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Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology

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Ncert Solutions for Class 11 Biology

Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions in Hindi and English has been given in the links below. Students can access these Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions in Hindi directly by clicking on the links given below. The pdf files given can also be downloaded and viewed at your convenience.

Biology is the study of living organisms. The principle objective of the researcher is to consider the design, work, development, beginning, advancement and dispersion of living creatures. It is an extremely huge subject. NCERT (National council of Educational Research and Training) follows an educational plan for schools which follows CBSE (Central board of secondary education).

Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology

The NCERT arrangements give an exhaustive learning and furnishes understudies to foster abilities with sensible thinking. The troublesome subjects and ideas are improved and disclosed in these answers for make them simpler. The NCERT Solutions covers the full CBSE schedule as well as enough to cover the nuts and bolts and essentials of the multitude of themes needed in cutthroat tests like JEE and NEET.


NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology in English PDFs

Unit 1: Diversity in the Living World
Class 11 Biology Chapter 1- The Living World Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 2- Biological Classification Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 3- Plant Kingdom Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 4- Animal Kingdom Solutions
Unit 2: Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals
Class 11 Biology Chapter 5- Morphology of Flowering Plants Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 6- Anatomy of Flowering Plants Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 7- Structural Organisation in Animals Solutions
Unit 3: Cell- Structure and Functions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 8: Cell: The Unit of Life Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 9: Biomolecules Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division Solutions
Unit 4: Plant Physiology
Class 11 Biology Chapter 11: Transport in Plants Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development Solutions
Unit 5: Human Physiology
Class 11 Biology Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination Solutions
Class 11 Biology Chapter 22: Chemical Coordination and Integration Solutions


Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions: Benefits

  • In-Depth Knowledge of each chapter
  • We focus on providing knowledge and concept to students
  • Step-by-step solution of each problem along with detailed video
  • Each solution and chapter is first approved by our Subject Matter Experts and only then updated
  • Free PDF and videos in our YouTube channel for Classes 1 – 12.

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology: Why you trust Adda247?

Adda247 provides accurate and reliable information which is verified by Subject Matter Experts. There is a whole team dedicated to making content along with revising and updating as per the views of our experts.

Best Subject Matter Experts for Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions

We have some of the best subject matter experts in our panel who decides and approves each chapter-wise solutions before they are uploaded onto the site. These experts have years of experience in their respective fields. Our content is carefully curetted as we understand the psychology of students and we make sure that students can easily comprehend every solution by making it simpler and easier to solve.


Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions: Units

  1. Diversity of Living Organisms
  2. Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals
  3. Cell: Structure and Function
  4. Plant Physiology
  5. Human Physiology

Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions: Chapters

The class 11 textbook of biology covers the topics such as Living world, Biological classification, plant kingdom and so on. The book displays diagrams for easy understanding of the text.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 1 The Living world

The chapter covers the flora and fauna present in the nature. The chapter starts with a question asking, ‘what is a living’? and proceeds to taxonomic classification. The students get to know about the genus and species in the nature. The biodiversity and the conservation necessary is also taught to them.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 2 Biological classification

The chapter covers the biological classification. The five-kingdom classification along with older methods of classification are very well explained in the chapter in an easy manner. Different kingdoms like Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia are covered.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 3 Plant Kingdom

The chapter underlines the details of the plant world till date. The classification, morphology, anatomy, reproduction and so on are covered in the chapter. The terms such as Gymnosperms, Angiosperms are devised in the chapter.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 4 Animal kingdom

The chapter deals with the Animal kingdom dealing with the structure and forms of different animals on the basis of their classification. The phylum Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes and many more phylums are devised. They are classified on the basis of structure, habitat and physiology.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 5 Morphology of flowering plants

The chapter deals with the external features of plants. The structural features of different plants.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 6 Anatomy of flowering plants

The chapter introduces the structural and functional aspect of plants. The body of the plants have tissues which can be either permanent or meristematic. The plant tissues help in the transportation of food and water in the plant body.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 7 Structural organization in Animals

The unicellular and multicellular organisms and their organization are covered in the chapter. The morphology and anatomy of Earthworms, cockroaches and frogs are studied in detail.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 8 Cell: The unit of life

The chapter deals with the main concept of cell theory. Cell is the fundamental unit of life. The prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell concepts are introduced in this chapter. Different organelles in the cell are also taught.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 9 Biomolecules

