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English Quiz MCQS Questions And Answers 29 July 2022, For All Competitive Exams

English MCQs Questions And Answers: English  is one of the most important scoring subjects for all TS And AP State level exams like APPSC Group 1,2,3, and 4 APPSC Endowment Officers etc. In this article we are providing  English MCQs Questions and answers, these MCQs questions and answers will definitely helps in your success.

English MCQs Questions And Answers: ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మరియు తెలంగాణ లో అత్యంత ముఖ్యమైన మరియు ప్రతిష్టాత్మకమైన పరీక్షలు పోలీస్ మరియు గ్రూప్-1,2,3 అలాగే UPSC లలోనికి చాలా మంది ఆశావహులు ఈ ప్రతిష్టాత్మక ఉద్యోగాల్లో కి ప్రవేశించడానికి ఆసక్తి చూపుతారు.దీనికి పోటీ ఎక్కువగా ఉండడం కారణంగా, అధిక వెయిటేజీ సంబంధిత సబ్జెక్టులను ఎంచుకుని స్మార్ట్ అధ్యయనంతో ఉద్యోగం పొందవచ్చు. ఈ పరీక్షలలో ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలు అయిన పౌర శాస్త్రం , చరిత్ర , భూగోళశాస్త్రం, ఆర్ధిక శాస్త్రం, సైన్సు మరియు విజ్ఞానం, సమకాలీన అంశాలు చాల ముఖ్యమైన పాత్ర పోషిస్తాయి. కాబట్టి Adda247, ఈ అంశాలకి సంబంధించిన కొన్ని ముఖ్యమైన ప్రశ్నలను మీకు అందిస్తుంది. ఈ పరీక్షలపై ఆసక్తి ఉన్న అభ్యర్థులు  దిగువ ఉన్న ప్రశ్నలను పరిశీలించండి.

English Quiz MCQS Questions And Answers 30 June 2022,For TS and AP Police SI and Constable_40.1APPSC/TSPSC Sure shot Selection Group


English MCQs Questions And Answers



Q1. In each of the following questions, five options are given and you have to choose the one which is grammatically correct. If all the options are grammatically incorrect then choose option (E) as your choice.

(a) The Principal indicated that the issues of improved quality of teaching in the college was high in his list of priorities.

(b) The Principal indicates that the issues of improved quality of teaching in the college were high in his list of priorities.

(c) The Principal indicated that the issues of improved quality of teaching in the college were high in his list of priorities.

(d) The Principal indicated that the issues of improved qualities of teaching at the college were high in his list of priorities.

(e) None of these.



Q2. In each of the following questions, five options are given and you have to choose the one which is grammatically correct. If all the options are grammatically incorrect then choose option (E) as your choice.

(a) Mohan has been suffering from fever since ten days and his condition has been deteriorating.

(b) Mohan has been suffering from fever for ten days and his condition has been deteriorating.

(c) Mohan have been suffering from fever for ten days and his condition have been deteriorating.

(d) Mohan has been suffering from fever for ten days and his condition has been deteriorated.

(e) None of these.


Q3. In each of the following questions, five options are given and you have to choose the one which is grammatically correct. If all the options are grammatically incorrect then choose option (E) as your choice.

(a)Often in political campaigns, a point is reached where the candidates take out their gloves and started slugging with bare fists.

(b)Often in political campaigns, a point is reached in which candidates take out their gloves and start slugging with bare fists.

(c) Often in political campaigns, a point is reached where the candidates take out their gloves and start slugging with bare fists.

(d) Often in political campaigns, a point is reached at which the candidates take out their gloves and start slugging with bare fists.

(e) None of these.




Q4. In each of the following questions, five options are given and you have to choose the one which is grammatically correct. If all the options are grammatically incorrect then choose option (E) as your choice.

(a) The Brahmins, in the period of their decline, took stock of the situation, and realized where the deficiencies of the ancient creed lied and how it should be met.

(b)The Brahmins, in the period of their decline, took stock of the situation, and realized where the deficiencies of the ancient creed lay and how it should be met.

(c)The Brahmins, in the period of their decline, take stock of the situation, and realized where the deficiencies of the ancient creed lay and how they should be met.

(d)The Brahmins, in the period of their decline, took stock of the situation, and realized where the deficiencies of the ancient creed lay and how they should be met.

(e) None of these.


Q5. In each of the following questions, five options are given and you have to choose the one which is grammatically correct. If all the options are grammatically incorrect then choose option (E) as your choice.

(a) Scarcely had we finished observing this when we were surprised by about a dozen of the old birds jumping in the most unsafe and funny manner towards the sea.

(b) Scarcely had we finished observing this when we were surprised by about a dozen of the old birds jumping at the most unsafe and funny manner towards the sea.

