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English Quiz MCQS Questions And Answers 5 August 2022, For All Competitive Exams

English MCQs Questions And Answers: English  is one of the most important scoring subjects for all TS And AP State level exams like APPSC Group 1,2,3, and 4 APPSC Endowment Officers etc. In this article we are providing  English MCQs Questions and answers, these MCQs questions and answers will definitely helps in your success.

English MCQs Questions And Answers: ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మరియు తెలంగాణ లో అత్యంత ముఖ్యమైన మరియు ప్రతిష్టాత్మకమైన పరీక్షలు పోలీస్ మరియు గ్రూప్-1,2,3 అలాగే UPSC లలోనికి చాలా మంది ఆశావహులు ఈ ప్రతిష్టాత్మక ఉద్యోగాల్లో కి ప్రవేశించడానికి ఆసక్తి చూపుతారు.దీనికి పోటీ ఎక్కువగా ఉండడం కారణంగా, అధిక వెయిటేజీ సంబంధిత సబ్జెక్టులను ఎంచుకుని స్మార్ట్ అధ్యయనంతో ఉద్యోగం పొందవచ్చు. ఈ పరీక్షలలో ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలు అయిన పౌర శాస్త్రం , చరిత్ర , భూగోళశాస్త్రం, ఆర్ధిక శాస్త్రం, సైన్సు మరియు విజ్ఞానం, సమకాలీన అంశాలు చాల ముఖ్యమైన పాత్ర పోషిస్తాయి. కాబట్టి Adda247, ఈ అంశాలకి సంబంధించిన కొన్ని ముఖ్యమైన ప్రశ్నలను మీకు అందిస్తుంది. ఈ పరీక్షలపై ఆసక్తి ఉన్న అభ్యర్థులు  దిగువ ఉన్న ప్రశ్నలను పరిశీలించండి.

English Quiz MCQS Questions And Answers 30 June 2022,For TS and AP Police SI and Constable_40.1APPSC/TSPSC Sure shot Selection Group


English MCQs Questions And Answers


Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

  1. This doesn’t mean that other sectors are safe; corruption in procurement contracts in the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education’s “ghost schools” are also striking.
  2. British Prime Minister David Cameron recently called the country “fantastically corrupt.”
  3. Corruption is especially prevalent in construction and logistics, where most of the aid money is diverted.
  4. The corruption in Afghanistan stems from an inflow of aid money, giving the country one of the worst reputations in the world.
  5. As Peter Bauer, the famed development economist, has rightly said, foreign aid is “an excellent method for transferring money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.”
  6. Aid is flowing in without question and mostly goes into the pockets of corrupt officials in a system that lacks accountability.


Q1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(a)A       (b) B     (c) C     (d) D    (e) F


Q2. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(a)A        (b) B     (c) C     (d) D    (e) F



Q3. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(a)A        (b) B     (c) C     (d) E    (e) F




Q4. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(a)A        (b) B     (c) C     (d) E    (e) F



Q5. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (last) sentence after rearrangement?

(a)A        (b) B     (c) C     (d) D    (e) F



Directions (6-15): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.


Q6. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) compensate                                                 (b) covers

(c) atones                                                            (d) indemnifies



Q7. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) with                                                                (b) according

(c) stated                                                             (d) under

(e) about


Q8. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) Intimate                                                        (b) Demand

(c) Register                                                         (d) Firm



Q9. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) towing                                                           (b) drawing

(c) booting                                                          (d) hoisting

(e) pulling




Q10. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) senior                                                             (b) authorized

(c) nearest                                                          (d) renowned

(e) experienced


Q11. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) hurry                                                              (b) accelerates

(c) expedite                                                        (d) fix

(e) confirm



Q12. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) over                                                                (b) with

(c) by                                                                     (d) no preposition required

(e) on



Q13. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) assess                                                             (b) recoup

(c) pay back                                                        (d) calculate

