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Top 10 Longest Rivers in India 2022

Top 10 Longest Rivers in India

Rivers are the largest and the natural flow of water which flows across land and into the sea. In India, Rivers are personified as goddesses and considered as divine and auspicious. The longest rivers are the source of livelihood for people living in cities which come across in their way. The Indian epic, Mahabharata, which goes back to roughly 9BC, mentions civilizations centered around Ganga or Ganges, the river adored by followers of the Sanatana dharma. Some of these rivers are also mentioned in the Ramayana. Thus, rivers have ancient significance and this carries forwarded from time to time. Rivers have played a vital role in the growth of the economy and served wildlife and biodiversity. In this article, we will discuss the 20 longest rivers of India and their significance. Stay tuned and bookmark this page to get related articles. 

Sl. No. Name Length (km) Originates From Ends in
1 Ganges 2,525 Gangothri Bay of Bengal
2 Godavari 1,465 Nasik Hills Bay of Bengal
3 Krishna 1,400 Near Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra Bay of Bengal
4 Narmada 1,313 Amarkantak hill in Madhya Pradesh Arabian sea
5 Yamuna 1,211 Garhwall in Yamunotri Bay of Bengal
6 Indus 1,114 In Tibet Kailash Range 5080 of Mountains. Arabian sea
7 Brahmaputra 916 Lake Manasarovar Bay of Bengal
8 Mahanadi 851 Amarkantak Plateau Bay of Bengal
9 Kaveri 800 Hills of Coorg, Karnataka Bay of Bengal
11 Son  784 Amarkantak, M.P.  Joins Ganga 
11 Tapi 724 Satpura Range Arabian sea
12 Penna 597 Nandi Hills  Bay of Bengal 
13 Damodar  592 Chota Nagpur Plateau Joins Hoogly 
14 Mahi 583 Vindhya Range  Arabian Sea
15 Tungabhadra  531 Varaha Parvata (Western Ghats) Joins Krishna 
16 Ponnaiyar 500 Nandi Hills Bay of Bengal
17 Subarnarekha 470 Chota Nagpur Plateau Bay of Bengal
18 Ken  425 Ahirgawan, Kaimur Range Meets Yamuna
19 Sabarmati  371 Aravalli Range  Arabian Sea
20 Sarayu 350 Nanda Kot mountain Joins Sharda River 
21 Ghataprabha  283 Western Ghats Joins Krishna River 

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Top 10 Longest Rivers of India

Ganga River – 2525 km

Ganga River originates from Gangothri and falls in the Bay of Bengal. Ganga is the longest river that originates in India. Hindus regard the Ganga to be a sacred river. The length of Ganga is 2525km and it flows through Uttarakhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal before entering Bangladesh. 


Godavari River – 1465 km 

The Godavari is the second-longest river in India after Ganga but it is the longest river in south India. The length of the Godavari river is 1465km. The Godavari originates from Nasik Hills in Maharashtra and falls in the Bay of Bengal. Godavari river is known as Dakshin Ganga and Gautami. 

Krishna River – 1400 km

The Krishna River has the fourth-largest river inflows and river basin area in India. The length of the Krishna River is 1400 km. It is also known as Krishnaveni. The river serves the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh. Krishna River originates from Near Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra and falls in the Bay of Bengal. 


Narmada River – 1313 km 

Narmada river is the longest river in Madhya Pradesh state. It originates from Amarkantak hill in Madhya Pradesh and falls in the Arabian Sea. The length of the Narmada river is 1313 km. People in Madhya Pradesh solely rely on the Narmada River, which they refer to as the “Lifeline of Madhya Pradesh.”  


Yamuna River – 1211 Km 

The Yamuna, which is also known as Jamuna. The length of the Yamuna river is 1211 km and it originates from Garhwal in Yamunotri and falls in the Bay of Bengal. It runs across the states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. It is a particularly significant site for Hindus, and it hosts yearly festivals like the Kumbh Mela, which is held every 12 years and attracts millions of pilgrims.


