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Last Month Preparation Tips For NEET 2024, Check 1 Month Study Plan

The final days before the exam is the crucial time for any competitive exam. This also holds true for the NEET UG exam. As the NEET 2024 exam is hardly a month away, students must know the golden tips for the last month preparation. The last month plays a very important role in deciding the selection chances of a student through NEET exam. That is why, in this article, we have provided students with the last month preparation tips for NEET 2024.

Last Month Preparation Tips For NEET 2024

The last month before the exam gives chills and anxiety to almost all the students. During this time, students need to give their best shot to maximize their chances of the NEET (UG) preparation. If a student deviate from their preparation or do not maximize their effort, then the hard work of the entire year can go in vain. The last month alone can make or break the future of a NEET aspirant.

But, you need not worry as you have landed at the correct place. We will help you strategize your study schedule for the last 1 month so that you maximize your preparation level. We will offer you the best strategy for NEET 2024 preparation in the last month. We have also provided the list of dos and don’ts for the final month below.

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NEET Last Month Preparation Strategy 2024

Making a well-thought-out study schedule in the last month of preparation is one of the most crucial strategies for preparing for NEET 2024. This will guarantee that enough time is allotted for each subject.

Study hours: For the best study schedule from last month, allocate roughly 14 hours a day to your studies, spaced out with brief breaks. Aspirants who study continuously will be able to establish regular study routines, cope with the stress that comes with being impulsive, and have enough time to thoroughly review the extensive NEET test 2024 syllabus in just one month.

Time division: Allocate study hours to the NEET syllabus revision, NEET mock test preparation, and error analysis. If you have the time, you can also focus further on improving the conceptual clarity of the issues.

Study material: Refrain from attempting or solving any additional required study materials. Students should read through NCERT books, which offer thorough and practical understanding of every subject, in the last days of preparation. In addition to this, they can use coaching modules and review notes, if available.

Stress relievers: Minimize the amount of time spent on gaming, social media, and other diversions. Use them simply as a way to relieve tension or as a refreshment. Recall that the primary objective should still be passing the exam, and that these should only be utilized during study breaks. Furthermore, even if it’s critical to minimize these distractions, exercising such restraint ought to be done voluntarily and with joy. To stay calm and refreshed, schedule some time for gentle physical activities like yoga or meditation to help alleviate weariness.

Check: NEET Previous Year Papers with Solutions

Last 1 Month Study Plan For NEET 2024

We have all you need to prepare for NEET 2024, whether you’re thinking about the Last Month Study Plan for NEET or how to do it in only one month. With our efficient last-month NEET study plan, we want to assist you in passing the exam in just one month. Checkout the study plan for NEET 2024 for the last month.

Refer Mainly to NCERT Books

Use NCERT books extensively in the last few days of NEET 2024 preparation to fully understand the subjects covered in the NEET 2024 Syllabus. These textbooks use flowcharts, diagrams, MCQs, and examples to provide in-depth explanations. Make physics, chemistry, and biology your top priorities because these are the disciplines that the NEET 2024 Exam will probably focus on. After finishing each chapter, practice using MCQs and examples.

Divide Equal Time Among Each Subject

Candidates should devote equal time to each of the sections of the NEET exam, i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. It’s critical to plan your NEET 2024 study time in the final month. Enumerate the topics, subjects, and hours allotted to each. Aim for 13 to 14 hours of intense study spaced out by brief breaks.

Allocate time for revising, mock exams, and fixing mistakes. This methodical strategy guarantees timely coverage while lowering stress. It is advisable to keep in mind the dynamic NEET Exam Pattern 2024 when organizing the time allotted for each subject.

Do Maximum Revisions

Revision strategies that work are essential for passing the NEET Exam in 2024. Make use of question banks that provide 40–50 timed questions for every topic. This method simulates an exam setting and improves your time-management skills for answering questions. Study modules, class notes, and an NCERT review of the curriculum should come next. Emphasize important topics and revisit key subjects from the NEET 2024 Syllabus on a frequent basis.

Prioritize High Scoring Topics

Make sure to incorporate the NEET 2024 Syllabus’s high-scoring chapters and topics into your study plan. The NEET Exam 2024 will probably include more marks on these chapters, therefore spending effort to become proficient in them would help you score higher overall.

