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Parts of Plant Diagram, Drawing for Kids and Label Its Parts

Different parts of plants perform specific functions and provide us with different resources. Among the most amazing and important creatures on Earth, plants give us food, oxygen, and a host of other resources. These amazing organisms are able to live, develop, and procreate because of their diverse range of structures. Earthly life depends on plants. In this article, we will study in detail about different parts of a plant along with their diagrams and features.

Parts of Plant

Plants are complex living organisms with various parts that work together to support their growth, reproduction, and survival. By purifying the air and water, they also contribute significantly to the environment. Plants are composed of numerous sections, each of which serves a distinct purpose. A plant’s main components include its roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Below, we provide a detailed explanation of the different parts of plants and their functions:

  1. Roots:
    • Roots are the underground structures of a plant that anchor it to the soil and absorb water and nutrients.
    • They have root hairs, which increase the surface area for water and mineral absorption.
    • Root functions include nutrient and water uptake, storage, and providing support to the plant.
  2. Stem:
    • The stem is the main vertical axis of a plant that supports leaves, flowers, and fruits.
    • It transports water and nutrients between roots and leaves through the xylem and phloem, respectively.
    • The stem provides mechanical support and allows the plant to reach sunlight for photosynthesis.
  3. Leaves:
    • Leaves are the primary sites of photosynthesis in plants, where they convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.
    • They consist of a blade and a petiole (stalk), which attaches the leaf to the stem.
    • Leaves also help regulate transpiration (the release of water vapor) and play a role in gas exchange.
  4. Flowers:
    • Flowers are the reproductive structures of a plant, often containing male and female reproductive organs.
    • Male reproductive parts include stamens, which produce pollen, while female reproductive parts include the pistil or carpel, which contains the ovary, style, and stigma.
    • Flowers attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, or birds, facilitating pollination and fertilization.
  5. Fruits:
    • Fruits are formed from the ovary of a flower after successful pollination and fertilization.
    • They protect seeds and aid in their dispersal, allowing new plants to grow in different locations.
    • Fruits can be fleshy (e.g., apples, berries) or dry (e.g., nuts, capsules) depending on the plant species.
  6. Seeds:
    • Seeds are the reproductive units of flowering plants and serve as the means of reproduction and propagation.
    • They contain an embryo, endosperm (nutrient reserve), and a protective seed coat.
    • When conditions are right, seeds germinate, and the embryo grows into a new plant.
  7. Buds:
    • Buds are undeveloped or embryonic shoots, leaves, or flowers on a plant.
    • They are protected by specialized bud scales or modified leaves and can remain dormant until conditions are favorable for growth.
  8. Apical Meristem:
    • The apical meristem is a region of actively dividing cells at the tips of roots and shoots.
    • It is responsible for primary growth, leading to the elongation of roots and stems.
  9. Lateral Meristem:
    • The lateral meristem is a region of actively dividing cells that occurs in the vascular cambium and cork cambium of woody plants.
    • It is responsible for secondary growth, leading to the thickening of stems and roots.

These different parts of plants work together harmoniously to allow plants to grow, reproduce, and adapt to their environments. Each part has its unique role, contributing to the overall health and survival of the plant.

Parts of Plant for Kids

Parts of plant are discussed in this article. We all come into contact with plants in our daily lives. Plants are the most important and vital elements of our environment. Plants, like people, are living entities that need food, water, and sunlight to survive. Furthermore, they, like humans, age and die, are made up of cells, and, most significantly, are similarly reactive. Plants give us food and oxygen with the help of these parts of a Plant i.e. Root, Stem, Leave, Branches, flowers, fruits. Kids should study the contribution of plants in our life so that they can learn the essentiality of plants in a human life.

Food, medicine, shelter, and the oxygen humans need to breathe are all provided by plants. In fact, plants are the source of everything we eat, whether directly or indirectly. Plants are essential for the survival of both herbivores and omnivores. Even carnivores rely on plants since they frequently feed on plant-eating animals. Many animals rely on plants for refuge and habitat. Plants are also necessary for our precious soil. When plants die, they decompose, providing nutrient-rich topsoil that aids seed germination and growth into seedlings. Plants also help to reduce erosion by holding soil in place with their roots. Photosynthesis is the process through which plants absorb carbon dioxide from the environment and release oxygen for us to breathe.

Parts of a Plant Drawing

Here’s a step-by-step guide to drawing a basic plant with leaves and flowers:

Step 1: Draw the Stem

  • Start by drawing a vertical line in the center of your paper. This line will be the main stem of your plant.

Step 2: Add Leaves

  • On each side of the stem, draw several small oval or teardrop shapes to represent the leaves. You can draw them at different angles and sizes.

