijan | आज़रबायजान |
17 | BS | Bahamas | बहामाज़ |
18 | BH | Bahrain | बाहरैन |
19 | BD | Bangladesh | बांग्लादेश |
20 | BB | Barbados | बारबेडॉस |
21 | BY | Belarus | बेलारूस |
22 | BE | Belgium | बेल्जियम |
23 | BZ | Belize | बेलीज़ |
24 | BJ | Benin | बेनिन |
25 | BM | Bermuda | बरमुडा |
26 | BT | Bhutan | भूटान |
27 | BO | Bolivia | बोलिविया |
28 | BA | Bosnia And Herzegovina | बोसनिया और हर्ज़ेगोविना |
29 | BW | Botswana | बोत्स्वाना |
30 | BV | Bouvet Island | बूवे द्वीप |
31 | BR | Brazil | ब्राज़ील |
32 | IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | हिंद महासागर में ब्रितानवी क्षेत्र |
33 | BN | Brunei Darussalam | ब्रूनई दारुस्सलाम |
34 | BG | Bulgaria | बल्गारिया |
35 | BF | Burkina Faso | बुर्कीना फ़ासो |
36 | BI | Burundi | बुरुंडी |
37 | KH | Cambodia | कंबोडिया |
38 | CM | Cameroon | कैमरून |
39 | CA | Canada | कैनेडा |
40 | CV | Cape Verde | केप वर्द |
41 | KY | Cayman Islands | केमैन द्वीप |
42 | CF | Central African Republic | मध्य अफ़्रीकी गणराज्य |
43 | TD | Chad | चाड |
44 | CL | Chile | चिली |
45 | CN | China | चीन |
46 | CX | Christmas Island | क्रिसमस द्वीप |
47 | CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | कोकोस (कीलिंग) द्वीप |
48 | CO | Colombia | कोलंबिया |
49 | KM | Comoros | कोमोरोस |
50 | CD | Congo, Democratic Republic Of (Was Zaire) | कांगो, लोकतांत्रिक गणराज्य (पुराना नाम: जायरे) |
51 | CG | Congo, Republic Of | कांगो, गणराज्य |
52 | CK | Cook Islands | कुक द्वीप |
53 | CR | Costa Rica | कोस्टारीका |
54 | CI | Cote D’Ivoire | आइवरी कोस्ट |
55 | HR | Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska) | क्रोएशिया (स्थानीय नाम: ह्र्वात्स्का) |
56 | CU | Cuba | क्यूबा |
57 | CY | Cyprus | साइप्रस |
58 | CZ | Czech Republic | चेक गणराज्य |
59 | DK | Denmark | डेनमार्क |
60 | DJ | Djibouti | जिबूती |
61 | DM | Dominica | डोमिनिका |
62 | DO | Dominican Republic | डोमिनिकन गणराज्य |
63 | EC | Ecuador | इक्वादोर |
64 | EG | Egypt | मिस्र |
65 | SV | El Salvador | एल साल्वादोर |
66 | GQ | Equatorial Guinea | इक्वटोरियल गिनी |
67 | ER | Eritrea | एरिट्रिया |
68 | EE | Estonia | एस्टोनिया |
69 | ET | Ethiopia | ईथियोपिया |
70 | FK | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | फ़ॉकलैंड द्वीप (मालवीनास) |
71 | FO | Faroe Islands | फ़ारोअ द्वीप |
72 | FJ | Fiji | फ़ीजी |
73 | FI | Finland | फ़िनलैंड |
74 | FR | France | फ़्राँस |
75 | GF | French Guiana | फ़्राँसीसी गयाना |
76 | PF | French Polynesia | फ़्राँसीसी पॉलिनेशिया |
77 | TF | French Southern Territories | दक्षिणी फ़्राँसीसी क्षेत्र |
78 | GA | Gabon | गाबों |
79 | GM | Gambia | गाम्बिया |
80 | GE | Georgia | जॉर्जिया |
81 | DE | Germany | जर्मनी |
82 | GH | Ghana | गाना |
83 | GI | Gibraltar | जिब्रॉल्टर |
84 | GR | Greece | यूनान |
85 | GL | Greenland | ग्रीनलैंड |
86 | GD | Grenada | ग्रेनाडा |
87 | GP | Guadeloupe | ग्वादलूप |
88 | GU | Guam | ग्वाम |
89 | GT | Guatemala | ग्वातेमाला |
90 | GN | Guinea | गिनी |
91 | GW | Guinea-Bissau | गिनी बीसो |
92 | GY | Guyana | गयाना |
93 | HT | Haiti | हाईती |
94 | HM | Heard And Mc Donald Islands | हर्ड और मैकडोनल्ड द्वीप |
