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Important English Questions for CUET PG General Paper (Code COQP11)

The CUET PG General Paper is very crucial as it is required to qualify for various post-graduate programs. Here Adda247 provides you with the Important Questions and Concepts for CUET PG General Paper English section with solutions. Students who are preparing for the CUET PG General Paper must go through these questions and answers that help them understand the types of questions and difficulty levels that will asked in the English section.

Important Questions for CUET PG General Paper

The syllabus of the Common Universities entrance test for postgraduate programmes includes the General Paper (Code: COQP11) that determines admission to various post-graduate courses such as LLB, Bachelor of Library & Information Science(One Year), Defence and Strategic Studies, Jammu & Kashmir Studies, Hindu Studies, Women Studies, Anthropology, Digital Society, Finance and taxation, Physical Education, Textile Design, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Gender Studies, etc. As a result, it is very crucial to prepare the CUET PG General Paper in accordance with the syllabus and exam-like questions.

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CUET PG General Paper

The National Testing Agency will hold a common entrance test, CUET PG, from March 11th to March 28th, 2024, for graduates seeking admission to postgraduate (PG) programmes offered by 42  universities in the academic year 2024-25. Candidates who have registered for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) PG test may review the CUET PG General paper questions to better comprehend the exam syllabus and help them level up their preparation. Before that, we must know the sections included in the CUET PG General paper.

  • The Question Paper will have 100 questions comprising of Verbal Ability/ Language Comprehension, General Knowledge/Awareness, Computer Basics and Logical
  • All questions will be compulsory.
  •  Candidate has to Attempt Verbal Ability/ Language Comprehension in one language only. i.e. Either English or Hindi.
  • The Remaining Questions would be Bilingual.


CUET PG General paper English Section

Candidates who choose English for Verbal Ability/ Language Comprehension must know and be well prepared for the Topics that will be asked in the  CUET PG General paper English Section. The Topics included in the English Section of the CUET PG General paper are as follows:

  • English/Comprehension
  • English Grammar
  • English Usage Errors
  • Jumbled Para
  • Sentence Correction
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Paragraph Completion
  • One-word Substitution
  • Synonyms & Antonyms
  • Idioms & Phrases

Download the CUET PG Syllabus 2024 PDF For All Courses

Important Questions for CUET PG General Paper English

Directions: Questions 1-15, each contains five sentences, out of which sentences are in a jumbled order. Select the option that gives the correct order.

1. (a) But in terms of, practical; value they do not impress very much.
(b) Creative work should be our watchword
(c) We do lot of talking and theorising.
(d) The affluent society can contribule a lot in this respect
(e) What we need today ¡s practical work.
(A) becda
(B) bedac
(C) cadbe
(d) caebd

2. (a) Indian Political life has been dominated by our sentiment of opposition to alien rule.
(b) Thus social and moral atmosphere ¡s not suitable for democracy.
(c) And the leaders idealised tradition.
(d) The constitution was not the product of the urge for freedom.
(e) Consequently democratic aspirations were relegated to the background.
(a) aebcd
(b) dacbe
(c) aedcb
(d) aecbd

3. (a) But there- are omissions and commissions in planning.
(b) It is true that standard has fallen in general sector.
(c) In a period of expansion it is inevitable.
(d) Some say that quantitative expansion is achieved at the expense of quality.
(e) And the number of substandard institutions has increased.
(A) debca
(B) dbeca
(C) bedca
(D) bdeca

4. (a) There is a danger that it may become formal.
(b) There should also be a deep concern for national welfare.
(c) Democracy can save itself by constant renewal.
(d) India has been described as the largest democracy.
(e) Moreover it should be free from corruption.
(A) daebc
(B) dabec
(C) dbace
(D) daceb

5. (a) The authorities must be cautious enough to prevent-such misadventures.
(b) Internet is one of the most modern communication techniques.
(c) But there is the danger of foreign businessmen encroaching into the field of Indian technology.
(d) It may be regarded as a milestone in the development of communication facilities in India.
(e) India has just started trying it nationally.
(A) becda
(B) bdcea
(C) bedca
(D) badce

6. (a) For most of us education is a short-cut to get employment and a livelihood.
(b) They cannot satisfy the thirst for wealth and position.
(c) Many people have no idea about the correct purpose of education.
(d) The only means of achieving satisfaction in life is the information of character.
(e) But money and position always lead us astray if we do not have character.
(A) deabc
(B) cabed
(C) caebd
(D) caedb

7. (a) It leads to the conclusion that our mental-setup including those of drivers and pilots is worsening day by day.
(b) On-travel danger is also increasing proportionately.
(c) The history of human transportation extends from horses to supersonic flights.
(d) But they can not find a remedy to human errors.
(e) Scientists and technocrats are trying their best to reduce on-travel dangers.
(A) cbeda
(B) cbdae
(C) acdeb
(D) cedab

