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Top 5 Tips and Best Strategies to Crack JEE Main 2022

Top 5 Strategies To Crack JEE Main- 2022


JEE Main is considered to be one of the toughest exams in India for engineering. The students preparing for JEE Main have to work hard to get admission to top engineering colleges in India. The competition is too high in JEE Main, lakhs of candidates appear in JEE Main every year, only a few of them get admission in their desired engineering college, rest has to settle for the colleges they got or they drop a year to improve their rank. All the students preparing for JEE Main 2022 are working hard in order to beat them you have to become better than the best. Before starting the preparation for JEE Main the student has to know the exam pattern, syllabus, and previous year questions of the exam. The exam pattern and syllabus will give ideas to the students about the topics they have to study for JEE Main while the previous year question paper will give the idea of question trends, by analyzing the previous year question paper the students can easily differentiate about the important topics and the topic which hold less weightage. In this article, we have given the 5 Best Strategies To Crack JEE Main examination. These tips will surely add value to the preparation of the aspiring students preparing for JEE Main. 

Read: 6 Preparation Tips for JEE Main 2022 Repeater

  1. Food Habits: The students ignore their health while preparing for JEE Main, the students must have good health to prepare for JEE Main. To have good health, students must take care of their diet, students should take proper nutrition diet and avoid junk food. Proper diet and a healthy lifestyle will make students healthy and energetic throughout the preparation. Not taking proper diet and consumption of junk can result in laziness and fatigue. Hence, students should maintain good health while preparing for JEE Main. 
  2. Practice Makes Man Perfect: We have been hearing this line since our childhood, “Practice Makes Man Perfect”, and this line is indeed true. Your brain works on patterns and repetition if you repeatedly study a topic with the proper revision you will be strong in that topic eventually. Hence, students must revise the topics they are studying.
  3. Right Resources: The students must choose the right books and other resources to study for JEE Main. If you run after many books and other resources and won’t revise them properly it won’t add value to your JEE Main preparation. Hence, your resources or books can be limited but whatever you are studying just revise them and be confident in whatever you are studying. 
  4. Meditation and Excercise: While preparing for JEE Main, life has become monotonous and students tend to get demotivated and frustrated easily when they didn’t get desired marks in the mock tests. So students are advised to give 20 to 30 minutes for self-care. Meditation and exercise work as a healer when you are doing tough tasks, you will be in your calm state and won’t lose your temper easily if you meditate daily. Also, for students who lose their concentration easily and couldn’t focus much on preparation, meditation is the best solution for such students. 
  5. Plan your studies: The students must have a proper timetable and a study plan to crack JEE Main. The students should plan their days, weeks, and months. It will help students to focus on their studies also they will be efficient if they follow the schedule. JEE Main is all about practice and self-assessment is necessary. Hence, students must give mock tests to assess their preparation and they should have a proper study plan which suited them. 

FAQs on Top 5 Tips and Best Strategies to Crack JEE Main 2022

Q. What is the best strategy for JEE mains?

  1. Proper Planning
  2. Mock Tests
  3. Developing good study habit
  4. Meditation and exercise to be focused
  5. Solve previous year’s paper to get a better understanding of the important concept

Q. Can I crack JEE Main by luck?

No, only luck can’t help you to crack JEE Main. 

Q. What is the best revision strategy for JEE Main?

The students preparing for JEE Main must revise all the topics they have studied. Students must revise daily, revise 2 hrs daily. If time constraints then revise on alternate days. Revision is as important as learning an important concept. 


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Top 5 Tips and Best Strategies to Crack JEE Main 2022 -_3.1


Q. What is the best strategy for JEE mains?

1. Proper Planning
2. Mock Tests
3. Developing good study habit
4. Meditation and exercise to be focused
5. Solve previous year’s paper to get a better understanding of the important concept

Q. Can I crack JEE Main by luck?

No, only luck can’t help you to crack JEE Main

Q. What is the best revision strategy for JEE Main?

The students preparing for JEE Main must revise all the topics they have studied. Students must revise daily, revise 2 hrs daily. If time constraints then revise on alternate days. Revision is as important as learning an important concept.

About the Author

Hi, I am Brajesh (M.Tech, MCA), I Professional Educator having 3 years of experience in school education sector. Aim to provide JEE, NEET, CUET, and Other Entrance exams information in a simple way to help students find clarity and confidence. I provide here easily accessible content on Exam Notifications, Syllabus, Admit Cards, and Results.