(c)Scarcely we had finished observing this when we were surprised by about a dozen of the old birds jumping in the most unsafe and funny manner towards the sea.

(d)Scarcely had we finished observing this when we are surprised by about a dozen of the old birds jumping in the most unsafe and funny manner towards the sea.

(e) None of these.


Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent (coherent means logically complete and sound).


Q6. Twenty years after the Asian financial crisis, South Korea seems to have learned its lesson, having taken great pains to strengthen its economic resilience. But now the country is confronting a new set of internal and external risks, which may foreshadow another economic crisis—or worse. In July 1997, a currency crisis that struck Thailand quickly spread to neighbouring economies. ___________________________________.

(a)South Korea was not hit right away, and many believed that it would be spared.

(b)The following month, South Korea turned to the International Monetary Fund for assistance, and launched painful structural reforms.

(c) South Korea waited for matters to come to a head before responding.

(d)As the labour force shrinks, the economy is losing vitality.

(e)As a result, the economy weathered the 2008 global financial crisis far better than most.

Q7. A project proposal and a draft model concessionaire agreement (MCA), drawn up by NITI Aayog and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in June this year advocates adopting the PPP model in healthcare and health delivery services. The framework for such a partnership is outlined in a project which goes out of its way to accommodate and facilitate private players in the healthcare system in the name of augmenting select healthcare services for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, which, as is commonly known, already have better infrastructure compared with smaller mofussil towns and cities. ______________________.


(a)The processes by which these formulations have been arrived at are equally revealing.

(b) The concessionaire agreement is to be drawn between State governments and selected private partners in the form of a PPP for the treatment of NCDs.

(c)The district hospitals to be short-listed for the project in tier 2 and tier 3 cities are expected to have not less than 250 functional beds.

(d)In order to give a direction to enhanced private sector engagement through PPPs to address the “growing burden of NCDs”, NITI Aayog’s project aims to “improve access to quality screening”.

(e) For the first time in independent India, it has been openly admitted in a national health policy document that critical gaps in healthcare would be filled by the private sector.



Q8. The Indian Army chief, Gen. BipinRawat, in a speech delivered in the first week of September, once again talked of a “two front war”, pitting India simultaneously against China and Pakistan. “We have to be prepared. In our context, therefore, warfare lies within the realms of reality,” he said in the speech just a day after Modi and Xi had a cordial meeting. _______________________________. But the Army chief again painted China as an “adversary” who was busy nibbling away at Indian territory.


(a)China had notified the Indian side about its road-building project in Doklam in the month of May but India preferred to send its troops to the part of the Doklam plateau to which the claimant is Bhutan.

(b)Indian diplomats more conversant with China and its politics were roped in to salvage the situation.

(c)Xi was busy making preparations to host the BRICS summit.

(d) The two leaders had agreed to establish a “forward looking” approach to bilateral ties.

(e)The Chinese side would have put forward their other complaints during the meeting between Xi and Modi.



Q9. ACH flight that takes off from India to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries has in it many Indian workers hoping to fulfil a dream: to make a decent living for themselves and their families.Tens of thousands of workers in the prime of their youth from across India make a beeline for jobs in West Asia. ___________________________________________________.In 2016, 5.07 lakh workers landed in countries in West Asia; in 2015 the number was almost 7.6 lakh. The ECR stamp means that the labourer is legal, but thousands more end up on tourist visas and work in the 18 West Asian countries.


(a)The ECR stamp means that the labourer is legal, but thousands more end up on tourist visas and work in the 18 West Asian countries.

(b)Most labourers end up in harsh work environments, many land in jails, some die and others are tortured.

(c)Besides, the conduct of court proceedings is in Arabic, a language alien to most workers from outside the region.

(d)Legal structures are weak for domestic workers, construction labour and fishermen in the GCC countries.

(e)Until June this year, almost 1.84 lakh such workers took the emigration clearance required (ECR) route to reach these destinations.



Q10. In a democracy, governments change. Parties contest and lose elections. Governments must change. Policies also change according to the need of the moment. All that is usual. There is no quarrel with that. It happens in every country. ________________________.This government does not realise that we have been a pluralist society and polity, greatly enriched by other lifestyles, respectful of different streams of being an Indian. Today, we are told that we must become a Hindu Rashtra. It is fundamentally different from what we have always stood up for.


(a)But they will be able to do so once they are able to amend the Constitution.

(b)The quarrel is that the fundamentals of India are changing.

(c)For anyone who disagrees with the government, there are ruthless consequences.

(d)People fear that there is a fundamental change.

(e)It is very different because we are now ruled by a different ideology.




S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. Sentence (c) is correct.

In Sentence (a), in place of ‘was’, ‘were’ will be used as the subject of the sentence‘the issues’ is in plural form.

In sentence (b), ‘indicated’ is used in place of ‘indicates’ as the second half of the sentence is in past tense.



