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General English MCQs Questions And Answers For Telangana High Court

Telangana High Court English Study Material Based on the latest Exam pattern:

Preparing for the Telangana High Court exams can be a challenging task, especially with the vast syllabus and competitive nature of the exams. To assist aspiring candidates, we are providing free daily PDFs of English study material that cater to posts like Junior Assistant, Record Assistant, Copyist, Examiner, Office Subordinate, and more.

Our study material is designed to help candidates build a strong foundation in English while staying aligned with the exam syllabus. This initiative ensures that every candidate has access to high-quality resources without any cost.

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We are excited to provide daily English study material in PDF format to help you excel in the Telangana High Court exams. Each day, you can access carefully curated content designed to strengthen your grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. These PDFs are aligned with the exam syllabus and include essential topics to boost your preparation. By downloading our free daily PDFs, you can stay consistent in your study routine and focus on key areas required for posts like Junior Assistant, Record Assistant, Copyist, Examiner, Office Subordinate, and more. Make the most of this resource and achieve your career goals!

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General English MCQs Questions And Answers For Telangana High Court

Q1. Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains a grammatical error. If

there is no error, select ‘No error’.

On Sundays (1)/ I prefer reading (2)/ than going out visiting my friends. (3)/ No Error (4)

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

Q2. Four segments in the sentence have been highlighted in bold. Identify the one which is NOT correct.

Rohit is two-year junior than Mukesh in the office.

  1. Is
  2. Year
  3. Than
  4. In

Q3. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

Rohan is so magnanimous that everyone is always _____ to help him in his project.

(a) eager

(b) enthusiastic

(c) reluctant

(d) ignorant

Q4. Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the given word.


(a) Captious

(b) Wise

(c) Puerile

(d) Spiritual

Q1. Select the most appropriate word that means the same as the group of words


A gesture expressing respect, such as a bow.

(a) consensual

(b) obeisance

(c) perk

(d) germinate

Q6. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.

There are _____ books on computer science in your school library, so you need to purchase them from the market.

(a) a few

(b) a little

(c) few

(d) the few

Q7. Four statements are given, labelled A, B, C and D. Among these, three statements

are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, select

the option that does NOT fit into the theme of the passage.

  1. An environment includes all the natural resources which surround us to help in number of ways.
  2. Biodiversity is the biological variety and variability of life on Earth.
  3. It gives us all things which we need to live our life on this planet.
  4. However, our environment also needs some help from all of us to get maintained as usual to nourish our lives forever and to never ruin our lives.
  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A

Q8. Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

I will scold him when _____.

(a) he will come

(b) he comes

(c) he would come

(d) he had come

Q9. Four statements are given, labelled A, B, C and D. Among these, three statements

are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, select

the option that does NOT fit into the theme of the passage.

  1. Courage is required to explore our secret life because we must first withdraw from the social mirror, where we are fed positive and negative feedback continuously.
  2. As we get used to this social feedback, it becomes a comfort zone.
  3. And we may opt to avoid self-examination and idle away our time in a vacuum of reverie and rationalization.
  4. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D

Q10. Select the option that is NOT an ANTONYM of another word by way of adding

the prefix ‘Mis’.

  1. Mistake
  2. Misbehave
  3. Misfortune
  4. Mislead

Q11. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.

He could excel in his board exams only after _____ very hard.

(a) continuing

(b) functioning

(c) learning

(d) toiling

Q12. Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiom.

To get up on the wrong side of the bed.

(a) to find oneself in a strange place when one wakes up especially after drinking a lot the previous night.

(b) to start the day in a bad mood which continues all day long.

(c) to argue with your spouse.

(d) to roll a lot in bed while sleeping.


Q13. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.

He _____ his camera on the table.

(a) laid

(b) lain

(c) lay

(d) lie

Q14. Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiom.

Pull the plug

(a) Make a firm refusal

(b) Save a situation by acting in the nick of time

(c) To waste away somebody’s effort

(d) Prevent something from continuing

Q15. In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.

In spite of the doctor’s stern warning (1)/ Latika continued taking (2)/ sugars in her milk. (3)/ No Error (4)

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

Q16. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank in the given sentence.

