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CUET Toppers List 2024, Check CUET UG Highest Score & Marks

Starting from the year of the introduction of the Common University Entrance Test Undergraduate, the National Testing Agency used to release the CUET Subject wise Toppers List 2024 along with the final results. But this year, NTA has decided not to announce the CUET Toppers List 2024 along with the results.

The Toppers list of the CUET UG 2024 is used and released subject-wise of all of the 29 disciplines. Students who appear in the all-India undergraduate entrance test can exam statistics of the exam, instead of the CUET UG Toppers List 2024. If an unofficial list is available in the public domain, we will share the Name of the CUET Toppers 2024 along with their obtained marks and ranks on this page.

CUET Toppers 2024

The NTA held the CUET UG 2024 examination in hybrid mode in 379 cities, including 26 outside India, for a total of 13.48 lakhs. Candidates with the highest scores will be considered the CUET topper 2024. The CUET topper list for 2024 will include the topper’s name, roll number, rank, paper code, and so on. Students seeking the toppers list PDF for CUET UG 2024 should go to the official website at exams.nta.ac.in/CUET-UG/.

This year NTA has not announced any names of  CUET Toppers 2024, instead of this complete exam statistics are issued including the exam include number of students who appeared, category-wise student attendance, how many students secured the 100 percentile in each subject, and so on.

CUET UG Toppers List 2024

The CUET UG Toppers List 2024 is not released stream-wise as well as the all-India based due to online tensions over the NEET merit list. Candidates who took the CUET UG 2024 test can view the Subject Wise Topper List for all subjects including English, General Test, Hindi, Teaching Aptitude, Mathematics, English, General Test, Physics, Hindi, English, and Economics.

In total, 63 subjects (33 languages, 29 domain-specific subjects, and one general test) were available to candidates in the CUET (UG) – 2024. Two new disciplines, Fashion Studies and Tourism, were introduced for the first time. Candidates could choose up to six subjects, including languages (Indian and foreign) and a general test.

According to last year’s subject-specific CUET topper list, the highest number of students who obtained the 100 percentile in English was 5,685. The second group includes biology, biological studies, biotechnology, and biochemistry, where candidates obtained perfect scores.

CUET UG Highest Score 2024

The most students who received full marks (200) were in Business Studies, with 8,024 students in the newly released CUET UG 2024 results. This is followed by Political Science with 5,141, History with 2,520, and English with 1683.

Students who secured the highest score in cuet ug 2024 are placed on the toppers list. The CUET 2024 toppers list includes the names of the top students, their basic information, and the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) UG 2024 scores. We will shortly publish the unofficial CUET UG 2024 topper list in the table below.

CUET UG 2024 Toppers List
Names of the Toppers Marks Obtained
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced

CUET Result 2024 Toppers List PDF Download

NTA has released a PDF containing all the crucial stats of the CUET UG 2024 Exam on its official website every year. But this year NTA did not release any Toppers list of CUET UG 2024 in that PDF. You can check the PDF by clicking the mentioned below.

CUET UG 2024 Press Release

CUET 2024 Toppers (Subject wise)

This year, No CUET subject-wise toppers list 2024 is announced. NTA has released overall statistics of each subject including the Number of students registered and how many students appeared. We share the Subject-wise data for all the 29 domains.

Subject Name Total Registered Total Appeared
101 English 1007645 822518
102 Hindi 207880 164549
103 Assamese 4219 1271
104 Bengali 9065 4131
105 Gujarati 359 34
106 Kannada 869 121
107 Malayalam 2568 243
108 Marathi 785 114
109 Odia 1336 338
110 Punjabi 2027 635
111 Tamil 5816 1041
112 Telugu 2629 506
113 Urdu 6729 3220
201 Arabic 812 343
202 Bodo 131 10
203 Chinese 93 19
204 Dogri 77 20
205 French 828 294
206 German 420 135
207 Italian 51 17
208 Japanese 183 54
209 Kashmiri 129 62
210 Konkani 9 2
211 Maithili 50 15
212 Manipuri 574 171
213 Nepali 183 32
214 Persian 314 148
215 Russian 86 23
216 Santhali 317 71
217 Sindhi 8 2
218 Spanish 217 90
219 Tibetan 41 16
220 Sanskrit 5145 2773
301 Accountancy/Book Keeping 180864 156473
302 Agriculture 48642 29316
303 Anthropology 2432 882
304 Biology/Biological
391605 313683
305 Business Studies 193300 166022
306 Chemistry 702050 561719
307 Environmental Studies 16637 5736
308 Computer Science/Informatics
102836 52648
309 Economics/Business Economics 214056 184136
310 Engineering Graphics 8469 6184
311 Entrepreneurship 11692 5395
312 Fine Arts / Visual Arts
(Sculpture/Painting) / Commercial Art
17889 10855
313 Geography/Geology 83348 70551
314 History 137623 117807
315 Home Science 14128 7070
316 Knowledge Tradition-Practices
793 153
317 Legal Studies 43837 30643
318 Mass Media/Mass Communication 6839 3417
319 Mathematics/Applied Mathematics 486559 389023
320 Performing Arts 2386 1381
321 Physical Education/National Cadet
81855 63904
322 Physics 673038 530936
323 Political Science 161405 138566
324 Psychology 31815 20547
325 Sanskrit 3758 2334
326 Sociology 35745 29898
327 Teaching Aptitude 17359 8766
328 Fashion Studies 1617 640
329 Tourism 2623 901
501 General Test 834873 709066
Total 5771668 4621670

