SSC GD 2026 Notification (11 Nov), Exam Date Out, Complete Details

The SSC GD 2026 Notification will be released on 11th November 2025 on the official website at Check complete details about the SSC GD Constable 2025 Exam, Exam Schedule, Online Form, Selection Process, and more shared on this page.

The Staff Selection Commission conducts the SSC GD Constables in CAPFs, NIA, SSF, Rifleman (GD) Examination to recruit eligible candidates for Constable vacancy in paramilitary forces. The Commission is responsible for overseeing the examination process and recommend candidates based on their performance in Computer Based Exam, Physical Test, and Document Verification. It is mandatory for the candidates to follow the eligibility criteria and preparation strategy to successfully qualify this exam and grab a Govt Job. So, if you are more interested to know about this examination, then read the information below.

SSC GD 2026 Notification

As per the SSC Calendar 2025, the SSC GD Constable Notification 2026 will be released on 11th November 2025 on the official website at The official notification contains all the details related to the online application process, important dates, how to apply, selection process, exam centre, eligibility criteria as so on. We will share the official Notification PDF here after it gets released.

SSC GD Exam 2026: Highlights

The SSC GD Recruitment 2026 consists of Written examination (Computer Based), Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST), and Document Verification and Medical Test. Check the highlights of the exam below.

SSC GD Constable 2026: Highlights
Conducting BodyStaff Selection Commission
Exam NameSSC GD Constable 2026
Post NameConstable (General Duty)
Selection process
  • Written examination (Computer Based)
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Physical Standard Test (PST)
  • Document Verification and Medical Test
Exam LevelNational Level
Eligibility10th pass

SSC GD Recruitment 2026: Important Dates

All the important dates related to the SSC GD Recruitment 2026 is given in the SSC Calendar 2025-26. The official notification is going to release on 11th November 2025 and the online application starts on the same day. Also, the SSC GD Exam 2026 will be held in March-April 2026.

SSC GD Constable 2026: Important Dates
SSC GD Constable Notification 202611th November 2025
Online Application11th November 2025
Last Date to Apply Online15th December 2025
Last Date for Fees Payment--
Application Correction Window--
Exam Date 2026March-April 2026

SSC GD 2025 Online Application

The SSC GD 2026 application process will be conducted online through the official Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website. Interested candidates must visit the SSC portal and navigate to the "Apply" section. They need to register by providing basic details such as name, date of birth, email ID, and phone number. After successful registration, candidates must log in using their credentials to fill out the application form. The form requires personal details, educational qualifications, and a scanned photograph and signature as per the specified format. Candidates must carefully review the information before submitting the form. After submission, applicants are advised to download and print the confirmation receipt for future reference.

SSC GD 2026 Application Fees

he application fee, which can be paid through online modes such as debit/credit cards, net banking, or UPI, is mandatory for completion unless exempted. The candidates need to pay the SSC GD Application Fees to complete the application process. The Commission has exempted the application fees for women/SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen.

SSC GD 2026 Application Fees
CategoryApplication Fees
General/OBCRs. 100/-
SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman/FemalesFee Exempted

SSC GD 2026 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates who fit into the SSC GD Eligibility Criteria will be able to apply online for the posts offered by the recruitment authority. It includes the educational qualification and age limit for the candidates. The candidates who fail to fit into the eligibility criteria will not be considered for the application process.


As per the recruitment process, the nationality of the candidates plays an important role in the eligibility criteria of the candidates. They must fulfill the below-mentioned nationality criteria for the SSC GD Recruitment.

  • Must be a citizen of India
  • Vacancies in CAPFs and AR are allocated based on state/UT/area, so candidates must provide a domicile certificate or Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) for their respective state or UT when applying.

Age Limit

The SSC GD Age Limit is between the minimum age of 18 years and should not exceed 23 years of age. Candidates should not have been born earlier than 02-01-2002 and later than 01-01-2007.

The category-wise age relaxation has been mentioned in the table given below for the candidates.