95 | HN | Honduras | होंदूरास |
96 | HK | Hong Kong | हाँग काँग |
97 | HU | Hungary | हंगरी |
98 | IS | Iceland | आइसलैंड |
99 | IN | India | भारत |
100 | ID | Indonesia | इंडोनेशिया |
101 | IR | Iran (Islamic Republic Of) | ईरान (इस्लामिक गणराज्य) |
102 | IQ | Iraq | इराक |
103 | IE | Ireland | आयरलैंड |
104 | IL | Israel | इस्राईल |
105 | IT | Italy | इटली |
106 | JM | Jamaica | जमाइका |
107 | JP | Japan | जापान |
108 | JO | Jordan | जोर्डन |
109 | KZ | Kazakhstan | कज़ाकस्तान |
110 | KE | Kenya | कीनिया |
111 | KI | Kiribati | किरिबास |
112 | KP | Korea, Democratic People’S Republic Of | कोरिया, लोकतांत्रिक लोक गणराज्य |
113 | KR | Korea, Republic Of | कोरिया, गणराज्य |
114 | KW | Kuwait | कुवैत |
115 | KG | Kyrgyzstan | किर्गिज़स्तान |
116 | LA | Lao People’S Democratic Republic | लाओस लोकतांत्रिक लोक गणराज्य |
117 | LV | Latvia | लातविया |
118 | LB | Lebanon | लेबनान |
119 | LS | Lesotho | लेसुटू |
120 | LR | Liberia | लाइबीरिया |
121 | LY | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | लिबियाई अरब जमाहीरिया |
122 | LI | Liechtenstein | लीक्टेनस्टाइन |
123 | LT | Lithuania | लिथुआनिया |
124 | LU | Luxembourg | लग्ज़मबर्ग |
125 | MO | Macau | मकाऊ |
126 | MK | Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of | मैसिडोनिया, पूर्व युगोस्लाव गणराज्य |
127 | MG | Madagascar | मैडागास्कर |
128 | MW | Malawi | मलावी |
129 | MY | Malaysia | मलेशिया |
130 | MV | Maldives | मालदीव |
131 | ML | Mali | माली |
132 | MT | Malta | माल्टा |
133 | MH | Marshall Islands | मार्शल द्वीप |
134 | MQ | Martinique | मार्टीनीक |
135 | MR | Mauritania | मोरीतानिया |
136 | MU | Mauritius | मोरिशियस |
137 | YT | Mayotte | मायोत |
138 | MX | Mexico | मेक्सिको |
139 | FM | Micronesia, Federated States Of | माईक्रोनेशिया, राज्य संघ |
140 | MD | Moldova, Republic Of | मोलडोवा, गणराज्य |
141 | MC | Monaco | मोनाको |
142 | MN | Mongolia | मंगोलिया |
143 | MS | Montserrat | मोंतसेरात |
144 | MA | Morocco | मोरक्को |
145 | MZ | Mozambique | मोजा़म्बीक |
146 | MM | Myanmar | म्यांमार |
147 | NA | Namibia | नामीबिया |
148 | NR | Nauru | नाउरू |
149 | NP | Nepal | नेपाल |
150 | NL | Netherlands | नेदरलैंड |
151 | AN | Netherlands Antilles | नेदरलैंड आंतील्स |
152 | NC | New Caledonia | न्यू कैलडोनिया |
153 | NZ | New Zealand | न्यूज़ीलैंड |
154 | NI | Nicaragua | नीकाराग्वा |
155 | NE | Niger | नीजेर |
156 | NG | Nigeria | नाइजीरिया |
157 | NU | Niue | निउए |
158 | NF | Norfolk Island | नॉरफ़ोक द्वीप |
159 | MP | Northern Mariana Islands | उत्तरी मारिआना द्वीप |
160 | NO | Norway | नॉर्वे |
161 | OM | Oman | ओमान |
162 | PK | Pakistan | पाकिस्तान |
163 | PW | Palau | पालाऊ |
164 | PS | Palestinian Territory | फ़िलीस्तीनी क्षेत्र |
165 | PA | Panama | पानामा |
166 | PG | Papua New Guinea | पापुआ न्यू गिनी |
167 | PY | Paraguay | पाराग्वे |
168 | PE | Peru | पेरू |
169 | PH | Philippines | फ़िलीपीन |
170 | PN | Pitcairn | पिटकैर्न |
171 | PL | Poland | पोलैंड |
172 | PT | Portugal | पुर्तगाल |
173 | PR | Puerto Rico | प्वेर्तो रीको |
174 | QA | Qatar | कतर |
175 | RE | Reunion | रीयूनियन |
176 | RO | Romania | रुमानिया |
