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How To Crack NEET With Board Exam?

Is it Possible to Crack NEET along with Board Exam?

It is quite difficult to balance NEET and Class 12 board examination preparation. In a country like ours, where many people fight for a single mark, the pressure to do well in Class 12 boards is enormous. As a result, applicants preparing for both NEET and Class 12 board examinations must know how to combine the two effectively.
This article on ‘how to prepare for NEET and Class 12 board exams’ is intended to assist applicants in preparing for both of these exams.

jee neet 2022
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How To Crack NEET With Board Exam: The Area of Focus

The National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET), a national-level exam for admission to medical schools in India, is a tough nut to crack. Getting into a medical programme is difficult, hence students taking this medical entrances exam should first focus on NEET preparation. However, two weeks before the exams, the focus should shift to the class 12 boards.

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How Crack NEET With Board Exam: Tips

Overlapping syllabus

The board and medical exam syllabuses overlap in a number of areas. Identify these topics and circle them so you don’t have to rehearse what you’ve already learned. Study these subjects in such a way that you are well-prepared for both assessments. Examine both the essay-style questions that feature in board exams and the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) that appear in the medical exam pattern.

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The basis for NEET preparation- NCERT books

The first books to consider for NEET preparation are NCERT books. These books constitute the foundation of NEET preparation, and experts have repeatedly emphasised their relevance. The same books will assist you in preparing for the Class 12 board exam. Time and effort will be saved by overlapping study materials.

Questions based on numerical

Another resemblance between the two exams is that they both feature numerically based questions. While you must write every step of the number in the Class 12 board exam, it is tough to get the correct answer in NEET without solving the same question step-by-step. As a result, the process of answering a question will be the same in both the Class 12 board and NEET 2022.

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Make a plan for the coming months

Maintain a defined timetable and stick to it from now until you finish both your medical and board tests. Dedicate various time slots to medical and board test studies. You’ll be sure to pay attention to both if you do it this way. If you’ve missed some spaces, don’t try to make up for it.

Mock Exams

There are numerous apps and websites that may assist you with mock examinations, fast feedback, expert tips, and pinpointing your weak concepts. This way, you’ll have a trustworthy study companion to assist you with your studies.
Also, Mock examinations aid in the development of a time management strategy as well as the identification of your weak areas. It’s critical to have a sense of the actual question paper before taking the exam, and these practise exams might help a lot. You can use technology to take mock examinations to familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and determine your level of preparedness. It also aids in the understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to concentrate more on the weak and challenging issues.

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Notes and revision

Any exam’s success hinges on the ability to revise. Making short notes in a notebook or on a stick-on and underlining key topics is an important component of the planning step. Try to uncover essential points that can be turned into an MCQ while reading any paragraph. These lines should be highlighted with a different colour from the other key spots marked with the Class 12 board viewpoint.

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Practising Sample Papers

The NEET test and the Class 12 board exam have different exam patterns. As a result, it is critical to attempt sample papers for both exams. Every week, at least one sample paper of each type should be attempted.

Calculating the amount of time left for self-study

One of the most difficult tasks for a candidate studying for both of these exams is splitting the time for self-study. With only a few hours remaining for self-study, prioritising subjects, much alone the examination, becomes challenging. Maintain a dynamic schedule to help with this problem. Make two timetables, one for Class 12 board exams and the other for NEET preparation. You can alternate between the two depending on the next significant occurrence.
You can, for example, move to the timetable that concentrates on Class 12 boards a week before your pre-boards. After the exam is completed, return to your NEET preparation routine.

No Quick-fix solutions

There are numerous quick-fix methods and hacks available on the internet to help you prepare for these tests. Don’t fall for them unless you’re certain of the source’s credibility. Instead of using search engines, look for dedicated apps and reputable websites.

FAQs on How To Crack NEET With Board Exam?

Is it feasible to pass NEET and the board test at the same time?

As a result, when you learn knowledge with clear concepts, your board exams will be taken care of. For NEET, you’ll also need a lot of practice and quick problem-solving skills, as well as a variety of tricks. You may do well in both NEET and board exams if you put forth your best effort, keep focused, and avoid distractions.

Which NEET board is the best?

Because CBSE curriculum employs NCERT as their chosen books, which are also the preferred books for any National Level Exams, such as NEET or JEE.

Is MBBS a difficult programme?

Medical school is more difficult than engineering school, and pursuing an MBBS degree is extremely difficult.

Is physics in NEET a simple subject?

The Physics portion of the NEET exam is thought to be the toughest. The NEET Physics subject contains 45 questions for 180 points. Physics questions are lengthy and require complex computations.

Is there a pattern to the NEET questions?

On average, 10-15 questions are asked again in a slightly different format.

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Is it feasible to pass NEET and the board test at the same time?

As a result, when you learn knowledge with clear concepts, your board exams will be taken care of. For NEET, you'll also need a lot of practice and quick problem-solving skills, as well as a variety of tricks. You may do well in both NEET and board exams if you put forth your best effort, keep focused, and avoid distractions.

Which NEET board is the best?

Because CBSE curriculum employs NCERT as their chosen books, which are also the preferred books for any National Level Exams, such as NEET or JEE.

Is MBBS a difficult programme?

Medical school is more difficult than engineering school, and pursuing an MBBS degree is extremely difficult.

Is physics in NEET a simple subject?

The Physics portion of the NEET exam is thought to be the toughest. The NEET Physics subject contains 45 questions for 180 points. Physics questions are lengthy and require complex computations.

Is there a pattern to the NEET questions?

On average, 10-15 questions are asked again in a slightly different format.

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