SSC GD Age Relaxation
CategoryYears relaxed
SC/ST5 years
OBC3 years
Ex-Servicemen3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the date of reckoning
Children and dependent of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (Unreserved)5 years
Children and dependent of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (OBC)8 years
Children and dependent of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat (SC/ ST)10 years

Educational Qualification

As per the SSC GD Educational Qualification, the candidates must have qualified for their 10th board examination from a recognized board or university. Candidates will be asked to submit relevant certificates to prove their qualifications during the application process.

SSC GD 2026 Selection Process

The selection process for the SSC GD 2026 includes four stages and the candidates need to clear all the stages to complete and qualify the recruitment process. The details of the SSC GD Selection Process have been mentioned below.

Stage 1: Written Examination (Computer Based)

The first stage of the SSC MTS selection process is a written examination conducted in a computer-based format. This exam consists of 80 questions covering four subjects: General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, and English/Hindi. Candidates are allotted 60 minutes to complete the exam, with a marking scheme that awards 2 marks for each correct answer.

Stage 2: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

The second stage involves a Physical Efficiency Test (PET), which assesses the candidates' physical fitness. For males, the requirement is to complete a 5 km race in 24 minutes, while in the Ladakh region, the distance is reduced to 1.6 km, to be completed in 6.5 minutes. Females must run 1.6 km in 8.5 minutes, with a shorter distance of 800 meters in 4 minutes for candidates from Ladakh.

Race of the Female Candidates
TypeRace Limit
Candidates other than Ladakh Region1.6 Km in 8½ minutes
For Ladakh Region800 metres in 5 minutes
Race of the Male Candidates
Candidates other than Ladakh Region5 Km in 24 minutes
For Ladakh Region1.6 Km in 7 minutes

Stage 3: Physical Standard Test (PST)

The third stage is the Physical Standard Test (PST), which focuses on the measurement of physical attributes. Candidates undergo height and chest measurements, as well as assessments of visual standards.

SSC GD Constable: Physical Eligibility (Height)
Standard For Male CandidatesFor Female Candidates
Height ( General, SC & OBC)170 cm157 cm
Height ( ST )162.5 cm150 cm
STs of NE States157 cm147.5 cm
STs of Left Wing Extremism160 cm147.5 cm
Candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the States/ UTs of Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh.165 cm155 cm
Candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.162.5 cm152.5 cm
Candidates hailing from Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) comprising of the three Sub-Divisions of Darjeeling District namely Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong and includes the following “Mouzas” Sub-Division of these Districts : (1)Lohagarh Tea Garden (2) Lohagarh Forest (3) Rangmohan (4) Barachenga (5) Panighata (6) ChotaAdalpur (7) Paharu (8) Sukna Forest (9) Sukna Part-I (10) Pantapati Forest-I (11) Mahanadi Forest (12) Champasari Forest (13) SalbariChhatpart-II (14) Sitong Forest (15) Sivoke Hill Forest (16) Sivoke Forest (17) ChhotaChenga (18) Nipania157 cm152.5 cm
SSC GD Constable: Physical Eligibility (Chest)
CategoryMale Female
Chest Expansion (General, SC & OBC)80 cm /5N/A
Chest Expansion ( ST )76 cm /5N/A
Candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas, and candidates belonging to the States/ UTs of Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh.78 cm /5N/A
Candidates hailing from North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,
Tripura and Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA)
77 cm /5N/A

Stage 4: Medical Test/Document Verification

The final stage of the selection process consists of a Medical Test and Document Verification. This stage is only applicable to candidates who successfully qualify in the previous stages. The medical examination ensures that candidates are physically fit to perform the duties of the position, while document verification confirms their eligibility and authenticity of the submitted documents.

SSC GD 2026 Exam Pattern

The SSC GD Exam Pattern is the structure of the examination which includes the number of questions, sections, total marks, and the subjects included in the examination. A total of 80 multiple choice questions are asked in the SSC GD examination each containing 2 marks.

SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern 2026
SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
General Intelligence & Reasoning204060 minutes
General Knowledge & General Awareness2040
Elementary Mathematics2040
English/ Hindi2040

SSC GD 2026 Syllabus

The SSC GD Syllabus 2026 has been released by the Staff Selection Commission along with the official SSC GD Notification 2025. The syllabus includes four major subjects English/Hindi, Mathematics, General Awareness, and General Intelligence. The computer-based test will be conducted for 160 marks.

SSC GD 2026 Syllabus
  • Comprehension Writing
  • Sentence Formation
  • Para Jumbles
  • Synonyms
General Awareness
  • Scientific Inventions,
  • Sports
  • Awards and Honors
  • Important Dates
  • Culture
  • Geography
  • Economy
  • Indian/World History
  • General Polity
  • Current Affairs
  • Number System
  • Percentages
  • Averages
  • Ratio and Proportions
  • Interests
  • Profit and Loss
  • Discount
  • Mensuration
  • Time and Distance
  • Time and Work
General Intelligence
  • Spatial Visualization
  • Spatial Orientation
  • Observation
  • Visual Memory
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Analogies
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Similarities and Differences
  • Recent Studies and Theories
  • संधि और संधि विच्छेद
  • उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय
  • पर्यायवाची शब्द
  • मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
  • सामासिक पदों की रचना और समास विग्रह
  • विपरीतार्थक (विलोम) शब्द,
  • शब्द-युग्म,
  • वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द
  • संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना
  • अनेकार्थक शब्द,
  • वाक्य-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शुद्धिकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण,
  • वाच्य : कर्तृवाच्य, कर्मवाच्य और भाववाच्य प्रयोग,
  • क्रिया : सकर्मक, अकर्मक और पूर्वकालिक क्रियाएँ,
  • शब्द-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण,
  • अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द,
  • सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण और हिंदी वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में रूपांतरण, कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान

SSC GD 2026 Salary

The SSC GD Salary has been mentioned in the table given below for the candidates. The starting salary of the General Duty Constable offered by the Staff Selection Commission is Rs 23,527 and the basic pay of a constable is Rs 21,700. The post-wise salary details have been mentioned in the table given below.

SSC GD Constable Salary 2026
PostSalaryPay Level
BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSF, SSB, and RiflemenRs 21,700-69,100Pay Level 3

SSC GD Constable 2026 Job Profile

The post-wise job profile has been mentioned here for the candidates who are going apply for the offered vacancies this year. The roles and responsibilities the candidates will need to take care of once they qualify for the recruitment process have been mentioned below.

SSC GD Constable Job Profile 2026
ForceMajor Roles
  • Safeguard the Indo-Pakistan and Indo-Bangladesh borders.
  • Enhance security for border area residents.
  • Prevent transborder crimes and unauthorized entries/exits.
  • Combat smuggling and other illegal activities.
  • Conduct anti-infiltration tasks.
    Gather transborder intelligence.
  • Protect the border with China (from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh).
  • Restore order during disturbances.
  • Maintain vigilance on northern
  • borders.
  • Detect and prevent border violations.
  • Monitor illegal immigration and transborder smuggling.
  • Secure sensitive installations and VIPs.
  • Foster peace and security in local communities.
  • Secure PSU facilities and critical infrastructure.
  • Manage airport security at commercial airports.
  • Oversee Delhi Metro security.
  • Protect government projects and industrial units.
  • Provide security for individuals nominated by the Home Ministry.
  • Safeguarding industrial sites from fire hazards and other risks.
  • Monitor and prevent cross-border crimes.
  • Guard the Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders.
  • Ensure internal security across India.
  • Participate in international peacekeeping missions.
  • Provide VIP security, election duty support, guard vital installations, and counter
  • Naxal operations.
Assam Rifles
  • Maintain internal security through counterinsurgency and border security operations.
  • Assist civil authorities during emergencies.
  • Offer communications, medical support, and education in remote areas.
  • Serve as a combat force in war situations for rear area security.
  • Manage entry and guard duties at Secretariat premises.
  • Regulate internal discipline, vehicle entry and parking, material removal, and protect Secretariat property.

