Table of Contents
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most well-known and significant initiatives taken by the Indian government and the people of India. On October 2, 2024, India will commemorate the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’s tenth anniversary. The launch of this campaign was announced on October 2, 2014, in recognition of Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a clean nation by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Schools and institutions organize essay competitions for this special Swachh Bharat Abhiyan occasion. Here, we’ve included a few examples of essays on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in English and Hindi.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay
If you are participating in an essay competition and need an essay on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, you have come to the perfect place. We have provided some Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essays based on different word limits. Your essay should focus on a single fundamental idea i.e Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Before you begin writing your essay, you should keep a few things in mind. Your Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay begins with a topic introduction, then proceeds into a body paragraph in which the author offers his argument based on his understanding of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan main point, and then finishes with a paragraph that summarizes the essay’s primary conclusions.
Swachh Bharat Essay
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is also known as the Clean India Mission, Clean India Drive, or Swachh Bharat Campaign. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most important missions in Indian history. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, launched this initiative on October 2, 2014, to honor Mahatma Gandhi’s goal of a Clean India. Initially, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan campaign was implemented on a nationwide scale in all towns, rural, and urban regions, with the goal of establishing a clean and sanitary environment in India.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay 150 words
Students may start their Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay in English 150 words with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, Such as
“Cleanliness is not an act but a habit.” –Mahatma Gandhi
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, an effort of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is an endeavor to make India cleaner. The Swachh Bharat Mission or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was introduced on October 2, 2019, to commemorate the 145th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, and his proponents of cleanliness. The primary goal of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to educate residents about the importance of cleanliness in their immediate surroundings and the spread of waste and infectious parasites. Construction of latrines, promotion of sanitation initiatives in rural areas, street and road cleaning, and infrastructural changes are all part of this push to move the nation forward.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a tremendous achievement and a one-of-a-kind undertaking in Indian history. We must continue to practice cleanliness with the same enthusiasm and assist one another in maintaining our Mother India clean and beautiful.
Essay on Swachh Bharat in English in 300 Words
The Clean India Mission, popularly known as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, is an across-the-nation cleanliness initiative. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a clean-up program initiated by India’s Prime Minister on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 145th birthday. The campaign’s purpose was to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a “Clean India.”This ad has inspired individuals all across the world to be more clean. Indian residents, students, and many prominent public figures are actively participating in the ‘Clean India Campaign’ with excitement and delight.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’s major goal is to promote public awareness about the importance of cleanliness. The initiative also seeks to eliminate the harmful practice of open defecation and provide basic sanitation facilities such as toilets, solid-liquid waste disposal systems, and clean drinking water. Every Indian citizen should have access to safe and sufficient drinking water, as well as basic sanitation services such as toilets, liquid and solid waste management systems, and clean communities. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan intends to cover about 4041 statutory towns and cities across the country in order to provide cleaner streets, highways, towns, and infrastructure.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan did not happen overnight. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan strives to improve individual and community behavior by encouraging everyone to take responsibility for cleanliness.
You may conclude your Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay using the quote,
“Our motto should be Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Swasth Bharat Abhiyan – Clean India, Healthy India.”
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay in English 1000 words
“Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is not just about cleaning our streets and surroundings, but it’s a movement towards a cleaner and healthier nation.”
During his time before India’s independence, Mahatma Gandhi said, “Sanitation is more important than Independence.” Our Bapu, Mahatma Gandhi, was particularly concerned in eradicating, alongside the British, all the dirt and pollutants that afflicted our nation and its people. Our Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, started Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, also known as Clean India Mission, on October 2nd, 2014, to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s ideal of a “Clean India.”
When did Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launch?
Former Indian President Pranab Mukherjee stated in a speech to Parliament in June 2014, “A Swachh Bharat Mission will be launched to ensure hygiene, waste management, and sanitation across the nation.” This would be our tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary, which will be honored in 2019.” On the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (2nd October 2014), Prime Minister Narendra Modi formally launched the campaign at Rajghat in New Delhi in order to accomplish Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of making India an ideal country in the world. Three million government employees and students from around India took part in 4,043 cities, towns, and rural villages. The campaign has been planned for five years, with the goal of completing the recommended plans by October 2nd, 2019, which marks Gandhiji’s 150th birthday. PM Modi launched the mission by sweeping Rajghat Road in New Delhi.