8. (a) Now they admit that aptitude also is highly necessary.
(b) Most businesses fail due to lack of professional administration.
(c) Success in business is the combined result of professional administration.
(d) So far people believed that honesty was the best policy.
(e) Aptitude helps to decide upon profitability and feasibility.
(A) bdeac
(B) becad
(C) cdeba
(D) bdaec

cuet pg

9. (a) The curious fact is that they too are not beyond charges of corruption.
(b) Corruption at high places is a modern trend in India.
(c) We have organizations like the C.B.I to investigate charges of crime and corruption.
(d) Common people have adjusted themselves to corruption thinking that it is something which has come to stay.
(e) People famous for their integrity are being accused of corruption and malpractice.
(A) beadc
(B) edbac
(C) becad
(D) bedac

10.(a) It is the result of a new awareness.
(b) A very wholesome practice is being developed in the field of business.
(c) Now they understand that political intervention is dangerous to workers organizations.
(d) Many organizations have refused to accept politicians as their leaders.
(e) Workers have more faith in their M.Ds. than in their so-called political bosses.
(A) cdaeb
(B) acdbe
(C) becda
(D) beacd

11.A) purely technical matter has turned into an emotional and political issue between Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
(b) Further, the Kerala government fears damage to the dam from seismic tremors.
(c) In recent years, the controversy over the Mullaperiyar dam has acquired new dimensions.
(d) The entire fight is centered on whether the water level in the Mullaperiyar reservoir should be raised by two meters as demanded by Tamil Nadu.
(e) Kerala opposes this on the ground that the additional water would increase the load on the 116 year old dam, possibly resulting in a break in the dam and a disastrous flooding of the thickly populated down stream areas in Kerala.
(A) acdeb
(B) cadeb
(C) caedb
(D) acedb

12.(a) The state, as custodian under the public trust doctrine, should upload the right of the citizen to clean, safe drinking water.
(b) The National Water Policy 2012, now published in draft for public comments, should ultimately take a holistic view of the issue.
(c) As a finite, life-giving resource, access to water must remain a fundamental right.
(d) Many areas in the country are water-stressed and there are simmering interstate disputes on sharing river waters.
(e) It is such a strong rights based approach that should underpin official policy on water in India.
(A) caedb
(B) bdeca
(C) ceadb
(D) bdeac
13.(a) There is no time to be lost because medicines make up an alarming 71 per cent
of all out-of-pocket spending on health.
(b) The time for experimental schemes is therefore long past.
(c) But the larger mission to provide free essential medicines to all citizens need not
await the results of such pilot studies.
(d) It should be rolled at the earliest for the poor and the non-poor alike.
(e) The Centre’s move to introduce an experimental universal health package in at
least on district per state under the National Rural Health Mission, with access to
free generic drugs, is a welcome measure.
(A) edcba
(B) ecdab
(C) edabc
(D) acdeb
14.(a) The virus has not however, sparked off an influenza pandemic as -it-cannot
spread efficiently from human to human.
(b) Researchers have shown that only a handful of mutations would allow the virus
to spread efficiently among mammals. .
(c) More than half of the almost 600 patients have died.
(d) These experiments seem to have rekindled the debate that has smouldered
since the last bio- terrorist attack took place in the U. S more than a decade ago.
(e) H 5 N I bird flu has caused serious diseases and deaths in humans.
(A) ebdca
(B) eacbd
(C) ebacd
(D) ecabd
15.(a) The third wave was frozen after its initial exceptionalism advances in the 1970s.
(b) The term exceptionalism in the Arab context harks back to Samuel Huntington’s
thesis that envisages the progression of democracy in waves.
(c) Hence the Arab exceptionalism.
(d) It ever washed the shores of the Arab world, according to this thesis.
(e) Today the term has been reinvented in the context of the Arab Spring.
(A) dbcae
(B) badce
(C) dacbe
(D) cbdea

Directions: Questions 16 – 25, One-word Substitution Type Questions

16 , A person who talks in sleep is called as
a. Philatelist
b. Somnambulist
c. Somniloquist
d. Oneirocritic

A person who talks in sleep is called as Somniloquist Suffix ‘ist’ is used to denote a person who is skilled or expert in something.
The word ‘Somniloquist’ is a Latin word. ‘Somni’ means sleep and ‘loqui’ means to talk.
The meanings of remaining words are:
Somnambulist – A person, who walks in sleep
Oneirocritic –A person who interprets dreams
Philatelist – A person who collects stamps

17. The person who knows everything
a. Omnipresent
b. Omnipotent
c. Omniscient
d. Oblivious
The meanings of the words are:
Omnipresent – present everywhere
Omnipotent – To have unlimited power
Omniscient – The person who knows everything
Oblivious – Ignorant person (A person who is unaware of everything)

18. A person involving in an activity for pleasure and not money is called as
a. Amateur
b. Follower
c. Altruist
d. Antiquarian
The meanings of given words are:
Amateur – A person involving in an activity for pleasure and not money
Follower – believer, supporter, etc.
Altruist – A who works for the good of others.
Antiquarian – Person interested in antiquities (ancient objects)


