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Country Name- All Total 195 Countries in World List

Country Name

In this article, we learn about Country Names in English and  Hindi. Along with Country Names, we also know their capital, flag, and their currency. we know that Earth is made of only 1% of the land of its total surface, the rest of the surface is covered by water. If we look at the globe, only 1% of the land is divided into numerous countries with different colors. As India is booming its economic boundaries throughout the world, we encounter various country names while listening to the News. So, Learning Country Names all over the world is very important for students, not only for geopolitical aspects but also for expanding the boundary of their area of interest. As of now, there are around 254 countries are there in the world but As per Members of the UN, currently 197 independent countries in the world. Let’s start learning.

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All Country Name List

All Country Name list based on alphabetic order. As per United Nations recognition, there are currently 197 independent states in the world. An independent country also needs international diplomatic acknowledgment of its sovereignty with its own government. Out of a total of 197 countries, 193 countries have permanent membership in the United Nations. The rest of the four, Palestine and the Vatican City are both recognized as permanent observers in the UN. On the other hand, Taiwan and Kosovo are recognized by 15 countries, we may include them in the list of Country Names in the world.

Here we provide an All Country Names list which is organized in alphabetical order so that it is easily remembered. Let’s start with the All Country Name list.

A Country Name ( A se Country Name)

Country Names Starting with A.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Algeria
  4. Andorra
  5. Angola
  6. Antigua and Barbuda
  7. Argentina
  8. Armenia
  9. Australia
  10. Austria
  11. Azerbaijan

All Country Name List With B

  1. Bahamas
  2. Bahrain
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Barbados
  5. Belarus
  6. Belgium
  7. Belize
  8. Benin
  9. Bhutan
  10. Bolivia
  11. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  12. Botswana
  13. Brazil
  14. Brunei
  15. Bulgaria
  16. Burkina Faso
  17. Burundi

All Country Name List With C

  1. Cabo Verde
  2. Cambodia
  3. Cameroon
  4. Canada
  5. Central African Republic (CAR)
  6. Chad
  7. Chile
  8. China
  9. Colombia
  10. Comoros
  11. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
  12. Congo, Republic of the
  13. Costa Rica
  14. Cote d’Ivoire
  15. Croatia
  16. Cuba
  17. Cyprus
  18. Czechia

All Country Name List With D

  1. Denmark
  2. Djibouti
  3. Dominica
  4. Dominican Republic

Read:All Seasons Name in English and Hindi

All Country Name List With E

  1. Ecuador
  2. Egypt
  3. El Salvador
  4. Equatorial Guinea
  5. Eritrea
  6. Estonia
  7. Eswatini
  8. Ethiopia

Country Name List Starting With F

  1. Fiji
  2. Finland
  3. France

Country Name List Starting With G

  1. Gabon
  2. Gambia
  3. Georgia
  4. Germany
  5. Ghana
  6. Greece
  7. Grenada
  8. Guatemala
  9. Guinea
  10. Guinea-Bissau
  11. Guyana

Country Name List With H

  1. Haiti
  2. Honduras
  3. Hungary

Country Names List With I

  1. Iceland
  2. India
  3. Indonesia
  4. Iran
  5. Iraq
  6. Ireland
  7. Israel
  8. Italy

Country Names List Starting With J

  1. Jamaica
  2. Japan
  3. Jordan

Country Names List With K

  1. Kazakhstan
  2. Kenya
  3. Kiribati
  4. Kosovo
  5. Kuwait
  6. Kyrgyzstan

Country Name List With L

  1. Laos
  2. Latvia
  3. Lebanon
  4. Lesotho
  5. Liberia
  6. Libya
  7. Liechtenstein
  8. Lithuania
  9. Luxembourg

Country Names List With M

  1. Madagascar
  2. Malawi
  3. Malaysia
  4. Maldives
  5. Mali
  6. Malta
  7. Marshall Islands
  8. Mauritania
  9. Mauritius
  10. Mexico
  11. Micronesia
  12. Moldova
  13. Monaco
  14. Mongolia
  15. Montenegro
  16. Morocco
  17. Mozambique
  18. Myanmar

Country Names List With N

  1. Namibia
  2. Nauru
  3. Nepal
  4. Netherlands
  5. New Zealand
  6. Nicaragua
  7. Niger
  8. Nigeria
  9. North Korea
  10. North Macedonia
  11. Norway