What is the Objective of the Swachh Bharat Campaign
India, a country of 140 million people, has a major problem with the management of waste. Irresponsible people discard their household waste on the roadways, which leads to dirt and grime and, in turn, a variety of diseases. Thousands of people are affected by malignant diseases caused by poor sanitation and hygiene. The Swachh Bharat Yojana was introduced by the Indian government to address these issues.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan seeks to make India included on the list of “clean countries”.The primary goal of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to eliminate the harmful practice of open defecation and provide basic sanitation amenities such as toilets, solid-liquid waste disposal systems, and clean drinking water. The Swachh Bharat Mission was established with the primary objectives of creating a nation with an abundance of sanitation facilities and eradicating all unhealthy habits in daily routines. Every Indian village and city must be cleaned as part of this mission.
One of the goals of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to make residents aware of their primary responsibility to preserve cleanliness and prevent pollution from spreading throughout the country.
Initiatives taken under the Swachh Bharat Campaign
The Government of India has taken numerous initiatives to guarantee the successful execution of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Some of the major initiatives under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are
- Individuals, organizations, and states that actively participate in the program have received financial assistance and incentives.
- It seeks to encompass about 4041 statutory towns and cities across the country in order to provide cleaner streets, roads, communities, and public infrastructure.
- More than 1 crore toilets were built in India’s metropolitan regions as part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, while 11 crore 11 lakh toilets were built in rural to avoid open defecation.
- Aside from that, Community toilets are being developed for residential areas where individual household toilets are scarce, as well as public restrooms at specified locations such as bus terminals, tourist attractions, railway stations, marketplaces, and so on.
- The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan relies heavily on public participation. Citizens, schools, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and corporate entities have all actively participated in the campaign through cleanliness drives, awareness campaigns, and sanitation facility improvement activities.
- People from many walks of life have made the Swachh Bharat vow to keep their surroundings clean and to actively contribute to keeping India clean.
- People have also been made aware of the need for cleanliness. People must refrain from open defecation and from throwing waste anywhere. In the countryside and towns, sanitation facilities are constantly being built. Garbage vans were established to tackle the problem of rubbish in metropolitan areas, allowing garbage to be removed from one location to another.
- Swachh Bharat Kosh and Swachh Survekshan are two projects that have been developed to mobilize resources, raise awareness, and assess the cleanliness of cities and villages. The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) was founded as the nodal body in charge of organizing and implementing the Swachh Bharat Mission.
- The famous nine people Salman Khan, Anil Ambani, Kamal Hassan, comedian Kapil Sharma, Priyanka Chopra, Baba Ramdev, Sachin Tendulkar, Shashi Tharoor, and a team from ‘Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ (a popular TV show) were nominated by the Prime Minister to launch and promote the Swachh Bharat campaign. Later, several important figures and celebrities joined this campaign as National Brand Ambassadors to participate in and support the Swachh Bharat Mission.
Benefits of the Swachh Bharat Mission
Since the campaign’s beginning, there have been significant positive effects on healthcare, tourism, jobs, the environment, and the economy.
- Clean India drew a large number of tourists from all over the world. The tourism industry alone accounts for around 6.6% of total Indian GDP. There is an increase in employment sources.
- To ensure the hygiene of Uttar Pradesh’s government buildings, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh outlawed the chewing of paan, gutka, and other tobacco products totally.
- Insufficient and poor health was exacerbated by insufficient hygiene and cleanliness. People’s health improved as a result of this cleanliness campaign, and death rates have decreased since then. Annually. Because of improved health, each household saves Rs. 6,500.
- To sustain and make this effort successful, the Finance Ministry of India has launched a program called Swachh Bharat cess, under which everyone in India must pay a 0.5% tax on all services (i.e., 50 paise every 100 rupees), which would support the cleanliness campaign.
- Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen also yielded significant results, with over 10 crore home toilets constructed. In addition, about 6 million communities have been designated as ODF. As of October 2, 2019, household toilet coverage had reached 100%, up from 38.70% in 2014.
As we have all heard the famous phrase, “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness,” we can confidently state that the Clean India Campaign (Swachh Bharat Abhiyan) would bring godliness all throughout the country for years if the people of India adhere to it properly.
Today, India has taken strides toward cleanliness through this effort, but the objective of cleanliness remains a long way off. Achieving the aim of a clean India can never be feasible unless we work together to clean our surroundings and prevent others from making them dirty. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has sparked a nationwide cleaning movement, demonstrating citizens’ common duty to create a cleaner and healthier India.
“A clean environment leads to a healthy life. Let’s join hands and clean our nation.”
