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Possessive Pronoun Definition, Examples, Exercise Sentences

Possessive pronoun

A possessive pronoun is a kind of pronoun that shows ownership or possession of someone or something. As you all have studied a pronoun is a word which is used in the place of a noun to avoid the repetition of a noun same as a possessive pronoun is a kind of pronoun which is used to avoid the repetition of a noun phrase. In this article, we will learn the following:

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What is a Possessive pronoun?

A possessive pronoun is a type of pronoun that tells you the ownership or possession of something or someone. It shows that it belongs to that particular person. A possessive pronoun replaces a noun or a noun phrase to avoid repetition. Some possessive pronouns are hers, theirs, yours, ours, mine.

Possessive pronoun: Definition

A pronoun derives from a personal pronoun, shows possession, and compares relationships (as in ‘This laptop is mine’, the word mine is showing the possession or telling that the laptop belongs to me). A possessive pronoun never takes an apostrophe.


How to use Possessive pronouns in sentences with examples?

A possessive noun can generally be used by adding apostrophe ‘s’ but to use a possessive pronoun, apostrophe ‘s’ will not be added instead there are some other words related to personal pronouns which are used to show possession.

Let us learn more about possessive pronouns with the following table:-



  • For the personal pronoun ‘I’, ‘mine’ would be used.

For example:- To show that ‘I have my house’ we can say that ‘This house is mine.’

  • For the personal pronoun ‘you’, ‘yours’ would be used.

For example:– To show that ‘My dress is more beautiful than your dress.’ we can say ‘My dress is more beautiful than yours.’

  • For the personal pronoun ‘we’, ‘ours’ would be used.

For example:– To show that ‘This beautiful palace belongs to us’ we can say ‘This beautiful palace is ours.’

  • For the personal pronoun ‘he’, ‘his’ would be used.

For example:- To show that ‘John owns a red car so this is John’s car’ we can say ‘John owns a red car so this car is his.’

  • For the personal pronoun ‘she’, ‘hers’ would be used.

For example:- To show that ‘The ring belongs to her’ we can say ‘The ring is hers.’

  • For the personal pronoun ‘they’, ‘theirs’ would be used.

For example:- To show that ‘The dance performance of the second group was more innovative than the fourth group.’

We can say that ‘The dance performance of the dance group was more innovative than theirs.’

  • For the personal pronoun ‘it’, ‘its’ would be used.

For example:- To show that ‘The ring belongs to her’ we can say ‘The ring is hers.’

The difference between its and it’s

‘Its’ is generally a possessive pronoun or adjective(sometimes) like hers, yours, while ‘it’s’ is a contraction of it is.


  • It’s his bag.
  • A computer can update its drive.

Possessive pronoun: Examples

Some possessive pronoun examples are given below.

  1. The cat is yours.
  2. The palace is theirs.
  3. The notebook is mine.

In the above examples ‘yours’ and ‘theirs’ are possessive pronouns as these words are showing ownership if we talk about the first sentence it is telling that “the cat belongs to you” and the second sentence is telling that “the palace belongs to them” and in the third one, the word ‘mine’ show the possession that the notebook belongs to me.

Differentiation between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.


Possessive pronouns are used to replace nouns or noun phrases while a possessive adjective defines its following noun and indicates ownership.

Examples of possessive pronouns in a sentence:

1) The laptop on the table is his

2) The palace on the corner is ours.

3) I think the cheese balls at the party were hers. 

4) The phone that is ringing is yours

5) The black dotted bookbag is mine


Examples of possessive adjectives in a sentence:

1) My cup is on the table.

2) I think you forgot your water bottle.

3) The snake broke its eggs.

4) The kids missed their bus.

5) John left his ball at home.


Singular and plural possessive pronouns.

If possessive pronouns refer to only one thing then it is singular. It includes the following:-

  • Mine
  • Yours
  • Hers
  • His
  • Its

If possessive pronouns refer to more than a  thing then it is plural. It includes the following:-

  • Ours
  • Theirs
  • yours(sometimes)


Possessive Pronoun Exercise: Assess yourself.

Q.1 Underline the noun phrase in the following sentences and replace it with possessive pronoun.

  1. His hair was longer than her hair.
  2. I saw that her dog was smaller than their dog.
  3. Someone asked, “Is that dog your dog?”
  4. I replied, “Yes, he’s my dog”.
  5. His ribbon was big and the colour of the ribbon was blue.


