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JNU Syllabus 2024, Download Jawaharlal Nehru University BA, BSc, MA Syllabus PDF

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), a public central University, is ranked 10th overall and second in the university category by NIRF 2024. It provides over 100 undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate courses. It provides courses in the arts, sciences, computer applications, medicine, engineering, law, mass communication, and management. In this post, we have given the JNU Syllabus 2024 PDF for the majority of the well-known courses to minimize students’ effort and time.

JNU Syllabus 2024

The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has released its semesters-wise or year-wise Syllabus for various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes on its official website i.e jnu.ac.in. JNU provides a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, each with its own syllabus. It provides courses in the arts, sciences, computer applications, medicine, engineering, law, mass communication, and management. Each program’s syllabus is meticulously designed to give a complete and rigorous academic experience. To perform well in the JNU UG/PG Semester end exams, students should be aware of the JNU Syllabus for their respective subjects and arrange their studies accordingly.

JNU Syllabus for Undergraduate Courses

In the JNU UG Courses list, BA English, BA Economics, and BA History are the most well-known courses. The JNU has released the JNU UG Syllabus for both Non-CBCS and CBSE Systems on the official website. Download the JNU Syllabus for all the undergraduate programmes from the table below.

Degree Syllabus (non-CBCS)
Syllabus (CBCS)
BA HINDI  Download PDF  Download PDF
BA ENGLISH  Download PDF  –
BA GEOGRAPHY Download PDF Download PDF
BA ECONOMICS Download PDF Download PDF
Download PDF Download PDF
BA HISTORY Download PDF Download PDF
BA SOCIOLOGY Download PDF Download PDF
Download PDF Download PDF
BSC PHYSICS Download PDF Download PDF
BSC BOTANY Download PDF  –
COMMERCE Download PDF Download PDF

JNU Syllabus for Postgraduate Courses

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) offers popular postgraduate degrees such as MA HINDI, MA ENGLISH, MA GEOGRAPHY, MA HISTORY, and MBA. Download the JNU PG Syllabus 2024 PDF for all courses from the table below:

JNU PG Syllabus
Degree Syllabus (CBCS)
MCA Download PDF

JNU Syllabus for BA Economics

The JNU BA Course is divided into two sections Sessional: 20 and End Semester Exam: 80. Check out the unit whose JNU BA Syllabus below.

  • Unit I: Basic Economic Issues:

Unlimited wants, Resource scarcity, Choice, Opportunity cost; Economic problems of a
developing country: low income, unutilized resources, low level of technology and human & physical capital, acute poverty & inequality in the distribution of income; Economics- Micro and Macro: their differences and subject matters

  • Unit II: Demand Analysis

Consumer Behaviour: Utility – Total and Marginal; Diminishing Marginal Utility, Utility maximizing rule; Nature of Demand Function, Shifts in demand curve; Supply function, Shifts in supply curve; Market equilibrium; Price determination; Elasticity of demand – price and income elasticity; Elasticity of supply

  • Unit III: Theory of Production

Production function, Returns to scale, the marginal and average product of inputs, short-run total, marginal and average cost curves, and their relationships; total, average, and marginal revenue, profit-maximizing output and cost minimization; Market structure – features of perfect competition and its limitation, imperfect competition: monopoly, duopoly, and oligopoly:
their features

  • Unit IV: National Income and its Classical Determination

GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP and Per capita Income; Circular flow of income and expenditure; Classical theory of output and employment, Say’s Law, Evaluation of classical model

  • Unit V: Keynesian Model and Macro Policies

Keynesian determination of income, consumption function, saving function, investment multiplier; Fiscal policy: objectives and instruments

JNU Syllabus for MA English

Check out the JNU Syllabus for the MA English

Module I

1 1. Anonymous: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight/ William Langland: Piers the Plowman.

Module II

1. *Geoffrey Chaucer: The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales (Cult Edition, OUP)

Module III

1. Sir Thomas Wyatt: ‘The Lover’s Appeal’, ‘The Supplication’; 2. 16th century sonnets: Selections from William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser and Philip Sidney.: Sonnets (with special reference to ‘To His Love’, ‘The Unchangeable’, ‘Absence’, and ‘A Consolation’ (from Palgrave’s Golden Treasury). 3. *John Milton: Paradise Lost, Book I (Orient Longman)

Module IV

  1. John Donne: ‘The Sunne Rising’, and ‘The Cannonization’, “Batter My Heart”
  2. Andrew Marvell: ‘To His Coy Mistress’,
  3. George Herbert: ‘Pulley’
  4. Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock / John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel(CULT)

Admission to Jawaharlal Nehru University

Admission to courses at Jawaharlal Nehru University is determined via its own entrance test. Furthermore, JNU admission to BA (Hons) in Foreign Languages, BSc-MSc Integrated Programme in Ayurveda Biology, and Certificate of Proficiency courses is based on CUET-UG results. Admission to the MBA programme at JNU Delhi is based on CAT exam scores. Candidates seeking admission to JNU Delhi’s BTech program must take the JEE Main exam. For postgraduate studies, CUET-PG and other national-level exams are accepted. JNU Delhi offers master’s degree programs in MBA, MSc, MA, and MTech.

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JNU Syllabus 2024, Download Jawaharlal Nehru University BA, BSc, MA Syllabus PDF -_3.1
About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.