177 | RU | Russian Federation | रूसी संघ |
178 | RW | Rwanda | रवांडा |
179 | SH | Saint Helena | सेंट हेलेना |
180 | KN | Saint Kitts And Nevis | सेंट किट्स और नेविस |
181 | LC | Saint Lucia | सेंट लुसिया |
182 | PM | Saint Pierre And Miquelon | सेंट पिएर और मिकलों |
183 | VC | Saint Vincent And The Grenadines | सेंट विन्सेंट और ग्रेनडीन |
184 | WS | Samoa | सैमोआ |
185 | SM | San Marino | सान मारीनो |
186 | ST | Sao Tome And Principe | सांव तोमे और प्रीनसीप |
187 | SA | Saudi Arabia | सऊदी अरब |
188 | SN | Senegal | सेनेगाल |
189 | CS | Serbia And Montenegro | सर्बिया और मोंटेनीग्रो |
190 | SC | Seychelles | सेशेल्स |
191 | SL | Sierra Leone | सियेरा लियोन |
192 | SG | Singapore | सिंगापुर |
193 | SK | Slovakia | स्लोवाकिया |
194 | SI | Slovenia | स्लोवेनिया |
195 | SB | Solomon Islands | सोलोमन द्वीप |
196 | SO | Somalia | सोमालिया |
197 | ZA | South Africa | दक्षिण अफ़्रीका |
198 | GS | South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands | दक्षिण जॉर्जिया और दक्षिण सैंडविच द्वीप |
199 | ES | Spain | स्पेन |
200 | LK | Sri Lanka | श्रीलंका |
201 | SD | Sudan | सुदान |
202 | SR | Suriname | सूरीनाम |
203 | SJ | Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands | स्वालबार्ड और यान मायेन द्वीप |
204 | SZ | Swaziland | स्वाज़ीलैंड |
205 | SE | Sweden | स्वीडन |
206 | CH | Switzerland | स्विट्ज़रलैंड |
207 | SY | Syrian Arab Republic | सीरियाई अरब गणराज्य |
208 | TW | Taiwan | ताईवान |
209 | TJ | Tajikistan | ताजीकिस्तान |
210 | TZ | Tanzania, United Republic Of | तांज़ानिया, संयुक्त गणराज्य |
211 | TH | Thailand | थाईलैंड |
212 | TL | Timor-Leste | तीमोर-लेस्त |
213 | TG | Togo | टोगो |
214 | TK | Tokelau | टोकलाऊ |
215 | TO | Tonga | टोंगा |
216 | TT | Trinidad And Tobago | ट्रिनिडाड और टोबोगो |
217 | TN | Tunisia | ट्यूनीशिया |
218 | TR | Turkey | तुर्की |
219 | TM | Turkmenistan | तुर्कमेनिस्तान |
220 | TC | Turks And Caicos Islands | तुर्क और केकोस द्वीप |
221 | TV | Tuvalu | तुवालू |
222 | UG | Uganda | युगांडा |
223 | UA | Ukraine | यूक्रेन |
224 | AE | United Arab Emirates | संयुक्त अरब अमीरात |
225 | GB | United Kingdom | ब्रिटेन |
226 | US | United States | संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका |
227 | UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands | संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका के बाहरी छोटे द्वीप |
228 | UY | Uruguay | उरुग्वाय |
229 | UZ | Uzbekistan | उज़्बेकिस्तान |
230 | VU | Vanuatu | वानुआतु |
231 | VA | Vatican City State | वैटिकन सिटी राज्य |
232 | VE | Venezuela | वेनेज़्वेला |
233 | VN | Viet Nam | वियतनाम |
234 | VG | Virgin Islands (British) | वर्जिन द्वीपसमूह (ब्रिटिश) |
235 | VI | Virgin Islands (U.S.) | वर्जिन द्वीपसमूह (संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका) |
236 | WF | Wallis And Futuna Islands | वालिस और फुतुना द्वीपसमूह |
237 | EH | Western Sahara | पश्चिमी सहारा |
238 | YE | Yemen | यमन |
239 | ZM | Zambia | ज़ाम्बीया |
240 | ZW | Zimbabwe | ज़िम्बाब्वे |
Country Names and Their Capital
Here is a list of countries in the World with their Capitals.
