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TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023, Download TSPSC CDPO Syllabus PDF | TSPSC CDPO సిలబస్ 2023


TSPSC CDPO Syllabus : Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released Notification for TSPSC women and child welfare officer  for filling 23 women and child welfare officer vacancies . In this article we are providing TSPSC women and child welfare officer Syllabus 2023 in detailed manner, This will definitely  help in your TSPSC women and child welfare officer Exam, once read this article to understand the TSPSC women and child welfare officer Syllabus 2023.

TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి సిలబస్ 2023: తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర పబ్లిక్ సర్వీస్ కమిషన్ (TSPSC) 23 మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి ఖాళీల భర్తీకి TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి కోసం నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల చేసింది. ఈ కథనంలో మేము TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి సిలబస్ మరియు పరీక్షా సరళి 2023ని సవివరంగా అందిస్తున్నాము, ఇది ఖచ్చితంగా  మీ TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి పరీక్షలో సహాయపడుతుంది, TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి సిలబస్‌ 2023ను అర్థం చేసుకోవడానికి ఈ కథనాన్ని ఒకసారి చదవండి .

RRB గ్రూప్ D ఫేజ్ 3 అడ్మిట్ కార్డ్ 2022 , డౌన్‌లోడ్ లింక్ |_60.1APPSC/TSPSC Sure shot Selection Group


TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023 – Overview (అవలోకనం)

Organization Name Telangana State Public Service Commission
Post Name Women and Child Welfare Officer
Total Posts 23
Category Syllabus
TSPSC CDPO Exam Date 3rd January 2023
Application Mode Online
Job Location Telangana
Official Site

TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023 Pdf (సిలబస్ 2023 pdf)

TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023 Pdf: తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర పబ్లిక్ సర్వీస్ కమిషన్ (TSPSC) తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్రంలోని మహిళా అభివృద్ధి మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ శాఖలో 23 మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి ఖాళీల కోసం TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి నోటిఫికేషన్ 2022ని విడుదల చేసింది.ఈ కథనంలో మేము TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి సిలబస్ మరియు పరీక్షా సరళి 2023ని సవివరంగా అందిస్తున్నాము, ఇది ఖచ్చితంగా  మీ TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి పరీక్షలో సహాయపడుతుంది, మరిన్ని వివరాల కోసం క్రింద ఇవ్వబడిన TSPSC CDPO సిలబస్ 2023 pdfని డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేసుకోండి.

TSPSC CDPO Syllabus Pdf


TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023: Exam Pattern (పరీక్షా సరళి)

Part: A: Written Examination (Objective Type) No. of Questions Duration (Minutes) Maximum Marks
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities 150 150 150
Paper-II: Concerned Subject (Common to All)(Degree Level) 150 150 300
Total 450


  • Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities ద్విభాషా అంటే ఇంగ్లీష్ మరియు తెలుగు లో నిర్వహిస్తారు.
  • Paper-II: Concern Subject (Common to all) (Degree Level) ద్విభాషా అంటే ఇంగ్లీష్ మరియు తెలుగు లో నిర్వహిస్తారు.


TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023

TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023 : TSPSC మహిళా మరియు శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి వివరణాత్మక సిలబస్ ఇక్కడ తనిఖీ చేయండి . పేపర్ 1  మరియు పేపర్ 2 కోసం విడి విడిగా మొత్తం సిలబస్ ని అందించాము

Paper 1 General Studies and General Abilities : Syllabus (పేపర్ 1 సిలబస్)

  1. Current affairs – Regional, National and International
  2. International Relations and Events
  3. General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology
  4. Environmental issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies
  5. Economic and Social Development of India and Telangana.
  6. Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India.
  7. Physical, Social and Economic Geography and Demography of Telangana.
  8. Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.
  9. Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Telangana with special emphasis on Telangana Statehood Movement and formation of Telangana state.
  10. Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
  11. Social Exclusion; Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc. And inclusive policies.
  12. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
  13. Policies of Telangana State.
  14. Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
  15. Basic English. (10th Class Standard)

Paper 2 Concerned Subject (Common to all) (Degree Level) : Syllabus (పేపర్ 2 సిలబస్)

I. Social Structure:

  • Concept of Socialization
  • Caste System – Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes in Rural society – their conditions and problems – welfare measures for S.C., S.T. and O.B.C.
  • Agrarian Social Structure – culture and civilization.

