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Hindi Numbers 1 to 100- Number Names, Counting in English

Number Names 1 to 100

number names 1 to 100 represent 1 to 100 numbers name in the word format.  Examples of 1 to 100 number names written as other numbers include 98 written as ninety-eight, 57 written as fifty-seven, 45 written as forty-five, and so on. All the guidelines for writing 1 to 100-number names have been covered in one article. Students can begin with names of numbers ranging from 1 to 25, 26 to 50, 51 to 75, and finally 76 to 100. Kids can keep up the pace and learn things in a systematic way with the aid of this technique. To view a chart and all the pertinent information about number names 1 to 100, scroll down.

Number Names 1 to 100 List

The given table consists of number names 1 to 100 with a PDF that can be downloaded for future reference.

Number Names 1 to 100

1 One 11 Eleven 21 Twenty-one 31 Thirty-one 41 Forty-one
2 Two 12 Twelve 22 Twenty-two 32 Thirty-two 42 Forty-two
3 Three 13 Thirteen 23 Twenty-three 33 Thirty-three 43 Forty-three
4 Four 14 Fourteen 24 Twenty-four 34 Thirty-four 44 Forty-four
5 Five 15 Fifteen 25 Twenty-five 35 Thirty-five 45 Forty-five
6 Six 16 Sixteen 26 Twenty-six 36 Thirty-six 46 Forty-six
7 Seven 17 Seventeen 27 Twenty-seven 37 Thirty-seven 47 Forty-seven
8 Eight 18 Eighteen 28 Twenty-eight 38 Thirty-eight 48 Forty-eight
9 Nine 19 Nineteen 29 Twenty-nine 39 Thirty-nine 49 Forty-nine
10 Ten 20 Twenty 30 Thirty 40 Forty 50 Fifty

Number Names 51 to 100

51 Fifty-one 61 Sixty-one 71 Seventy-one 81 Eighty-one 91 Ninety-One
52 Fifty-two 62 Sixty-two 72 Seventy-two 82 Eighty-two 92 Ninety-two
53 Fifty-three 63 Sixty-three 73 Seventy-three 83 Eighty-three 93 Ninety-three
54 Fifty-four 64 Sixty-four 74 Seventy-four 84 Eighty-four 94 Ninety-four
55 Fifty-five 65 Sixty-five 75 Seventy-five 85 Eighty-five 95 Ninety-five
56 Fifty-six 66 Sixty-six 76 Seventy-six 86 Eighty-six 96 Ninety-six
57 Fifty-seven 67 Sixty-seven 77 Seventy-seven 87 Eighty-seven 97 Ninety-seven
58 Fifty-eight 68 Sixty-eight 78 Seventy-eight 88 Eighty-eight 98 Ninety-eight
59 Fifty-nine 69 Sixty-nine 79 Seventy-nine 89 Eighty-nine 99 Ninety-nine
60 Sixty 70 Seventy 80 Eighty 90 Ninety 100 Hundred

In the same way, students can write 1 to 1000 number names. All additional numbers from 200 to 1000 are spelled out in writing. Only the multiples of hundreds of the numbers are expressed in words, as seen in the table below.

Number Words
100 One Hundred
200 Two Hundred
300 Three Hundred
400 Four Hundred
500 Five Hundred
600 Six Hundred
700 Seven Hundred
800 Eight Hundred
900 Nine Hundred
1000 One thousand

Number Names 1 to 100 PDF

1 to 100 Number Names- Download PDF

Pattern to Make Number Names

Here we show how to make number names from 2o to 99 without learning them

Join these

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Twenty Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety

to these

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine

For example:

20 + 1 = 21
Twenty + one = Twenty One

Note: Forty four doesn’t have ‘u’ in forty but a four has.

Rules to write number names 1 to 100

While writing number names 1 to 100, a few rules might be followed. Here, these rules are thoroughly given.

Rule 1: Know your place values: Depending on where the digits are in a number, we can represent the positional value of those digits. Based on the placement of 1, the first four place values can be distinguished as follows:

1 is equal to one.

10 is the tens location.

100 is the hundreds position.

1000 is written in thousands.

Rule 2: To write the spellings of the numbers 1-20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and 1000, we can simply refer to the chart of number names from 1 to 100. For example, the number 4 has the name Four, the number 11 has the name Eleven, the number 90 has the name Ninety, and so on.

Rule 3: Simply write the number name of the digit in the hundreds location and add the word “hundred” to represent multiples of 100 between 100 and 1000. For example, the name of the number 500 is 500.

Rule 4: The expanded version of other 2 or 3-digit numerals is used to write their names. The ones and tens places are treated as a single unit for integers with the digits (11–19) as their two last digits. The names of all addends are then combined and spelled out. For instance, 218 is equal to 200 plus 18 and is represented as 218 in words. Three hundred forty-nine is the word form of 349, which has the expanded form 300 + 40 + 9.