One of the reasons for rescheduling the Monday exam was that students were protesting till the early hours of the day for the ___________of Mujtaba Faraz.

(a) credit

(b) calibre

(c) goodness

(d) release

Q17. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

Make something seem less important, significant, or trifling.

(a) superintend

(b) optimality

(c) trivialize

(d) dumb down


Q18. Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.

Don’t loiter _____ the corridor.

(a) around

(b) off

(c) of

(d) at

Q19. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

A bias in favour of something.

(a) addiction

(b) disposition

(c) predilection

(d) impulse

Q20. Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.

A short, thick stick used as a weapon.

(a) strand

(b) cable

(c) lasso

(d) cudgel



S1. Ans.(c)

Sol. Prefer takes “to” with it for the comparison.

S2. Ans.(c)

Sol. Junior/senior takes “to” with it for the comparison.

S3.Ans (a)

Sol. Eager means strongly wanting to do or have something.

S4.Ans (c)

Sol. Frivolous: not having any serious purpose or value.

Puerile: childishly silly and immature.

S5.Ans (b)

Sol. Obeisance means a gesture expressing deferential respect, such as a bow or curtsy.

Consensual means relating to or involving consent or consensus.

Germinate means begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy.

S6.Ans (c)

Sol. Since the books need to be purchased thus there must be few books. “Few” is used to give negative sense. Option (c) is correct.

S7.Ans (c)

Sol. The proper arrangement is – ACD.

Sentence ‘B’ talks about ‘Biodiversity’ which is out of the context. Hence, option (a) is the correct choice.

S8.Ans (b)

Sol. “Subordinate clause” starts with conjunction which is “when” and subordinate clause does not take “will” with it and it is written in present indefinite tense.

S9.Ans (d)

Sol. The proper arrangement is – ABC.

Sentence ‘D’ talks about ‘Mental health’ which is out of the context. Hence, option (d) is the correct choice.

S10.Ans (a)

Sol. ‘Mistake’ is the word which is not the antonym of any other word by way of adding a prefix.

Misbehave – It means, ‘To behave badly’, which is an antonym of ‘Behave’.

Misfortune – It means, ‘(an event, accident, etc. that brings) bad luck or disaster’, which is an antonym of ‘Fortune’.

Mislead – It means, ‘To make somebody have the wrong idea or opinion about somebody/something’, which is an antonym of ‘Lead’.

S11.Ans (d)

Sol. Toil means work extremely hard or incessantly.

S12. Ans.(b)

Sol. To get up on the wrong side of the bed: to be in a particularly and persistently irritable, unhappy, or grouchy mood or state, especially when it is out of keeping with one’s normal disposition.

S13.Ans (a)

Sol. Here laid means put (something) down gently or carefully.

S14. Ans.(d)

Sol. Pull the plug: prevent something from happening or continuing.

S15.Ans (c)

Sol. Sugar is a material noun which is uncountable thus “sugar” should be used.

S16. Ans. (d)

S17. Ans.(c)

Sol. Trivialize means make (something) seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is.

S18.Ans (a)

Sol. Loiter around means to linger aimlessly

S19.Ans (c)

Sol. Predilection means a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something.

S20.Ans (d)

Sol. Strand means the shore of a sea, lake, or large river.

Lasso means a rope with a noose at one end, used especially in North America for catching cattle.

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About the Author

Hi! I'm Kalyani, your go-to guide for exam prep on the ADDA247 Telugu blog. With 3+ years of experience in EdTech, I specialize in creating informative content on national and state-level exams, focusing on AP and Telangana State Exams. As someone who's walked the talk, I've personally appeared for competitive exams like TGPSC Groups, IBPS, Railways, and most recently, IBPS RRB Clerk Mains 2024. This hands-on expertise enables me to provide valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate your exam prep journey. On this blog, you can expect expert advice, study materials, and exam strategies for AP and Telangana State Exams, as well as Railways, Banking, Insurance, SSC, and other competitive exams. Stay tuned for regular updates, and let's crack those exams together!