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How to Crack NEET in 4 Months, Check 4 Months Study Plan

While cracking the National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) in four months is no easy feat, it is achievable with the correct plan, commitment, and smart study methods. NEET is a highly competitive exam that demands consistent practice, time management, and conceptual comprehension. It certainly feels like a race against time to get ready for the NEET UG test in just four months.

With the NEET 2024 exam set for May 5, 2024, getting ready for the exam during these critical four months is a stressful and pressure-filled journey where every second matters. Many students who scored extremely well on the NEET exam have made good use of these past four months. In this article, we will provide students with tips and strategies to crack the NEET exam in 4 months.

How to Crack NEET in 4 Months

As the NEET UG exam is approaching, students are frequently having this query: Can I Crack NEET in 4 Months? The short answer to this most frequent asked question is a big yes. Students can not only crack the NEET exam in 4 months but also secure an MBBS seat at a prestigious government medical college in India. The NEET 2024 exam can be cleared in a single attempt in 4 months period if the right advice, strategy, and approach are used as a basis.

How to Crack NEET in 4 Months From Zero Level

It is possible to crack the prestigious exams like NEET in 4 months period if the right strategies are employed and a perfect study plan is used by the students. As the NEET exam is the gateway to get entry in one of the coveted medical institutions in India, the competition is therefore too much high. Below we have mentioned some key points that students must consider to crack the NEET exam in 4 months.

  • Know the Syllabus and Exam Pattern
  • Create a Study Schedule
  • Study from the standard resources
  • Focus more on conceptual clarity rather rote learning
  • Take handwritten notes
  • Clear your doubts from internet or your study circle
  • Revise regularly
  • Solve Previous Year Questions
  • Practice as many mocks as possible
  • Stay healthy and motivated

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How to Crack NEET in 4 Months – Four Months Study Plan

To crack the NEET exam in 4 months, one should stick to the study plan advised by the experts and toppers. The NEET study plan and time table will be different for the droppers and students who are currently studying in their class 12th. The detailed study schedule for both these group of students is given herein.

NEET 4 Months Time Table for Regular Students

5:30 am – 6:30 am Practice MCQs
6:30 am – 7:00 am Get ready for school (adjustable as per your school timings)
7:30 am – 1:30 pm School timetables (Solve problems from question banks in the free periods)
2 pm – 2:30 pm Have your Lunch and relax for a bit
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm Study from coaching modules, homework, assignments
6 pm – 9 pm Time for Online Coaching
9 pm – 10 pm Take a break from your studies, and relax with family or friends
10 pm – 11 pm Make notes, revise the learned topics
11:00 PM Have a sound sleep


NEET 4 Months Study Plan for Droppers

6:30 am – 8 am Wake up, Breakfast and other chores
8:00 am – 11:00 am Solve MCQs, new concepts, weak areas
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Relax yourself
12:00 pm – 2 pm Homework, assignments, exercises
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Have lunch, take a small nap if required
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Coaching pre-study, read subject which you find interesting
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Tea/ Coffee + snacks, evening walk, game, etc.
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Coaching (Online)
9:00 pm – 10:00 pm Have dinner, family time, entertainment, etc.
10:00 pm – 11:00 pm Make notes and Revise what you study throughout the day
11:00 PM Sleep

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How to Crack NEET in 4 Months – Preparation Strategies

Students aiming to clear the NEET 2024 exam has just 4 months of time left now. So, students should utilize this time in a perfect manner to get a good rank and good score in the exam. To help students in this process, we are providing students with the best preparation strategies that will not only help them pass the NEET exam but also bag a good rank in the exam.

Be Familiar With the Syllabus

Before starting any exam preparation, one must be aware of the standard exam syllabus. The questions in the examination are asked only from that prescribed syllabus. Recently, the NTA updated the NEET 2024 syllabus. So, it becomes even more important to go through the latest syllabus before starting their exam preparation. Students can download the updated NEET 2024 syllabus by clicking the following link.

Download NEET 2024 Revised Syllabus

Assess Your Current Knowledge Level

Determine your current knowledge level before formulating any study plans or strategies for NEET 2024. Examine your situation and level of readiness. Learn everything there is to know about it. A few things to look for would be understanding the fundamentals, being familiar with basic formulas and reactions, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and so forth.

It will be difficult to move forward if you skip this stage. Once your diagnosis account is complete, rank the sections based on their accuracy rate: those with high accuracy and those that require improvement. Start working on those weak points immediately.