Country Name With O

  1. Oman

Country Names List With P

  1. Pakistan
  2. Palau
  3. Palestine
  4. Panama
  5. Papua New Guinea
  6. Paraguay
  7. Peru
  8. Philippines
  9. Poland
  10. Portugal

Country Name With Q

  • Qatar

All Country Name List With R

  1. Romania
  2. Russia
  3. Rwanda

All Country Name List With S

  1. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  2. Saint Lucia
  3. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  4. Samoa
  5. San Marino
  6. Sao Tome and Principe
  7. Saudi Arabia
  8. Senegal
  9. Serbia
  10. Seychelles
  11. Sierra Leone
  12. Singapore
  13. Slovakia
  14. Slovenia
  15. Solomon Islands
  16. Somalia
  17. South Africa
  18. South Korea
  19. South Sudan
  20. Spain
  21. Sri Lanka
  22. Sudan
  23. Suriname
  24. Sweden
  25. Switzerland
  26. Syria

Country Names List With T

  1. Taiwan
  2. Tajikistan
  3. Tanzania
  4. Thailand
  5. Timor-Leste
  6. Togo
  7. Tonga
  8. Trinidad and Tobago
  9. Tunisia
  10. Turkey
  11. Turkmenistan
  12. Tuvalu

All Country Names List Starting With U

  1. Uganda
  2. Ukraine
  3. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  4. United Kingdom (UK)
  5. United States of America (USA)
  6. Uruguay
  7. Uzbekistan

Country Names With V

  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City (Holy See)
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam

Country Name With Y

  • Yemen

All Country Names With Z

  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Must Check:All Month’s Name List in English 

Total Countries in World- 240 देशों के नाम

दुनिया में वर्तमान में कुल 240 देश ( Total Countries in World) (स्वतंत्र और अखिल भूपूषित क्षेत्र) हैं, जिनमें से चार देशों के नाम यहाँ पर दिए गए हैं।

