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Diversity Meaning

Definition Meaning/Definition

We often hear people using the word ‘Diversity‘, so what is it exactly? What is the meaning of ‘Diversity’?
The answer is Diversity is the property or state of having a wide diversity of forms, types, and concepts, or the condition of having or being constituted of different elements is explained in this article, we will talk about its meaning and a lot more.

Diversity Meaning in English

Diversity is the property or state of having a wide diversity of forms, types, and concepts, or the condition of having or being constituted of different elements. In other terms, diversity is when something is made up of a variety of aspects or features, such as the inclusion of people of different races and the fact that many different types of objects or people are included in it; a collection of diverse things or people. When a society is diverse, it refers to the diversity of people of various ethnicities and cultures.
It can be any combination of our differences that shape our vision of the world, our perspective, and our approach. Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and encompasses our histories, personalities, life experiences, and beliefs, all of the elements that make us who we are. Recognizing, appreciating, and valuing differences is also part of diversity. Ethnicity, gender, age, colour, religion, handicap, and sexual orientation can all play a role in diversity. Communication style, professional route, life experience, educational background, geographic area, economic level, marital status, and parenting status are all examples of individual distinctive features and experiences. Other factors that influence personal viewpoints are also included in diversity.

Diversity Meaning in Hindi

विविधता रूपों, प्रकारों और अवधारणाओं की एक विस्तृत विविधता होने की संपत्ति या स्थिति है, या विभिन्न तत्वों के होने या बनने की स्थिति है। दूसरे शब्दों में, विविधता तब होती है जब कोई चीज कई तरह के पहलुओं या विशेषताओं से बनी होती है, जैसे कि विभिन्न जातियों के लोगों को शामिल करना और यह तथ्य कि कई अलग-अलग प्रकार की वस्तुएं या लोग इसमें शामिल हैं; विविध चीजों या लोगों का संग्रह। जब एक समाज विविध होता है, तो यह विभिन्न जातियों और संस्कृतियों के लोगों की विविधता को दर्शाता है।
विविधता, विविधता, विविधता, विविधता, विविधता, विविधता, विविधता, विविधता, विविधता आदि विविधता के पर्यायवाची हैं।
यह हमारे मतभेदों का कोई भी संयोजन हो सकता है जो दुनिया की हमारी दृष्टि, हमारे दृष्टिकोण और हमारे दृष्टिकोण को आकार देता है। विविधता के बारे में है जो हम में से प्रत्येक को अद्वितीय बनाता है और हमारे इतिहास, व्यक्तित्व, जीवन के अनुभव और विश्वासों को शामिल करता है, वे सभी तत्व जो हमें बनाते हैं कि हम कौन हैं। मतभेदों को पहचानना, उनकी सराहना करना और उन्हें महत्व देना भी विविधता का हिस्सा है। जातीयता, लिंग, आयु, रंग, धर्म, विकलांगता और यौन अभिविन्यास सभी विविधता में एक भूमिका निभा सकते हैं। संचार शैली, पेशेवर मार्ग, जीवन का अनुभव, शैक्षिक पृष्ठभूमि, भौगोलिक क्षेत्र, आर्थिक स्तर, वैवाहिक स्थिति और पालन-पोषण की स्थिति सभी व्यक्तिगत विशिष्ट विशेषताओं और अनुभवों के उदाहरण हैं। व्यक्तिगत दृष्टिकोण को प्रभावित करने वाले अन्य कारक भी विविधता में शामिल हैं।

jee neet 2022

Diversity Meaning in Living Organisms

Diverseness, heterogeneity, heterogeneousness, manifoldness, miscellaneousness, multifariousness, multiplicity, variation, variousness, and so on are synonyms for diversity. Other synonyms may also include words like mix, diverseness, diversification, variegation, heterogeneity, difference, unlikeness, melange, range, array, medley, variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, multiplicity, variance, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distinctiveness, contrast.

Diversity Meaning in the Living World

In biology, diversity refers to the variety of life forms found in various habitats and is thus referred to as biodiversity. Genetic diversity, ecological diversity, species diversity, phylogenetic diversity, crop diversity, and functional diversity are all examples of biodiversity. Species diversity refers to the effective number of species represented in a data set, while genetic diversity refers to the enormous number of different species as well as diversity within a species. Phylogenetic diversity, on the other hand, is a sort of diversity that takes into account phylogenetic differences between species. Ecosystem diversity refers to a place’s diversity at the level of ecosystems, while functional diversity refers to the elements of biodiversity that affect the ecosystem’s function. Crop diversity refers to differences in the genetic and phenotypic traits of agricultural plants. In a biological sense, diversity refers to the range of creatures found in a given habitat, and it tends to cluster in hotspots.
Biodiversity is vital in almost every aspect of our existence, and we cherish it both for the benefits it offers to us and for its intrinsic value. Biodiversity is also valuable in terms of prospective advantages, like new medications and other unknown services, and it has cultural significance for humans. Biodiversity’s intrinsic value refers to its inherent worth. We appreciate biodiversity because of how it shapes who we are, our connections with one another, and societal norms. We also value biodiversity because of how it shapes who we are, our relationships with one another, and our social norms.

Cultural Diversity Meaning in India

The quality of various or different cultures is referred to as cultural diversity. Cultural diversity may also refer to different civilizations respecting one other’s distinctions, and it’s a term that’s frequently used to describe the diversity of human societies or cultures in a given place or around the world. As a result, it refers to a society’s embrace of other cultural perspectives.
People utilise demographic criteria such as race, gender, and age, as well as values and cultural standards, to confirm themselves in relation to others, while diversity refers to the attributes that people use to confirm themselves in relation to others. The various different societies that arose around the world are vastly different from one another. Language, attire, and customs are the most visible cultural differences between people, but there are also substantial differences in the way societies organise themselves, such as in their shared notion of morality, religious belief, and how they interact with their surroundings. Biodiversity and cultural variety are comparable.

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FAQs on Diversity Meaning

What exactly do we mean when we say “diversity”?

Diversity refers to the characteristics that distinguish each of us, such as our backgrounds, personalities, life experiences, and beliefs.

What Does Workplace Diversity Mean?

Race, gender, ethnic groups, age, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship status, mental and physical ailments, and other different differences are all part of workplace diversity.

Is it true that diversity is a positive thing?

Diversity fosters innovation and is a more positive term.

What are some ways you can value diversity in your life?

People may learn from each other because diversity brings in diverse ideas and views, which leads to better problem-solving with new ideas and experiences.

What impact does diversity have?

Diverse cultural perspectives can spur innovation and creativity.

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What exactly do we mean when we say "diversity"?

Diversity refers to the characteristics that distinguish each of us, such as our backgrounds, personalities, life experiences, and beliefs.

Is it true that diversity is a positive thing?

Diversity fosters innovation and is a more positive term.

What are some ways you can value diversity in your life?

People may learn from each other because diversity brings in diverse ideas and views, which leads to better problem-solving with new ideas and experiences.

What impact does diversity have?

Diverse cultural perspectives can spur innovation and creativity.