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Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023

Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023

The CUET PG DULLB 2023 examination is a highly competitive test for students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in law. One of the essential aspects of the CUET PG DULLB 2023 examination is the English language section. This section is designed to test the candidate’s proficiency in the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. The questions in this section are designed to evaluate the candidate’s ability to understand and communicate effectively in English.

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Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Preparation Tips

  • Some of the most important English questions that you should prepare for include reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar.
  • The reading comprehension questions require you to read a passage and answer questions related to the content, context, and language of the text. ‘
  • To prepare for this section, you should practice reading various types of texts, such as articles, essays, and academic journals, and develop your comprehension skills.
  • Vocabulary is another crucial area that you should focus on.
  • The English language section may include questions on synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and phrases.
  • To improve your vocabulary, you should read extensively, use flashcards, and practice using new words in your writing and speech.
  • Finally, grammar is a fundamental aspect of the English language section.
  • You may be asked to identify and correct errors in sentences, or you may have to complete sentences using the correct grammar rules.
  • To prepare for this section, you should review the basic grammar rules, practice writing sentences, and read grammar textbooks.

In summary, the English language section of the CUET PG DULLB 2023 examination is essential, and you should prepare for it thoroughly. To improve your chances of success, you should practice reading, expand your vocabulary, and review your grammar skills. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your dream of studying law at Calcutta University.


Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Meaning of Phrases

Directions for Q1-10: Choose the option which has the MOST APPROPRIATE meaning of the given Phrase:

1. To cut your own throat
a) to stop doing something
b) to do something because you are angry
c) to behave in a relaxed manner
d) to allow someone to do something

2. Cook the books
a) to record false information in the accounts of an organization
b) to do something that spoils someone’s plan
c) to tell a false story
d) to be very angry

3. Change your tune
a) to listen to good music
b) to do things that you are not willing to
c) to change your opinion completely because it will bring you an advantage
d) to pretend to be very friendly

4. Blue blood
a) to swallow poison
b) to be overly interested in someone
c) to suddenly become jealous
d) to belong to a family of the highest social class

5. Cut the crap
a) an impolite way of telling someone to stop saying things that are not true
b) to stop needing someone else to look after you
c) to talk about something important
d) to upset someone by criticizing them

6. Kannan asked me to go round with them, but I didn’t want.
a) don’t want
b) don’t want to
c) didn’t want to
d) No improvement

7. We eat that we may live.
a) might
b) shall
c) should
d) No improvement

8. He had his breakfast, when we visited him.
a) He had had his breakfast
b) He wished to have his breakfast
c) He avoided his breakfast
d) No improvement

9. When the Inspector of Police said this, we knew whom he
was eluding.
a) intending
b) referring to
c) hinting
d) No improvement

10. The doctor reassured that the operation was a
routine one.
a) is reassuring
b) reassured me
c) was reassuring
d) No improvement


Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Antonyms

Directions for Q11-12: In the questions given below, four alternatives are given for the word underlined in the sentence. Choose the option given under each question which you think is the ANTONYM of the underlined word.

11. His ideas are OBSCURE.
a) new
b) clear
c) infamous
d) obscene

12. Ravi is jovial and he makes the environment SANGUINE.
a) pessimistic
b) optimistic
c) humorous
d) rebellious

Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Fill in the Blank

Directions for Q13-17: Each of the following sentences has a blank space and four words are given below. Choose the word you consider most APPROPRIATE.

13. ________ if he is willing to fit in with the plans of the group.
There is no objection to him joining the party
There is no objection on his joining the party
There is no objection to his joining the party
There was no objection for his joining the party

14. Having secured the highest marks in the class, _______.
a) the college had offered him a scholarship
b) he was offered a scholarship by the college
c) a scholarship was offered him by the college
d) a college scholarship had been offered to him

15. After they ________ lunch, the boys ran outside.
a) have eaten
b) had eaten
c) were eating
d) would eat

16. As he was _______ and had saved enough money, his family escaped misery when he died suddenly.

17. Some mysteries remain in desert research : especially relating to why some regions, once fertile, are now ________.
a) blossoming
b) cultivable
c) barren
d) irrigated


Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Answers and Explanations

  1. To cut your own throat – (a) to stop doing something. This phrase means to do something that will ultimately harm oneself or one’s own interests, often due to a lack of foresight or foolishness. Option (a) best fits the meaning because if you stop doing something harmful, you are preventing harm to yourself.
  2. Cook the books – (a) to record false information in the accounts of an organization. This phrase means to falsify accounting records for personal gain or to make an organization look better than it actually is. Option (a) best fits the meaning because it directly relates to accounting records.
  3. Change your tune – (c) to change your opinion completely because it will bring you an advantage. This phrase means to change one’s opinion or position, often abruptly or for personal gain. Option (c) best fits the meaning because it directly relates to changing one’s opinion for personal gain.
  4. Blue blood – (d) to belong to a family of the highest social class. This phrase refers to people who come from noble or aristocratic families. Option (d) best fits the meaning because it directly relates to high social status.
  5. Cut the crap – (a) an impolite way of telling someone to stop saying things that are not true. This phrase is a rude way of telling someone to stop talking nonsense or lies. Option (a) best fits the meaning because it directly relates to someone saying things that are not true.
  6. Kannan asked me to go round with them, but I didn’t want. – (c) didn’t want to. The original sentence is in the past tense, so the answer should also be in the past tense. Option (c) best fits the meaning because it is in the past tense and directly relates to not wanting to go.
  7. We eat that we may live. – (d) No improvement. The sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning, so there is no need for improvement.
  8. He had his breakfast, when we visited him. – (a) He had had his breakfast. This sentence is in the past perfect tense, which is used to indicate that an action was completed before another past action. Option (a) best fits the meaning because it indicates that the breakfast was completed before the visit.
  9. When the Inspector of Police said this, we knew whom he was eluding. – (b) referring to. The word “eluding” means avoiding or escaping, but in this context, it means referring to something indirectly. Option (b) best fits the meaning because it directly relates to referring to something.
  10. The doctor reassured that the operation was a routine one. – (b) reassured me. The verb “reassure” needs an object, and in this context, it should be “me” since the sentence is about the doctor reassuring the speaker. Option (b) best fits the meaning because it adds the necessary object to the sentence.
  1. His ideas are OBSCURE.
  • Antonym: Clear (Option b)
  • Explanation: The word “obscure” means unclear, vague, or difficult to understand. The antonym of “obscure” is “clear,” which means easy to understand, unambiguous, or transparent.
  1. Ravi is jovial and he makes the environment SANGUINE.
  • Antonym: Pessimistic (Option a)
  • Explanation: The word “sanguine” means optimistic, hopeful, or confident. The antonym of “sanguine” is “pessimistic,” which means having a negative outlook or expecting the worst.
  1. The most appropriate option is: “There is no objection to his joining the party”. The phrase “there is no objection to” is the correct expression, and it requires the pronoun “his” to be placed after it to refer to the person who wants to join the party.
  2. The most appropriate option is: “he was offered a scholarship by the college”. This sentence uses the active voice and follows the subject-verb-object pattern, making it easier to read and understand. The other options are either passive or awkwardly constructed.
  3. The most appropriate option is: “had eaten”. This sentence requires a past perfect tense as the boys first ate lunch, and then they ran outside. Hence, the correct option is “had eaten”.
  4. The most appropriate option is: “providential”. The word “providential” means that something is believed to have happened through divine intervention, and in this context, it suggests that the man’s providential behavior and financial planning helped his family avoid misery after his sudden death.
  5. The most appropriate option is: “barren”. This sentence suggests that once-fertile regions are now unproductive and infertile, which is the definition of the word “barren.” The other options do not fit the context of the sentence.

Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: YouTube Video

Below is the YouTube video for most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023:

Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Preparation Tips

  • Reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar are some of the most significant English questions that you should practise for.
  • You must read a passage and respond to questions on the content, context, and language of the text for the reading comprehension questions. ‘
  • Develop your comprehension abilities and practise reading a variety of literature, including academic journals, essays, and articles, to get ready for this section.
  • Another important aspect you should pay attention to is vocabulary.
  • There can be questions about idioms, phrases, antonyms, and synonyms in the English language section.
  • You should read widely, study flashcards, and practise utilising new terms in your writing and speaking if you want to increase your vocabulary.
  • The fundamental component of the English language division is grammar.
  • You can be required to complete incomplete sentences with the appropriate grammar rules, or you might be asked to spot and rectify sentence problems.
  • You should read grammar books, practise constructing sentences, and review the fundamental grammar rules in order to be prepared for this section.

In conclusion, you should spend a lot of time studying for the English language portion of the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam. You should read more, broaden your vocabulary, and brush up on your grammar to increase your chances of success. You can fulfil your desire of attending Calcutta University to study law if you put in the necessary effort.


Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Fill in the Blanks

Directions for Q1-5: Each of the following sentences has a blank space and four words are given below. Choose the word you consider most APPROPRIATE.

1. The rocket ……………… the target and did not cause any casualty.
A. sensed

B. reached

C. missed

D. exploded

2. It is desirable to take ……………… in any business if you want to make profit.
A. advice

B. risk

C. loan

D. recourse

3. They wasted all the money on purchase of some ……………… items.
A. excellent

B. important

C. significant

D. trivial

4. When he found the wallet his face glowed but soon it faded as the wallet was ……………… .
A. empty

B. vacant

C. recovered

D. stolen

5. He has served the country by ……………… Many significant positions.
A. appointing

B. creating

C. developing

D. holding


Directions for Q 6-9: In the questions given below, four alternatives are given for the highlighted text in the sentence. Choose the most appropriate replacement for it, and mark No Replacement is no correction is required.