Indus – 1114 Km 

Indus river originates from Tibet Kailash Range 5080 of Mountains and it falls in the Arabian Sea. The total length of the Indus river is  3180 km. The length of the Indus river is 1114 km in India. The Indus River, also known as Sindhu Nad, is a vital supply of water for Pakistan’s economy. Its yearly flow is estimated to be over 243 km3, which is twice that of the Nile River.


Brahmaputra – 916 Km 

The Brahmaputra originates from Lake Manasarovar and falls in the Bay of Bengal. The total length of the Brahmaputra river is 2900 km. The length of the Brahmaputra river in India is 916 Km. Brahmaputra river is known as the Tsangpo.


Mahanadi – 851 Km 

Mahanadi originates from Amarkantak Plateau and falls in Arabean Sea. The length of the Mahanadi River is 851 Km. Hirakud Dam, the world’s biggest earthen dam, was built on the Mahanadi river near Sambalpur, Odisha. Behind the Hirakund dam is the 55-kilometer-long Hirakud reservoir, which constitutes one of Asia’s longest artificial lakes.


Kaveri – 800 Km

The length of the Kaveri river is 800 km. Kaveri river originates from the Hills of Coorg, Karnataka, and falls in the Bay of Bengal. On its left bank lies Harangi Reservoir. Lakshmana Tirtha is the principal right bank tributary. 


Tapi – 724 Km

The length of the Tapi river is 724 Km. It originates from the Satpura range and falls into the Arabian sea. Purna and Girna are the tributaries of the Tapi river. Tapi river flows through Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. 

Top 10 longest river of India in Hindi

भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप की शीर्ष 10 सबसे लंबी नदियाँ
गंगा नदी – 2525 किमी

गंगा नदी गंगोत्री से निकलती है और बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है। गंगा भारत में उत्पन्न होने वाली सबसे लंबी नदी है। हिंदू गंगा को पवित्र नदी मानते हैं। गंगा की लंबाई 2525 किमी है और यह बांग्लादेश में प्रवेश करने से पहले उत्तराखंड, बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश और पश्चिम बंगाल से होकर बहती है।

गोदावरी नदी – 1465 किमी

गोदावरी गंगा के बाद भारत की दूसरी सबसे लंबी नदी है लेकिन यह दक्षिण भारत की सबसे लंबी नदी है। गोदावरी नदी की लंबाई 1465 किमी है। गोदावरी महाराष्ट्र में नासिक पहाड़ियों से निकलती है और बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है। गोदावरी नदी को दक्षिण गंगा और गौतमी के नाम से जाना जाता है।

कृष्णा नदी – 1400 किमी

कृष्णा नदी भारत में चौथी सबसे बड़ी नदी प्रवाह और नदी बेसिन क्षेत्र है। कृष्णा नदी की लंबाई 1400 किमी है। इसे कृष्णवेणी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। नदी कर्नाटक, महाराष्ट्र और आंध्र प्रदेश राज्यों की सेवा करती है। कृष्णा नदी महाराष्ट्र में महाबलेश्वर के पास से निकलती है और बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है।

ऑनलाइन खरीदें नीट 2022 रिवीजन कोर्स

नर्मदा नदी – 1313 किमी

नर्मदा नदी मध्य प्रदेश राज्य की सबसे लंबी नदी है। यह मध्य प्रदेश में अमरकंटक पहाड़ी से निकलती है और अरब सागर में गिरती है। नर्मदा नदी की लंबाई 1313 किमी है। मध्य प्रदेश में लोग पूरी तरह से नर्मदा नदी पर निर्भर हैं, जिसे वे “मध्य प्रदेश की जीवन रेखा” कहते हैं।

यमुना नदी – 1211 किमी

यमुना, जिसे जमुना के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। यमुना नदी की लंबाई 1211 किमी है और यह यमुनोत्री के गढ़वाल से निकलती है और बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है। यह उत्तराखंड और उत्तर प्रदेश राज्यों में चलता है। यह हिंदुओं के लिए एक विशेष रूप से महत्वपूर्ण स्थल है, और यह कुंभ मेला जैसे वार्षिक उत्सवों की मेजबानी करता है, जो हर 12 साल में आयोजित किया जाता है और लाखों तीर्थयात्रियों को आकर्षित करता है।