Country Name | Capital |
Afghanistan | Kabul |
Albania | Tirane |
Algeria | Algiers |
Andorra | Andorra la Vella |
Angola | Luanda |
Antigua and Barbuda | Saint John’s |
Argentina | Buenos Aires |
Armenia | Yerevan |
Australia | Canberra |
Austria | Vienna |
Azerbaijan | Baku |
The Bahamas | Nassau |
Bahrain | Manama |
Bangladesh | Dhaka |
Barbados | Bridgetown |
Belarus | Minsk |
Belgium | Brussels |
Belize | Belmopan |
Benin | Porto-Novo |
Bhutan | Thimphu |
Bolivia | La Paz (administrative); Sucre (judicial) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo |
Botswana | Gaborone |
Brazil | Brasilia |
Brunei | Bandar Seri Begawan |
Bulgaria | Sofia |
Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou |
Burundi | Gitega |
Cambodia | Phnom Penh |
Cameroon | Yaounde |
Canada | Ottawa |
Cape Verde | Praia |
Central African Republic | Bangui |
Chad | N’Djamena |
Chile | Santiago |
China | Beijing |
Colombia | Bogota |
Comoros | Moroni |
Republic of the Congo | Brazzaville |
Zimbabwe | Harare |
Costa Rica | San Jose |
Cote d’Ivoire | Yamoussoukro (official); Abidjan (de facto) |
Croatia | Zagreb |
Cuba | Havana |
Cyprus | Nicosia |
Czech Republic | Prague |
Denmark | Copenhagen |
Djibouti | Djibouti |
Dominica | Roseau |
Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo |
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Dili |
Ecuador | Quito |
Egypt | Cairo |
El Salvador | San Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea | Malabo |
Eritrea | Asmara |
Estonia | Tallinn |
Ethiopia | Addis Ababa |
Fiji | Suva |
Finland | Helsinki |
France | Paris |
Gabon | Libreville |
The Gambia | Banjul |
Georgia | Tbilisi |
Germany | Berlin |
Ghana | Accra |
Greece | Athens |
Grenada | Saint George’s |
Guatemala | Guatemala City |
Guinea | Conakry |
Guinea-Bissau | Bissau |
Guyana | Georgetown |
Haiti | Port-au-Prince |
Honduras | Tegucigalpa |
Hungary | Budapest |
Iceland | Reykjavik |
India | New Delhi |
Indonesia | Jakarta |
Iran | Tehran |
Iraq | Baghdad |
Ireland | Dublin |
Israel | Jerusalem* |
Italy | Rome |
Jamaica | Kingston |
Japan | Tokyo |
Jordan | Amman |
Kazakhstan | Nur Sultan |
Kenya | Nairobi |
Kiribati | Tarawa Atoll |
North Korea | Pyongyang |
South Korea | Seoul |
Kuwait | Kuwait City |
Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek |
Laos | Vientiane |
Latvia | Riga |
Lebanon | Beirut |
Lesotho | Maseru |
Liberia | Monrovia |
Libya | Tripoli |
Liechtenstein | Vaduz |
Lithuania | Vilnius |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
Macedonia | Skopje |
Madagascar | Antananarivo |
Malawi | Lilongwe |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur |
Maldives | Male |
Mali | Bamako |
Malta | Valletta |
Marshall Islands | Majuro |
Mauritania | Nouakchott |
Mauritius | Port Louis |
Mexico | Mexico City |
Federated States of Micronesia | Palikir |
Moldova | Chisinau |
Monaco | Monte Carlo |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar |
Montenegro | Podgorica |
Morocco | Rabat |
Mozambique | Maputo |
Myanmar (Burma) | Nay Pyi Taw |
Namibia | Windhoek |
Nauru | no official capital; government offices in Yaren District |
Nepal | Kathmandu |
Netherlands | Amsterdam; The Hague (seat of government) |
