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Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship Meaning in English

Entrepreneur Meaning

An entrepreneur is a person, who takes on financial risks to set up a business, in hope of profits. An entrepreneur is someone who has the capacity, resources and desire to build, manage, and succeed in a startup enterprise, as well as the risk that comes with it, to generate money(or in simple words, profits).

The beginning of a new business venture is the best example of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are frequently referred to as “sources of new ideas” or “innovators,” as they bring new ideas to market by replacing old ones with new inventions.

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Entrepreneur Meaning in Hindi

एक उद्यमी(एंटरप्रेन्योर) वह व्यक्ति होता है, जो मुनाफे की आशा में व्यवसाय स्थापित करने के लिए वित्तीय जोखिम उठाता है। एक उद्यमी(एंटरप्रेन्योर) वह व्यक्ति होता है जिसके पास एक स्टार्टअप के निर्माण, प्रबंधन और सफलता की क्षमता, संसाधन और इच्छा होती है। इसके साथ ही साथ जो जोखिम होता है, वह आगे चलकर लाभ उत्पन्न करता है।  उद्यमियों को अक्सर “नए विचारों के स्रोत” या “नवप्रवर्तनकर्ता” के रूप में संदर्भित किया जाता है, क्योंकि वे पुराने विचारों को नए आविष्कारों के साथ बदलकर नए विचारों को बाजार में लाते हैं।

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Entrepreneurship Meaning in English

‘Entrepreneur’ is a French word derived from the word entreprendre, which means “undertaker” or “adventurer.” It was most likely originated by economist Jean-Baptiste Say.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an Entrepreneur is defined as “Someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity.” The Cambridge Dictionary also states that an Entrepreneur is “A person who attempts to make a profit by starting a company or by operating alone in the business world, esp. when it involves taking risks.”

An Entrepreneur can also be known by different other synonyms for it. Businessman, Businesswoman, Business Person, Business Executive, Enterpriser, Tycoon, Magnate, Dealer, Trader, and Merchant, are the words that can be used in the place of ‘Entrepreneur’.

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Meaning of being Entrepreneur: Traits

Following are the five characteristics of an entrepreneur:


This means that inside the brain of an entrepreneur, there exists an idea to do something new. Further meaning, they work on new ideas and take their business forward. Always doing some innovation in their business.

An entrepreneur brings such ideas to the market which fulfil the needs of the customer.  An entrepreneur understands the needs of the people and also understands that need as a problem and gets involved in solving that problem, and this way may innovate a product.

Risk-taking Capacity

An entrepreneur has the capacity and the will to take risks. While thinking of starting a business, we already start thinking about the ‘What ifs’. We keep on thinking about, “What if this business doesn’t run well?” However, an entrepreneur thinks differently. They are not afraid to take risks.

Finance Skills

An Entrepreneur also has Finance Skills. It is important for later so that one can keep an account on the job for finance work for their business.  But initially, one is not in that condition to keep an accountant. It is also very important to have knowledge of finance in business because in this it’s all about managing money and finances.

Out of The Box Thinking

A businessman never thinks like an ordinary person.  He always has something new, which means he is always thinking of something new.  His mind never rests and always wants to think and do different things.

Ready to face Failures

The one who is an Entrepreneur knows very well that if they have full potential for success in a business, then there are possibilities of failure as well.


Entrepreneur Meaning: CBSE Class 12 Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to create, organise, and run a firm, including all of its risks, in order to make a profit. The most visible form of entrepreneurship is the establishment of new firms.

The entrepreneurial mindset is characterised by exploration and risk-taking, and it is an essential component of a country’s ability to compete in an ever-changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace.


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Who is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is someone who has the capacity, resources and desire to build, manage, and succeed in a startup enterprise, as well as the risk that comes with it, to generate money(or in simple words, profits).

What is the difference between the words, 'Entrepreneur' and 'Entrepreneurship'?

An entrepreneur is a person, who takes on financial risks to set up a business, in hope of profits.

Whereas, Entrepreneurship is defined as the capacity and willingness to create, organise, and run a firm, including all of its risks, in order to make a profit.

What are the traits of an entrepreneur?

The traits of an entrepreneur include:

Out Of The Box Thinking
Finance Skills
Ready to face Failures
Risk-taking Capacity

Name 'the father of entrepreneurship'.

Joseph Alois Schumpeter, who introduced the concept of entrepreneurship, is regarded as the father of entrepreneurship.

Who is an imitative entrepreneur?

Imitative entrepreneurs operate their businesses by copying successful advances used by inventive entrepreneurs.