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ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024, Solved PDF Out

Geography Specimen Paper 2024

The ICSE Class 10 Geography Specimen Paper 2024 was released by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). We advise students to download the ICSE Geography specimen paper 2024 if they’re a Class 10 student preparing for the ICSE final exam.

Specimen Paper of Geography Class 10 ICSE 2024 Solved

The specimen paper of geography class 10 icse 2024 solved is a study coach that assists students in understanding the ICSE 10th Geography question paper 2024. Candidates can get the Geography Specimen Paper 2024 ICSE PDF directly from this post.

ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024 – Highlights

The geography paper’s first part (part I)is compulsory. All questions from Part I must be attempted. Part II contains five questions that must be answered. This paper is vital for students who want to do well in their exams. It will be important to go over this ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024 ICSE repeatedly before the exam. Below is an outline of the ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024.

Must Check – ICSE Geography paper 2024 Analysis with Answer Key

ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024 – Highlights

Paper Name ICSE Class 10 Geography Specimen Paper 2024
Board Name India Certificate of Secondary Education
Class Class 10
Date of Release Available to Download
Academic Session 2023-24
Exam Date February / March 2024
Official Website cisce.org/specimen-question-papers-icse-class-x-2024-2

ICS Geography Answer Key 2024, Class 12 Geography Questions with Answers

Specimen Paper of Geography Class 10 ICSE 2024 solved PDF

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination has made available on its official website the ICSE specimen paper 2024 for Geography. It explains the exam format, mark distribution, and question types. It reduces the stress and uncertainty that are often associated with lengthy and difficult Geography exams.

The council makes a significant change to Case-based, Assertion-reason, and Image-based critical thinking questions. Download the specimen paper of geography class 10 icse 2024 solved from the link below.

ICSE Class 10 Geography Specimen Paper 2024 PDF
ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024 PDF

How to Download ICSE Geography Class 10 Specimen Paper 2024?

The ICSE Geography class 10 Specimen Paper 2024 can be downloaded by following the instructions below.

Step 1: Navigate to cisce.org, the official website.
Step 2: Select Examination from the drop-down menu. Three choices will appear.
Step 3: Select the ICSE examination and scroll down to the “Important Downloads” topics.
Step 4: Navigate to “Specimen Question Paper” for ICSE.
Step 5: A new page with a list of many years of specimen paper appears on the screen.
Step 6: Go to the ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024 page.

ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024, Solved PDF Out -_3.1
Step 7: The page “Specimen Question Papers ICSE CLASS X – 2024” appears.
Step 8: To view and download the question paper, click on any “Geography” subject.

Geography Specimen Paper 2024 – Instruction

  1. The separate answer sheet provided must be used to record responses to this paper.
  2. The maximum mark is 80.
  3. Time limit is two hours.
  4. Part I must be attempted. Part I questions must be attempted in their entirety.
  5. During the first 15 minutes, you will not be permitted to write.
  6. This time should be used to read the question paper.
  7. The time specified at the top of this Paper is for writing the answers.
  8. Part II contains five questions that must be answered.
  9. In brackets [ ] are the intended marks for questions or parts of questions.
  10. This Paper will be accompanied by: Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 and 20 cm of twine.
  11. Always use arrows sparingly to prevent the map from becoming too crowded.
  12. The extract from Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 may not be removed from the examination room.
  13. When the paper is finished, it must be given over to the Supervising Examiner.
  14. The map provided at the end of this question paper must be detached and fastened to your answer booklet after marking.
  15. All sub-sections of the attempted questions must be answered in the correct serial order.
  16. All work, including rough work, should be completed on the same answer sheet as the rest of the paper.

Specimen Paper of Geography Class 10 ICSE 2024 Solved Term

PART I (30 Marks)
(Attempt all questions from this Part.)

Question 1
Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S7 and answer the following questions:
(i) (a) Give the six-figure grid reference for .201 in the eastern part of the map extract.
(b) What are the brown patches in the northeast quarter of the map extract? [2]
(ii) Mohan goes on a bicycle from 02 northing to 12 northing in a straight line. If he moves at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, how much time will he take to reach his destination? [2]
(iii) (a) What is the compass direction of Rampura (2709) to Kotda (3005)?
(b) What is the nature of streams seen in the map extract?[2]
(iv) (a) Ramesh returned to his native place Mahudi Moti (2404) after a gap of ten years and was happy to see the development around his village. What according to you show that the area around his village has developed?
(b) What is the black vertical line made between the easting 25 and 26? [2]
(v) Mention two man made and two natural features in the grid square 2508. [2]