Serial no. Code Total Countries in World- English Total Countries in World- Hindi
1 AX Aaland Islands आलैंड‌ द्वीप‌
2 AF Afghanistan अफ़ग़ानिस्तान‌
3 AL Albania अल्बानिया
4 DZ Algeria अल्जीरिया
5 AS American Samoa अमरीकी स‌मोआ
6 AD Andorra अंडोरा
7 AO Angola अंगोला
8 AI Anguilla अंग्विला
9 AQ Antarctica अंटार्क‌टिका
10 AG Antigua And Barbuda अंटिग्वा और‌ बार‌बुडा
11 AR Argentina आर्जेंटीना
12 AM Armenia आर्मीनिया
13 AW Aruba अरूबा
14 AU Australia ऑस्ट्रेलिया
15 AT Austria ऑस्ट्रिया
16 AZ Azerbaijan आज़र‌बायजान‌
17 BS Bahamas ब‌हामाज़
18 BH Bahrain बाहरैन
19 BD Bangladesh बांग्लादेश
20 BB Barbados बारबेडॉस
21 BY Belarus बेलारूस‌
22 BE Belgium बेल्जिय‌म‌
23 BZ Belize बेलीज़
24 BJ Benin बेनिन‌
25 BM Bermuda ब‌र‌मुडा
26 BT Bhutan भूटान‌
27 BO Bolivia बोलिविया
28 BA Bosnia And Herzegovina बोस‌निया और‌ ह‌र्ज़ेगोविना
29 BW Botswana बोत्स्वाना
30 BV Bouvet Island बूवे द्वीप‌
31 BR Brazil ब्राज़ील
32 IO British Indian Ocean Territory हिंद‌ म‌हासाग‌र‌ में ब्रितानवी क्षेत्र
33 BN Brunei Darussalam ब्रूनई दारुस्सलाम‌
34 BG Bulgaria बल्गारिया
35 BF Burkina Faso बुर्कीना फ़ासो
36 BI Burundi बुरुंडी
37 KH Cambodia कंबोडिया
38 CM Cameroon कैम‌रून‌
39 CA Canada कैनेडा
40 CV Cape Verde केप‌ व‌र्द
41 KY Cayman Islands केमैन‌ द्वीप‌
42 CF Central African Republic म‌ध्य‌ अफ़्रीकी ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
43 TD Chad चाड‌
44 CL Chile चिली
45 CN China चीन‌
46 CX Christmas Island क्रिस‌म‌स‌ द्वीप‌
47 CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands कोकोस (कीलिंग‌)‌ द्वीप‌
48 CO Colombia कोलंबिया
49 KM Comoros कोमोरोस‌
50 CD Congo, Democratic Republic Of (Was Zaire) कांगो, लोक‌तांत्रिक‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌ (पुराना नाम‌: जाय‌रे)
51 CG Congo, Republic Of कांगो, ग‌ण‌राज्य
52 CK Cook Islands कुक‌ द्वीप‌
53 CR Costa Rica कोस्टारीका
54 CI Cote D’Ivoire आइव‌री कोस्ट‌
55 HR Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska) क्रोएशिया (स्थानीय‌ नाम‌: ह्र्वात्स्का)
56 CU Cuba क्यूबा
57 CY Cyprus साइप्रस‌
58 CZ Czech Republic चेक‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
59 DK Denmark डेन‌मार्क‌
60 DJ Djibouti जिबूती
61 DM Dominica डोमिनिका
62 DO Dominican Republic डोमिनिक‌न‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
63 EC Ecuador इक्वादोर‌
64 EG Egypt मिस्र
65 SV El Salvador एल‌ साल्वादोर
66 GQ Equatorial Guinea इक्वटोरियल गिनी
67 ER Eritrea एरिट्रिया
68 EE Estonia एस्टोनिया
69 ET Ethiopia ईथियोपिया
70 FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) फ़ॉक‌लैंड‌ द्वीप‌ (माल‌वीनास‌)
71 FO Faroe Islands फ़ारोअ द्वीप‌
72 FJ Fiji फ़ीजी
73 FI Finland फ़िन‌लैंड‌
74 FR France फ़्राँस
75 GF French Guiana फ़्राँसीसी ग‌याना
76 PF French Polynesia फ़्राँसीसी पॉलिनेशिया
77 TF French Southern Territories द‌क्षिणी फ़्राँसीसी क्षेत्र
78 GA Gabon गाबों