CUET UG 2024 Topper – Exam Stats

National Testing Agency has not declared the name of the CUET UG Topper 2024 to avoid any healthy competition among the students, Check out the overall statistics of the CUET UG Exam 2024 given in the table

Parameters Stats
Number of registered candidates (unique)
Number of Unique Candidates Appeared
Number of Subject Test Administered (Registered)
Number of Subject Test Administered (Appeared)
Male (Unique Candidates)
Female (Unique Candidates)
Third gender (Unique Candidates)
PwD (Unique Candidates)
General (Unique Candidates)
SC (Unique Candidates)
ST (Unique Candidates)
OBC (Unique Candidates)
EWS (Unique Candidates)
Number of mediums (languages)
Number of Cities where exam conducted
379 (26 cities outside India)
Number of Phases
03 phases
Number of universities
Number of QPs administered

Category wise Number of Appeared Students

Check out the Categorywise data of registered and appeared students.

Category Registered Appeared
EWS 88324 74980
General/Unreserved 543996 448908
OBC-NCL 482552 399945
SC 144851 119164
ST 88097 70613
Total 1347820 1113610

Medium wise CUET UG Exam Statistics

The medium of the Question Paper of the exam was in 13 languages (English, Hindi along with regional languages e. Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu) so that the candidate from different regions could attempt in their own medium. Check Medium-wise Registered and Appeared Candidate for CUET (UG) – 2024:

Medium Registered Appeared
Assamese 4005 2860
Bengali 7178 5496
Gujarati 279 182
Kannada 45 33
Malayalam 910 702
Marathi 124 93
Odia 170 143
Punjabi 51 38
Telugu 171 133
Tamil 5489 3963
Urdu 352 301

Gender Wise CUET UG Exam Stats

Out of 13,47,820 Total Registrations, this year, 11,13,610 candidates took the CUET Exam 2024, with 5,19,283 females, 5,94,324 males, and 3 from the third gender.

GENDER Registered Appeared
Female 630565 519283
Male 717248 594324
Third Gender 7 3
Total 1347820 1113610

CUET Result 2024 Topper List State wise

The State Wise Statistics of the CUET UG Exam 2024 has also been released. As per the data, Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of candidates in the admission exams, with a total of 2,96,858 candidates. In contrast, with a total of 8, Lakshadweep has the fewest number of individuals who took the entrance exam.

ST_CD State Registered Appeared
11 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 622 512
12 Andhra Pradesh 10037 7195
13 Arunachal Pradesh 6764 5616
14 Assam 48536 38186
15 Bihar 99835 84999
16 Chandigarh 4237 3193
17 Chhattisgarh 26375 21707
18 Dadra And Nagar Haveli 250 195
19 Daman And Diu 100 79
20 Delhi 156412 137145
21 Goa 376 241
22 Gujarat 6822 4695
23 Haryana 59490 48245
24 Himachal Pradesh 13673 10613
25 Jammu & Kashmir 57454 52681
26 Jharkhand 90568 78038
27 Karnataka 8478 557
28 Kerala 51497 37055
29 Lakshadweep 16 8
30 Madhya Pradesh 76962 62691
31 Maharashtra 17417 12071
32 Manipur 4181 3247
33 Meghalaya 15981 14389
34 Mizoram 1589 998
35 Nagaland 3251 2238
36 Odisha 20982 16611
37 Puducherry 2614 2134
38 Punjab 13288 9836
39 Rajasthan 82181 65832
40 Sikkim 1293 920
41 Tamilnadu 25392 16410
42 Telangana 14315 10469
43 Tripura 5270 4249
44 Uttar Pradesh 347736 296858
45 Uttarakhand 35902 30807
46 West Bengal 35907 26202
47 Ladakh 1487 1271
99 Outside India 530 387
Total 1347820 1113610

CUET 2024 Subject wise Topper List

According to data released by the National Testing Agency (NTA), 22,290 candidates received full marks in a variety of areas. The majority of students who received full marks in the CUET UG opted for Commerce and Arts subjects. check the complete list below.