Question 2
On the outline map of India provided:
(i) Shade and label an alluvial soil area of India. [1]
(ii) Mark with a dot and name the city which lies on the banks of river Jhelum. [1]
(iii) Mark and name the highest peak of India. [1]
(iv) Shade and label Gulf of Kutch. [1]
(v) Mark with arrow and label N E Monsoon wind. [1]
(vi) Shade and label a densely populated area in South India. [1]
(vii) Mark and label Himalayas. [1]
(viii) Mark and label Brahmaputra. [1]
(ix) Mark and label Tropic of Cancer. [1]
(x) Mark and label Malabar coast. [1]

Question 3
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) [10]
(i) Which of the following is the CORRECT set of water bodies from which the Southwest monsoon picks up moisture?
(a) Arabian sea + Bay of Bengal + Indian Ocean
(b) Indian Ocean + Andaman Sea + Arabian Sea
(c) Bay of Bengal + Indian Ocean + Andaman Sea
(d) Gulf of Mannar + Mediterranean Sea + Indian Ocean
(ii) Feel and consistency of soil is called _________ of the soil.
(a) Profile
(b) Parent rock
(c) Texture
(d) Nature
(iii) Teak and Shisham are the typical trees of which of the following natural vegetation belt?
(a) Tropical Evergreen
(b) Tropical Monsoon
(c) Tropical Desert
(d) Littoral forest
(iv) Which of the following may be used for the recharging of underground water?
(a) Planting of shelter belt
(b) Gullies and ravines
(c) Percolation pit
(d) Commercial farming
(v) Which type of coal is called an industrial coal?
(a) Peat
(b) Lignite
(c) Bituminous
(d) Anthracite

(vi) Maharashtra is the leading producer of which of the following cash crop?
(a) Jute
(b) Cotton
(c) Coffee
(d) Tea
(vii) Which crop is associated with Ratooning?
(a) Sugarcane
(b) Jute
(c) Rice
(d) Cotton
(viii) Which steel plant amongst the following was set up with the collaboration with
(a) Bhilai
(b) Tata Steel
(c) Vishakhapatnam
(d) Rourkela
(ix) Which is the busiest artificial port of India?
(a) Goa
(b) Mumbai
(c) Chennai
(d) Vishakhapatnam
(x) What is the depletion of oxygen in a water body resulting from pollution called?
(a) Decay of water
(b) Eutrophication
(c) Bio magnification
(d) Greenhouse effect


PART II (50 Marks)
(Attempt any five questions from this Part.)

Question 4
(i) The southwest monsoon is late this year. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday, May 16, had predicted that the onset of southwest monsoon is delayed by four days. An agricultural economy, India is heavily reliant on the monsoon which brings 75 percent of its annual rainfall.
— Indian Express
(a) As a student of Geography, what according to you may be the reason for the delay of monsoon?
(b) What is the usual time for the onset of summer monsoon in Kerala? [2]
(ii) What is the source of winter rainfall in the following areas?
(a) Punjab
(b) Tamil Nadu
(iii) Give a reason for each of the following:
(a) West Bengal gets rainfall from summer monsoons much before Uttar Pradesh.
(b) Mawsynram is the rainiest place in the world
(c) Himalayas act as a climate divide [3]

(iv) Study the climatic data of station X and answer the following questions: [3]

ICSE Geography Specimen Paper 2024, Solved PDF Out -_4.1

(a) What is the annual range of temperature of station X?
(b) Which is the driest month?
(c) Name the wind that brings maximum rainfall to this station.

Question 5
(i) Define the following terms:
(a) Soil Fertility
(b) Soil conservation

(ii) With reference to soil erosion in India answer the following questions.
(a) State any two human activities that have led to soil erosion in India.
(b) Mention any two agricultural techniques that can help to prevent soil erosion.

(iii) With reference to Red Soil, answer the following:
(a) How is it formed?
(b) Why is it good for Dry Farming?
(c) Name any two areas where it is found.

(iv) Give a reason for the following statements:
(a) Black Soil has self-ploughing property.
(b) Laterite Soil is not suitable for cultivation.
(c) Alluvial soil is the most fertile soil.

Question 6
(i) Mahesh went for an excursion with his friend and came across a marshy area with the trees that had stilt-like roots.
(a) Which natural vegetation belt did he come across?
(b) Name one area in India where this kind of vegetation is found.