II. Basic Social Institutions: Basic Social Institutions in Rural Society – Family:

  • Nature of Family organization
  • Family life cycle and development tasks; Family life education.
  • Kinship, Religion, Economy, Polity and Education – Status of Women in Indian Society
  • Specific Problems of Women in Rural Society – Social legislations / Laws related to women

III. Human Life Span Development:

  • Growth and development
  • Pregnancy-Care, complications, critical periods in development, Types of birth, complications during delivery;
  • Post natal care of mother and child;
  • Stimulating materials for different senses;
  • Early Childhood Period–Significance, Physical, motor, socio-emotional, cognitive and language development, Importance of play in development, Methods of child study, Disciplinary practices, Behaviour problems.
  • Development during school age; Development during adolescence – Pubertal changes, Physical and identity development, Socio, emotional, identity and personality problems, Transitions and Interests; Vocational guidance during adolescence;
  • Development during adulthood; Children with special needs- types of disabilities, management, organizations working for disabled, facilities for special children;
  • Children with socio emotional disadvantages; Welfare programmes for children, adolescents and women.

IV. Human Nutrition and Food Science: Importance of nutrition for well being efficiency signs and symptoms and Health problems associated;

  • Basic food groups – Composition and Nutritive value, selection, processing, Cooking methods, Changes during cooking, Prevention of losses of nutrients;
  • Food Adulteration; Food hygiene and laws,
  • Nutraceuticals in foods; Food fortification; Processed and convenience foods.

V. Family and Community Nutrition: Functional food groups;

  • Concept of Balanced diet; Principles of meal planning; Nutrient requirements and Dietary guidelines in -Pregnant, lactating women, Infants, Preschoolers, School Children, Adolescents and adults;
  • Therapeutic modifications in Diet during -Fevers, Gastro intestinal, liver, heart and kidney diseases, obesity and Diabetes;
  • Assessment of Nutritional Status of Community-Direct methods  Anthropometry, Clinical, Biochemical and Dietary methods and Indirect methods.
  • Malnutrition in India-types, prevalence, causes, prevention strategies, and treatment; Nutrition policies and programmes in operation in India;
  • National and International agencies working to eradicate malnutrition, and their services.

VI. Early Childhood Development and Education: Characteristics and Significance of ECDE;

  • Moral development -Concept / Meaning, principles, importance, classification and influencing factors;
  • Early Childhood Education – Concept, Types, Need and History of ECE;
  • ECE centers-Need, for ECE centers, Objectives of ECE Programme, Basic requirements;
  • Curriculum Planning for early childhood period-Types, Steps, Factors, Characteristics of Curriculum Planning; Different types of ECE centers; Qualities of an ECE teacher; Records and reports maintained in ECE center; Parental participation in ECE programme.

VII. Health, Hygiene and Sanitation: Health-Definition, importance;

  • Health indicators- Mortality, Morbidity, and other secondary data – definitions, incidence; Immunization- Importance, vaccines and their utility;
  • Water- importance, sources, safety, water treatment/ purification methods, water borne diseases;
  • Personal hygiene- importance, methods, health problems due to poor hygiene;
  • Environmental Sanitation- safe methods of disposal of waste, common communicable diseases air, water, soil, and vector borne diseases;
  • Food Poisoning and Food Allergy; Primary prevention and treatment of communicable diseases: Health facilities available; First Aid at home level.