Essay on Swachh Bharat in Hindi
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान भारत के इतिहास में सबसे लोकप्रिय और महत्वपूर्ण अभियानों में से एक है। यह अभियान प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा शुरू किया गया था और महात्मा गांधी के स्वच्छ देश के सपने को सम्मान देने के लिए 2 अक्टूबर 2014 को लॉन्च किया गया था। स्वच्छ भारत अभियान पर यह निबंध हिंदी में स्वच्छ भारत अभियान अभियान पर प्रासंगिक विवरण देता है और विभिन्न परीक्षाओं के उम्मीदवारों के लिए उपयोगी होगा।
Swachhata Per Nibandh- स्वच्छता पर निबंध 300 शब्द
स्वच्छता का अर्थ है सफाई, स्वास्थ्य और शारीरिक तथा मानसिक स्वच्छता बनाए रखना। यह न केवल व्यक्तिगत बल्कि समाज और राष्ट्र के विकास के लिए भी आवश्यक है। स्वच्छता का हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है क्योंकि यह हमें बीमारियों से बचाने के साथ-साथ जीवन की गुणवत्ता को भी बेहतर बनाती है।
स्वच्छता का महत्व समझने के लिए यह जानना जरूरी है कि गंदगी और अस्वच्छता कई बीमारियों का मुख्य कारण होती हैं। गंदे पानी, कचरे और अनियमित सफाई के कारण मलेरिया, डेंगू, टाइफाइड जैसी बीमारियां फैलती हैं। यदि हम अपने आसपास के वातावरण को स्वच्छ रखें, तो हम इन बीमारियों से काफी हद तक बच सकते हैं।
सरकार ने स्वच्छता के महत्व को समझते हुए कई अभियान शुरू किए हैं, जिनमें सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है स्वच्छ भारत अभियान। इस अभियान का उद्देश्य हर गली, हर मोहल्ले, हर गांव को स्वच्छ और स्वस्थ बनाना है। इसमें साफ-सफाई के प्रति लोगों में जागरूकता फैलाने और उन्हें स्वच्छता के प्रति प्रेरित करने का प्रयास किया गया है।
स्वच्छता केवल सरकारी प्रयासों से ही नहीं आ सकती, इसमें हर व्यक्ति की भूमिका महत्वपूर्ण होती है। हमें अपने घर, स्कूल, कार्यस्थल और सार्वजनिक स्थलों को स्वच्छ रखने के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से जिम्मेदारी लेनी चाहिए। कचरा न फैलाना, शौचालय का सही इस्तेमाल, और प्लास्टिक का कम उपयोग करना स्वच्छता में योगदान देने के छोटे-छोटे कदम हैं।
अंत में, स्वच्छता को हमारे जीवन का अभिन्न हिस्सा बनाना बहुत जरूरी है। यह न केवल हमें शारीरिक रूप से स्वस्थ रखती है, बल्कि मानसिक और सामाजिक रूप से भी हमें मजबूत बनाती है। समाज की उन्नति और प्रगति के लिए स्वच्छता को प्राथमिकता देना ही सच्ची सेवा है।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान पर निबंध 1000 शब्द
भारत की आजादी से पहले अपने समय में, महात्मा गांधी ने कहा था, “स्वच्छता आजादी से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है।” हमारे बापू, महात्मा गांधी, अंग्रेजों के साथ-साथ हमारे देश और इसके लोगों को परेशान करने वाली सभी गंदगी और प्रदूषकों को खत्म करने में विशेष रूप से चिंतित थे। हमारे माननीय प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने महात्मा गांधी के “स्वच्छ भारत” के आदर्श को पूरा करने के लिए 2 अक्टूबर 2014 को स्वच्छ भारत अभियान, जिसे स्वच्छ भारत मिशन के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, शुरू किया।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान कब शुरू हुआ?
भारत के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति प्रणब मुखर्जी ने जून 2014 में संसद में एक भाषण में कहा, “देश भर में स्वच्छता, अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन और स्वच्छता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक स्वच्छ भारत मिशन शुरू किया जाएगा।” यह महात्मा गांधी को उनकी 150वीं जयंती पर हमारी श्रद्धांजलि होगी, जिसे 2019 में सम्मानित किया जाएगा।” महात्मा गांधी की 145वीं जयंती (2 अक्टूबर 2014) पर, प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने नई दिल्ली के राजघाट में औपचारिक रूप से अभियान की शुरुआत की। भारत को दुनिया में एक आदर्श देश बनाने के महात्मा गांधी के दृष्टिकोण को पूरा करने के लिए। भारत भर के तीन मिलियन सरकारी कर्मचारियों और छात्रों ने 4,043 शहरों, कस्बों और ग्रामीण गांवों में भाग लिया। इस लक्ष्य के साथ अभियान की योजना पांच साल के लिए बनाई गई है। अनुशंसित योजनाओं को 2 अक्टूबर, 2019 तक पूरा करना, जो गांधीजी की 150वीं जयंती है। पीएम मोदी ने नई दिल्ली में राजघाट रोड पर झाड़ू लगाकर मिशन की शुरुआत की।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का उद्देश्य क्या है?