New Zealand | Wellington |
Nicaragua | Managua |
Niger | Niamey |
Nigeria | Abuja |
Norway | Oslo |
Oman | Muscat |
Pakistan | Islamabad |
Palau | Melekeok |
Palestine | Ramallah, East Jerusalem |
Panama | Panama City |
Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby |
Paraguay | Asuncion |
Peru | Lima |
Philippines | Manila |
Poland | Warsaw |
Portugal | Lisbon |
Qatar | Doha |
Romania | Bucharest |
Russia | Moscow |
Rwanda | Kigali |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Basseterre |
Saint Lucia | Castries |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Kingstown |
Samoa | Apia |
San Marino | San Marino |
Sao Tome and Principe | Sao Tome |
Saudi Arabia | Riyadh |
Senegal | Dakar |
Serbia | Belgrade |
Seychelles | Victoria |
Sierra Leone | Freetown |
Singapore | Singapore |
Slovakia | Bratislava |
Slovenia | Ljubljana |
Solomon Islands | Honiara |
Somalia | Mogadishu |
South Africa | Pretoria (administrative); Cape Town (legislative); Bloemfontein (judiciary) |
South Sudan | Juba |
Spain | Madrid |
Sri Lanka | Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte (legislative) |
Sudan | Khartoum |
Suriname | Paramaribo |
Swaziland | Mbabane |
Sweden | Stockholm |
Switzerland | Berne |
Syria | Damascus |
Taiwan | Taipei |
Tajikistan | Dushanbe |
Tanzania | Dar es Salaam; Dodoma (legislative) |
Thailand | Bangkok |
Togo | Lome |
Tonga | Nuku’alofa |
Trinidad and Tobago | Port-of-Spain |
Tunisia | Tunis |
Turkey | Ankara |
Turkmenistan | Ashgabat |
Tuvalu | Vaiaku village, Funafuti province |
Uganda | Kampala |
Ukraine | Kiev |
United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi |
United Kingdom | London |
United States of America | Washington D.C. |
Uruguay | Montevideo |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent |
Vanuatu | Port-Vila |
Vatican City (Holy See) | Vatican City |
Venezuela | Caracas |
Vietnam | Hanoi |
Yemen | Sanaa |
Zambia | Lusaka |
Check: 100 Flowers Name in English & Hindi
Top 25 Countries Name with Their Flags
There we provide a table of the Top 25 Country Names on the scale of the population with their flags.
Country | population | Flag |
1,412,600,000 | ![]() |
2. India | 1,375,586,000 | ![]() |
3. United States | 331,893,745 | ![]() |
4. Indonesia | 275,773,800 | ![]() |
5. Pakistan | 229,489,000 | ![]() |
6. Nigeria | 216,747,000 | ![]() |
7. Brazil | 215,196,745 | ![]() |
8. Bangladesh | 165,158,616 | ![]() |
9. Russia | 145,100,000 | ![]() |
10. Mexico | 128,533,664 | ![]() |
11. Japan | 125,927,902 | ![]() |
12. Philippines | 112,480,621 | ![]() |
13. Ethiopia | 105,163,988 | ![]() |
14. Egypt | 103,883,546 | ![]() |
15. Vietnam | 98,506,193 | ![]() |
16. DR Congo | 95,241,000 | ![]() |
17. Iran | 85,810,997 | ![]() |
18. Turkey | 84,680,273 | ![]() |
19. Germany | 83,695,430 | ![]() |
20. France | 67,918,000 | ![]() |
21. United Kingdom | 67,081,234 | ![]() |
22. Thailand | 66,840,842 | ![]() |
23. Tanzania | 61,280,743 | ![]() |
24. South Africa | 60,604,992 | ![]() |
25. Italy | 58,867,239 | ![]() |
Read: 100 Birds Name in English & Hindi
195 Countries Name and Their Currency
Here is a list of 195 Countries Name and their currencies.