79 GM Gambia गाम्बिया
80 GE Georgia जॉर्जिया
81 DE Germany ज‌र्म‌नी
82 GH Ghana गाना
83 GI Gibraltar जिब्रॉल्टर‌
84 GR Greece यूनान
85 GL Greenland ग्रीन‌लैंड‌
86 GD Grenada ग्रेनाडा
87 GP Guadeloupe ग्वादलूप‌
88 GU Guam ग्वाम
89 GT Guatemala ग्वातेमाला
90 GN Guinea गिनी
91 GW Guinea-Bissau गिनी बीसो
92 GY Guyana ग‌याना
93 HT Haiti हाईती
94 HM Heard And Mc Donald Islands ह‌र्ड‌ और‌ मैक‌डोन‌ल्ड‌ द्वीप‌
95 HN Honduras होंदूरास‌
96 HK Hong Kong हाँग‌ काँग‌
97 HU Hungary हंग‌री
98 IS Iceland आइस‌लैंड‌
99 IN India भार‌त‌
100 ID Indonesia इंडोनेशिया
101 IR Iran (Islamic Republic Of) ईरान‌ (इस्लामिक‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌)
102 IQ Iraq इराक‌
103 IE Ireland आय‌र‌लैंड‌
104 IL Israel इस्राईल‌
105 IT Italy इट‌ली
106 JM Jamaica जमाइका
107 JP Japan जापान‌
108 JO Jordan जोर्ड‌न‌
109 KZ Kazakhstan क‌ज़ाक‌स्तान‌
110 KE Kenya कीनिया
111 KI Kiribati किरिबास
112 KP Korea, Democratic People’S Republic Of कोरिया, लोक‌तांत्रिक‌ लोक‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
113 KR Korea, Republic Of कोरिया, ग‌ण‌राज्य
114 KW Kuwait कुवैत‌
115 KG Kyrgyzstan किर्गिज‌़स्तान‌
116 LA Lao People’S Democratic Republic लाओस‌ लोक‌तांत्रिक‌ लोक ग‌ण‌राज्य
117 LV Latvia लातविया
118 LB Lebanon लेब‌नान‌
119 LS Lesotho लेसुटू
120 LR Liberia लाइबीरिया
121 LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya लिबियाई अर‌ब‌ ज‌माहीरिया
122 LI Liechtenstein लीक्टेनस्टाइन
123 LT Lithuania लिथुआनिया
124 LU Luxembourg ल‌ग्ज़मबर्ग‌
125 MO Macau म‌काऊ
126 MK Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of मैसिडोनिया, पूर्व‌ युगोस्लाव‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य
127 MG Madagascar मैडागास्क‌र‌
128 MW Malawi म‌लावी
129 MY Malaysia मलेशिया
130 MV Maldives माल‌दीव‌
131 ML Mali माली
132 MT Malta माल्टा
133 MH Marshall Islands मार्श‌ल‌ द्वीप‌
134 MQ Martinique मार्टीनीक‌
135 MR Mauritania मोरीतानिया
136 MU Mauritius मोरिशिय‌स‌
137 YT Mayotte मायोत‌
138 MX Mexico मेक्सिको
139 FM Micronesia, Federated States Of माईक्रोनेशिया, राज्य‌ संघ‌
140 MD Moldova, Republic Of मोल‌डोवा, ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
141 MC Monaco मोनाको
142 MN Mongolia मंगोलिया
143 MS Montserrat मोंत‌सेरात‌
144 MA Morocco मोर‌क्को
145 MZ Mozambique मोजा़म्बीक‌
146 MM Myanmar म्यांमार‌
147 NA Namibia नामीबिया
148 NR Nauru नाउरू
149 NP Nepal नेपाल‌
150 NL Netherlands नेद‌र‌लैंड‌
151 AN Netherlands Antilles नेद‌र‌लैंड‌ आंतील्स‌
152 NC New Caledonia न्यू कैलडोनिया
153 NZ New Zealand न्यूज़ीलैंड‌
154 NI Nicaragua नीकाराग्वा
155 NE Niger नीजेर
156 NG Nigeria नाइजीरिया
157 NU Niue निउए
158 NF Norfolk Island नॉर‌फ़ोक‌ द्वीप‌
159 MP Northern Mariana Islands उत्त‌री मारिआना द्वीप‌
160 NO Norway नॉर्वे
161 OM Oman ओमान‌
162 PK Pakistan पाकिस्तान‌
163 PW Palau पालाऊ
164 PS Palestinian Territory फ़िलीस्तीनी क्षेत्र
