AP High Court Assistant పరీక్షలో ఇంగ్లీష్ విభాగం ఉన్నది. ఈ విభాగంలో reading comprehension, sentence formation, synonyms & antonyms, grammatical errors మొదలైన వాటి ఆధారంగా ప్రశ్నలు ఉంటాయి. అన్ని పోటీ పరీక్షల మాదిరిగానే AP హైకోర్ట్ పరీక్ష నందు Synonyms చాల ముఖ్యమైన అంశము. కావున ఇక్కడ ఇంగ్లీష్ విభాగంలో అతి ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలకు సంబంధించిన సమాచారం ఈ వ్యాసంలో మీకు అందిస్తున్నాము.Synonyms అంశానికి సంబంధించి AP High Court Assistant English Study Material రూపంలో మీకు పూర్తి సమాచారం అందిస్తున్నాము.
AP High Court Assistant English Study Material- Synonyms : Part-1
- Pronunciation: gree-vuhns
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a wrong considered as grounds for complaint, or something believed to cause distress.
- Synonyms: complaint, objection, grudge
- Antonyms: compliment, praise, peace
- Usage in a sentence: In the petition, the students listed their many grievances against the university administration
- Pronunciation: mil-yoo
- Parts of Speech: Noun
- Meaning – a person’s social environment
- Synonyms – environment, atmosphere, setting
- Antonyms: no place
- Usage in a sentence – She never felt happy in a student milieu.
- Pronunciation: lop-sai-did
- Parts of speech: adjective
- Meaning: with one side lower or smaller than the other.
- Synonyms: uneven, unequal, one-sided.
- Antonyms: Balanced , even , straight
- Usage in a sentence: The house had a lopsided porch.
- Pronunciation: oh-pas-i-tee
- Parts of speech: Noun
- Meaning: the quality of lacking transparency or translucence.
- Synonyms: Obscurity, cloudiness, opaqueness
- Antonyms: Transparency , clarity , clearness
- Usage in a sentence: During the rainstorm, condensation created the opacity on the front windshield making it impossible to drive safely
- Pronunciation: hez-i-tuhn-see
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the failure to do something immediately or quickly because you are nervous or not certain
- Synonyms: uncertain, unsure, reluctant
- Antonyms: certain, sure, decisive
- Usage in a sentence: Her hesitancy to become class captain hinted at her lack of confidence
- Pronunciation: ih-val-yoo-eyt
- Part of Speech: verb
- Meaning: to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something
- Synonyms: assess, appraise, judge
- Antonyms: misjudge, undervalue, reject
- Usage in a sentence: She had to be thoroughly evaluated before she could be offered the position.
- Pronunciation: ih-vohk
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind.
- Synonyms: provoke, elicit
- Antonyms: suppress, halt
- Use in a Sentence: His appearance is bound to evoke sympathy
- Pronunciation: en-shoor, -shur
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: to make something certain to happen
- Synonyms: guarantee, assure, ascertain
- Antonyms: gamble, baffle, bewilder
- Usage in a sentence: A regular weekly liquid feed will ensure a good yield.
- Pronunciation: Col-o-sal
- Part of speech: Adjective
- Meaning: extremely large or great
- Synonyms: immense, huge, gargantuan
- Antonyms: little, minute, minuscule
- Usage in a sentence: It took twelve men to carry the colossal pie to the pie festival.
- Pronunciation: uh-meel-yuh-reyt
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.
- Synonyms: improve, better, alleviate, enhance
- Antonyms: aggravate, deteriorate, exacerbate, worsen
- Usage in a Sentence: This medicine should help ameliorate the pain.
- Pronunciation: kou-er
- Part of Speech: verb
- Meaning: to lower your head or body in fear, often while moving backwards
- Synonyms: grovel, shrink, flinch
- Antonyms: stand tall, flourish, swagger
- Usage in a sentence: They cowered at the sight of the gun.
- Pronunciation: tan-tuh-mount
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: a. equivalent, as in value, force, effect, or signification
- Synonyms: equivalent, equal, same, identical
- Antonyms: diverse, different, opposite
- Usage in a sentence: The King’s request was tantamount to a command.
- Pronunciation: bloo-kol-er
- Part of Speech: adjective
- Meaning: of or relating to wage-earning workers who wear work clothes or other specialized clothing on the job, as mechanics, longshoremen, and miners. Blue-collar workers do work needing strength or physical skill rather than office work.
- Synonyms: manual labourer, proletarian, wage-earner
- Antonyms: elite, white-collar, bourgeoisie
- Usage in a sentence: Some companies hire college graduates as blue-collar worker supervisors and then promote them.
- Pronunciation: ret-er-ik
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
- Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast
- Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet
- Use in a Sentence: Father’s speech may be rhetoric, but he loves his children the most.
- Pronunciation: kuhl
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning: a. to choose; select; pick (Verb) b. to gather the choice things or parts from (Verb) c. to kill weaker ones (Verb)
- Synonyms: select, pick, extract, choose
- Antonyms: scatter, deselect, disperse
- Usage in a sentence: The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.
- Pronunciation: vij-uh-luh nt
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: a. keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
- Synonyms: watchful, attentive
- Antonyms: careless, negligent
- Use in a Sentence: The thief was spotted by vigilant neighbours
- Pronunciation: pri-dom-uh-nuhnt
- Part of Speech: adjective
- Meaning: a. more noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others
- Synonyms: paramount, chief, principal, foremost
- Antonyms: minor, unimportant, insignificant
- Usage in a sentence: In this painting, the predominant colour is black.
- Pronunciation: myoo-tey-shun
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a significant genetic change
- Synonyms: modification, variation, alteration
- Antonyms: uniformity, sameness, regularity
- Usage in a sentence: A mutation in the virus was the cause of several new cases of Measles
- Pronunciation: kow-maw-bi·duh-tee
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a. the fact that people who have a disease or condition also have one or more other diseases or conditions
- Synonyms: (of a disease) related, associated, coexisting
- Antonyms: autonomous, detached, independent
- Usage in a sentence: People with comorbidities have a weaker immune system due to fighting more than one disease at a time.
- Pronunciation: leeg
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a covenant or compact made between persons, parties, states, etc., for the promotion or maintenance of common interests or for mutual assistance or service.
- Synonyms: association, union, alliance
- Antonyms: separation, expulsion, isolation
- Usage in a sentence: The cousins formed a league to help their brother get into the baseball team.
- Pronunciation: surj
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning: a. a sudden powerful forward or upward movement. [Noun] b. move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward. [Verb]
- Synonyms: Rise, Gush, Overflow
- Antonyms: Decline, Diminish, Deteriorate
- Use in a Sentence : After lifting Lockdown in many States CoVID-19 Cases surged.
- Pronunciation: dis-puh n-sey-shuh-n
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. exemption from a rule or usual requirement.
b. a political, religious, or social system prevailing at a particular time. - Synonyms: liberty, distribution
- Antonyms: denial, limitation
- Use in Sentence: They saw signs of new dispensation everywhere.
Word: Reconciliation
- Pronunciation: rek-uh n-sil-ee-ey-shuh-n
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the restoration of friendly relations.
- Synonyms: reunion, accord, compromise
- Antonyms: conflict, breakup, feud
- Usage in a sentence: There was little hope of reconciliation between the two groups.
Word: Feud
- Pronunciation: fyood
- Part of speech: noun
- Meaning: a state of long-standing mutual hostility
- Synonyms: quarrel, squabble, dispute, conflict, hostility
- Antonyms: agreement, friendship, accord, harmony, comradeship
- Usage in a sentence: My grandfather once had a feud with the mayor of his city and they settled it with a duel
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