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English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer

English MCQs Questions And Answers: English  is one of the most important scoring subjects for all AP State level exams like APPSC Group 1,2,3, and 4 APPSC Endowment Officers etc. In this article we are providing  English MCQs Questions and answers, these MCQs questions and answers will definitely helps in your success. 

English MCQs Questions And Answers: ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మరియు తెలంగాణ లో అత్యంత ముఖ్యమైన మరియు ప్రతిష్టాత్మకమైన పరీక్షలు గ్రూప్-1,2,3 అలాగే UPSC లలోనికి చాలా మంది ఆశావహులు ఈ ప్రతిష్టాత్మక ఉద్యోగాల్లో కి ప్రవేశించడానికి ఆసక్తి చూపుతారు.దీనికి పోటీ ఎక్కువగా ఉండడం కారణంగా, అధిక వెయిటేజీ సంబంధిత సబ్జెక్టులను ఎంచుకుని స్మార్ట్ అధ్యయనంతో ఉద్యోగం పొందవచ్చు. ఈ పరీక్షలలో ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలు అయిన పౌర శాస్త్రం , చరిత్ర , భూగోళశాస్త్రం, ఆర్ధిక శాస్త్రం, సైన్సు మరియు విజ్ఞానం, సమకాలీన అంశాలు చాల ముఖ్యమైన పాత్ర పోషిస్తాయి. కాబట్టి Adda247, ఈ అంశాలకి సంబంధించిన కొన్ని ముఖ్యమైన ప్రశ్నలను మీకు అందిస్తుంది. ఈ పరీక్షలపై ఆసక్తి ఉన్న అభ్యర్థులు  దిగువ ఉన్న ప్రశ్నలను పరిశీలించండి.

English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer

English MCQs Questions And Answers

English Questions-ప్రశ్నలు


Topic: Cloze Test

Directions (1-15): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

 Q1. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Also read: 100 అతి ముఖ్యమైన కరెంట్ అఫైర్స్ ప్రశ్నలు మరియు సమాధానాలు తెలుగులో


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)perfect about 

(b)rely to food

(c)self-sufficient in food 

(d)dependent to food

(e) no change


Q2. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)longing to greenery

(b)making technological advancement

(c)creating marginal 

(d)producing grains

(e) no change 


English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer


Q3. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)reality suggests the same

(b)demand is same

(c)reality is bright

(d)truth is far from it

(e) no change 


English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer


Q4. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)driving them to 

(b)bringing them for

(c)drived them to

(d)attracting them in

(e) no change 


Q5. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)thought of alleviate up

(b)imagined for elevation

(c)supposed to be gearing up 

(d)gradually steeping up at

(e) no change 


Q6. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)dominating over the 

(b)making up to

(c)looking at

(d)predominantly dependent on

(e) no change 


Q7. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)profit of crops

(b)mercy of monsoons

(c)help of landlords

(d)need of having facilities 

(e) no change 


Q8. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)alternative irrigation facilities

(b)alteration in the facility

(c)irrigation facility alteration 

(d)facility to alter

(e)no change 


Q9. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.

Also Check: AP State GK MCQs Questions And Answers in Telugu 

Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)right of the farmers

(b)fortunes of the farmers

(c)decision of the farmers

(d)nature of the farmers

(e)no change 


Q10. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)intellectual cultivation

(b)thoughtful cultivation

(c)true approach

(d)systematic planning in cultivation

(e) no change 


Q11. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.

Also Check: Current Affairs Practice Questions and Answers in Telugu

Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)curtailing as the availability

(b)broadening because the approach

(c)narrowing because the price

(d)resulting in the occupation

(e)no change 


Q12. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)far more easier to love a luxury life

(b)difficult to make both ends meet

(c)annoying to control occupation

(d)convenient to increase output

(e)no change 


Q13. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)through monetary relief 

(b)through retreating monsoons

(c)through deliberate meditation

(d)through NGOs, irrigation

(e) no change 


Q14. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)ignoring the need

(b)targeted at improving the entire structure 

(c)depending upon the need of 

(d)detecting the crisis engraved

(e)no change 


Q15. Agriculture has always been celebrated as the primary sector in India. Thanks to the Green Revolution, India is now _(1)_ (self-addressed for) production. Indian agriculture has been _(2)_ (growing and using technologically) as well. Does that mean everything is looking bright for Indian agriculture? A superficial analysis of the above points would tempt one to say yes, but the _(3)_ (the study is different). The reality is that Indian farmers have to face extreme poverty and financial crisis, which _(4)_ (understanding them for) suicides. What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide? At a time when the Indian economy is _(5)_ (up for performing) to take on the world?