165 PA Panama पानामा
166 PG Papua New Guinea पापुआ न्यू गिनी
167 PY Paraguay पाराग्वे
168 PE Peru पेरू
169 PH Philippines फ़िलीपीन‌
170 PN Pitcairn पिट‌कैर्न‌
171 PL Poland पोलैंड‌
172 PT Portugal पुर्त‌गाल‌
173 PR Puerto Rico प्वेर्तो रीको
174 QA Qatar क‌त‌र‌
175 RE Reunion रीयूनिय‌न‌
176 RO Romania रुमानिया
177 RU Russian Federation रूसी संघ‌
178 RW Rwanda रवांडा
179 SH Saint Helena सेंट हेलेना
180 KN Saint Kitts And Nevis सेंट‌ किट्स‌ और‌ नेविस‌
181 LC Saint Lucia सेंट‌ लुसिया
182 PM Saint Pierre And Miquelon सेंट‌ पिएर‌ और‌ मिकलों
183 VC Saint Vincent And The Grenadines सेंट‌ विन्सेंट‌ और‌ ग्रेन‌डीन‌
184 WS Samoa सैमोआ
185 SM San Marino सान‌ मारीनो
186 ST Sao Tome And Principe सांव तोमे और‌ प्रीनसीप
187 SA Saudi Arabia स‌ऊदी अर‌ब‌
188 SN Senegal सेनेग‌ाल‌
189 CS Serbia And Montenegro स‌र्बिया और‌ मोंटेनीग्रो
190 SC Seychelles सेशेल्स‌
191 SL Sierra Leone सियेरा लियोन‌
192 SG Singapore सिंगापुर‌
193 SK Slovakia स्लोवाकिया
194 SI Slovenia स्लोवेनिया
195 SB Solomon Islands सोलोम‌न‌ द्वीप‌
196 SO Somalia सोमालिया
197 ZA South Africa द‌क्षिण‌ अफ़्रीका
198 GS South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands द‌क्षिण‌ जॉर्जिया और‌ द‌क्षिण‌ सैंड‌विच‌ द्वीप‌
199 ES Spain स्पेन‌
200 LK Sri Lanka श्रीलंका
201 SD Sudan सुदान
202 SR Suriname सूरीनाम‌
203 SJ Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands स्वाल‌बार्ड और‌ यान मायेन द्वीप‌
204 SZ Swaziland स्वाज़ीलैंड‌
205 SE Sweden स्वीड‌न‌
206 CH Switzerland स्विट्ज़र‌लैंड‌
207 SY Syrian Arab Republic सीरियाई अर‌ब‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
208 TW Taiwan ताईवान‌
209 TJ Tajikistan ताजीकिस्तान‌
210 TZ Tanzania, United Republic Of तांज़ानिया, संयुक्त‌ ग‌ण‌राज्य‌
211 TH Thailand थाईलैंड‌
212 TL Timor-Leste तीमोर‌-लेस्त‌
213 TG Togo टोगो
214 TK Tokelau टोक‌लाऊ
215 TO Tonga टोंगा
216 TT Trinidad And Tobago ट्रिनिडाड‌ और‌ टोबोगो
217 TN Tunisia ट्यूनीशिया
218 TR Turkey तुर्की
219 TM Turkmenistan तुर्क‌मेनिस्तान‌
220 TC Turks And Caicos Islands तुर्क‌ और‌ केकोस‌ द्वीप‌
221 TV Tuvalu तुवालू
222 UG Uganda युगांडा
223 UA Ukraine यूक्रेन‌
224 AE United Arab Emirates संयुक्त‌ अर‌ब‌ अमीरात‌
225 GB United Kingdom ब्रिटेन‌
226 US United States संयुक्त‌ राज्य‌ अम‌रीका
227 UM United States Minor Outlying Islands संयुक्त‌ राज्य‌ अम‌रीका के बाह‌री छोटे द्वीप‌
228 UY Uruguay उरुग्वाय
229 UZ Uzbekistan उज़्बेकिस्तान‌
230 VU Vanuatu वानुआतु
231 VA Vatican City State वैटिक‌न‌ सिटी राज्य‌
232 VE Venezuela वेनेज़्वेला
233 VN Viet Nam विय‌त‌नाम‌
234 VG Virgin Islands (British) व‌र्जिन‌ द्वीप‌स‌मूह‌ (ब्रिटिश‌)
235 VI Virgin Islands (U.S.) व‌र्जिन‌ द्वीप‌स‌मूह‌ (संयुक्त‌ राज्य‌ अम‌रीका)
236 WF Wallis And Futuna Islands वालिस‌ और‌ फुतुना द्वीप‌स‌मूह‌
237 EH Western Sahara प‌श्चिमी स‌हारा
238 YE Yemen य‌म‌न‌
239 ZM Zambia ज़ाम्बीया
240 ZW Zimbabwe ज़िम्बाब्वे

