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Second Battle of Panipat: History, Fought Between, Result

Second Battle of Panipat was fought between

Second Battle of Panipat: The Hindu ruler Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, often known as Hemu, who governed North India from Delhi, and the army of Akbar fought the Second Battle of Panipat. On November 5, 1556, it took place. Hemu had just captured the provinces of Delhi and Agra in the Battle of Delhi, beating the Mughals led by Tardi Beg Khan, and named himself Raja Vikramaditya during a coronation in Purana Quila in Delhi. When Akbar and his guardian Bairam Khan learned of the loss of Agra and Delhi, they marched to Panipat to reclaim the domains. The two armies met in Panipat, not far from the site of the 1526 First Battle of Panipat. The generals of Akbar achieved a tremendous victory.
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The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between

Hemu launched the attack himself, scattering his elephants among the Mughals’ right and left flanks. Instead of withdrawing, those troops who were able to flee the rampage chose to turn to the sides and attack Hemu’s cavalry’s flanks, pelting them with their superior archery. The Mughal centre moved forward as well, taking up a defensive position in front of a steep ravine. Hemu’s elephant and horse units were unable to cross the chasm in order to reach their opponents, leaving them susceptible to projectile weapons thrown from the other side. Meanwhile, the Mughal cavalry, riding quick mounts, had made inroads into the Afghan ranks from both the flanks and the rear and began attacking the elephants, slicing at their legs or killing their riders. Hemu was forced to retreat with his elephants, and the Afghan assault was called off.

Ali Quli Khan led his cavalry out, circled around and descending onto the Afghan centre from behind, seeing the Afghan charge slacken. Hemu, who was watching the battleground, moved quickly to counter the charge. Even after Shadi Khan Kakkar and Bhagwan Das were killed, he continued to lead counter-attacks against the Mughals, annihilating anyone who dared to challenge his elephants.

Despite the fact that it was a fiercely fought combat, Hemu appeared to have the upper hand. Hemu and his forces had a numerical advantage. Hemu, on the other hand, was struck by an arrow in the middle of the combat and knocked out. His army panicked and dispersed as they saw their leader fall. Bairam Khan seized Hemu while he was unconscious and nearly dead, and then beheaded him. The Mughals were victorious in this battle.
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Second Battle of Panipat 1556: Result

Adil Shah’s fortunes likewise took a turn for the worst after Hemu died. In April 1557, he was defeated and slain by Khizr Khan, the son of Bengal’s Muhammad Khan Sur. 120 of Hemu’s war elephants were among the spoils of the fight of Panipat, and their devastating rampages so enthralled the Mughals that the beasts soon became a vital part of their military plans.
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Who Won the 2nd battle of Panipat?

Akbar's generals, won a resounding victory over King Hemu’s army.

Who was victorious in the Third Battle of Panipat?

After eliminating many Maratha flanks, Ahmad Shah Durrani's men were victorious.

Is it true that the Maratha Empire won the Panipat War?

On January 14, 1761, the Maratha Confederacy and the Durrani Empire fought the Third Battle of Panipat, which ended in a disastrous defeat for the Marathas.

Why were the majority of wars fought at Panipat?

There are a number of reasons why such crucial fights occur in Panipat. Panipat is on the way from Delhi to the Hindu Kush pass, which was the main entry point for any king attempting to invade India. It was on the Grand Trunk Road, and any invader from Punjab or Afghanistan could readily reach it.

What method did the Marathas did to have revenge after Panipat battle?

They exacted terrible vengeance for the defeat at Panipat by destroying Najib Khan's mausoleum, seizing the Rohillas' artillery and wealth, and demanding an additional tribute of Rs. 40 lakhs.

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Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.

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