सिंधु – 1114 किमी

सिंधु नदी का उद्गम तिब्बत कैलाश पर्वतमाला 5080 पर्वतों से होता है और यह अरब सागर में गिरती है। सिंधु नदी की कुल लंबाई 3180 किमी है। भारत में सिंधु नदी की लंबाई 1114 किमी है। सिंधु नदी, जिसे सिंधु नाद के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, पाकिस्तान की अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए पानी की एक महत्वपूर्ण आपूर्ति है। इसका वार्षिक प्रवाह 243 किमी 3 से अधिक होने का अनुमान है, जो कि नील नदी से दोगुना है।

ब्रह्मपुत्र – 916 किमी

ब्रह्मपुत्र मानसरोवर झील से निकलती है और बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है। ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी की कुल लंबाई 2900 किमी है। भारत में ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी की लंबाई 916 किलोमीटर है। ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी को सांगपो के नाम से जाना जाता है।

जेईई मेन/एडवांस्ड 2022 कोर्स के लिए रैपिड रिवीजन कोर्स में शामिल हों

महानदी – 851 किमी

महानदी अमरकंटक पठार से निकलती है और अरब सागर में गिरती है। महानदी नदी की लंबाई 851 किमी है। दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा मिट्टी का बांध हीराकुंड बांध, ओडिशा के संबलपुर के पास महानदी नदी पर बनाया गया था। हीराकुंड बांध के पीछे 55 किलोमीटर लंबा हीराकुंड जलाशय है, जो एशिया की सबसे लंबी कृत्रिम झीलों में से एक है।

कावेरी – 800 किमी

कावेरी नदी की लंबाई 800 किमी है। कावेरी नदी कर्नाटक के कूर्ग की पहाड़ियों से निकलती है और बंगाल की खाड़ी में गिरती है। इसके बाएं किनारे पर हरांगी जलाशय है। लक्ष्मण तीर्थ प्रमुख दाहिने किनारे की सहायक नदी है।

तापी – 724 किमी

तापी नदी की लंबाई 724 किमी है। यह सतपुड़ा श्रेणी से निकलती है और अरब सागर में गिरती है। पूर्णा और गिरना तापी नदी की सहायक नदियाँ हैं। तापी नदी मध्य प्रदेश, महाराष्ट्र और गुजरात से होकर बहती है।