Source: wikipedia.com

Country Names and Their Capital

Here is a list of countries in the World with their Capitals.

Country Name Capital
Afghanistan Kabul
Albania Tirane
Algeria Algiers
Andorra Andorra la Vella
Angola Luanda
Antigua and Barbuda Saint John’s
Argentina Buenos Aires
Armenia Yerevan
Australia Canberra
Austria Vienna
Azerbaijan Baku
The Bahamas Nassau
Bahrain Manama
Bangladesh Dhaka
Barbados Bridgetown
Belarus Minsk
Belgium Brussels
Belize Belmopan
Benin Porto-Novo
Bhutan Thimphu
Bolivia La Paz (administrative); Sucre (judicial)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo
Botswana Gaborone
Brazil Brasilia
Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan
Bulgaria Sofia
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou
Burundi Gitega
Cambodia Phnom Penh
Cameroon Yaounde
Canada Ottawa
Cape Verde Praia
Central African Republic Bangui
Chad N’Djamena
Chile Santiago
China Beijing
Colombia Bogota
Comoros Moroni
Republic of the Congo Brazzaville
Zimbabwe Harare
Costa Rica San Jose
Cote d’Ivoire Yamoussoukro (official); Abidjan (de facto)
Croatia Zagreb
Cuba Havana
Cyprus Nicosia
Czech Republic Prague
Denmark Copenhagen
Djibouti Djibouti
Dominica Roseau
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo
East Timor (Timor-Leste) Dili
Ecuador Quito
Egypt Cairo
El Salvador San Salvador
Equatorial Guinea Malabo
Eritrea Asmara
Estonia Tallinn
Ethiopia Addis Ababa
Fiji Suva
Finland Helsinki
France Paris
Gabon Libreville
The Gambia Banjul
Georgia Tbilisi
Germany Berlin
Ghana Accra
Greece Athens
Grenada Saint George’s
Guatemala Guatemala City
Guinea Conakry
Guinea-Bissau Bissau
Guyana Georgetown
Haiti Port-au-Prince
Honduras Tegucigalpa
Hungary Budapest
Iceland Reykjavik
India New Delhi
Indonesia Jakarta
Iran Tehran
Iraq Baghdad
Ireland Dublin
Israel Jerusalem*
Italy Rome
Jamaica Kingston
Japan Tokyo
Jordan Amman
Kazakhstan Nur Sultan
Kenya Nairobi
Kiribati Tarawa Atoll
North Korea Pyongyang
South Korea Seoul
Kuwait Kuwait City
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek
Laos Vientiane
Latvia Riga
Lebanon Beirut
Lesotho Maseru
Liberia Monrovia
Libya Tripoli
Liechtenstein Vaduz
Lithuania Vilnius
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Macedonia Skopje
Madagascar Antananarivo
Malawi Lilongwe
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Maldives Male
Mali Bamako
Malta Valletta
Marshall Islands Majuro
Mauritania Nouakchott
Mauritius Port Louis
Mexico Mexico City
Federated States of Micronesia Palikir
Moldova Chisinau
Monaco Monte Carlo
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
Montenegro Podgorica
Morocco Rabat
Mozambique Maputo
Myanmar (Burma) Nay Pyi Taw
Namibia Windhoek
Nauru no official capital; government offices in Yaren District
Nepal Kathmandu
Netherlands Amsterdam; The Hague (seat of government)
New Zealand Wellington
Nicaragua Managua
Niger Niamey
Nigeria Abuja
Norway Oslo
Oman Muscat
Pakistan Islamabad
Palau Melekeok
Palestine Ramallah, East Jerusalem
Panama Panama City
Papua New Guinea Port Moresby
Paraguay Asuncion
Peru Lima
Philippines Manila
Poland Warsaw
Portugal Lisbon
Qatar Doha
Romania Bucharest
Russia Moscow
Rwanda Kigali
Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre
Saint Lucia Castries
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown
Samoa Apia
San Marino San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia Riyadh
Senegal Dakar
Serbia Belgrade
Seychelles Victoria
Sierra Leone Freetown
Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Bratislava
Slovenia Ljubljana
Solomon Islands Honiara
Somalia Mogadishu
South Africa Pretoria (administrative); Cape Town (legislative); Bloemfontein (judiciary)
South Sudan Juba
Spain Madrid
Sri Lanka Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte (legislative)
Sudan Khartoum
Suriname Paramaribo
Swaziland Mbabane
Sweden Stockholm
Switzerland Berne
Syria Damascus
Taiwan Taipei
Tajikistan Dushanbe
Tanzania Dar es Salaam; Dodoma (legislative)
Thailand Bangkok
Togo Lome
Tonga Nuku’alofa
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain
Tunisia Tunis
Turkey Ankara
Turkmenistan Ashgabat
Tuvalu Vaiaku village, Funafuti province
Uganda Kampala
Ukraine Kiev
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi
United Kingdom London
United States of America Washington D.C.
Uruguay Montevideo
Uzbekistan Tashkent
Vanuatu Port-Vila
Vatican City (Holy See) Vatican City
Venezuela Caracas
Vietnam Hanoi
Yemen Sanaa
Zambia Lusaka

Check: 100 Flowers Name in English & Hindi 

Top 25 Countries Name with Their Flags

There we provide a table of the Top 25 Country Names on the scale of the population with their flags.