19. The life history of a person written by an author is called as ___________
a. Autobiography
b. History
c. Bibliography
d. Biography
The life history of a person written by an author is called as Biography
The meanings of other words are:
a. Autobiography – The life history of a person written by himself is called
as Autobiography. (Eg: ‘Wings of Fire’ – Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam)
b. History – Study of past events
c. Bibliography – List of all of sources used in research work

30. A person who eats too much is called as _______
a. Glutton
b. Nibbler
c. Cannibal
d. Omnivore

The meanings of other words are:
Glutton – A person who eats too much
Nibbler – A person who eats small and quick bites
Cannibal – One who eats the human flesh
Omnivore – Animal/Person consuming food both plant and animal origin

21. Place for ammunition and weapons is called as ________
a. Asylum
b. Arsenal
c. Archives
d. Acoustics

Place for ammunition and weapons is called as Arsenal.
The meanings of other words are:
Asylum – Hospital for mad people
Archives – Place of collecting public/government/historical records.
Acoustics – Science of sound

22, An examination of a dead body is called as
a. Amputate
b. Autopsy
c. Morgue
d. Crusade

The meanings of other words are:
Amputate – To cut off an infected part of a person’s body
Autopsy – An examination of a dead body
Morgue – A place where dead bodies of victims or accidents are
kept for identification.
Crusade – A religious war.

23. ‘A large enclosure for keeping birds’ is also called as __________
a. Zoo
b. Aquarium
c. Aviary
d. Homicide

The meanings of the words are:
Zoo – A large enclosure for wild animals
Aquarium – A large enclosure for fish
Aviary – A large enclosure for keeping birds
Homicide – Killing of human beings

24. ‘General pardon of political offenders’ is also called as ________.
a. Amnesty
b. Despotism
c. Autocracy
d. Magnanimity

The meanings of the words are given below:
Amnesty: General pardon of political offenders.
Despotism: It is a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power.
Autocracy: A government that is run by a dictator.
Magnanimity: Having a generous and kind nature.

25. A house where an Eskimo lives.
a. dower
b. hamlet
c. village
d. igloo

Answer: d. igloo

Directions: Questions 26 – 40, Find the Eroor in the given questions

26. There were only two (1) /commandos but each and every (2) / commando was equal (3) / to six policemen. (4) / No Error (5)

Replace ‘each and every’ with ‘each’.
‘Each’ is used for a single number of ‘two or more persons’ or ‘things’.
‘Every’ is used for a single number of ‘many persons’ or ‘things’.
The correct sentence should be: There were only two commandos but each commando was equal to six policemen.

27. Whole the chapter (1) / of the book (2) / is full of (3) / printing errors. (4) / No Error (5)

Replace ‘whole the’ with ‘the whole’.
‘Whole’ is a quantitative adjective and the correct form is ‘the whole’.
The correct sentence should be: The whole chapter of the book is full of printing errors.
‘The whole’ is used before nouns.
‘All’ shows total of many things together. ‘All’ is numeral as well as quantitative adjective

28. This candy is (1) /preferable than (2) /that and (3) / its taste is also comparatively good. (4) / No Error (5))

Replace ‘than’ with ‘to’.
After ‘preferable/ prefer’ preposition ‘to’ is used, not conjunction ‘than’.
The correct sentence should be: This candy is preferable to that and its taste is also comparatively good.

29. Her mother told him (1) / that it would be more better (2) / if he would do his (3) / work himself. (4) / No Error

Remove ‘more’.
Use of ‘more better’ would make the sentence double comparative, which is not standard English usage.
Similarly, double superlative is also incorrect.

The correct sentence should be: Her mother told him that it would be better if he would do his work himself.

30. This is the (1) / more difficult question (2) / I have ever solved (3) / within ten minutes. (4) / No Error (5)

Replace ‘more’ with ‘most’.
The intention here is to convey that it is the most difficult one, of the questions he usually solves.
The correct sentence should be: This is the most difficult question I have ever solved within ten minutes.

Directions: Questions 31 – 35, Find the Eroor in the given questions

31. f the wind in a tropical depression exceeds this speed, it is ___ to a ‘tropical storm’ and ____ a personal name.
a. demoted, awarded
b. consigned, gifted
c. upgraded, assigned
d. elevated, presented

32.  It depends on whether we get _______ down by failures or use them as stepping-stones.
a. wretched
b. bogged
c. squirted
d. eluded

33.  The rainfall ______ India varies _____ place to place and also from year _____ year.
a. over, with, by
b. of, from, after
c. in, from, to
d. for, with, after

34. There was no agreement ______ the great powers ______ a treaty to ban weapons.
a. between, about
b. among, on
c. in, for
d. with, about

35. You expect us to stay in such a________ building even it can be hired on a nominal rent?
a. Scruffy
b. desperate
c. fragment
d. robust

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About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.