(e) rate


Q14. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) submit                                                           (b) furnished

(c) include                                                           (d) consisted

(e) cover



Q15. Vehicle insurance (6) costs involved in case of accident of the vehicle. The procedure for an accident claim (7)  a motor policy includes these steps. (8) the claim to the insurers immediately in case of an accident or theft. In case the vehicle is outside the city limits of the insuring office, intimate the nearest office of the insurance company. Most insurers prefer spot survey in case of all major accidents. The vehicle should be moved to the repairer. Obtain and preserve the receipt for (9) the vehicle to the repairer. Obtain an estimate of repairs. One should go to an (10) repairer of the manufacturer of the vehicle. This will (11) the appointment of the surveyor. Insurers issue a claim form (12)  intimation and on submission of the form completed and signed by the insured, they will depute a surveyor to (13) the loss. Provide copies of the legal documents – FIR, challans, summons etc to the insurance company for quick disposal of claim. The surveyor will visit the workshop for inspection of the vehicle and finalization of the claim amount with the owner or repairer. It should be noted that one should never initiate repairs prior to the inspection of the vehicle by the surveyor. The documents required by the surveyor will (14) a copy of the insurance policy, driving license, and registration certificate. On satisfactory repairs of the vehicle, intimate the insurers who may at (15) option have the vehicle reinserted. The documents to be deposited with the insurers include original bill of repairs, replacements, cash memo, payment proof etc for disposal of claim.


(a) our                                                                  (b) their

(c) its                                                                     (d) his

(e) self


S1. Ans. (d)

Sol. the correct sequence is DBFECA

Sentence (D) should be the first sentence as it gives the introduction of the passage i.e., corruption in Afghanistan and the main source of its derivation. With reference to that, sentence (B) provided criticism from the British Prime minister by calling the country as “fantastically corrupt”, thus making it the second sentence in this rearrangement. Sentence (F) shows the actual transition of aid that happens in this corrupt nation and following that sentence (E) further emphasizes the occurrence using the citation of a noted development economist. The industry where corruption is mostly prevalent is mentioned in sentence (C). However, sentence (A) expanded corruption’s occurrence by mentioning other sectors, hence making it the concluding sentence in this rearrangement.  the correct sequence is DBFECA

S2. Ans. (b)

Sol. the correct sequence is DBFECA

Sentence (D) should be the first sentence as it gives the introduction of the passage i.e., corruption in Afghanistan and the main source of its derivation. With reference to that, sentence (B) provided criticism from the British Prime minister by calling the country as “fantastically corrupt”, thus making it the second sentence in this rearrangement. Sentence (F) shows the actual transition of aid that happens in this corrupt nation and following that sentence (E) further emphasizes the occurrence using the citation of a noted development economist. The industry where corruption is mostly prevalent is mentioned in sentence (C). However, sentence (A) expanded corruption’s occurrence by mentioning other sectors, hence making it the concluding sentence in this rearrangement.  the correct sequence is DBFECA

S3. Ans. (e)

Sol. the correct sequence is DBFECA

Sentence (D) should be the first sentence as it gives the introduction of the passage i.e., corruption in Afghanistan and the main source of its derivation. With reference to that, sentence (B) provided criticism from the British Prime minister by calling the country as “fantastically corrupt”, thus making it the second sentence in this rearrangement. Sentence (F) shows the actual transition of aid that happens in this corrupt nation and following that sentence (E) further emphasizes the occurrence using the citation of a noted development economist. The industry where corruption is mostly prevalent is mentioned in sentence (C). However, sentence (A) expanded corruption’s occurrence by mentioning other sectors, hence making it the concluding sentence in this rearrangement.  the correct sequence is DBFECA

S4. Ans. (d)