The chapter deals with structure and functions of different biomolecules in the body. Different metabolites, macromolecules and micromolecules are taught in this chapter.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 10 Cell cycle and cell division

The chapter is in continuation with cell: the unite of life. The differentiation of the cell is covered in this chapter. The cell divides by two basic processes that are mitosis and meiosis. The two processes have the same phases namely, Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 11 Transport in Plants

The plants do not possess motor functions but they depend upon the soil for obtaining the nutrients which are taken up by their roots. The two tissues, Xylem and Phloem are responsible for transporting water and minerals. Different mechanisms such as imbibition, plasmolysis, osmosis, active transportation and transpiration are used in absorbing water and minerals.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 12 Mineral nutrition

The chapter covers the different minerals necessary for plant growth and development. The minerals can be classified into essential and non-essential based on whether plant synthesizes them or not. The different diseases caused by either absence or over production of minerals are also discussed in the chapter.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 13 Photosynthesis in higher plants

The chapter covers the basic process of photosynthesis which the students have already studied but the exact mechanism and its importance is covered. The location of the process, different steps involved are included in this chapter.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 14 Respiration in Plants

The basic process of inhalation and exhalation is respiration. But the chapter covers aerobic, anaerobic respiration, glycolysis, fermentation, electron transport system, these processes in detail.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 15 Plant growth and development

The chapter deals with the factors necessary for development of plants. Different plant growth regulators, the process of differentiation, dedifferentiation, redifferentiation, vernalization, seed dormancy, these terms are described. Also, the role of hormones in plant growth are described.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 16 Digestion and Absorption

The chapter covers physiology related to digestion and absorption of the digested food. The disorders related to digestion are also described in the chapter.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 17 Breathing and exchange of gases

The chapter deals with basic process of inhalation and exhalation of gases in human body. Along with that, the utilization of inhaled gases in different metabolic reactions is also discussed. The respiratory disorders are briefly discussed.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 18 Body fluids and circulation

The chapter keeps in account the circulatory system. The circulatory system includes heart and blood vessels. The different topics such as lymph, blood groups, electrocardiographs are also discussed.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 19 Excretory products and their elimination

The students study the solid and liquid waste generation in the body. The different types of waste generated and how they are expelled out of the body. Also, the process of urine formation and kidney regulation are discussed in detail.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 20 Locomotion and movement

The chapter deals with different forms of locomotion and movement in different organisms. Different muscles and skeletal system are discussed in the chapter. The muscles include voluntary and involuntary ones along with their mode of action.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 21 Neural control and coordination

The chapter deals with the nervous systems such as central and peripheral one. The neuron is the functional unit of the nervous system which helps in generation and transmission of nerve impulse along with synapse and reflex action.


Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology: Chapter 22 Chemical control and coordination

The chapter keeps into account the role of hormones in different metabolic actions. The endocrine system is kept in the spotlight in this chapter. The secretion, function and disorders of different hormones are described in the chapter.


Adda 247 provides easy, understandable solutions of all the questions from class 6th to 12th in both English as well as Hindi. Hindi is also kept into account as it is the medium of study in some schools. The solutions clear up the concepts of the students.

Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology
Ncert Solutions Class 11 Biology



Can I refer to Adda247 Biology Notes for reference before exams?

Yes, students can refer to Adda247 Notes while revising for the exams. We curate our content in such a way that it becomes easier for the students to go through all the important topics and questions before their exams.

What are the benefits of going through the notes of Class 11 Biology by Adda247?

The benefits of going through the notes of Class11 Biology by Adda247 are mentioned below
• Subject matter Expert-approved content only is made available for students on our website
• Each solution is solved and explained step by step.
• Chapter-wise solutions are solved and made available for the students.
• Each chapter is included and updated each year according to CBSE guidelines.

Does Adda247 follow NCERT Guidelines and Solutions?

Yes, Adda247 strictly follows the guidelines and solutions provided by CBSE. We update the content each day according to students' requirements.

Is Class 11 Biology syllabus related to Class 12 Biology?

Yes, a few of the chapters are interlinked. Only when a student goes through Class 11 Biology chapters thoroughly, he/she can understand a few of the subtopics in Class 12 by linking them.

Will I get complete syllabus notes for Biology Class 11 in Adda247?

Yes, we at Adda247 provide you with the complete syllabus of Biology for Class 11, along with detailed notes, solutions, and pdf. For more videos, you can refer to our YouTube channel Adda247