SSC GD 2026 Preparation Tips

The SSC GD Preparation Tips 2026 has been mentioned below for the candidates. They can make a checklist of the given tips to make sure they prepare strategically.

  • To effectively prepare for the computer-Based Test for the SSC GD Exam 2026, it's crucial to first familiarize yourself with the exam pattern.
  • Understanding the structure and format of the exam will help you strategize your study plan. Equally important is having a thorough grasp of the SSC GD Syllabus for, as this will guide your preparation and ensure you cover all necessary topics.
  • Additionally, reviewing SSC GD Previous Year Question Papers can provide valuable insights into the types of questions asked and the exam's difficulty level.
  • Developing a well-organized study schedule is essential, allocating time for both preparation and revision for the exam.
  • Practicing regularly with mock tests will enhance your test-taking skills and boost your confidence.
  • Finally, selecting the right study materials and books is crucial for effective preparation. Ensure that your resources are up-to-date and aligned with the current syllabus and exam pattern.

SSC GD Previous Year Question Paper

The SSC GD Previous Year Question Paper will help the candidates prepare for the upcoming examination. The candidates can use the previous year's papers as mock tests to practice and understand the examination pattern and know what the questions are questions asked for the last few years.

SSC GD Exam Language 2026

The SSC GD Exam Language for the Computer-Based Test has been mentioned below for the candidates. There are 13 regional languages in which the candidates can appear in the examination.

SSC GD Exam Language 2026

SSC GD 2026 Answer Key

The SSC GD Answer Key 2026 is released for the candidates which includes the correct answers to the questions asked in the written examination. The SSC GD Answer Key will help the candidates calculate their expected marks as well before the result is announced.

SSC GD 2026 Result

The SSC GD Result 2026 will be released on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission for the written test and PET/PST separately. The result will include the names and roll numbers of the candidates who qualified for the examination.

SSC GD 2026 Cut Off

The SSC GD Cut Off 2026 will be released for the male and female candidates who appeared in the examination. The cut-off is based on various factors including several questions, difficulty level, and seat availability. The candidates can go through the previous year's SSC GD Cut Off from the table given below.

SSC GD Cut Off For Female Candidates (Previous Year)
CategoryCut Off Details
Cut Off MarksPart A MarksPart B MarksDOB
SSC GD Cut Off For Male Candidates (Previous Year)
CategoryCut Off Details
Cut Off MarksPart A MarksPart B MarksDOB

SSC GD 2026 Online Coaching

The SSC GD Online Coaching by Adda247 can help you prepare efficiently for the upcoming computer-based test for the General Duty Constable. This online coaching will help the candidates to guide them properly to excel in the examination. The program includes mock and topic tests aligned with the latest exam pattern, complete with detailed solutions. Doubt-solving support is provided through the app, and in person at offline centers.

SSC GD 2026 Mock Test

The SSC GD Mock Test by Adda247 is designed to help candidates prepare effectively for the SSC GD Constable Exam. These mock tests are based on the latest exam pattern and cover all important topics, providing a real exam-like experience. By attempting these tests, candidates can assess their performance, identify weak areas, and improve their time management skills for the SSC GD Constable 2026 examination.

SSC GD 2026 Exam Center

The list of SSC GD Exam Center has been mentioned below for the candidates. They must select the nearest option in their application form to reach the examination center on time and avoid any hassle.