140 मिलियन लोगों के देश भारत में अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन एक बड़ी समस्या है। गैर-जिम्मेदार लोग अपने घरेलू कचरे को सड़कों पर फेंक देते हैं, जिससे गंदगी और गंदगी फैलती है और परिणामस्वरूप, कई तरह की बीमारियाँ होती हैं। खराब साफ-सफाई और साफ-सफाई के कारण होने वाली घातक बीमारियों से हजारों लोग प्रभावित हैं। इन मुद्दों के समाधान के लिए भारत सरकार द्वारा स्वच्छ भारत योजना शुरू की गई थी।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का उद्देश्य भारत को “स्वच्छ देशों” की सूची में शामिल करना है। स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का प्राथमिक लक्ष्य खुले में शौच की हानिकारक प्रथा को खत्म करना और शौचालय, ठोस-तरल अपशिष्ट निपटान प्रणाली जैसी बुनियादी स्वच्छता सुविधाएं प्रदान करना है। स्वच्छ पेयजल. स्वच्छ भारत मिशन की स्थापना प्रचुर स्वच्छता सुविधाओं वाले राष्ट्र का निर्माण करने और दैनिक दिनचर्या में सभी अस्वास्थ्यकर आदतों को खत्म करने के प्राथमिक उद्देश्यों के साथ की गई थी। इस मिशन के तहत प्रत्येक भारतीय गांव और शहर को स्वच्छ बनाया जाना चाहिए। कौन सा शौचालय लेआउट हर घर में भी दिखाया गया है।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का एक लक्ष्य निवासियों को स्वच्छता बनाए रखने और पूरे देश में प्रदूषण फैलने से रोकने के लिए उनकी प्राथमिक जिम्मेदारी के बारे में जागरूक करना है।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का उद्देश्य क्या है?
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का प्रमुख लक्ष्य स्वच्छता के महत्व के बारे में जन जागरूकता को बढ़ावा देना है। इस पहल का उद्देश्य खुले में शौच की हानिकारक प्रथा को खत्म करना और शौचालय, ठोस-तरल अपशिष्ट निपटान प्रणाली और स्वच्छ पेयजल जैसी बुनियादी स्वच्छता सुविधाएं प्रदान करना है। प्रत्येक भारतीय नागरिक को सुरक्षित और पर्याप्त पेयजल, साथ ही शौचालय, तरल और ठोस अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन प्रणाली और स्वच्छ समुदायों जैसी बुनियादी स्वच्छता सेवाओं तक पहुंच होनी चाहिए। स्वच्छ भारत अभियान का उद्देश्य स्वच्छ सड़कें, राजमार्ग, कस्बे और बुनियादी ढाँचा प्रदान करने के लिए देश भर के लगभग 4041 वैधानिक कस्बों और शहरों को कवर करना है।
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान रातोरात नहीं हुआ। स्वच्छ भारत अभियान सभी को स्वच्छता की जिम्मेदारी लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करके व्यक्तिगत और सामुदायिक व्यवहार में सुधार लाने का प्रयास करता है।
आप इस उद्धरण का उपयोग करके अपने स्वच्छ भारत अभियान निबंध को समाप्त कर सकते हैं,
“हमारा आदर्श वाक्य होना चाहिए स्वच्छ भारत अभियान, स्वस्थ भारत अभियान – स्वच्छ भारत, स्वस्थ भारत।”
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान पोस्टर
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान पोस्टर – 1

स्वच्छ भारत अभियान पोस्टर-2

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Quotes
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay will be more prominent if uses any quote related to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Some of the Famous quotes on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan are as follows:
- “Sanitation is more important than independence. So long as you do not take the broom and the bucket in your hands, you cannot make your towns and cities clean.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “Sanitation is more important than independence” and “So long as you do not take the broom and the bucket in your hands, you cannot make your towns and cities clean.” – Mahatma Gandhi
- “It is our social responsibility as citizens of India to help fulfill Gandhiji’s vision of Clean India, by his 150th birth anniversary in 2019.”- Narendra Modi
- “Cleanliness is the Hallmark of perfect standards and the best quality inspector is the conscience.” – J.R.D Tata
- “Cleanliness is a mindset – a positive habit that keeps the body, mind, and environment happy, healthy, simple, neat, and delightful.” – Amit Ray
- “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is not just about cleaning our streets and surroundings, but it’s a movement towards a cleaner and healthier nation.”
- “We can build a better India by taking small steps towards cleanliness every day.”
- “Cleanliness is next to godliness, and a clean nation is a prosperous one.”
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