Practice Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers

Students must practice full length mock tests and on previous year paper in the last one month before NEET. Set aside three to four hours every day to practice these papers, which are based on the updated NEET Exam Pattern 2024. It is not required to do this every day; three to four tests each week will do the trick. This exercise improves your accuracy, speed, and familiarity with the NEET Exam 2024 question patterns.


Improve From Mistakes

Mock exams give you important information about your areas of weakness. Make a note of these areas, ask mentors for clarification, and focus on enhancing your performance. Success in the NEET 2024 Exam depends on your ability to recognize your time management techniques, areas of strength, and weaknesses.

Stay Away From Distractions

Remain disciplined and focused by avoiding distractions. Disconnect from social media for a while. Select a quiet place to study, and follow your schedule to complete daily assignments that correspond to the requirements for the NEET 2024 Exam.

Also Check: NEET Sample Paper 2024 with Solutions

Last Month Preparation Tips For NEET 2024: Revision Strategy

Revision and recall is the key to cracking the NEET exam with a good rank. If you do not revise the chapters and topics that you have studied, you will not be able to retain it in memory. Checkout the two important revision strategy below.

Question Based Revision: You can select 45–50 randomly selected multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the chapter test pattern to practice a certain chapter, topic, or unit from Physics or Chemistry in 45 minutes. You can select the same revising plan for biology and repeat it regularly.

Detailed Revision: After completing your question-based revisions, you can proceed to a thorough revision using the relevant NCERT books and modules and the notes you made in the early phases of your NEET exam preparation. If necessary, you can summarize all the key ideas on a single page or in your notes, and if you have diagrams ready, they will make it easier for you to review the information once a week.

Last Month Preparation Tips For NEET 2024: Do’s and Don’ts

The important do’s and don’ts for students in the last month of the NEET 2024 exam preparation is stated below.


  • Stick to your study schedule and concentrate on topics with high weightage.
  • To increase speed and accuracy, try taking mock exams and practicing time management.
  • Consistently revise key equations, charts, and ideas.
  • Take little pauses and stick to a healthy routine that includes a nutritious meal and enough sleep.
  •  To retain knowledge and get answers to questions, ask seasoned instructors or mentors for advice.
  • Keep up with current events and the most recent advancements in the medical and healthcare industries.
  • Remain inspired and approach the test with a positive outlook.

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  • Don’t begin a new book or topic in the final month of planning.
  • Don’t disregard your weak points or difficult subjects.
  • Avoid taking on excessive stress or pressure since it may affect how well you perform.
  • Don’t rely just on cheat sheets or last-minute editing notes.
  • Avoid sleeping in late or sacrificing sleep in order to study more.
  • Avoid engaging in things like social media or excessive gaming that can divert your attention from your objectives.
  • If you find that you are having trouble answering some exam questions, don’t freak out or lose hope.

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How much hours should one study in last one month before the NEET exam?

In the last month of the NEET exam, students should study about 13 to 14 hours a day.

Can I crack NEET exam in 1 month?

It is less likely to crack the NEET exam with a good rank from zero in the last one month. However, students who have cleared their concepts of the NEET exam can do so in last one month preparation.

Should I start studying new topics in the last month of the NEET 2024 exam?

No, students should not study any new topics in the last month before the NEET 2024 exam. Students should focus on revision and solving practice papers in the last month of the NEET 2024 exam.

Name some key topics of Physics to focus in the last month of the NEET 2024 exam.

Properties of Bulk Matter, Electrostatics, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Oscillations, and Waves are important Physics chapters that carry a lot of weight in the NEET 2024 exam. You can do better on the NEET exam if you concentrate on these chapters.

Should we solve NEET previous year papers and Mock tests in the NEET last month?

Yes, students must solve NEET previous year papers and mock tests in the last one month of the NEET exam to obtain good marks.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Ashish and have completed my education from Science Domain. I have 2 years of experience in content creation, catering to the demands of young students. I provide written content related to NEET, JEE, Board Exams, CLAT, CUET (UG & PG) and management exams in a simple manner. My content provides important insights on several topics in depth.