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LOC Full Form

LOC Full form in Army

LOC Full Form: LOC, stands for The Line of Control. The Line of Control is a military boundary that separates Indian and Pakistani-controlled areas of Jammu and Kashmir. The Line of Control is a line that operates as a de facto border despite the fact that it is not a legally recognised international boundary. As part of the Simla Agreement, the Line of Control was formed. The Line of Control was established at the conclusion of the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War. Both countries agreed to rename the ceasefire line the “Line of Control” and promised to honour it regardless of their respective positions. Apart from minor differences, the Line of Control is nearly identical to the 1949 cease-fire line.
NJ9842 is the northernmost point on the Line of Control. The Siachen Glacier lies beyond this. In 1984, the Siachen Glacier became a point of dispute. The border between Pakistani Punjab and the unclear Jammu province is located to the south of the Line of Control. India refers to it as an “international boundary,” whereas Pakistan refers to it as a “working border.”

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LOC Full Form in Hindi (LOC ka Full Form)

एलओसी का पूर्ण रूप, नियंत्रण रेखा के लिए है।
नियंत्रण रेखा एक सैन्य सीमा है जो जम्मू और कश्मीर के भारतीय और पाकिस्तानी नियंत्रित क्षेत्रों को अलग करती है। नियंत्रण रेखा एक ऐसी रेखा है जो इस तथ्य के बावजूद कि यह कानूनी रूप से मान्यता प्राप्त अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमा नहीं है, एक वास्तविक सीमा के रूप में कार्य करती है। शिमला समझौते के तहत नियंत्रण रेखा का गठन किया गया था। नियंत्रण रेखा की स्थापना 1971 के भारत-पाकिस्तान युद्ध के समापन पर की गई थी। दोनों देश युद्धविराम रेखा का नाम “नियंत्रण रेखा” रखने पर सहमत हुए और अपने-अपने पदों की परवाह किए बिना इसका सम्मान करने का वादा किया। मामूली मतभेदों के अलावा, नियंत्रण रेखा लगभग 1949 की युद्ध विराम रेखा के समान है।
नियंत्रण रेखा पर सबसे उत्तरी बिंदु NJ9842 है। इससे आगे सियाचिन ग्लेशियर है। 1984 में सियाचिन ग्लेशियर विवाद का विषय बना। पाकिस्तानी पंजाब और अस्पष्ट जम्मू प्रांत के बीच की सीमा नियंत्रण रेखा के दक्षिण में स्थित है। भारत इसे “अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सीमा” के रूप में संदर्भित करता है, जबकि पाकिस्तान इसे “कार्यशील सीमा” के रूप में संदर्भित करता है।

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LOC Full Form in Army Jobs and History

Following India’s partition, the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir became a source of contention between India and Pakistan. India, as a result of the ruler’s accession to the country, and Pakistan, as a result of the Muslim majority population in the country. In 1947, the First Kashmir War lasted more than a year. It didn’t end until an UN-mediated truce was reached. A ceasefire line was agreed upon by both parties.
Only minor changes to the original ceasefire line were made after the 1965 war and the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Furthermore, both countries agreed to convert the ceasefire line into a “Line of Control” in the subsequent Simla Agreement in 1972.
Both countries agreed to treat it as a de facto border that should not be crossed with armed force. According to the agreement, “neither side shall endeavour to unilaterally alter it, irrespective of mutual disputes and legal interpretations.” UNMOGIP (United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan) was tasked with examining ceasefire violations in India and Pakistan. However, after 1971, their influence waned.

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LOC Full Form in CBSE Class 10: Villages and Population

The Indian fence and the zero line are surrounded by a number of settlements. Pakistan has not built a fence along its border. In addition, a number of communities are located along the zero line. Thirteen villages stand in front of the Indian border in the Tithwal area. On the Indian side, there are expected to be 60 villages between the fence and the zero line. It is estimated that at least one million people live in the districts adjacent to the LoC, which stretch from Rajouri to Bandipora.

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LOC Full Form in CBSE: The life of civilians near it

Over here, there is an ongoing territorial dispute between the two countries. Many communities were split up as a result of the territorial division, and family members were separated. Furthermore, just a few families were able to sight each other along the LoC but were unable to meet. However, it is thought that women on the Pakistani side of the LoC have had a role in instigating infiltration and ceasefire violations in some areas. They have personally contacted adjoining Pakistani Army camps and demanded that infiltration cease, reducing India’s cross-LoC firing.


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LOC Full Form: FAQs


What does LOC stand for in its entire form?

The Line Of Control is the full form of LOC.

What does LAC stand for in its entire form?

The Line of Actual Control is the full version of LAC.

What’s the distinction between LAC and LOC?

The letters LAC and LOC stand for Line of Actual Control and Line of Control, respectively. Furthermore, the Line of Control (LOC) separates sections of India from Pakistan-controlled Jammu Kashmir. While the LAC is similar to the border between India and China in that it is not precisely defined.

What does the army mean in its entire form?

Army can be defined as Alert Regular Mobility Young in its full form.

Who founded the Indian army?

Mohan Singh established the Indian National Army (INA) in 1942. Mohan Singh served in the British army as an officer. During WWII, the Japanese assisted in the formation of the Indian National Army.

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What does LOC stand for in its entire form?

The Line Of Control is the full form of LOC.

What does LAC stand for in its entire form?

The Line of Actual Control is the full version of LAC.

What's the distinction between LAC and LOC?

The letters LAC and LOC stand for Line of Actual Control and Line of Control, respectively. Furthermore, the Line of Control (LOC) separates sections of India from Pakistan-controlled Jammu Kashmir. While the LAC is similar to the border between India and China in that it is not precisely defined.

What does the army mean in its entire form?

Army can be defined as Alert Regular Mobility Young in its full form.

Who founded the Indian army?

Mohan Singh established the Indian National Army (INA) in 1942. Mohan Singh served in the British army as an officer. During WWII, the Japanese assisted in the formation of the Indian National Army.

About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 2 years of experience in the Ed Tech sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, CLAT, other entrance and CBSE, ICSE, ISC and other State Board exams.