Indian agriculture is _(6)_ (dominantly about the) nature. Irrigation facilities that are currently available, do not cover the entire cultivable land. If the farmers are at the _(7)_ (leniency of land) for timely water for their crops, they are at the mercy of the government for _(8)_ (alternating irrigation facility). Any failure of nature directly affects the _(9)_ (destination of farmers). Secondly, Indian agriculture is largely an unorganized sector, there is no _(10)_(unorganized planning), farmers work on lands of uneconomical sizes, institutional finances are not available and minimum purchase prices of the government do not, in reality, reach the poorest farmer. Added to this, the cost of agricultural inputs have been steadily rising over the years, farmers margins of profits have been _(11)_ (causing the irrigation) rise in inputs is not complemented by an increase in the purchase price of the agricultural produce. Even today, in several parts of the country agriculture, is a seasonal occupation. In many districts, farmers get only one crop per year and for the remaining part of the year, they find it _(12)_ (feasible to increase livelihood). The farmers normally resort to borrowing from money lenders, in the absence of institutionalized finance. Where institutional finance is available, the ordinary farmer does not have a chance of availing it because of the procedures involved in disbursing the finance. This calls for removing the elaborate formalities for obtaining the loans. The institutional finance, where available is mostly availed by the medium or large land owners, the small farmers do not even have the awareness of the existence of such facilities. The money lender is the only source of finance to the farmers. Should the crops fail, the farmers fall into a debt trap and crop failures piled up over the years give them no other option than ending their lives. Another disturbing trend has been observed where farmers commit suicide or deliberately kill a family member in order to avail relief and benefits announced by the government to support the families of those who have committed suicide so that their families could at least benefit from the Government’s relief programs. What then needs to be done to prevent this sad state of affairs? There cannot be one single solution to end the woes of farmers.


Temporary measures _(13)_ (through donation) would not be the solution. The governmental efforts should be _(14)_ (mentioning the measures) of the small farmers wherein the relief is not given on a drought to drought basis, rather they are taught to overcome their difficulties through their own skills and capabilities. Social responsibility also goes a long way to help the farmers. The general public, NGOs, Corporates and other organizations too can play a part in helping farmers by _ (15)_ (rectifying their fields) and families and helping them to rehabilitate.

(a)raising the marginal cost of the inputs

(b)giving them fertilizers at high cost 

(c)motivating NGOs  

(d)adopting drought affected villages

(e)no change 


Folk Dances of Andhra Pradesh


English – Solutions

S1. Ans.(c)

Sol. Option D and B can be easily eliminated after a rough reading of the paragraph. Option D and B have a negative connotation. Hence are wrong.  Between Option A and C, Option C is the correct choice as it gives the meaning that green revolution has made India independent and self-supporting.


S2. Ans.(b)

Sol. Here in this question, Only option B is correct. Other options are grammatically incorrect. 


S3. Ans.(d)

Sol. The hint is given in the passage itself. ‘but’ before the blank indicates a contradiction, a negative connotation is needed here. Option D is the correct choice.

S4. Ans.(a)

Sol. Choice A is correct. As we read further after the blank, there is a hint, ‘What are the grave adversities that drive the farmers to commit suicide’, it gives us a confirmation about the options. 

S5. Ans.(c)

Sol. Option C is the correct choice. Using elimination rule through the knowledge of prepositions, Choice C is the apt choice. ‘Indian economy is supposed to be gearing up to take on the world’.

Check Now :  APPSC Endowments Officer Notification 2021 PDF

S6. Ans.(d)

Sol. ‘predominantly dependent on’ is the correct choice. Agriculture depends on nature. 

S7. Ans.(b)  

Sol. ‘mercy of monsoon’ fits correctly. Option A, and E can be easily eliminated, as they give irrelevant meaning. Between B and C, Option B is the correct choice. Option D is incorrect because as we read further, there is mention of nature, which gives the confirmation that option B is most appropriate.


S8. Ans.(a)

Sol. choice An ‘alternative irrigation facilities’, is the correct choice. Other options are irrelevant in the context of the paragraph.


S9. Ans.(b)

Sol. Option B is the correct choice. Failure of nature means problems such as delay in monsoon etc. affects the fortune of farmers.


S10. Ans.(d)

Sol. Option D is the most appropriate option.


S11. Ans.(c)

Sol. Option C is coherent with respect to the theme of the passage. Due to rise in agricultural inputs, investments in agriculture, profit margin of farmers in narrowing.


S12. Ans.(b)

Sol. Option B is the correct choice. To make both ends meet means to earn enough income to provide for basic needs. 


S13. Ans.(a)

Sol. Option A ‘through monetary relief ‘ is the correct choice. Option B is incorrect because Monsoon is not a temporary measure. It is a necessity. Option C and D are irrelevant.

S14. Ans.(b)

Sol. The governmental effort should aim at improving the condition of small farmers. Hence, Option B is most appropriate. 

S15. Ans.(d)

Sol. Option D is the correct choice. Options A and B are incorrect because raising cost input cost will not do any good to farmers, and we need a positive sentence here. Motivating NGOs also is irrelevant. 

English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer


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English MCQs Questions And Answers,11 January 2022, for APPSC Group-4 And APPSC Endowment Officer_9.1