Q.2 Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: mine, ours, his, hers, yours, its, theirs

  1. I paid for my shoes, so it is _______________ .
  2. Pick any of this chocolate. The choice is _______________ .
  3. This English book belongs to Kim. It is _______________ .
  4. All my brothers love outdoor games. Playing them is a favorite pastime of ______________ .
  5. We bought this palace together, so it is _______________ .



  1. His hair was longer than hers.
  2. I saw that her dog was smaller than theirs
  3. Someone asked, “Is that dog yours?”
  4. I replied, “Yes, he’s mine”.
  5. His ribbon was big and its colour was blue.


  1. mine
  2. yours
  3. his
  4. theirs
  5. ours

Possessive Pronoun in Hindi

एक अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम एक प्रकार का सर्वनाम है जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के स्वामित्व या अधिकार को दर्शाता है। जैसा कि आप सभी ने पढ़ा है कि सर्वनाम एक ऐसा शब्द है जिसका प्रयोग संज्ञा के स्थान पर किसी संज्ञा की पुनरावृत्ति से बचने के लिए किया जाता है, उसी प्रकार जो एक संज्ञावाचक सर्वनाम एक प्रकार का सर्वनाम होता है जिसका उपयोग संज्ञा वाक्यांश की पुनरावृत्ति से बचने के लिए किया जाता है।

एक अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम एक प्रकार का सर्वनाम है जो आपको किसी चीज या किसी के स्वामित्व या अधिकार को बताता है। यह दर्शाता है कि यह उस व्यक्ति विशेष का है। एक स्वामित्ववाचक सर्वनाम पुनरावृत्ति से बचने के लिए संज्ञा या संज्ञा वाक्यांश की जगह लेता है। कुछ अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम उसके, उनके, आपके, हमारे, मेरे हैं।

Possessive Pronoun kise kahate hain

एक सर्वनाम एक व्यक्तिगत सर्वनाम से निकला है, कब्जा दिखाता है, और रिश्तों की तुलना करता है (जैसा कि ‘यह लैपटॉप मेरा है’, मेरा शब्द कब्जे को दिखा रहा है या बता रहा है कि लैपटॉप मेरा है)। एक अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम कभी भी एक धर्मत्याग नहीं लेता है।

Possessive Pronoun ka example

कुछ अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम उदाहरण नीचे दिए गए हैं।

बिल्ली तुम्हारी है।
महल उन्हीं का है।
नोटबुक मेरी है।

उपरोक्त उदाहरणों में ‘तुम्हारा’ और ‘उनका’ अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम हैं क्योंकि ये शब्द स्वामित्व दिखा रहे हैं यदि हम पहले वाक्य के बारे में बात करते हैं तो यह बता रहा है कि “बिल्ली आपकी है” और दूसरा वाक्य बता रहा है कि “महल का है” उन्हें” और तीसरे में, शब्द ‘मेरा’ यह दर्शाता है कि नोटबुक मेरे पास है।

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Possessive pronouns: QNAs

Q.1 What is a possessive pronoun?

Ans. A possessive pronoun is a kind of pronoun which shows the possession or ownership of something or someone.

Q.2 Why do we need to use possessive pronouns?

Ans. As a pronoun is used to avoid the repetition of a noun, the same possessive pronoun is used to avoid the repetition of a noun phrase. To know more assess yourself as given above.

Q.3 What are some examples of possessive pronouns?

Ans. Examples of possessive pronouns are mine, hers, yours, ours, theirs, and his.

Q.4 What is the possessive pronoun of ‘it’?

Ans. The possessive pronoun of ‘it’ is ‘its’.

Q.5 What are possessive determiners?

Possessive determiners are “my”, “your”, “her”,”its”,”their”, etc. in traditional grammar they are known as possessive adjectives.

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Q.1 What is a possessive pronoun?

Ans. A possessive pronoun is a kind of pronoun which shows the possession or ownership of something or someone.

Q.2 Why do we need to use possessive pronouns?

Ans. As a pronoun is used to avoid the repetition of a noun, the same possessive pronoun is used to avoid the repetition of a noun phrase. To know more assess yourself as given above.

Q.3 What are some examples of possessive pronouns?

Ans. Examples of possessive pronouns are mine, hers, yours, ours, theirs, and his.

Q.4 What is the possessive pronoun of 'it'?

Ans. The possessive pronoun of 'it' is 'its'.

Q.5 What are possessive determiners?

Possessive determiners are "my", "your", "her","its","their", etc. in traditional grammar they are known as possessive adjectives.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.

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