VIII. Policies and Programmes related to Rural Development, Women and Children: Rural development: concept, need, meaning, and objectives, functions of  extension education for rural development;

  • Panchayati Raj institutions – concept, structure and functions.
  • Rural Development Programmes – MGNREGS, SGSY, NRLM, National Social Assistance Programme, RMK, Swachh Bharat Mission, Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bhima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bhima Yojana.
  • Programmes for women welfare and dvelopment – RGSEAG;
  • Janani Suraksha Yojana, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Dhanalaxmi, Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahayog Yojana, Support to Training and Employment Programme for women (STEP), Swadhar, Ujjwala.
  • Policies related to women and children: National Policy for women – National Mission for Empowerment of Women – National Commission for women – National Policy for children – Protection of Children from Sexual offences Act, 2012 – National Policy for children – National Commission for Protection of child Rights (NCPCR) – Health and Family welfare – Major Initiatives under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) – National Health Programmes related to women and children – Integrated child Development Services (ICDS) scheme: programme components and its administration – Five year plans and development services for women and children.

IX. Social problems: Poverty, Unemployment, Migration, Alcoholism, Caste conflicts, Dowry, child marriage

X. Social work Intervention and communication: Social work intervention in the areas of women’s welfare and child development; working with individuals, group, families and communities.

  • Communication – process, elements, models, and barriers;
  • Conventional and new media communication technologies – Classification, types, advantages and limitations;
  • Criteria for selection of audio visual aids and factors affecting their selection.

TSPSC CDPO Related Articles:

TSPSC CDPO Syllabus 2023 : FAQs

Q1. TSPSC మహిళా & శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి నోటిఫికేషన్ 2022లో ఎన్ని ఖాళీలు ఉన్నాయి?

జ: TSPSC మహిళా & శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి నోటిఫికేషన్ 2022లో 23 ఖాళీలు ఉన్నాయి

Q2. నేను TSPSC CDPO సిలబస్ pdfని ఎక్కడ డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేసుకోగలను?
జ : మీరు పైన ఇచ్చిన ఆర్టికల్ నుండి TSPSC CDPO సిలబస్ pdfని డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు

Q3. TSPSC CDPO పరీక్ష ఎప్పుడు నిర్వహిస్తారు?
జ: TSPSC CDPO పరీక్ష 3 జనవరి 2023న నిర్వహించబడుతుంది.

Q4. TSPSC మహిళా & శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి సిలబస్ నేను ఎక్కడ పొందగలను?

జ: TSPSC మహిళా & శిశు సంక్షేమ అధికారి సిలబస్ ఈ కథనంలో పొందవచ్చు .

TSPSC GROUP-4 Paper-1 and Paper-2 offline Mock Test Series in Telugu and English By Adda247

మరింత చదవండి: 

తాజా ఉద్యోగ ప్రకటనలు  క్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి
ఉచిత స్టడీ మెటీరియల్ (APPSC, TSPSC) ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి
ఉచిత మాక్ టెస్టులు  ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి

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How many vacancies are there in TSPSC CDPO Notification 2022?

There are 23 vacancies in TSPSC CDPO Notification 2022

where can i Download TSPSC CDPO syllabus pdf?

you can download TSPSC CDPO Syllbus pdf from the link given above article

Where can I get TSPSC Women & Child Welfare Officer Syllabus?

TSPSC Women & Child Welfare Officer Syllabus can be found in this article.

when TSPSC CDPO exam will be conducted?

The TSPSC CDPO exam will be held on 3rd January 2023.

About the Author

Hi! I'm Kalyani, your go-to guide for exam prep on the ADDA247 Telugu blog. With 3+ years of experience in EdTech, I specialize in creating informative content on national and state-level exams, focusing on AP and Telangana State Exams. As someone who's walked the talk, I've personally appeared for competitive exams like TGPSC Groups, IBPS, Railways, and most recently, IBPS RRB Clerk Mains 2024. This hands-on expertise enables me to provide valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate your exam prep journey. On this blog, you can expect expert advice, study materials, and exam strategies for AP and Telangana State Exams, as well as Railways, Banking, Insurance, SSC, and other competitive exams. Stay tuned for regular updates, and let's crack those exams together!