(ii) (a) Why is tropical deciduous forest commercially the most important forest belt of India?
(b) Why are long and deep roots a typical characteristic of desert vegetation?
(iii) Why is forest conservation the need of the hour? (Three points) [3]

(iv) (a) Name a forest conservation method that involves the local community.
(b) Which primitive system of agriculture had led to large scale destruction of forest in the past?
(c) Name the process which involves planting two saplings for each tree that is felled.

Question 7
(i) Why is there a need for irrigation in India? (Two reasons) [2]
(ii) Distinguish between Inundation Canals and Perennial Canals. [2]
(iii) Name a state in India where tube wells are commonly used. Give two reasons to support your answer.

(iv) (a) What is meant by Rainwater Harvesting?
(b) Mention any two water harvesting practices followed in India.

Question 8
(i) (a) Give any one use of Iron ore.
(b) Name two Indian states where copper is found.

(ii) With reference to Hirakud project answer the following:
(a) On which river is it based?
(b) Name an Indian state that benefited from the project.

(iii) (a) Give two disadvantages of using Petroleum as a source of power.
(b) Name an offshore oil field in India.

(iv) (a) Mention two advantages of wind energy.
(b) What is the advantage of using nuclear power in place of conventional sources of energy?

Question 9
(i) Mention two agricultural reforms done by the government for the betterment of the agricultural sector. [2]
(ii) (a) Mention the climatic conditions found suitable for growing groundnut. [2]
(b) Name the state that is the leading producer of groundnut in India.
(iii) With reference to cultivation of pulses answer the following: [3]
(a) Name a soil found suitable for the growth of pulses.
(b) Name any two pulses grown in India.
(c) Why is it a popular food crop of India?
(iv) Rohan is a farmer. He asked his friend to help him get some labourers for ‘GINNING’. [3]
(a) Which crop do you think is grown by Rohan?
(b) Mention any two climatic conditions suitable for this crop.

Question 10
(i) Differentiate between large scale and small-scale industries. [2]
(ii) Give two ways in which the Electronic Industry is important for India. [2]
(iii) With reference to petrochemical industry answer the following:[3]
(a) Why is it becoming popular in recent times?
(b) Why is it located close to oil refineries?
(c) Name any two petrochemical products.
(iv) (a) Name the country that had helped in the establishment of Bhilai steel plant. [3]
(b) Why is the iron and steel industry called a basic or key industry?
(c) Where is Tata Steel located?

Question 11
(i) Mention two advantages of using waterways. [2]
(ii) What is the importance of the Golden Quadrilateral? [2]
(iii) Mention three disadvantages of roadways. [3]
(iv) Give a reason for the following: [3]
(a) Railways are well developed in the northern states of India.
(b) Sea transport has lost its popularity in recent times.
(c) Helicopter services are crucial during emergencies.

Question 12
(i) What is the impact for waste generation on the following? [2]
(a) Surface water
(b) Landscape.
(ii) Why is dumping considered a harmful method of waste disposal? (Two points.) [2]
(iii) A fire broke out at the Kochi city corporation-run waste treatment plant. Thick clouds of toxic smoke engulfed the city. The unsorted waste at the plant contained PVC and clinical waste, both of which on combustion are extremely harmful for the general health of people.
— Economic times
(a) Which method of waste management would have helped in reducing health hazard in the above case?
(b) What measures may be undertaken by individuals to reduce waste?
(c) How can urban waste be made useful?[3]
(iv) Mention three ways to reuse waste that is generated at home. [3]

Question No. 2
Index No.……………………………………………. UID……………………………..
(This map, if used, must be fastened with all other answers)

Map of India for Question 2.

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How do I get the PDF of the ICSE Class 10 Geography Specimen Paper 2024?

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination has released its Geography ICSE specimen paper 2024 on its official website, cisce.org. Get your specimen paper from this official website.

Is a sample paper useful for ICSE class 10?

Sample papers are an excellent resource for preparing for the ICSE board exam. It assists students in evaluating their exam preparation.

Why should you practice ICSE Specimen Paper 2024 for Geography?

ICSE Geography specimen papers help students understand the exam pattern, assess their knowledge, and improve their performance.

Can completing an Geography Specimen paper help you score higher on tests?

To succeed in the consistent study, conceptual understanding, and effective time management are required along with practicing Geography specimen paper.

About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 2 years of experience in the Ed Tech sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, CLAT, other entrance and CBSE, ICSE, ISC and other State Board exams.