Top 10 longest river in India 2022

S.No. Rivers Origin Length (km) End
1. Ganga Gangotri Glacier (Bhagirathi), Uttarakhand 2,525 Bay of Bengal
2. Yamuna Yamunotri Glacier, Uttarakhand 1,376 Merges with Ganga at Allahabad (Triveni Sangam – Kumbh Mela spot
3. Brahmaputra Himalayan Glacier in Tibet, but enters India in Arunachal Pradesh 1,800 Merges with Ganga and ends in Bay of Bengal
4. Chambal Tributary of Yamuna river, starting at Madhya Pradesh 960 Joins Yamuna river in UP
5. Son Tributary of Ganga, starting at Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh 784 Joins Ganga just above Patna – also considered part of Vindhya river system
6. Gandak Nepal; Ganges tributary at Indo-Nepal border (Triveni Sangam) 630 Joins Ganga near Patna
7. Kosi Starts from Bihar near Indo-Nepal border 720 Joins Ganga near Katihar district of Bihar
8. Betwa Tributary of Yamuna, rises at Vindhya region, MP 590 Joins Yamuna at Hamirpur in UP
9. Gomti Tributary of Ganga, starting at Gomat Taal, UP 900 Joins Ganga in Varanasi district
10. Ghaghara Himalayan Glacier in Tibet, tributary of Ganga 1080 Joins Ganga in Bihar
11. Hugli (Hooghly) Tributary of Ganga near West Bengal 260 Merges with Ganga at Bay of Bengal
12. Damodar Tributary of Hugli near Chandwara, Jharkhand 592 Merges with Hugli in West Bengal
13. Mahananda Paglajhora falls, Darjeeling, West Bengal 360 Merge in Ganga
14. Alaknanda Satopanth & Bhagirathi-Kharak glacier 190 Merge in Ganga, Devprayag, Uttarakhand
15. Bhagirathi Gaumukh, Uttarakhand 205 Merge in Ganga, Devprayag, Uttarakhand
16. Indus Originates in Tibetan plateau, Enters India in J&K 3180 Merges into Arabian sea near Sindh
17. Chenab Upper Himalayas in the Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh 960 Merges with Indus
18. Jhelum Tributary of Chenab river, Punjab 725 Merges with Chenab at Jhang (Pakistan)
19. Ravi Starts from Bara Bhangal, Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh 720 Joins Chenab in Pakistan
20. Sutlej Tributary of Indus river, originates at Rakshastal, Tibet 1500 Meets Beas river in Pakistan and ends at Arabian sea
21. Beas Rises at Himalayas in central Himachal Pradesh 470 Joins Sutlej river in Punjab, India
22. Parbati Mantalai Glacier near Pin Prabati Pass  – Mixes with Beas River at Bhuntar, near Kullu of Himachal Pradesh
23. Suru Panzella Glacier, Pensi La Pass, Kargil 185 Indus, Nurla, Skardu, Pakistan
24. Dras Machoi Glacier, Zoji La, ear Sonamarg, Jammu & Kashmir 86 Suru River at Kharul, Kargil
25. Zanskar Doda River (First Branch), Kargyag and Tsarap River (Second Branch)  – Indus River near Nimmu in Ladakh
26. Tsarap Pankpo La, Sarchu 182 Zanskar River, Padum, Kargil
27. Doda Drang-Drung Glacier, Pensi La 79 Zanskar River, Padum, Kargil
28. Kaveri Talakaveri in Western Ghats in Karnataka 765 Ends in Bay of Bengal
29. Krishna Originates in the Western Ghats near Mahabaleshwar in Maharashtra 1400 Ends in Bay of Bengal near Andhra Pradesh
30. Godavari Starts in Maharashtra and passes through 7 Indian states 1465 Empties in Bay of Bengal
31. Tungabhadra Tributary of Krishna river staring at Karnataka 531 Joins Krishna river along the border of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
32. Tapti Rises in Eastern Satpura Ranges, Madhya Pradesh 724 Empties into Gulf of Khambhat, Gujarat
33. Mahi Rises in Madhya Pradesh 580 Flows into Arabian sea from Gujarat
34. Narmada Starts from Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh 1315 Drains into Arabian sea via Gulf of Cambay
35. Indravati Dandakaranya range, Kalahandi district, Odisha 535 Godavari near border of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Telangana
36. Pranhita Confluence of Wardha and Wainganga, near Sirpur Kaghaznagar 113 Godavari, near Kaleshwaram, Telangana
37. Wardha Satpura range, Multai, Betul district of Madhya Pradesh 528 Pranhita River
38. Kolab (Sabari) Sinkaran hills, Koraput, Odisha 200 Godavari
39. Manjira Balaghat hills 724 Godavari, near Kandakurthi, Karnataka
40. Wainganga Satpura range, Mundara, Seoni district, Madhya Pradesh 579 Pranhita River
41. Painganga Ajanta range, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 676 Wardha river, Chandrapur district, Maharashtra
42. Vedavathi Confluence of Veda and Avathi  – Tungabhadra river, near Siruguppa