6. Discreet salience is extremely important to create that ‘irresistible-yet-unattainable’ image for brands that want to take India seriously
A. was extremely important
B. is mainly important
C. was important extremely
D. No Improvement


7. This, over a designer outfit that he wanted for a friend’s party and that his sensitive parents refused him.
A. which his sensitive
B. which his insensitive
C. that his insensitive
D. No Improvement


8. Goa was full of non-Goa property hunters rushing about buying up the place like tomorrow was an expired lease.
A. rushing in buying up the place
B. rushed about buying up the place
C. rushing about to buy up the place
D. No Improvement


9. Property hunting is a tired and hungry making business.
A. is a tiresome and hungry
B. is a tiring and hungry
C. is a tiring and waste
D. No Improvement

Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: Answers and Explanation

  1.  (C) The rocket missed the target and did not cause any casualty.

Explanation: The word “missed” means that the rocket did not hit the target. The other options are not suitable in the given context. “Sensed” means to detect or become aware of something, “reached” means to arrive at a destination, and “exploded” means to burst or shatter violently.

  1.  (B) It is desirable to take risk in any business if you want to make profit.

Explanation: The word “risk” means a situation involving exposure to danger or the possibility of loss. In the context of business, taking calculated risks can lead to profit. The other options are not appropriate in this context. “Advice” means guidance or recommendations offered to someone, “loan” means a sum of money borrowed that is expected to be paid back with interest, and “recourse” means the option of resorting to someone or something for help or protection.

  1.  (D) They wasted all the money on purchase of some trivial items.

Explanation: The word “trivial” means of little value or importance. Therefore, the most appropriate word for the given sentence is “trivial”. The other options are not suitable in the given context. “Excellent” means of extremely high quality, “important” means of great significance or value, and “significant” means sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.

  1.  (A) When he found the wallet his face glowed but soon it faded as the wallet was empty.

Explanation: The word “empty” means having nothing inside. Therefore, the most appropriate word for the given sentence is “empty”. The other options are not suitable in the given context. “Vacant” means not occupied or filled, “recovered” means to get back something that was lost or stolen, and “stolen” means taken without the owner’s consent and without intending to return it.

  1.  (D) He has served the country by holding many significant positions.

Explanation: The word “holding” means occupying a position or office. Therefore, the most appropriate word for the given sentence is “holding”. The other options are not suitable in the given context. “Appointing” means to assign a job or role to someone, “creating” means bringing something into existence, and “developing” means to grow or cause to grow and become more advanced.

  1. (B) Explanation: “is mainly important” is the most appropriate replacement for the highlighted text. The present tense “is” is the correct tense to use because the sentence is referring to the present and the importance of discreet salience remains constant. “Mainly important” emphasizes the significance of discreet salience.
  2. (A) Explanation: “which” is the correct relative pronoun to use because it refers to a thing (designer outfit). “His sensitive parents” is also correct and does not require any improvement.
  3. (B) Explanation: “rushed about buying up the place” is the most appropriate replacement. This phrase uses the correct past tense “rushed” and the preposition “about” accurately conveys the idea of people moving quickly and randomly.
  4. (A) Explanation: “is a tiresome and hungry” is the most appropriate replacement. “Tiresome” accurately conveys the idea of being tedious and exhausting, while “hungry” means needing food. The phrase “tired and hungry making business” is not grammatically correct, and “waste” in option C is incorrect and does not convey the intended meaning.

Most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023: YouTube Video

Below is the YouTube video for most Important English Questions for CUET PG DULLB 2023:

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What is the format of the English section of the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam?

The English section of the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam will likely consist of multiple-choice questions covering topics such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills.

What are some tips for improving English grammar for the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam?

To improve English grammar, you can practice using grammar exercises and drills, read extensively, and listen to English speakers. You may also want to seek out the guidance of an English teacher or tutor.

How can I improve my reading comprehension skills for the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam?

To improve your reading comprehension skills, you can practice reading a variety of texts, including academic articles and literary works. You can also take notes while reading, summarize what you've read, and analyze the author's tone and style.

What strategies can I use to improve my vocabulary for the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam?

To improve your vocabulary, you can read extensively and make note of unfamiliar words. You can also use flashcards or other memory techniques to memorize new words and their meanings. It may also be helpful to learn root words, prefixes, and suffixes, which can help you understand the meanings of unfamiliar words.

How can I improve my writing skills for the CUET PG DULLB 2023 exam?

To improve your writing skills, you can practice writing regularly, using proper grammar and punctuation. You can also seek feedback from a teacher or tutor and work on revising and editing your writing. Additionally, reading extensively can help you develop an understanding of good writing practices.

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