How to learn number names 1 to 100?

To know how to learn 1 to 100 number names, follow the given tips

  • On a piece of paper, write down the numbers from 1 to 10 along with their respective spellings.
  • Recall all of the 1–10 spellings, as they serve as the foundation for all number names.
  • Sounds similar after 10, 11 – 11, and 12 – 12.
  • Now, keep in mind that we must write 13 through 19 with the suffix -teen, such as thirteen, fourteen, and so on, following the number 12.
  • Twenty is written as an extended version of two after the number 19, such as twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, and so forth.
  • You must then commit to memory all multiples of 10, including 20, 30, 40, 50, and so forth.
  • In a similar way, the number is written in the same format after each multiple of 100, 1000, etc.

Number names 1 to 100: Solved examples

Example 1: Write 24 in words.


In number 24, one’s place is occupied with 4, so there are 4 ones, and tens place is occupied with 2, so there are 2 tens. So 2 tens and 4 ones are equal to 24. Or we can write, 24 as ‘twenty-four’ in words.

Example 2:  Write, 15, 30, 15, 100, 4000, 19000, and 50000 in words.


  • 15 in words – Fifteen
  • 30 in words – Thirty
  • 15 in words – Fifteen
  • 100 in words – Hundred
  • 4000 in words – Four thousand
  • 19000 in words – Nineteen thousand
  • 50000 in words – Fifty thousand

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Hindi Numbers 1 to 100- Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 in English

English Names of Numbers Numerals Hindi Numbers 1 to 100
One एक
Two दो
Three तीन
Four चार
Five पाञ्च
Six छे
Seven सात
Eight आठ
Nine नौ
Ten १॰ दस
Eleven ११ ग्यारह
Twelve १२ बारह
Thirteen १३ तेरह
Fourteen १४ चौदह
Fifteen १५ पन्द्रह
Sixteen १६ सोलह
Seventeen १७ सत्रह
Eighteen १८ अठारह
Nineteen १९ उन्नीस
Twenty २॰ बीस
Twenty-one २१ इक्कीस
Twenty-two २२ बाईस
Twenty-three २३ तेईस
Twenty-four २४ चौबीस
Twenty-five २५ पच्चीस
Twenty-six २६ छब्बीस
Twenty-seven २७ सत्तइस
Twenty-eight २८ अठ्ठाइस
Twenty-nine २९ उन्तीस
Thirty ३॰ तीस
Thirty-one ३१ इकतीस
Thirty-two ३२ बत्तीस
Thirty-three ३३ तेतीस
Thirty-four ३४ चौतीस
Thirty-five ३५ पैंतीस
Thirty-six ३६ छत्तीस
Thirty-seven ३७ सैंतीस
Thirty-eight ३८ अड़तीस
Thirty-nine ३९ उन्तालीस
Forty ४॰ चालीस
Forty-one ४१ इकतालीस
Forty-two ४२ ब्यालीस
Forty-three ४३ तेतालीस
Forty-four ४४ चौवालीस
Forty-five ४५ पैंतालीस
Forty-six ४६ छियालीस
Forty-seven ४७ सैतालीस
Forty-eight ४८ अड़तालीस
Forty-nine ४९ उनंचास
Fifty ५॰ पचास
Fifty-one ५१ इक्यावन
Fifty-two ५२ बावन
Fifty-three ५३ तिरेपन
Fifty-four ५४ चौअन
Fifty-five ५५ पचपन
Fifty-six ५६ छप्पन
Fifty-seven ५७ सत्तावन
Fifty-eight ५८ अठ्ठावन
Fifty-nine ५९ उनसठ
Sixty ६॰ साठ
Sixty-one ६१ इकसठ
Sixty-two ६२ बासठ
Sixty-three ६३ तिरसठ
Sixty-four ६४ चौंसठ
Sixty-five ६५ पैंसठ
Sixty-six ६६ छियासठ
Sixty-seven ६७ सरसठ
Sixty-eight ६८ अरसठ
Sixty-nine ६९ उनहत्तर
Seventy ७॰ सत्तर
Seventy-one ७१ इकहत्तर
Seventy-two ७२ बहत्तर
Seventy-three ७३ तिहत्तर
Seventy-four ७४ चौहत्तर
Seventy-five ७५ पिचत्तर
Seventy-six ७६ छिहत्तर
Seventy-seven ७७ सतत्तर
Seventy-eight ७८ अठत्तर
Seventy-nine ७९ उनासी
Eighty ८॰ अस्सी
Eighty-one ८१ इक्यासी
Eighty-two ८२ ब्यासी
Eighty-three ८३ तिरासी
Eighty-four ८४ चौरासी
Eighty-five ८५ पिचासी
Eighty-six ८६ छियासी
Eighty-seven ८७ सतासी
Eighty-eight ८८ अठासी
Eighty-nine ८९ नवासी
Ninety ९॰ नब्बे
Ninety-one ९१ इक्यानवे
Ninety-two ९२ बानवे
Ninety-three ९३ तिरानवे
Ninety-four ९४ चौरानवे
Ninety-five ९५ पिञ्चानवे
Ninety-six ९६ छियानवे
Ninety-seven ९७ सत्तानवे
Ninety-eight ९८ अठ्ठानवे
Ninety-Nine ९९ निन्यानवे
Hundred १॰॰ सौ

