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Time Management Tips for CLAT: Maximize Your Score

As the competition is increasing day by day students are targeted to attempt all the 120 questions to confirm their selection and get a good rank in CLAT 2026 exam. To achieve that proper management of time is necessary. In this article, we have discussed many Time Management Tips for CLAT exam day to maximize your score and tricks to attempt CLAT mock tests with maximum attempts.

Time Management Tips for CLAT

Time management in the exam and proper time distribution during the CLAT 2026 exam preparation are required to increase your chances of success. Many of you may perform well in Mock tests but you fail to attempt the same number of questions in real CLAT exams. This is due to taking more time for any component while leaving no time for the rest of the CLAT Question Paper. Learning time management skills is very necessary otherwise you will not perform well besides having good knowledge.

Tips to Attempt 120 Questions in CLAT Exam

An aspirant’s time management ensures that adequate time is devoted to each 5 sections to attempt all the 120 questions. Try to follow the useful tips mentioned here.

Decide Time Limit for Each Section – Make a general strategy for how much time to spend on each section. You can calculate this time while taking the CLAT tests.

Read Guidelines – Before beginning, quickly read the instructions of each segment to avoid misinterpreting the questions or marking scheme.

Avoid Guesswork – Do not guess during the exam. Take the problem, comprehend it, and then respond. If it does not enter your thoughts, leave it.

Answer the Easier Questions First – Try to recognize the weak and strong sections separately. This can help you start with the easiest and get more confidence to attempt further questions.

Stop Panicking – Keeping cool during the exam is essential. If questions have come hard, don’t panic. Panicking only wastes time and impairs your capacity to think clearly. take a few deep breaths to calm down and start answering.

Don’t Ask Answers to Your Peers – Avoid asking for answers from others. Move on to the next question. Keep solving. Mark the time-consuming questions. Solve them later or in the end.

Complete one section at a time – Do not skip sections. Try one section, then go on to the other. Otherwise, it will cause a lot of confusion in the end.

Attempt Time taking Questions later – Do not waste time on questions that appear to be time-consuming. Move on and solve the problem in the end.

Take an overview of answers – Take a review of all questions in the last 10 minutes at the end of the exam.

Avoid Talking in the Exam Hall – Don’t discuss anything with your peers. Talking about the question paper can increase stress. So, avoid discussion altogether.

Stay Calm before entering the exam hall – Before the exam, avoid too much revision, discussion, quotes, and so forth. Maintain a calm and silent demeanor before starting the exam.

Try to Understand the paragraphs in one go – The English part includes comprehension-based questions, read and understand the paragraphs in one sitting.

Attempt Skipped Questions at last – Allow the remainder of the time to tackle the skipped questions.

Avoid Getting Negative Marks – Remember that negative marking applies to the paper. Skip the question rather than enter the incorrect answer.

CLAT 2026


Section Wise CLAT Exam Time Management

Students can decide an average time to solve each section by attempting various mocks. We have provided the general time should a candidate take to complete the paper in 2 hours.

Particulars Details
English section The section should be finished in 20-25 minutes.
General Knowledge GK must not take longer than 15 minutes.
logical reasoning This phase should be completed in 20-30 minutes.
Quantitative techniques Quantitative techniques should be solved within 10 to 15 minutes.
Legal Reasoning Complete the Legal Reasoning portions within 30-40 minutes.

Note – If you are failing to complete questions in the planned time then skip questions. There is no sectional cut-off. If you attempt guesswork, make an educated guess rather than a reckless one. There is 0.25 negative marking.

What to do to Increase Speed during Preparation?

Students can follow many tactics during their preparation to increase the speed of their problem-solving skills.

  • Practice Mock Test – The greatest method to enhance your time management during paper is to practice mock tests and previous years’ papers. Set a timer while you do this.
  • Skimming – Before delving into the details, skim the passage to acquire a sense of its theme, tone, and structure. This allows you to understand the context and saves you time.
  • Use Elimination Techniques – Use the elimination method to reduce your options. Discard options that are blatantly inaccurate, irrelevant, or contrary to the facts in the passage.
  • Solve Complex Problems before Exams – You understand your speed, enhance your reading abilities, and complete questions of varying complexity levels.
  • Take note of Important words – Highlight specific keywords and phrases in the questions while first reading. When you read the section again, these keywords will help you find the crucial parts of the text.
  • Read Editorials – Regular reading of newspapers or magazines might help you improve your reading and comprehension skills.


Related Articles:

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How to Score 100+ in CLAT: Proven Tips and Tricks

CLAT 2026: Exam Date, Notification, Complete Guide

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How to score full marks in CLAT?

First students must study basics of all 5 subjects. Then give mock tests on 1 day interval and note where you are lacking and work more on those areas.

How can I increase my CLAT speed?

Follow the tips given in this post and practice more and more CLATMock Test can increase your speed.

How many hours should I study a day for CLAT Exam?

If you are a beginner you can start with 5 to 6 hrs a day. Dont overbuden yourself in you aiming for CLAT 2026 exam.

About the Author

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 2 years of experience in the Ed Tech sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, CLAT, other entrance and CBSE, ICSE, ISC and other State Board exams.