S2. Ans. (b)

Sol. Sentence (b) is correct.

In Sentence (a), ‘for’ is the correct use instead of ‘since’ as ‘for’ is used with Period of Time.

In sentence (c), ‘has’ will be used in place of ‘have’ as ‘has’ is used for singular subject.

In sentence (d), the use of ‘deteriorated’ is wrong as the sentence is in present perfect continuous tense. Hence ‘deteriorating’ is the correct word.


S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. Sentence (c) is correct.

In sentence (a), ‘start’ will be used in place of ‘started’ as the use of tense is wrong.

In sentence (b), the use of ‘in which’ is wrong as the preposition depends on the verb that takes a preposition.

In Sentence (d), the use of ‘at which’ is wrong as after the verb ‘reach’, prepositions ‘to’ or ‘at’ is not used.


S4. Ans. (d)

Sol. Sentence (d) is correct.

In sentence (a), the use of ‘lied’ is wrong as its meaning is not correct for making the sentence meaningful.

In sentence (b), the use of ‘it’ is wrong as ‘it’ is used for asingular subject or object.

In sentence (c), the use of ‘take’ is wrong as the sentence talks about the past.


S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. Sentence (a) is correct.

Sentence (c) is wrong as the sentence starting with ‘scarcely, hardly, rarely, seldom’, ‘auxiliary verb + subject’ is used. Hence ‘had we’ is used in place of ‘we had’.

In sentence (b), the use of preposition ‘at’ is wrong.

In sentence (d),  the use of ‘are’ is incorrect.


S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. The paragraph talks about South Korea overcome with Asian financial crisis twenty years before and now facing internal and external risks resulting to economic crisis. The sentence before the blank tells about the crisis spreading to neighbouring economies from Thailand. Hence the blank must be filled by the sentence related to the above sentence. After reading all the sentences, we can easily infer that sentence (a) is going correctly with the paragraph as it talks about the crisis which will not impact South Korea right away. All other sentences are irrelevant. Hence option (a) is the right choice.

S7. Ans. (b)

Sol. The paragraph here talks about the project highlighting adoption of the Public private partnership (PPP) in healthcare services for non- communicable diseases. Hence the blank must be filled by the sentence talking about the agreement between the two ( public and private partnership). Hence we find that only sentence (b) is going in harmony with the paragraph as it talks about the concessionaire agreement between State governments and selected private partners. Hence option (b) is the right choice.

S8. Ans. (d)

Sol. The paragraph is giving the statement of Indian Army chief, Gen. BipinRawat, which was given a day after Modi and Xi cordial meet. The sentence before the blank talks about the meeting of Modi and Xi while sentence after the blank talks about China as rival by Army chief. Hence the blank must be filled by the sentence which states the relation between India and China. Going through all the sentences, we find that sentence (d) goes in agreement with the paragraph talking about the establishment of bilateral ties between the two nations by the two leaders. Hence option (d) is the correct choice.

S9. Ans. (e)

Sol. The paragraph revolves around the theme of migration of youth from India to West Asia for jobs. The sentence before the blank is telling about the approximate number of workers leaving India while sentence after the blank talks about the exact statistics of number of workers in the year 2016. Hence the blank must be filled by the sentence related to these two arguments. After reading all the sentences, we find that sentence (e) is correct as it tells about the statistics of the number of workers who took the emigration clearance to reach West Asia. Hence option (e) is the right choice.

S10. Ans. (b)

Sol. Here, while reading the paragraph, we can identify the theme which is the change of government and its policies that happens in every country. The sentence before the blank talks about the usual change of government and its policies while sentence after the blank talks about realizing the pluralist society and polity in which we are living in. Hence the blank must be filled by the sentence related to same theme. After reading all the sentences, we can easily point out that sentence (b) is making the paragraph complete, talking about the changing fundamental of India. Hence option (b) is the correct choice.



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మరింత చదవండి: 

తాజా ఉద్యోగ ప్రకటనలు  క్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి
ఉచిత స్టడీ మెటీరియల్ (APPSC, TSPSC) ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి
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Hi! I'm Kalyani, your go-to guide for exam prep on the ADDA247 Telugu blog. With 3+ years of experience in EdTech, I specialize in creating informative content on national and state-level exams, focusing on AP and Telangana State Exams. As someone who's walked the talk, I've personally appeared for competitive exams like TGPSC Groups, IBPS, Railways, and most recently, IBPS RRB Clerk Mains 2024. This hands-on expertise enables me to provide valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate your exam prep journey. On this blog, you can expect expert advice, study materials, and exam strategies for AP and Telangana State Exams, as well as Railways, Banking, Insurance, SSC, and other competitive exams. Stay tuned for regular updates, and let's crack those exams together!