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Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023, Check Here

Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023: The Bihar Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) is a critical examination for those aspiring to become secondary and high secondary school teachers in the state of Bihar. The Bihar STET Exam 2023 was announced on 9 August 2023 and the candidates eagerly filled out their applications from 9 August to 25 August 2023. The Bihar STET Exam 2023 was concluded on 15 September 2023 in online mode (CBT Mode).

Bihar STET Result 2023 

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has notified the candidates that Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 will be implemented to fetch fair and transparent Bihar STET Result 2023. In the following article, the candidates will find all the important information related to the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023.

Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023

The Bihar STET Exam 2023 is being conducted in online mode (CBT Mode) from 4 September to 15  September in multiple shifts. Therefore, different questions will be used for each shift making the difficulty level of the exam differ. In such a case, the BSEB has decided to implement the Normalization Process to be able to release fair Bihar STET Results 2023. BSEB has mentioned all details about the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 in the official notification released by the Board on 9 August 2023.

What is the Normalization Process?

The Normalization Process is a statistical method used to equate the scores of candidates who take the Bihar STET Exam 2023 on different dates or shifts. This ensures that no candidate gains an unfair advantage due to variations in question paper difficulty levels.

Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 will be implemented using the Variation of the Z-Score Normalization Method. This method calculates a normalized score for each candidate, which will ultimately be used to determine their pass or fail status. Importantly, the result will not be based on the raw score (the number of correct answers) but on this normalized score.

What is the Use of Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023?

The primary use of the Bihar STET Normalization Process is to create a same-level opportunity for all candidates. Since the Bihar STET Exam 2023 was conducted in multiple shifts from 4 September to 15 September 2023, the question paper difficulty may vary. Without the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023, candidates who face easier question papers would have an unfair advantage over those who encounter tougher ones. The Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023  eliminates such discrepancies.

How Does the Normalization Process 2023 Affect the Score of Candidates?

Let’s take an example to understand how the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 affects a candidate’s score and eventually their Final Bihar STET Result 2023. Suppose a general category candidate scores 76 out of 150 in the raw score (Raw Score = marks obtained on the basis of correct question answers).

However, after the normalization process, their normalized score is calculated to be 74.90. According to the prescribed passing marks (50% of 150, which equals 75), this candidate will be declared as “failed” due to not obtaining the necessary passing marks.

It’s important to note that there is no provision for negative marking in the Bihar STET examination. However, the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 may impact a candidate’s score if they answer more questions incorrectly than other candidates.


The Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 is a crucial step in ensuring that the Bihar STET Exam  2023 remains fair and transparent for all candidates. By implementing this statistical method, the Bihar School Examination Board aims to eliminate any advantages or disadvantages resulting from variations in question paper difficulty. Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 underscores the commitment to conducting examinations that provide equal opportunities to all aspiring teachers, making the Bihar STET 2023 a truly merit-based assessment of a candidate’s capabilities.

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What is the Bihar STET and why is it important?

The Bihar STET is a critical examination for individuals aspiring to become secondary and high secondary school teachers in Bihar. It serves as a crucial qualification for teaching positions in the state.

When will the Bihar STET Exam 2023 be conducted, and in what mode?

The Bihar STET Exam 2023 was take place from 4 September to 15 September 2023, in an online mode, specifically Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.

What is the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023, and why is it being implemented?

The Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 is a statistical method used to equate the scores of candidates who take the exam on different dates or shifts. It ensures fairness by eliminating advantages or disadvantages resulting from variations in question paper difficulty levels.

How will the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 be carried out?

The Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 will use the Variation of the Z-Score Normalization Method to calculate a normalized score for each candidate. This normalized score will determine their pass or fail status, not the raw score based on correct answers.

What is the primary purpose of the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023?

The primary purpose of the Bihar STET Normalization Process 2023 is to ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to succeed. It levels the playing field by accounting for variations in question paper difficulty across different shifts of the exam.

Is there negative marking in the Bihar STET examination?

No, there is no provision for negative marking in the Bihar STET examination.

About the Author

I'm a content writer at Adda247, specializing in blog writing for National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. I research and curate genuine information to create engaging and authenticate articles. My goal is to provide valuable resources for aspiring candidates while promoting Adda247's mission.

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