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Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence in English

Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary refers to the collection of words that a person knows and uses to communicate effectively in a language. Vocabulary Words is a fundamental aspect of language comprehension and expression. A rich vocabulary allows individuals to convey their thoughts, emotions, and ideas with precision and clarity. Here’s an introduction to vocab words:

English Vocabulary Words

Vocabulary refers to the set of words or terms that a person understands and uses in a language or a specific context. It encompasses the entire range of words that someone is familiar with, including their meanings, pronunciations, and usage in sentences. A person’s vocabulary can vary in size and complexity depending on factors such as their education, reading habits, and exposure to different languages and cultures. A rich and extensive vocabulary is often seen as a sign of language proficiency and can enhance one’s ability to communicate effectively and comprehend written or spoken language.

Vocabulary Words Types

  • Active Vocabulary: These are words a person actively uses in speaking and writing.
  • Passive Vocabulary: These are words a person recognizes and understands when reading or listening, but might not use actively.
  • Receptive Vocabulary: The words a person understands when reading or listening.
  • Expressive Vocabulary: The words a person uses when speaking or writing.

Word Acquisition in Vocabulary Words

  • Contextual Learning: Learning words through exposure in context, such as reading books, articles, or listening to conversations.
  • Direct Instruction: Learning words through explicit teaching and memorization.
  • Word Families: Learning related words that share a common root, prefix, or suffix.

Expanding Vocab Words

  • Synonyms: Words with similar meanings, e.g., “happy” and “joyful.”
  • Antonyms: Words with opposite meanings, e.g., “hot” and “cold.”
  • Homonyms: Words that sound the same but have different meanings, e.g., “flower” (plant) and “flour” (used in baking).
  • Idioms: Phrases with meanings that can’t be deduced from the individual words, e.g., “kick the bucket” (to die).
  • Collocations: Words that often appear together, e.g., “strong coffee” (not “powerful coffee”).

Levels of Vocabulary Words

  • Basic Vocabulary: Common words used in everyday conversation.
  • Intermediate Vocabulary: Words used in more complex discussions or writing.
  • Advanced Vocabulary: Specialized or academic words used in specific fields or advanced texts.

Benefits of a Strong Vocabulary

  • Effective Communication: Express thoughts and ideas accurately.
  • Reading Comprehension: Understand a wide range of texts.
  • Writing Skills: Convey ideas clearly and persuasively.
  • Critical Thinking: Grasp nuances in arguments and perspectives.

Cognates and Loanwords Vocabulary Words

  • Cognates: Words in different languages with a shared origin, e.g., “telephone” in English and “teléfono” in Spanish.
  • Loanwords: Words borrowed from one language to another, e.g., “sushi” from Japanese.

Developing a strong vocabulary is an ongoing process that involves exposure to diverse content, intentional learning, and practice. Whether you’re learning a new language or aiming to enhance your existing language skills, building a rich vocabulary is crucial for effective communication and language proficiency.

English Vocabulary Words with Meaning

To use the appropriate vocabulary words when speaking with others, one needs to have a strong command of the English words. A natural English speaker knows English vocab words with meaning of roughly 15,000 to 20,000 words due to the size of the English language. It does not imply that in order to build a robust English vocabulary, one must acquire 20,000 words. To comprehend the majority of daily English discussions, one just has to learn 3,000 English vocab words with meaning. You can get the solution to your query about how to expand your English vocab words and enhance your communication abilities in English by consulting the list of English vocabulary words below.

Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

An vocabulary words with meaning and sentence of daily use is given below which you can use in everyday conversation


