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Important Topics to Study for DU LLB

Important Topics for DU LLB

The Syllabus for the DU LLB exam is available on the official website, Students who are interested in appearing for the DU LLB Exam can check the same from there. In this article, we have discussed the various subjects in the DU LLB Exam. Generally speaking, the Du L.L.B exam paper is divided into four parts.

  • English Language Comprehension – The majority of the topics in this section are sentence and word correction, grammar, synonyms and similar topics. This section in the DU  LLB Exam only checks the English of the students, such as vocabulary, writing skills and reading skills. 
  • General Knowledge and Current Affairs – General Knowledge and Current Affairs part just test whether the students are up to date about what is going on in the world every day. The questions are asked from current news generally. 
  • Analytical Abilities – This section challenges the logical thinking ability of the students. Topics such as analytical thinking, number system, percentage and average, etc. 
  • Legal Awareness and Aptitude – This is said to be the most important section in the DU LLB Paper. Topics such as the Constitution of India, GK, and topics about other laws are generally asked about in this section,

Important Topics to Study for DU LLB: English Language Comprehension

English language comprehension important topics to study are given here. English language comprehension has further three subdivision

  • Comprehension: includes an informative paragraph through which word meaning and title of the passage may be asked.
  • Vocabulary: it contains synonyms, antonyms and analogies.
  •  Grammar: a grammatical error typed the question, fill up.
Synonyms Antonyms
Homonyms Word definitions 
Analogies Idioms and Phrases
One-word substitution Sentence improvement & rearrangement
Fill in the blanks Subject-Verb Agreement
Noun/ Pronoun/ Articles & Conjunction Grammatical errors- tense, voice, preposition usage, speech errors
Correct Spelling Spotting errors

English language and comprehension Reference Books

You can take the help of some reference books for your study, especially this will be helpful for those who are not going for coaching and appearing for exams through self-study. Here is the list of reference books for English language and comprehension.

DU LLB Book Name Author/ Publisher
High School English Grammar and Composition Key Wren and Martin
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R.S. Aggarwal

Important Topics to Study for DU LLB: General Knowledge 

Here we have given the important topics of General Knowledge. Questions are asked from the gk and current affairs. Here is the table for current affair important topics:

Politics Ancient, Medieval, Modern and World History


Geography Economics ( Five Year Plans,Outline of Indian Economy, Indian Tax Structure, National Income of India)
Science and technology Environment & Ecology
General Science National & International Burning topics
Books and Authors Environment
Industries Major Industries in India
Agriculture Awards and Achievements

Reference Books for General Knowledge

Reference books can be a good source to study from. It is helpful for those students who are preparing on the basis of self-study, the reference books will be helpful to you in your DU LLB Exam Preparation. Here is the list of reference books for general knowledge 

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Manorama Yearbook 2021 Mammen Mathew
Current Affairs Yearly 2021 Arihant Experts
General Knowledge 2021: Latest Current Affairs & Who’s Who RPH Editorial Board


Important Topics to Study for DU LLB: Analytical Abilities

This is a scoring area in the DU LLB Exams, students should target this area and try to score more marks as possible. Important topics to study include logical sequences, syllogism, analogies, etc.

Statement & Assumptions Statement & Conclusions
Statement arguments Statement & actions
Assertion – Reason Syllogism
Number test Direction and distance test
Coding and Decoding Blood Relationships
Ranking Analogy

Reference books for Analytical Abilities 

Reference books can be really helpful to prepare yourself for the Analytical Abilities Section in DU LLB Exams. We have listed down some reference books which can help you. Here  are reference  Books for Analytical Abilities 

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Universal’s Logical Reasoning for CLAT, LSAT and other Law Entrance Exams Jain Prateek
Analytical Reasoning M. K. Pandey
Logical Reasoning R K Gupta and Samiksha Gupta

Important Topics to Study for DU LLB: Legal Awareness and Aptitude

In legal Awareness and Aptitude, Fact-based questions are generally asked. A list of important topics has been given below for the students to refer to.

Indian Constitution Indian Penal Code
Indian Contract Act Family Law
Law of Torts Legal fundamentals and terms
Legal Maxims Important Landmarks
Supreme Court Judgements

Reference  Books for Legal Awareness and Aptitude

You can also refer to some reference books and study from there. Those students who are into self-study will find reference books quite helpful here are the Reference  Books for Legal Awareness and Aptitude 

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Legal Aptitude for the CLAT and other Law Entrance Examinations Bhardwaj
Legal Awareness Legal Reasoning Bhardwaj
Legal Aptitude RK Gupta


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Important Topics to Study for DU LLB -_3.1


How should I start preparing for Du LLB?

To start preparing for DU LLB you have to read daily newspapers and also read good English author’s books for better comprehension and grammar. You should practice analytical and logical parts that will strengthen your analytical abilities. Prepare your notes and study legal aptitude.

Can an average student study LLB?

Yes, an average student can easily study LLB with hard work and dedication. Every student has their own potential and field of interest not only toppers can do everything an average can also pursue what he/she aims to achieve.

How can I crack LLB?

One can easily crack LLB with proper strategies and tactics. Know the syllabus and important topics for the LLB as mentioned above and start preparing daily by following small targets which help you to complete your syllabus by following these tips you can easily crack any exam.

Can I prepare for the DU LLB entrance exam without coaching?

Yes, one can easily prepare for DU LLB without coaching. However, it is better if you join a coaching class as the teachers will be quite experienced and that might help you. Also, it is up to you whether to join a coaching or not.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.