S.No. | Country Name | Currency |
1. | Afghanistan | Afghani |
2 | Albania | Lek |
3 | Algeria | Dinar |
4 | Andorra | Euro |
5 | Angola | New Kwanza |
6 | Antigua and Barbuda | East Caribbean dollar |
7 | Argentina | Peso |
8 | Armenia | Dram |
9 | Australia | Australian dollar |
10 | Austria | Euro (formerly schilling) |
11 | Azerbaijan | Manat |
12 | The Bahamas | Bahamian dollar |
13 | Bahrain | Bahrain dinar |
14 | Bangladesh | Taka |
15 | Barbados | Barbados dollar |
16 | Belarus | Belorussian ruble |
17 | Belgium | Euro (formerly Belgian franc) |
18 | Belize | Belize dollar |
19 | Benin | CFA Franc |
20 | Bhutan | Ngultrum |
21 | Bolivia | Boliviano |
22 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Convertible Mark |
23 | Botswana | Pula |
24 | Brazil | Real |
25 | Brunei | Brunei dollar |
26 | Bulgaria | Lev |
27 | Burkina Faso | CFA Franc |
28 | Burundi | Burundi franc |
29 | Cambodia | Riel |
30 | Cameroon | CFA Franc |
31 | Canada | Canadian dollar |
32 | Cape Verde | Cape Verdean escudo |
33 | Central African Republic | CFA Franc |
34 | Chad | CFA Franc |
35 | Chile | Chilean Peso |
36 | China | Chinese Yuan |
37 | Colombia | Colombian Peso |
38 | Comoros | Franc |
39 | Republic of the Congo | CFA Franc |
40 | Zimbabwe | United States dollar |
41 | Costa Rica | Colón |
42 | Cote d’Ivoire | CFA Franc |
43 | Croatia | Croatian |
44 | Cuba | Cuban Peso |
45 | Cyprus | Euro |
46 | Czech Republic | Koruna |
47 | Denmark | Danish Krone |
48 | Djibouti | Djiboutian franc |
49 | Dominica | East Caribbean dollar |
50 | Dominican Republic | Dominican Peso |
51 | East Timor (Timor-Leste) | U.S. dollar |
52 | Ecuador | U.S. dollar |
53 | Egypt | Egyptian pound |
54 | El Salvador | Colón; U.S. dollar |
55 | Equatorial Guinea | CFA Franc |
56 | Eritrea | Nakfa |
57 | Estonia | Estonia Kroon; Euro |
58 | Ethiopia | Birr |
59 | Fiji | Fiji dollar |
60 | Finland | Euro (formerly markka) |
61 | France | Euro (formerly French franc) |
62 | Gabon | CFA Franc |
63 | The Gambia | Dalasi |
64 | Georgia | Lari |
65 | Germany | Euro (formerly Deutsche mark) |
66 | Ghana | Cedi |
67 | Greece | Euro (formerly drachma) |
68 | Grenada | East Caribbean dollar |
69 | Guatemala | Quetzal |
70 | Guinea | Guinean franc |
71 | Guinea-Bissau | CFA Franc |
72 | Guyana | Guyanese dollar |
73 | Haiti | Gourde |
74 | Honduras | Lempira |
75 | Hungary | Forint |
76 | Iceland | Icelandic króna |
77 | India | Indian Rupee |
78 | Indonesia | Rupiah |
79 | Iran | Rial |
80 | Iraq | Iraqi Dinar |
81 | Ireland | Euro (formerly Irish pound [punt]) |
82 | Israel | Shekel |
83 | Italy | Euro (formerly lira) |
84 | Jamaica | Jamaican dollar |
85 | Japan | Yen |
86 | Jordan | Jordanian dinar |
87 | Kazakhstan | Tenge |
88 | Kenya | Kenya shilling |
89 | Kiribati | Kiribati dollar |
90 | North Korea | Won |
91 | South Korea | Won |
93 | Kuwait | Kuwaiti Dinar |
94 | Kyrgyzstan | Som |
95 | Laos | New Kip |
96 | Latvia | Lats |
97 | Lebanon | Lebanese pound |
98 | Lesotho | Maluti |
99 | Liberia | Liberian dollar |
100 | Libya | Libyan dinar |
101 | Liechtenstein | Swiss franc |
102 | Lithuania | Litas |
103 | Luxembourg | Euro (formerly Luxembourg franc) |
104 | Macedonia | Denar |
105 | Madagascar | Malagasy Ariary |