English Vocabulary Words English Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence
Accomplish Achieve or complete successfully
Attain Succeed in achieving
Adapt Make something suitable for a new use or purpose
Affordable Reasonably priced
Accompany go somewhere with someone as a companion
Analyse examine methodically and in detail
Admire regard an object quality or person with respect or warm approval
Associate connect someone or something with something else in one’s mind
Artificial made by human beings rather than occurring naturally
Apparently as far as one knows or can see
Beside at the side of; next to
Balance an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady
Benefit an advantage or profit gained from something
Boundary a line that marks the limits of an area
Borrow take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of returning it
Better of a more excellent or effective type or quality
Babysitting the care of a child or children while the parents are out
Backup help or support
Backdrop provide a background or setting for
Bucketlist a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime
Charge demand an amount as a price from someone for a service rendered or goods supplied
Categorise place in a particular class or group
Calculate determine the amount or number of something mathematically
Conclusion the end or finish of an event or process
Contrast the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association
Collide hit with force when moving
Confuse cause someone to become bewildered or perplexed
Cordially in a warm and friendly way
Chase pursue in order to catch or catch up with
Cast register
Conference a formal meeting for discussion
Challenge a call to take part in a contest or competition especially a duel
Dare have the courage to do something
Delete remove or obliterate
Defend resist an attack made on someone or something
Detect discover or identify the presence or existence of
Detach leave or separate oneself from
Destroy put an end to the existence of something by damaging or attacking it
Differentiate recognize or ascertain what makes someone or something different
Discrimination the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things especially on the grounds of race age or sex
Distinguish recognize or treat someone or something as different
Efficient achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense
Effective successful in producing a desired or intended result
Enormous very large in size quantity or extent
Evidence the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
Eliminate completely remove or get rid of something
Engagement an arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a fixed time
Elementary relating to the basic elements of a subject
Enigmatic difficult to interpret or understand
Friction conflict or animosity caused by a clash of wills temperaments or opinions
Fraction a small or tiny part of something
Function an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing
Fund a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose
Frequent happening often
Fable a short story typically with animals as characters conveying a moral
Fabulous extraordinary
Fantastic extraordinarily good or attractive
Foreign belonging to a country other than one’s own
General affecting or concerning all or most people places or things
Generous showing kindness toward others
Gratitude the quality of being thankful
Grateful feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness
Genetic relating to genes or heredity
Gigantic of very great size
Gaze look steadily and intently
Game a competitive form of play played according to rules and decided by skill strength or luck
Gorgeous very attractive
Genre a style or category of art music or literature
Hurry move or act with great speed
Holy dedicated to God or a religious purpose
Hallucination an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present
Heavenly of heaven divine
Harmony the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole
Hilarious extremely amusing
Heartfelt sincere
Harvest the product or result of an action
Humanitarian concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare
Highlight an outstanding part of an event or period of time
Illuminate make something visible or bright by shining light on it
Illustrate provide with pictures
Imagination the action of forming new ideas or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses
Inferior lower in rank status or quality
Impactful having a major effect
Interior relating to the inside
Improper not in accordance with accepted rules or standards
Impossible not able to occur exist or be done
Invisible unable to be seen
Incentive a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something
Iconic relating to or of the nature of an icon
Jolly happy and cheerful
Justice just behaviour or treatment
Judicial relating to or done by a court or judge
Judgement the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions
Junior denoting young or younger people
Knowledge the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
Kind having or showing a friendly generous and considerate nature
Keen having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
Keep have or retain possession of
Lavish spending or using things that are more than necessary
Luxurious extremely comfortable elegant or enjoyable especially in a way that involves great expense
Long-lasting enduring or having endured for a long period of time
Lovable inspiring or deserving love or affection
Late doing something or taking place after the expected proper or usual time
Linguistic relating to language
Legend an extremely famous or notorious person especially in a particular field
Loot goods especially private property taken from an enemy in war
Loud producing or capable of producing much noise
Luminous giving off light
Levitate rise or cause to rise and hover in the air especially by means of supernatural or magical power
Leave go away from
Marginal relating to or situated at the edge of something
Majestic having or showing impressive beauty
Magnetic the ability to attract substances possessing a magnetic quality (eg: iron)
Masculine having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men
Maternal relating to a mother
Minimal of a minimum amount quantity or degree
Manufacturing producing something on a large scale using machinery
Materialistic excessively concerned with material possessions
Neighbour a person living near or next door
Native associated with the place or circumstances of a person’s birth
Narration the action or process of narrating a story
Normal the usual or typical state or condition
National relating to a nation
Optimistic hopeful and confident about the future
Optional available to be chosen but not obligatory
Objective something that is planned aimed at or sought
Ordinary Without any special or distinctive features
Opportunity a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something
Practical concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas
Publish prepare and issue for public sale distribution or readership
Permit give authorization or consent to someone to do something
Ultimately in the end
Victory an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle

How to Improve English Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence Formation?

Learning the most frequently used terms in the English language is one of the most efficient strategies to increase English vocabulary. Learning all of them will enable you to improve your basic vocabulary words with meaning and sentence formation because they are the ones you will use the most while talking in the English language. Simple words are the ideal option for a true novice, therefore always try to concentrate on them. For quick comprehension, pick the appropriate selection of spoken English vocabulary terms to learn, make a list of them, and consistently practice them.

Vocabulary Words with Meaning in English

Before moving on to the more difficult vocabulary words, try to understand as many of the most often-used ones as you can.

To improve your English Vocabulary Click on the below-given link for vocabulary words with meaning in english.

10 Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence

English vocabulary words along with their meanings:

  1. Serendipity: The occurrence of fortunate events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  2. Ephemeral: Something that is short-lived or lasts for only a brief period of time.
  3. Quixotic: Extremely idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical.
  4. Pernicious: Having a harmful and destructive effect, often in a subtle or gradual way.
  5. Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or found everywhere, often to the point of seeming omnipresent.
  6. Cacophony: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.
  7. Sycophant: A person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage, often through flattery.
  8. Euphemism: A mild or indirect word or expression used to refer to something unpleasant, harsh, or taboo.
  9. Ineffable: Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words; indescribable.
  10. Nostalgia: A sentimental longing or affectionate remembrance for a period in the past.

Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentence in English -_3.1


Vocabulary refers to the set of words within a language that are familiar to a person. It encompasses both the words that a person knows and understands (receptive vocabulary) and the words they use in speaking or writing (productive vocabulary). Here are some key aspects of vocabulary:

Word Knowledge: This includes knowing the meaning, pronunciation, spelling, and usage of words.

Active vs. Passive Vocabulary: Active vocabulary consists of the words we use in our daily speech and writing. Passive vocabulary includes words we understand when we hear or read them, but do not use frequently.

Vocabulary Development: This refers to the process of learning new words and expanding one’s vocabulary. This can happen through reading, listening, and engaging in conversations.

Contextual Understanding: Vocabulary also involves understanding how words change meaning in different contexts and recognizing nuances in their usage.

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How can I improve my English vocabulary?

Learning the most frequently used terms in the English language is one of the most efficient strategies to increase English vocabulary. Learning all of them will enable you to improve your basic English vocabulary because they are the ones you will use the most while talking in the English language. Simple words are the ideal option for a true novice, therefore always try to concentrate on them. For quick comprehension, pick the appropriate selection of spoken English vocabulary terms to learn, make a list of them, and consistently practice them.

How to remember the vocabulary?

Use the new words on a daily basis.

What is the fastest way to learn vocabulary?

Use Memory Techniques. 
Create a learning environment. 
Put the words in context. 
Learn from real-life situations. 
Take it to the next level. 

How can I improve my grammar?

Read: Reading is one of the secret weapons to improve your grammar skills. 
Use a grammar manual: It is a very useful idea to have a grammar manual nearby that you can consult when writing. 
Write more and quiz yourself
Re-reading aloud
5 Consult others and learn from feedback


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