Country population Flag
  1. China
1,412,600,000 Flag of China
2.  India 1,375,586,000 Flag of India
3. United States 331,893,745 Flag of United States
4. Indonesia 275,773,800 Flag of Indonesia
5. Pakistan 229,489,000 Flag of Pakistan
 6. Nigeria 216,747,000 Flag of Nigeria
7. Brazil 215,196,745 Flag of Brazil
8. Bangladesh 165,158,616 Flag of Bangladesh
9. Russia 145,100,000 Flag of Russia
10. Mexico 128,533,664 Flag of Mexico
11.  Japan 125,927,902 Flag of Japan
12. Philippines 112,480,621 Flag of Philippines
13. Ethiopia 105,163,988 Flag-Ethiopia
14.  Egypt 103,883,546 Flag of Egypt
15.  Vietnam 98,506,193 Flag of Vietnam
16. DR Congo 95,241,000 Flag of DR Congo
17. Iran 85,810,997 Flag of Iran
18. Turkey 84,680,273 Flag of Turkey
19. Germany 83,695,430 Flag of Germany
20. France 67,918,000 Flag of France
21. United Kingdom 67,081,234 Flag of United Kingdom
22. Thailand 66,840,842 Flag of Thailand
23.  Tanzania 61,280,743 Flag of Tanzania
24. South Africa 60,604,992 Flag of South Africa
25. Italy 58,867,239 Flag of Italy

Read: 100 Birds Name in English & Hindi 

195 Countries Name and Their Currency

Here is a list of 195 Countries Name and their currencies.

