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TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023 Exam Date, Hall Ticket Out

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023 Hall Ticket Out, Exam Date_2.1

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Date 2023 Rescheduled: Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has rescheduled the written exam dates for TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturers in Polytechnic Colleges. It has been Released web note that these examinations will be conducted through Computer Based Test (CBRT) on the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Of September 2023. TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Admit Card Released on 29th August 2023.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam: The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer exam is conducted by the Telangana State Public Service Commission to recruit eligible Polytechnic teachers in Telangana Government Colleges. The Commissioner of Technical Knowledge has notified vacancies for 247 posts. The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer recruitment process Starts on 14th December 2022. To more about the whole process, read the page till the end.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment 2023: The TSPSC has released 247 vacancies to be filled in this recruitment process. The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Recruitment 2023 Notification was released on 7th December 2022. The candidates can read the details regarding the recruitment process here. We have provided the links to apply online, the Syllabus, and Notification pdf. Read below for all details.

Also, Read In Telugu: TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2022

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023: The candidates can read the highlights from the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer recruitment process here. 

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023
Exam Name TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023 7th December 2022
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Vacancy 2023 247
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Application Process Online
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Selection Process Written Exam & DV
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Salary Level- 9A: 56,100-1,77,500/-
Level-10 : 57,700-1,82,400/-
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Age limit 18-44
Official Website

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification pdf 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification pdf 2023:  To read and learn every possible detail about the exam, the candidates must read the official notification pdf thoroughly. The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification 2023 was released on 7th December 2022. It contains the Eligibility criteria, age limit, the application process, application dates, and so on. Click on the link to download the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer notification pdf 2023.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Notification pdf 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Dates 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Dates 2023: The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer’s important dates are announced by the TSPSC. Follow our page to get the latest information.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Dates 2023
Events Dates
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Application Starting Date  14th December 2022
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Application Last Date  4th January 2023
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Of September 2023
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Admit Card 29th August 2023
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Result 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Apply Online 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Apply Online 2023: The candidates can check the details of the online application process here. To apply online, follow the steps given below.

  1. Open the Homepage of TSPSC
  2. For first-time registration, click on the “OTPR” button. 
  3. Fill in all the required information and Submit. A unique TSPSC registration ID and password will be provided to you.
  4. Login again with the ID and click on the online TSPSC PolytechnicLecturer application.
  5. Fill out the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer application form and pay the application fee.
  6. Submit the form and take its printout.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Application Fee

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Application Fee: The candidates can pay the application fee by their debit or credit card and Internet banking. The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer application fee as mentioned by TSPSC is given below. 

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Application Fee
Category Application fee Examination fee Total
General 200 120 320
SC/ST/PH/BC/ESM/Unemployed Youth 200 200

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Vacancy 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Vacancy: The Commissioner of Technical Education has notified the number of vacancies for the Polytechnic Lecturer post. The total number of vacancies stands at 247. Candidates with an Engineering degree can apply for the post. This is a great opportunity for the candidates to get a Government Teaching job in Telangana.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Vacancy 2022

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Eligibility

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Eligibility: The TSPSC has mentioned the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer eligibility criteria for the candidates. They must be aware while filing their eligibility details in the application form. The eligibility criteria in terms of Age limit and qualifications are given below.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Age Limit

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Age Limit: The candidates applying for the Polytechnic Lecturer post must be in the age group of 18-44 years. This is the minimum age limit. The number of years relaxed for the reserved category candidates is given below.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Age Relaxation
Category Years Relaxed
SC/ST/BC/EWS 05 years
PH 10 Years
Retrenched employees 05 years
NCC/ESM 03 years

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Qualification

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Qualification: The candidates are required to have passed M.Ch, M.E./M.Tech, B.D.S,/ B.E/B.Tech / Mech/ EEE/ ECE/ Civil and more relevant streams Degree with 55% of marks in a respective stream from a recognized university/institution.. This is the minimum qualification required by the TSPSC. Other additional qualifications are mentioned in the official notification.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Pattern

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Pattern: The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer examination process consists of a Written Exam and Documents Verification. 

  • The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer’s written paper consists of two papers. 
  • Both papers are 150 marks each. 
  • The duration of each paper is 150 mins.
TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Written Exam (Objective Type)
Paper Subject Questions Marks
1 General Studies and General Abilities 150 150
2 Core Subject 150 300
Total 300 450

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Syllabus

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer  Syllabus 2023: The syllabus for the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer written exam is provided here. The syllabus includes topics related to Paper 1 & 2 from which the questions will be asked by TSPSC. To prepare a well-thought strategy, the candidates must go through the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer syllabus pdf thoroughly. The Polytechnic Lecturer Syllabus pdf is provided here.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Syllabus

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Hall Ticket

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Hall Ticket: The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer written exam will be conducted after the online application process is complete, and the hall tickets for that exam will be released a week before it. The link to download the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer hall ticket pdf will be activated here. 

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Result 2023

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Result: The TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer result will be released a few days after the exam. The candidates can access the scorecard and result online by logging in with their TSPSC Registration ID. The name of the candidates must appear in the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer final result in order to be recommended for the post.

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Previous Year Question Papers

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer FAQ:

Q. Who conducts the exam for the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer post?

Ans. The Telangana State Public Service Commission conducts the exam for The Polytechnic teachers in Telangana Government Colleges.

Q. What is the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Educational Qualification?

Ans. The candidates are required to have a Degree in B.E/B.Tech.

Q. What is the vacancy for the TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer Post?

Ans. The number of vacancies for the post of Polytechnic Lecturer Post is 247.

Q. What is the TSPSC Polytechnic Selection Process?

Ans. The TSPSC Polytechnic Selection Process consists of a Written test, and Documents Verification.


The number of vacancies for the post of Polytechnic Lecturer Post is 247.