SSC RegionStates/UTs CoveredExamination Centres & CodesRegional Office Address
Central Region (CR)Bihar and Uttar PradeshAgra (3001), Allahabad (3003), Bareilly (3005), Gorakhpur (3007), Kanpur (3009), Lucknow (3010), Meerut (3011), Varanasi (3013), Bhagalpur (3201), Muzaffarpur (3205), Patna (3206)Regional Director (CR), Staff Selection Commission, 21-23, Lowther Road, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh-211002
Eastern Region (ER)Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Jharkhand, Odisha, Sikkim, and West BengalGangtok (4001), Ranchi (4205), Barasat (4402), Berhampore (WB) (4403), Chinsurah (4405), Jalpaiguri (4408), Kolkata (4410), Malda (4412), Midnapur (4413), Siliguri (4415), Berhampore (Odisha) (4602), Bhubaneshwar (4604), Cuttack (4605), Keonjhargarh (4606), Sambalpur (4609), Port Blair (4802)Regional Director (ER), Staff Selection Commission, 1st MSO Building, (8th Floor), 234/4, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road, Kolkata, West Bengal-700020
Karnataka, Kerala Region (KKR)Lakshadweep, Karnataka and KeralaBangalore (9001), Dharwar (9004), Gulbarga (9005), Mangalore (9008), Mysore (9009), Kochi (9204), Kozhikode (Calicut) (9206), Thiruvananthapuram (9211), Thrissur (9212)Regional Director (KKR), Staff Selection Commission, 1st Floor, “E” Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560034
Madhya Pradesh Sub-Region (MPR)Chhattisgarh and Madhya PradeshBhopal (6001), Chindwara (6003), Guna (6004), Gwalior (6005), Indore (6006), Jabalpur (6007), Khandwa (6009), Ratlam (6011), Satna (6014), Sagar (6015), Ambikapur (6201), Bilaspur (6202), Jagdalpur (6203), Raipur (6204), Durg (6205)Dy. Director (MPR), Staff Selection Commission, J-5, Anupam Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh-492007
Northern Region (NR)NCT of Delhi, Rajasthan, and UttarakhandAlmora (2001), Dehradun (2002), Haldwani (2003), Srinagar (Uttarakhand) (2004), Haridwar (2005), Delhi (2201), Ajmer (2401), Alwar (2402), Bharatpur (2403), Bikaner (2404), Jaipur (2405), Jodhpur (2406), Kota (2407), Sriganganagar (2408), Udaipur (2409)Regional Director (NR), Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
North Western Sub-Region (NWR)Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and PunjabAnantnag (1001), Baramula (1002), Jammu (1004), Leh (1005), Rajouri (1006), Srinagar (J&K) (1007), Kargil (1008), Dodda (1009), Hamirpur (1202), Shimla (1203), Bhathinda (1401), Jalandhar (1402), Patiala (1403), Amritsar (1404), Chandigarh (1601)Dy. Director (NWR), Staff Selection Commission, Block No. 3, Ground Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Sector-9, Chandigarh-160009
Southern Region (SR)Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, and TelanganaGuntur (8001), Kurnool (8003), Rajahmundry (8004), Tirupati (8006), Vishakhapatnam (8007), Vijaywada (8008), Chennai (8201), Coimbatore (8202), Madurai (8204), Tiruchirapalli (8206), Tirunelveli (8207), Puducherry (8401), Hyderabad (8601), Nizamabad (8602), Warangal (8603)Regional Director (SR), Staff Selection Commission, 2nd Floor, EVK Sampath Building, DPI Campus, College Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600006
Western Region (WR)Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Goa, Gujarat, and MaharashtraAhmedabad (7001), Vadodara (7002), Rajkot (7006), Surat (7007), Bhavnagar (7009), Kutch (7010), Amravati (7201), Aurangabad (7202), Kolhapur (7203), Mumbai (7204), Nagpur (7205), Nanded (7206), Nashik (7207), Pune (7208), Thane (7210), Bhandara (7211), Chandrapur (7212), Akola (7213), Jalgaon (7214), Ahmednagar (7215), Alibaug (7216), Panaji (7801)Regional Director (WR), Staff Selection Commission, 1st Floor, South Wing, Pratishtha Bhawan, 101, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400020



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SSC GD Previous Year QuestionSSC GD Syllabus
SSC GD Selection ProcessSSC GD Salary
SSC GD Post PreferenceSSC GD Cut Off
SSC GD Expected Cut Off 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When will the SSC GD 2026 Notification release?
Q: When can I apply online for the SSC GD Exam 2026?
Q: How many vacancies will be released under the SSC GD Recruitment 2026?