106 | Malawi | Kwacha |
107 | Malaysia | Ringgit |
108 | Maldives | Rufiyaa |
109 | Mali | CFA Franc |
110 | Malta | Euro |
111 | Marshall Islands | U.S. Dollar |
112 | Mauritania | Ouguiya |
113 | Mauritius | Mauritian rupee |
114 | Mexico | Mexican peso |
115 | Federated States of Micronesia | U.S. Dollar |
116 | Moldova | Leu |
117 | Monaco | Euro |
118 | Mongolia | Togrog |
119 | Montenegro | Euro |
120 | Morocco | Dirham |
121 | Mozambique | Metical |
122 | Myanmar (Burma) | Kyat |
123 | Namibia | Namibian dollar |
124 | Nauru | Australian dollar |
125 | Nepal | Nepalese rupee |
126 | Netherlands | Euro (formerly guilder) |
127 | New Zealand | New Zealand dollar |
128 | Nicaragua | Gold cordoba |
129 | Niger | CFA Franc |
130 | Nigeria | Naira |
131 | Norway | Norwegian krone |
132 | Oman | Omani rial |
133 | Pakistan | Pakistani rupee |
134 | Palau | U.S. dollar |
135 | Palestine | Palestine Pound |
136 | Panama | Balboa; U.S. dollar |
137 | Papua New Guinea | Kina |
138 | Paraguay | Guaraní |
139 | Peru | Nuevo sol (1991) |
140 | Philippines | Peso |
141 | Poland | Zloty |
142 | Portugal | Euro (formerly escudo) |
143 | Qatar | Qatari riyal |
144 | Romania | Romanian Rupee |
145 | Russia | Ruble |
146 | Rwanda | Rwandan franc |
147 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | East Caribbean dollar |
148 | Saint Lucia | East Caribbean dollar |
149 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | East Caribbean dollar |
150 | Samoa | Tala |
151 | San Marino | Euro |
152 | Sao Tome and Principe | Dobra |
153 | Saudi Arabia | Riyal |
154 | Senegal | CFA Franc |
155 | Serbia | Serbian Dinar |
156 | Seychelles | Seychelles rupee |
157 | Sierra Leone | Leone |
158 | Singapore | Singapore dollar |
159 | Slovakia | Euro |
160 | Slovenia | Slovenian tolar; euro (as of 1/1/07) |
161 | Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands dollar |
162 | Somalia | Somali shilling |
163 | South Africa | Rand |
164 | South Sudan | Sudanese Pound |
165 | Spain | Euro (formerly peseta) |
166 | Sri Lanka | Sri Lankan rupee |
167 | Sudan | Sudanese Pound |
168 | Suriname | Surinamese dollar |
169 | Swaziland | Lilangeni |
170 | Sweden | Krona |
171 | Switzerland | Swiss franc |
172 | Syria | Syrian pound |
173 | Taiwan | Taiwan dollar |
174 | Tajikistan | somoni |
175 | Tanzania | Tanzanian shilling |
176 | Thailand | Baht |
177 | Togo | CFA Franc |
178 | Tonga | Pa’anga |
179 | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago dollar |
180 | Tunisia | Tunisian dinar |
181 | Turkey | Turkish lira (YTL) |
182 | Turkmenistan | Manat |
183 | Tuvalu | Tuvaluan Dollar |
184 | Uganda | Ugandan new shilling |
185 | Ukraine | Hryvnia |
186 | United Arab Emirates | U.A.E. Dirham |
187 | United Kingdom | Pound sterling |
188 | United States of America | Dollar |
189 | Uruguay | Uruguay peso |
190 | Uzbekistan | Uzbekistani sum |
191 | Vanuatu | Vatu |
192 | Vatican City (Holy See) | Euro |
193 | Venezuela | Bolivar |
194 | Vietnam | Dong |
195 | Yemen | Rial |
196 | Zambia | Kwacha |
How many list of countries in the world
There are 195 countries in the world for Now. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
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