Prepare a Study Schedule

Students should then prepare a study schedule that best fits their requirements and interests. If a student does not have any proper study schedule in mind, they can refer to the expert study time table advised by various experts and toppers. The study time table is given for both droppers and regular students above in the article.

Know the Best Resources for Preparation

You don’t want to fail at this phase and then realize that you have been following and learning from a subpar source the entire time. NCERT is a vital necessity and is considered a holy book for the NEET exam. Go over each of the 97 chapters of class 11 and class 12 that are under the syllabus of the NEET exam.

In order to answer those few questions that are “beyond the NCERT syllabus,” it is therefore advised to go to related resources. Don’t waste time researching things that are unimportant or superfluous. Avoid acquiring unnecessary knowledge. Refrain from storing data on a given topic from several sources.


Put More Focus on Important/High Weightage Topics

A high weighted chapter can assist you get a better NEET score. Completing the high-weightage chapters completely increases the likelihood that you will receive the necessary passing score on the NEET exam. So, students should put efforts in understanding and solving these chapters.

Make Notes

Notes can be used to summarize important points. Because of this, candidates should review by going through their notes, unless they need to study the entire block of texts for further practice. Candidates have the option to take notes while reading a subject and highlight key ideas with various inks. You can prepare for the NEET with the help of these prepared notes.

Practice Previous Year Questions

To ace the NEET exam, you need to be well-prepared due to the intense competition. In this case, it could be quite beneficial to solve the previous year’s NEET question paper. It will assist you in studying the questions from past exams. Students should start solving the previous year question papers once they become comfortable with the concepts.

Revise Frequently

Revision is the key to retain the learned concepts on fingers. Timely revision is required to have a solid grasp on all the learned concepts. The personalized notes come handy at this stage. Timely revision is one of the most crucial pillars of success and quickly becoming proficient in NEET. Naturally, the subject matter and degree of difficulty would determine how long the revision would take. Making daily revisions will help you get over difficult themes.

Practice Mock Tests

Taking a mock exam may seem like a more challenging task when you first start preparing for the NEET, and the results will probably not be that outstanding. On the other hand, practicing for exams can greatly improve your performance. Model tests, often known as mock exams, can provide you a thorough grasp of the test as a whole. You can improve your time management and memory by practicing with mock exams.

Improve Your Weak Areas

Once you give mock exams and analyze the results, you will notice the concepts in which you are weak. You should work immediately on solidifying those concepts. Generally speaking, candidates tend to avoid areas they don’t grasp or find difficult to answer questions on.

However, bear in mind that NEET is a difficult exam with very high criteria, so prepare for it accordingly. Thus, abandoning a topic without making any progress on it would not help you at all. Experts advise putting more effort into these subjects until you feel at ease with them.

Have Short Breaks and Good Sleep

The mistake that many students commit when studying is not taking breaks. Because it’s hard to focus for more than 120 minutes at a time, experts advise taking 15 to 20-minute breaks every two hours. Furthermore, because the human brain functions similarly to a computer, overuse can cause weariness and negatively affect memory.

In order to stay focused and motivated during the preparation session and ultimately crack NEET in four months, aspirants studying for any admission test are encouraged to sleep for at least six hours.

Do not Give Up Your Recreational Activities

Make sure to include time for leisure activities in the NEET 2024 schedule. It is not desirable to devote more than an hour of time to leisure activities with four months to go before NEET 2024, but reducing such activities would also have an adverse effect.

Stay Healthy

Being well or in good health allows you to maintain a balanced lifestyle and make wise decisions. You can handle the psychological and physical strain of exams better if your physical and mental well-being are in harmony. Your ability to focus increases when your body and mind are in good health and harmony.

Being in good health will help you absorb and retain information more efficiently. Thus, maintain a healthy diet and have faith that you may pass the NEET exam in four months.

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Can I Crack NEET in 4 months from zero level?

Yes, One can crack NEET in 4 months if they choose a perfect study plan and follow the right strategies.

How many hours should one study to crack the NEET exam 2024 in the first attempt?

Seven to Eight hours of regular study is more than enough to crack the NEET exam in the first attempt.

How to Score 500+ in NEET 2024 in four months?

To score 500+ in the NEET exam 2024 in four months is easy if one follows the tips mentioned below.
- Recognize the syllabus and exam pattern
- Work on your Weaknesses
- Make a day plan
- Maintain some spare time
- Give Mock exams
- Solve previous year's papers
- Study from NCERT textbooks
- Try to do Group studies

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have done my post graduation in Science. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.


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