Step 3: Draw Flowers

  • At the top of the stem, draw one or more flowers. Flowers can have various shapes, such as circles, ovals, or stars. Inside the flower, add small dots or circles to represent the stamen and pistil.

Step 4: Add Details

  • Draw some small lines or veins on the leaves to give them a more realistic look.
  • You can also add thorns or tendrils on the stem, depending on the type of plant you want to draw.

Step 5: Color your Drawing

  • Finally, you can color your plant drawing. Use different shades of green for the stem and leaves, and choose colors for the flowers according to your preference. Feel free to get creative with colors!

Draw a Plant and Label Its Parts

Here we draw a plant and label its parts, which is given below.

Plant Drawing
Plant Drawing

Parts of Plant Diagram

Their physical structure, like that of humans, is made up of several components. Each of the components serves a distinct purpose. A plant would not be able to live without such components.

There are numerous parts to a plant. Different parts are responsible for different functions. The shoot system is the part of the plant that shows above ground level, while the root system is the component of the plant that is beneath the earth. Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are the basic elements of most terrestrial plants.

Parts of Plant Diagram

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Roots hold plants in place in the soil and absorb nutrients and water for the remainder of the plant. The roots are the most vital element of a plant since they are responsible for supplying the plant with the nutrients it requires. They’re the ones in charge of transporting water and minerals to the plants. Aside from that, they are a plant’s active support system, without which the plant would be unable to adhere to the soil. They are also in charge of storing food for the plants for later use.

In dicots, direct radicle extension results in the production of main roots that grow inside the soil. It has secondary and tertiary roots, which are lateral roots.

Because the primary root is short-lived in monocots, it is replaced by a vast number of roots. The roots of some plants, such as the Banyan tree, grow from the plant’s sections rather than the radical. Adventitious roots are the name given to such roots.

A few swamp plants have roots that shoot vertically upwards to obtain oxygen for respiration. Pneumatophores are the name for such roots.


The plant’s stem is the section of the plant that is above ground. The bark of trees is brown, and the stems of younger trees are green. It bears leaves, fruits, and flowers and is the foundation of the shoot system.

Stems sustain the plant’s top section and serve as a conduit for nutrients, water, sugar, and carbohydrates. Their primary job is to act as delivery agents for nutrients and water stored in the roots, transporting them in the form of glucose to other plant components. Some plants, such as cactus, celery, asparagus, and bananas, can undergo photosynthesis in their stems. Food is also transferred from the leaves to other regions of the plant via stems.


Leaves are an essential part of a plant since they store all of the necessary food for the plant. A unique feature of leaves is that they are meant to aid in the process of photosynthesis, which aids in the production of food in the leaves.

Aside from photosynthesis, leaves are essential for the drainage of excess water from plants via microscopic pores known as stomata. The process of transpiration is this.

Some plants’ leaves also contribute to reproduction.


Flowers are a plant’s reproductive organ. To attract pollinators such as birds, bees, and other insects, they generally feature spectacular petals and perfumes. Petals, stamen (anther and filament), pistil (stigma, style, and ovary), and sepals are the four primary components of most flowers. Flowers generate seeds in their ovary after they have been pollinated and fertilised.


Fruits are the byproducts of plant reproduction. The seed, which is the most important component for reproduction, is contained in the fruit. As a result, they operate as a seed-protecting covering.

After fertilisation, it grows into a developed ovary. Parthenocarpic fruits are those that develop without fertilisation, and the process is known as Parthenocarpy.


Seeds are made up of plant material that can grow into a new plant. An embryo is a name given to this plant substance. Seeds have one or two cotyledons and are protected by a seed coat. Cotyledons are the young plant’s food until it can make its own food from light, and they are often the plant’s first embryonic leaves.

With their diverse range of specialized parts that allow them to flourish and adapt to their surroundings, plants are genuinely amazing life forms. Every component of a plant has a unique function during its life cycle and adds to the general health and vigor of the plant. Comprehending these complex systems emphasises the interdependence of all living things on Earth and enhances our understanding of the natural environment.

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What are the basic parts of a plant?

Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds are the most basic elements of most plants.

What are the two most important elements of a plant?

The shoot and root systems are the two essential elements of a plant.

What are the different parts of a flower?

Sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels are the four primary components of most flowers. The stamens are the male component of the flower, while the carpels are the female part. The majority of flowers are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female components.

What is a plant's basic structure?

A root system, a stem or trunk, branches, leaves, and reproductive organs are all present in plants.

What is the total number of components in a leaf?

Leaf base, petiole, and lamina are the three sections of a plant leaf. Hypopodium is another name for the leaf base.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.