S.No.  Country Name Currency
1. Afghanistan Afghani
2 Albania Lek
3 Algeria Dinar
4 Andorra Euro
5 Angola New Kwanza
6 Antigua and Barbuda East Caribbean dollar
7 Argentina Peso
8 Armenia Dram
9 Australia Australian dollar
10 Austria Euro (formerly schilling)
11 Azerbaijan Manat
12 The Bahamas Bahamian dollar
13 Bahrain Bahrain dinar
14 Bangladesh Taka
15 Barbados Barbados dollar
16 Belarus Belorussian ruble
17 Belgium Euro (formerly Belgian franc)
18 Belize Belize dollar
19 Benin CFA Franc
20 Bhutan Ngultrum
21 Bolivia Boliviano
22 Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark
23 Botswana Pula
24 Brazil Real
25 Brunei Brunei dollar
26 Bulgaria Lev
27 Burkina Faso CFA Franc
28 Burundi Burundi franc
29 Cambodia Riel
30 Cameroon CFA Franc
31 Canada Canadian dollar
32 Cape Verde Cape Verdean escudo
33 Central African Republic CFA Franc
34 Chad CFA Franc
35 Chile Chilean Peso
36 China Chinese Yuan
37 Colombia Colombian Peso
38 Comoros Franc
39 Republic of the Congo CFA Franc
40 Zimbabwe United States dollar
41 Costa Rica Colón
42 Cote d’Ivoire CFA Franc
43 Croatia Croatian
44 Cuba Cuban Peso
45 Cyprus Euro
46 Czech Republic Koruna
47 Denmark Danish Krone
48 Djibouti Djiboutian franc
49 Dominica East Caribbean dollar
50 Dominican Republic Dominican Peso
51 East Timor (Timor-Leste) U.S. dollar
52 Ecuador U.S. dollar
53 Egypt Egyptian pound
54 El Salvador Colón; U.S. dollar
55 Equatorial Guinea CFA Franc
56 Eritrea Nakfa
57 Estonia Estonia Kroon; Euro
58 Ethiopia Birr
59 Fiji Fiji dollar
60 Finland Euro (formerly markka)
61 France Euro (formerly French franc)
62 Gabon CFA Franc
63 The Gambia Dalasi
64 Georgia Lari
65 Germany Euro (formerly Deutsche mark)
66 Ghana Cedi
67 Greece Euro (formerly drachma)
68 Grenada East Caribbean dollar
69 Guatemala Quetzal
70 Guinea Guinean franc
71 Guinea-Bissau CFA Franc
72 Guyana Guyanese dollar
73 Haiti Gourde
74 Honduras Lempira
75 Hungary Forint
76 Iceland Icelandic króna
77 India Indian Rupee
78 Indonesia Rupiah
79 Iran Rial
80 Iraq Iraqi Dinar
81 Ireland Euro (formerly Irish pound [punt])
82 Israel Shekel
83 Italy Euro (formerly lira)
84 Jamaica Jamaican dollar
85 Japan Yen
86 Jordan Jordanian dinar
87 Kazakhstan Tenge
88 Kenya Kenya shilling
89 Kiribati Kiribati dollar
90 North Korea Won
91 South Korea Won
93 Kuwait Kuwaiti Dinar
94 Kyrgyzstan Som
95 Laos New Kip
96 Latvia Lats
97 Lebanon Lebanese pound
98 Lesotho Maluti
99 Liberia Liberian dollar
100 Libya Libyan dinar
101 Liechtenstein Swiss franc
102 Lithuania Litas
103 Luxembourg Euro (formerly Luxembourg franc)
104 Macedonia Denar
105 Madagascar Malagasy Ariary
106 Malawi Kwacha
107 Malaysia Ringgit
108 Maldives Rufiyaa
109 Mali CFA Franc
110 Malta Euro
111 Marshall Islands U.S. Dollar
112 Mauritania Ouguiya
113 Mauritius Mauritian rupee
114 Mexico Mexican peso
115 Federated States of Micronesia U.S. Dollar
116 Moldova Leu
117 Monaco Euro
118 Mongolia Togrog
119 Montenegro Euro
120 Morocco Dirham
121 Mozambique Metical
122 Myanmar (Burma) Kyat
123 Namibia Namibian dollar
124 Nauru Australian dollar
125 Nepal Nepalese rupee
126 Netherlands Euro (formerly guilder)
127 New Zealand New Zealand dollar
128 Nicaragua Gold cordoba
129 Niger CFA Franc
130 Nigeria Naira
131 Norway Norwegian krone
132 Oman Omani rial
133 Pakistan Pakistani rupee
134 Palau U.S. dollar
135 Palestine Palestine Pound
136 Panama Balboa; U.S. dollar
137 Papua New Guinea Kina
138 Paraguay Guaraní
139 Peru Nuevo sol (1991)
140 Philippines Peso
141 Poland Zloty
142 Portugal Euro (formerly escudo)
143 Qatar Qatari riyal
144 Romania Romanian Rupee
145 Russia Ruble
146 Rwanda Rwandan franc
147 Saint Kitts and Nevis East Caribbean dollar
148 Saint Lucia East Caribbean dollar
149 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines East Caribbean dollar
150 Samoa Tala
151 San Marino Euro
152 Sao Tome and Principe Dobra
153 Saudi Arabia Riyal
154 Senegal CFA Franc
155 Serbia Serbian Dinar
156 Seychelles Seychelles rupee
157 Sierra Leone Leone
158 Singapore Singapore dollar
159 Slovakia Euro
160 Slovenia Slovenian tolar; euro (as of 1/1/07)
161 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands dollar
162 Somalia Somali shilling
163 South Africa Rand
164 South Sudan Sudanese Pound
165 Spain Euro (formerly peseta)
166 Sri Lanka Sri Lankan rupee
167 Sudan Sudanese Pound
168 Suriname Surinamese dollar
169 Swaziland Lilangeni
170 Sweden Krona
171 Switzerland Swiss franc
172 Syria Syrian pound
173 Taiwan Taiwan dollar
174 Tajikistan somoni
175 Tanzania Tanzanian shilling
176 Thailand Baht
177 Togo CFA Franc
178 Tonga Pa’anga
179 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago dollar
180 Tunisia Tunisian dinar
181 Turkey Turkish lira (YTL)
182 Turkmenistan Manat
183 Tuvalu Tuvaluan Dollar
184 Uganda Ugandan new shilling
185 Ukraine Hryvnia
186 United Arab Emirates U.A.E. Dirham
187 United Kingdom Pound sterling
188 United States of America Dollar
189 Uruguay Uruguay peso
190 Uzbekistan Uzbekistani sum
191 Vanuatu Vatu
192 Vatican City (Holy See) Euro
193 Venezuela Bolivar
194 Vietnam Dong
195 Yemen Rial
196 Zambia Kwacha

How Many Countries in the World

There are 195 countries in the world for Now. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

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How many countries are in the world?

As of now, there are around 254 countries are there in the world but As per Members of the UN, currently 197 independent states in the world.

Write down the Country Names starting with I ?

The Country Names stated with I are


How many different currencies are there worldwide?

Ans. There are 180 different currencies in use worldwide, according to the UN.

What is India's capital city and what is its currency?

Ans. India's capital is Delhi, and its official currency is the rupee (INR)

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities. 


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