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What is the Tone of the Passage? Know About Critical Tone

How you connect with your readers or audience plays a crucial role in determining your success rate. The words that you can use in casual subjects cannot be used in formal subjects. So, it is important to keep in mind the usage of emotions and thoughts in the article. The author’s attitude or sentiment towards the subject matter is reflected in the tone of the piece. It is expressed by the author’s word choice, sentence construction, and general writing style. In this article, we will go through the meanings and types of tones found in the writing world.

What is the Tone of the Passage

The tone of the chapter reflects how the author feels or feels about the topic under discussion. It is, in other words, tone defines the main feeling the author expresses about the subject. You probably respond to different people in the same or different tone in a variety of ways. Depending on the situation and the listeners, you could use a harsh, polite, or sarcastic tone when speaking the same words. Similar variations can be found in Reading Comprehension tones depending on the subject matter and the context. Here in this article, you will get to know about different tones used in reading comprehension.

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What is the Tone of the Passage of Reading Comprehension that usually asked in exams?

Narrative and Descriptive Tone

In narrative reading comprehension, the author takes on the role of the character in order to describe a narrative or an event. The question “Then what happened?” is typically addressed. An argument, conflict, problem, and solution, as well as motivational occurrences, are frequent topics in a narrative RC. The main goal is to pique the reader’s interest and keep them reading. discussions about things like your first day of school, a life-changing event, etc.

The goal of descriptive reading comprehension is to fully depict a person, location, or event. The author wants you to picture everything he hears, feels, sees, smells, and tastes.

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Jovial and Jocular/Humorous Tone

When an author uses humour, they work to make the passage’s context humorous and entertaining. He or she is joyful, upbeat, and amiable when being jolly.

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Sarcastic Tone

It delivers the exact opposite meaning of what is intended. Sarcasm is occasionally mistaken for humour, however it is frequently employed to address issues that the author finds objectionable. Try to comprehend the passage’s context and determine whether the use of a sarcastic tone is justified.

Critical and Cynical Tone

A fault-finding attitude of the author is frequently described by a critical tone, hence in a negative meaning. It might also mean that a problem has been thoroughly examined from every angle.
The cynical tone is used when the author expresses scepticism. He has a negative outlook on whether anything will occur or whether it will be worthwhile. These two reading comprehension questions are frequently asked in tests.

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Nostalgic Tone

A nostalgic tone reflects a desire for the past. It could be a happy or a sad memory.

Biased Tone

When we prefer one product, person, or group over another, we frequently speak in a biased manner to express our preference. Similar to this, the chapter contains biased language and arguments in support of a specific idea or belief. You can determine the answers to the necessary questions once you know where the author stands.

Motivating Tone

A motivating tone of writing, which is another intriguing style, tries to uplift and motivate you through the use of inspirational phrases and real-world experiences. These passages might use well-known people and events from their lives as examples.

Romantic Tone

This kind of tone is, as you might anticipate, fantastical and exaggerated. These sentences could seem entertaining to read, yet the content is implausible. The majority of abstract RC passages employ this tone.

Tone of The Passage in Reading Comprehension Question Video Explanation

Watch this video to understand better how to find tone of the passage.

List of Tone of the Passage

This table includes tones used in reading comprehension and their meanings

Possible tone Meaning of the word
Vituperative Cruel and angry criticism
Vitriolic Full of anger and hatred
Technical Using terminology or treating subject matter in a manner peculiar to a particular field, as a writer or a book
Speculative Theoretical rather than practical; thoughtful; reflective; hypothetical
Satirical Ironical; taunting; human folly held up to scorn/ derision/ ridicule
Sarcastic Harsh, bitter derision; taunting; sneering; cutting remarks
Romantic Fanciful; impractical; unrealistic; extravagant; exaggerated
Provocative Inciting; stimulating; irritating; vexing
Populist Egalitarian; pertaining to the characteristics of common people/ working class
Pedestrian Lacking vitality, imagination, distinction
Obsequious Fawning; showing servile complaisance; flattering; deferent
Motivating Impelling; inciting
Laudatory Praising; extolling; applauding
Introspective Consider one’s own internal state of feelings
Incendiary Causing strong feelings
Humourous Funny and amusing
Humanistic Evincing keen interest in human affairs, nature, welfare, values
Grandiose More complicated/ elaborated than necessary; pompous
Euphemistic Substitution of mild, indirect or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt
Ethical Dealing with principles of morality; honest; righteous
Emotional Easily affected by feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear and the like
Dogmatic Asserting opinions in an arrogant manner; imperious; dictatorial
Disparaging Speak slightingly; depreciating; belittling
Derisive Unkind and displaying contempt
Cynical displaying a belief that people are always self-seeking and never altruistic in their actions
Contemptuous Expressing contempt/ disdain
Condescending Patronizing; showing/implying patronising descent from dignity/ superiority
Commiserating Feeling/ expressing sorrow for; empathizing with; pity
Caustic Biting; acerbic
Biased Favouring one thing/person/group over another for personal reasons.
Belligerent Aggressively hostile; bellicose
Apologetic Expressing remorse, regret, sorrow for having failed, injured, insulted or wronged another
Apathetic Emotionless; not interested/ concerned; indifferent; unresponsive
Aggressive Forceful; tending towards unprovoked offensiveness
Acerbic Harsh/ severe; bitter


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Q. What do you understand by the tone of the passage?

Ans. The tone of a passage is the writer's attitude or feeling about the subject that he or she is presenting.

Q. What is the difference between note and tone?

Ans. The note, which corresponds to a specific frequency, is the sound's absolute pitch.
The sound that may be identified by its regularity of vibrations is known as a tone.

Q. What are some commonly used tones in RC passages?

Ans. Some commonly used tones are - Aggressive, Biased, Cynical etc.