1 to 100 in Hindi- Hindi Counting 1 to 100

counting in Hindi from 1 to 100:

  1. एक (Ek)
  2. दो (Do)
  3. तीन (Teen)
  4. चार (Char)
  5. पांच (Paanch)
  6. छह (Chhah)
  7. सात (Saat)
  8. आठ (Aath)
  9. नौ (Nau)
  10. दस (Das)
  11. ग्यारह (Gyarah)
  12. बारह (Baarah)
  13. तेरह (Terah)
  14. चौदह (Chaudah)
  15. पंद्रह (Pandrah)
  16. सोलह (Solah)
  17. सत्रह (Satrah)
  18. अठारह (Atharah)
  19. उन्नीस (Unnees)
  20. बीस (Bees)
  21. इक्कीस (Ikkees)
  22. बाईस (Baais)
  23. तेईस (Teis)
  24. चौबीस (Chaubis)
  25. पच्चीस (Pachchees)
  26. छब्बीस (Chhabbees)
  27. सत्ताईस (Sattaais)
  28. अट्ठाईस (Atthaais)
  29. उनतीस (Untees)
  30. तीस (Tees)
  31. इकतीस (Iktees)
  32. बत्तीस (Battees)
  33. तैंतीस (Taintees)
  34. चौंतीस (Chauntees)
  35. पैंतीस (Paintees)
  36. छत्तीस (Chhattees)
  37. सैंतीस (Saintees)
  38. अड़तीस (Adatteese)
  39. उनतालीस (Untaalees)
  40. चालीस (Chalees)
  41. इकतालीस (Iktaalees)
  42. बयालीस (Bayaalees)
  43. तैंतालीस (Taintaalees)
  44. चौवालीस (Chauvaalees)
  45. पैंतालीस (Paintaalees)
  46. छियालीस (Chhiyaalees)
  47. सैंतालीस (Sainntaalees)
  48. अड़तालीस (Adattaalees)
  49. उनचास (Unchaas)
  50. पचास (Pachaas)
  51. इक्यावन (Ikyavan)
  52. बावन (Baavan)
  53. तिरेपन (Tirepan)
  54. चौवन (Chauvan)
  55. पचपन (Pachpan)
  56. छप्पन (Chhappan)
  57. सत्तावन (Sattaavan)
  58. अट्ठावन (Atthaavan)
  59. उनसठ (Unsath)
  60. साठ (Saath)
  61. इकसठ (Iksath)
  62. बासठ (Baasath)
  63. तिरसठ (Tirsath)
  64. चौंसठ (Chausath)
  65. पैंसठ (Painsath)
  66. छियासठ (Chhiyasath)
  67. सड़सठ (Sadsath)
  68. अड़सठ (Adsath)
  69. उनहत्तर (Unhatar)
  70. सत्तर (Sattar)
  71. इकहत्तर (Ikhatar)
  72. बहत्तर (Bahattar)
  73. तिहत्तर (Tihattar)
  74. चौहत्तर (Chauhattar)
  75. पचहत्तर (Pachhattar)
  76. छिहत्तर (Chhihattar)
  77. सतहत्तर (Satahattar)
  78. अठहत्तर (Athahattar)
  79. उनासी (Unaasee)
  80. अस्सी (Assee)
  81. इक्यासी (Ikyaasee)
  82. बयासी (Bayaasee)
  83. तिरासी (Tiraasee)
  84. चौरासी (Chauraasee)
  85. पचासी (Pachaasee)
  86. छियासी (Chhiyaasee)
  87. सतासी (Sataasee)
  88. अट्ठासी (Atthaasee)
  89. नवासी (Navaasee)
  90. नब्बे (Nabbe)
  91. इक्यानवे (Ikyaanve)
  92. बानवे (Baanve)
  93. तिरानवे (Tiraanve)
  94. चौरानवे (Chauraanve)
  95. पचानवे (Pachaanve)
  96. छियानवे (Chhiyaanve)
  97. सत्तानवे (Sattaanve)
  98. अट्ठानवे (Atthaanve)
  99. निन्यानवे (Ninyaanve)
  100. सौ (Sau)

This is the standard numbering in Hindi, widely used in various contexts.

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Que. How do you write 100 words in English?

100 in English is written as One hundred or simply hundred.

What is the number name for 1?

1 is spelled as one.

How do you write 101 in words?

101 is written as one hundred one.

How do you read 1111?

1111 is spelled as one hundred and eleven.

How do you read 1000 in English?

1000 in English is read as One thousand.