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FYUGP Full Form, Means- New Education Policy 4-year graduation

New education policy 4-year graduation

The framework for the new education policy 4-year graduation/undergraduate programme (FYUGP), which will be adopted in all higher education institutions as of the upcoming academic session 2023-2024, has been finalized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). All 45 Central Universities and the majority of state and private universities will begin offering the four-year undergraduate curriculum in the coming academic year. The UGC has stated that these regulations for four-year undergraduate programmes will be distributed to all universities in the country starting next week.. Follow the addaschool official website to get the most recent updates from UGC regarding the 4-year undergraduate programme

UGC’s New FYUP Curriculum Framework

New guidelines for the Curriculum and Credit Framework for the Four Year Undergraduate Programs have been released by the University Grants Commission. The Commission further stated that the UGC altered its Choice Based Credit system and created a new curriculum and credit structure for the four-year UG programmes in light of the NEP recommendations.

Students will have various entry and departure points, variable degree options with single, double, multi, or transdisciplinary choices, and a curriculum constructed with employability skills in addition to academic topics, as per the FYUP framework.

Download UGC 4 year undergraduate programme Curriculum Framework Official Notice

About UGC 4 year undergraduate education news

The UGC is expected to approve the four-year undergraduate programme (FYUGP), which will start in 2023–2024. The FYUGP will be implemented in the majority of state and private universities beginning with the upcoming academic session, in addition to all 45 central universities. In addition to this, several deemed colleges will also agree to the program’s implementation.

All new students will have the option to select four-year undergraduate programmes starting in 2023–2024, at which point the FYUGP is anticipated to get approval from the UGC for both current and past students. This suggests that students who registered in traditional, three-year undergraduate programmes this academic year may also have the choice to enter the four-year degree programme in the subsequent session.

All students will have access to a four-year undergraduate degree, according to the UGC, but they do not have to enrol in it. One option for a student is to complete a three-year undergraduate degree.

UGC 4 year undergraduate programme Rules

  • UG degree programmes with three or four-year durations are available with a variety of entry and exit points as well as re-entry opportunities.
  • After completing a one-year, two-semester course, students receive an undergraduate certificate, a two-year, four-semester certificate, and a three-year, six-semester certificate, which is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
  • Candidates will be awarded a 4-year bachelor’s degree after finishing an 8-semester programme if they also finish their major research project in their fourth year of study.
  • The inclusion of credit-based programmes and assignments in value-based education, environmental education, and community service.
  • The introduction of comprehensive and diverse undergraduate education will aid in the holistic development of human potential.
  • The inclusion of choices to transition to other modes of learning, including offline, ODL, online, and hybrid modes of learning, is one of the new curricular framework’s few features.

Degree how many years 2023: M. Jagadesh Kumar’s statement 

The UGC chairman M.Jagadesh Kumar stated that current college students who are in their first or second year would also be offered the option to enrol in four-year undergraduate programmes. All students will have access to a four-year undergraduate degree, according to the UGC, but they are not forced to sign up for it. One option for a student is to complete a three-year undergraduate degree. Through their academic and executive councils, various institutions will be allowed to establish their own norms and regulations. Even final-year students may be given the opportunity to enrol in the 4-year UG degree, the chairman said, depending on what the university decides.
The UGC chairman explained the significance of these changes by claiming that the program’s results would be known in four years if only new students were given the chance to enrol in FYUGP.On the other hand, the outcomes will be visible sooner if older students are allowed the chance to engage.

UGC 4 year undergraduate programme: MPhil and P.hd programmes

After four years of undergraduate study, students seeking a two-year postgraduate degree and an MPhil must receive a grade of at least 55% to be admitted to a PhD programme.

The MPhil programme won’t be offered for very long, though. According to the National Education Policy’s reforms, some renowned colleges will also stop offering MPhil programmes in the upcoming years.

UGC 4-year undergraduate programme: Criticism

The UGC’s comprehensive preparedness for the FYUGP has drawn criticism from numerous teachers and teacher organisations. They contend that it will force students to shoulder an additional year’s worth of costs.

fyugp full form

The FYUGP Full form is four year undergraduate programme in Education. It will allow the student an opportunity to experience the full range of holistic and experimental education.

fyugp Means

FYUGP means four year undergraduate programme in education. it is CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) for Undergraduate Programme.

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Will UG be of 4 years now?

The framework for the four-year undergraduate programme (FYUGP), which will be adopted in all higher education institutions as of the upcoming academic session 2023–2024, has been finalised by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

Can I pursue two degree at a time UGC notice?

A student may follow up to two ODL/Online academic programmes at once, one in full-time physical mode and the other in Open and Distance Learning (ODL)/Online mode.

What is the new education policy  2022?

The four pillars of Access, Equity, Quality, and Accountability form the foundation of the new NEP. The original 10+2 structure will be replaced by a 5+3+3+4 framework that includes 12 years of education and 3 years of Anganwadi/pre-school.

About the Author

Soumyadeep specializes in content creation for board exams, catering to the demands of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards students. He has two years of experience in the education industry. He has a graduate degree in Zoology Honours, he delivers content across several domains, including CUET (UG and PG), NEET, JEE, and universities.