43. Bhima Bhimashankar 861 Krishna river, near raichur
44. Indrayani Lonavala, Maharashtra Bhima river
45. Pavana Sahyadri range, Lonavala Maharashtra 58 Mula river
46. Ghataprabha Western ghats, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra 283 Krishna river, Almatti
47. Venna Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra 130 Krishna river, Satara, Maharashtra
48. Koyna Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra 130 Krishna river, near Karad, Satara
49. Amravati Anamalai hills, Pambar, Chinnar rivers 282 Kaveri river at Karur, Tamil Nadu
50. Bhavani Silent valley National Park, Kerala 135 Kaveri river at Kongu Nadu region of Tamil Nadu
51. Hemavati Western Ghats, Chikmagalur, Karnataka 245 Kaveri river near Krishna Raja Sagara, Karnataka
52. Mahanadi Dhamtari, Dandakaranya, Chhattisgarh 858 Bay of Bengal, near False Point, Kendrapara, Odisha
53. Subarnarekha Chota Nagpur plateau, near Ranchi, Jharkhand 395 Kirtania Port, near Talsari, Bay of Bengal
54. Kangsabati Chota Nagpur plateau, Purulia district, West Bengal 465 Bay of Bengal near Haldia
55. Penner (Penna) Nandi Hills, Chikkaballapur district, Karnataka 597 Bay of Bengal, near Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
56. Palar Nandi hills, Kolar district Karnataka 348 Bay of Bengal, near Vayalur, Tamil Nadu
57. Vaigai Varusanadu Hills, Tamil Nadu 258 Palk Strait, Tamil Nadu
58. Vellar Shevaroy Hills 150 Bay of Bengal, near Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu
59. Ponnaiyar Nandidurg, Chikkaballapur 400 Bay of Bengal
60. Noyyal Velliangiri Hills, Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu 180 Kaveri river
61. Gomai Satpura Range  – Tapti river, near Prakasha, Nandurbar, Maharashtra
62. Panzara Near Pimpalaner, Dhule, Maharashtra  – Tapti river
63. Purna Satpura Range, Betul, Madhya Pradesh  – Tapti river, near Changdev, Maharashtra
64. Kolar Vindhya Range, near Sehore district, Madhya Pradesh 101 Narmada, near Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh
65. Tawa Satpura Range, Betul, Madhya Pradesh 172 Narmada near Hoshangabad district
66. Sabarmati Dhebar lake, Aravalli range, near Udaipur, Rajasthan 371 Gulf of Khambhat
67. Zuari Hemad-Barshem in western ghats 34 Arabian sea
68. Ulhas Near Rajmachi hills, Sahyadri range 122 Vasai creek, Mumbai
69. Mithi Vihar lake and Powai lake 15 Arabian sea, Mahim creek, Mumbai
70. Mandovi Bhimgad, Karnataka 77 Arabian sea
71. Kali Kushavali, Karnataka 184 Arabian sea
72. Netravati Kudremukh, Chikmagalur, Karnataka  – Arabian sea, near Mangalore, Karnataka
73. Sharavati Western Ghats, Tirthahalli, Karnataka 128 Arabian sea, near Honnavar, Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka
74. Periyar Sivagiri hills, Sundaramala, Tamil Nadu 244 Lakshadweep sea, Kerala
75. Bharathappuzha Anamalai Hills, Tamil Nadu 209 Lakshadweep sea, Ponnani, Kerala
76. Pamba Pulachimalai Hills, Western Ghats 176 Vembanad Lake
77. Chaliyar Elambaleri Hills, Western Ghats, Wayanad, Kerala 169 Lakshadweep sea, Kerala

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Top 10 Longest Rivers of Indian Peninsula: FAQs

Q. What is the length of the Ganga river?

The length of the Ganga river is 2525 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Godavari river?

The length of the Godavari river is 1465 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Krishna river?

The length of the Krishna river is 1400 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Narmada river?

The length of the Narmada river is 1313 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Yamuna river?

The length of the Yamuna river is 1211 Km.

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Q. What is the length of the Ganga river?

The length of the Ganga river is 2525 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Godavari river?

The length of the Godavari river is 1465 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Krishna river?

The length of the Krishna river is 1400 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Narmada river?

The length of the Narmada river is 1313 Km.

Q. What is the length of the Yamuna river?

The length of the Yamuna river is 1211 Km.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.