Subject Code Subject Name Total Registered Total Appeared Maximum marks Obtained Total Candidate
101 English 1007645 822518 200 1683
102 Hindi 207880 164549 200 11
103 Assamese 4219 1271 200 5
104 Bengali 9065 4131 200 4
105 Gujarati 359 34 194 1
106 Kannada 869 121 200 5
107 Malayalam 2568 243 200 9
108 Marathi 785 114 188 1
109 Odia 1336 338 195 1
110 Punjabi 2027 635 200 54
111 Tamil 5816 1041 188 3
112 Telugu 2629 506 200 1
113 Urdu 6729 3220 200 44
201 Arabic 812 343 200 8
202 Bodo 131 10 188 2
203 Chinese 93 19 147 1
204 Dogri 77 20 182 1
205 French 828 294 200 1
206 German 420 135 200 4
207 Italian 51 17 116 1
208 Japanese 183 54 200 1
209 Kashmiri 129 62 200 6
210 Konkani 9 2 146 1
211 Maithili 50 15 194 1
212 Manipuri 574 171 200 4
213 Nepali 183 32 140 2
214 Persian 314 148 200 2
215 Russian 86 23 200 1
216 Santhali 317 71 152 1
217 Sindhi 8 2 122 1
218 Spanish 217 90 141 1
219 Tibetan 41 16 194 1
220 Sanskrit 5145 2773 200 61
301 Accountancy/Book
180864 156473 200 1,135
302 Agriculture 48642 29316 200 180
303 Anthropology 2432 882 200 1
304 Biology/Biological Studies/Biotechnology
391605 313683 200 835
305 Business Studies 193300 166022 200 8024
306 Chemistry 702050 561719 200 398
307 Environmental Studies 16637 5736 170 2
308 Computer Science/Informatics
102836 52648 200 24
309 Economics/Business
214056 184136 200 430
310 Engineering Graphics 8469 6184 200 12
311 Entrepreneurship 11692 5395 200 51
312 Fine Arts/Visual Arts(Sculpture/Paintin
g)/Commercial Art
17889 10855 200 18
313 Geography/Geology 83348 70551 200 373
314 History 137623 117807 200 2520
315 Home Science 14128 7070 200 9
316 Knowledge Tradition-
Practices India
793 153 200 1
317 Legal Studies 43837 30643 200 17
318 Mass Media/Mass
6839 3417 200 11
319 Mathematics/Applied
486559 389023 200 5
320 Performing Arts 2386 1381 200 5
321 Physical Education/National Cadet
81855 63904 200 29
322 Physics 673038 530936 200 114
323 Political Science 161405 138566 200 5141
324 Psychology 31815 20547 200 1602
325 Sanskrit 3758 2334 200 41
326 Sociology 35745 29898 200 36
327 Teaching Aptitude 17359 8,766 176 1
328 Fashion Studies 1617 640 200 3
329 Tourism 2623 901 200 1
501 General Test 834873 709066 244 1
5771668 4621670

CUET Toppers List Last year

The National Testing Agency has revealed CUET result statistics for the number of candidates who achieved a 100 percentile score in each topic. According to previous year’s subject-specific CUET topper list, the majority of students scored 100 percentiles in English. The students who achieved the highest percentile are given here, along with their subject.

Name of the Candidate CUETPercentile Subjects
Bhargavi Mahto 100
English, Economics, History, Political Science
Bahulika Tumma 100
History, Political Science, Psychology
Prachi 100 Political science
Daksha Shrestha Singh 100
English, Economics, History, Political Science
Bhavika Grover 100 Psychology
Akarsh Bhatia 100 Biology
Megha Goenka 100 Commerce
Ansh Gattani 100 Commerce
Khushi Sharma 100 Commerce
Sahaana Ramesh 100 Humanities
Priyanshi Choudhary 100 Humanities
Preetam Singh 100 Humanities
Sneha Dey 100 Humanities
Tanmay Singh Bhadawat 100 Humanities

CUET Toppers of Last year

Last year, Palak Agarwal achieved first with a perfect score of 1200 out of 1200, earning AIR 1 on the list of CUET toppers. Divija Bansal has a perfect score of 800 out of 800, followed by Katyayini Madeti, who has a score of 799.64 out of 800.

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What id the highest marks in cuet ug 2024

A Total 200 is the highest mark in CUET UG 2024.

How many Students get highest score in cuet ug 2024?

Approximately 25k Students get highest score in cuet ug 2024

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.