Sol. the correct sequence is DBFECA

Sentence (D) should be the first sentence as it gives the introduction of the passage i.e., corruption in Afghanistan and the main source of its derivation. With reference to that, sentence (B) provided criticism from the British Prime minister by calling the country as “fantastically corrupt”, thus making it the second sentence in this rearrangement. Sentence (F) shows the actual transition of aid that happens in this corrupt nation and following that sentence (E) further emphasizes the occurrence using the citation of a noted development economist. The industry where corruption is mostly prevalent is mentioned in sentence (C). However, sentence (A) expanded corruption’s occurrence by mentioning other sectors, hence making it the concluding sentence in this rearrangement.  the correct sequence is DBFECA

S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. the correct sequence is DBFECA

Sentence (D) should be the first sentence as it gives the introduction of the passage i.e., corruption in Afghanistan and the main source of its derivation. With reference to that, sentence (B) provided criticism from the British Prime minister by calling the country as “fantastically corrupt”, thus making it the second sentence in this rearrangement. Sentence (F) shows the actual transition of aid that happens in this corrupt nation and following that sentence (E) further emphasizes the occurrence using the citation of a noted development economist. The industry where corruption is mostly prevalent is mentioned in sentence (C). However, sentence (A) expanded corruption’s occurrence by mentioning other sectors, hence making it the concluding sentence in this rearrangement.  the correct sequence is DBFECA

S6. Ans.  (a)

Sol.  Option (a) is eliminated here as the subject of sentence is singular so singular verb is needed. Atone- to compensate, to pay, indemnify Cover- to protect So, All options are synonyms to one another but Option (b) would be most appropriate here as ‘insurance cover’ is commonly used phrase.


S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. Options (a) & (e) are eliminated here as it doesn’t make any sense here. And option (b) & (c) both are followed by a preposition. Hence, Option (d) is the right answer


S8. Ans.  (a)

Sol.  Demand, Firm and Register are the steps which are taken after the intimation (to inform). Intimate the claim is the very first step in the process of insurance. Hence Option (a) is the correct answer here.


S9. Ans. (a)

Sol. Towing-pull a vehicle along with a rope Hoisting-to raise a vehicle with a rope Booting-kick hard in a specific direction So, option (c) & (d) are eliminated but on comparing option (a), (b) and (e), Option (a) is the word which suits to the tone of the passage. Hence, it is the answer of the question.


S10. Ans. (b)

Sol. According to the passage, Insurance of vehicles can be claimed on furnishing documents of the repairs. So, ‘Authorized’ is the appropriate word which fills the blank correctly.


S11. Ans. (c)

Sol. Expedite- make a process happen sooner or more quickly Accelerates-to make process fast; but it is grammatically incorrect (‘accelerate’ would be the right word). On comparison of ‘hurry’ and ‘expedite’, the latter is more appropriately fills the blank.


S12. Ans. (e)

Sol. There must be same form of verb and preposition at both sides of conjunction ‘and’. So, th blank would be only filled with option (e).


S13. Ans. (a)

Sol. Assess- to evaluate or estimate the nature or quality of something; to gauge Recoup-regain something which is lost Here, the loss is first assessed whether it is actually happened or it is fabricated. So, option (d) is eliminated. Other options don’t make sense here. Hence option (a) is the right answer.


S14. Ans. (c)

Sol. Submit-to furnish, to provide Option (d) would have been the answer if it were in first form of verb. So, option (c) fills the  blank correctly.


S15. Ans. (b)

Sol. Option (a) is incorrect because it is used with first person pronoun. Also, ‘his’ is possessive case for singular pronoun but the word ‘insurers’  is plural Hence, option (b) is the right answer.




English Quiz MCQS Questions And Answers 5 August 2022, For All Competitive Exams_4.1


మరింత చదవండి: 

తాజా ఉద్యోగ ప్రకటనలు  క్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి
ఉచిత స్టడీ మెటీరియల్ (APPSC, TSPSC) ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి
ఉచిత మాక్ టెస్టులు  ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి

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English Quiz MCQS Questions And Answers 5 August 2022, For All Competitive Exams_5.1
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