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CTET Memory Based Paper 2022-23 with Detailed Solutions , Download PDF

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CTET Memory Based Paper PDF: CTET Exam has started from 28th December 2022 to 7 February 2023. The candidates across the country are all set to appear for the CTET exam. CTET 2022 exam comprises 2 papers i.e. Paper-I is for the Primary level and Paper-II is for the upper primary level. CTET both papers will consist of 150 questions each carrying 1 mark.

CTET Examination has been held in 2 shifts i.e. Paper is held at 9 :30 AM to 12PM and Paper 2 is held at 2:30 PM to 5 PM. In this article, candidates will find all the memory based CTET Paper that will appear in the CTET Exam from 28th December 2022 to 7 February 2023. Here ADDA247 is sharing questions from all the shifts of the CTET exam, as the exams will take their course in the coming days.

CTET Exam Analysis 2023 All Shifts & Days Till 7th Feb 2023

CTET Memory Based Paper PDF 2022-23

CTET Examination has been going on at various centre in all over India. Candidates will get a fair idea about the nature and type of questions asked in the CTET exam 2023 as we are providing CTET Memory Based Paper in PDF Format.

Here we are providing CTET Exam questions which we have gathered from CTET Appearing students. The exam analysis and review has been based on students memory for CTET Examination. All the appearing candidates should go through the question to understand the type of questions that are asked in the CTET exam 2023. All the candidate who have exam in upcoming dates, should read this article for daily updates regarding CTET Memory Based Paper.

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 27 January 2023

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 27 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q1. In constructivism according to Piaget,
education is
Ans: Child-centered
Q. Which statement is related to the theory of
Ans: Culture and Language play a significant role in the development of a child
English Q. According to Total Physical Response, a teacher should Ans: Teach vocabulary by connecting words with appropriate actions
Q. It is the least relevant objective for introducing children to poetry Ans: To improve students’ ability to
Maths Q. Find the wrong term in the given series4, 27, 3125, 46652, 823543 Ans: 46652
Q. A fruit seller lemon at 2 for a rupee and sells then at 5 for three rupees, his gain percent
Ans: 20%
EVS Q. Jhoom farming is – Ans: Slash and burn farming
Q. Pochampally is a village which is famous for
the special cloth which is also called Pochampally. This village is a part of
Ans: Andhra Pradesh
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 25 January 2023

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 25 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Which one of the following statements is true regarding Vygotsky’s viewpoint of cognitive development? Ans: Peers, culture, and language play a crucial role in cognitive development
Q. Which of the following is a correctly matched pair of type of intelligence and state performance possibilities as per Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? Ans: Spatial intelligence- Architect
English Q. The use of both assimilation and accommodation in learning a language was suggested by Ans: Jean Piaget
Q. Multilingualism in a classroom needs to be
understood as _________ by the teachers.
Ans: an asset and resource
Maths Q. Find the wrong term in the given series 8, 31, 65, 112, 170, 253 Ans: 170
Q. A rectangular grassy plot is 112m long and 78m broad, it has a travel path 2.5m wide all around it on the sides, find the area of the path – Ans: 925 m2
EVS Q. Rajaji national park is located in Ans: Uttarakhand
Q. Red data book keeps a record of Ans: Endangered plants and animals
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 24 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 24 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. A student feels difficulties while watching
words and his eyes becomes red. It is an
example of
Ans: Visual impairment
Q. Which of the following is an example of fine motor skill? Ans: Writing
English Q. Progressive education is focused on Ans: Active learning
Q. In order to know the correct punctuation of English words, the learner should Ans: Know the spelling, meaning, and how they are pronounced
Maths Q. Find the simple interest on Rs 5200 for 2
years at 6% per annum
Ans: Rs 624
Q. A rectangular grassy plot is 112m long and 78m broad, it has a travel path 2.5 wide all around it on the sides, finds the area of the path Ans: 925 m2
Science Q. Which of the following is most desirable practice to be adopted by a teacher for introducing the topic friction? Ans: Exploring student’s existing ideas
Q. According to the National Curriculum Framework 2005, science curriculum should aim at addressing all of the following, except Ans: Improving student’s scores in exams
Social Science Q. Which among the following animal is not
mentioned in the Sarnath pillar –
Ans: Deer
Q. The early Buddhist scriptures were
composed in which language –
Ans: Pali
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 24 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 24 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. ‘Development precedes learning’ is a
statement attributed to
Ans: Jean Piaget
Q. A child frequently talks to himself when he plays with other children and explores the environment. According to Vygotsky, this type of speech is known as Ans: Private speech
English Q. As a teacher what should be done to highlight the positive image of girls Ans: To promote their abilities and
Q. Which of the following is not a correct way
to stop gender inequality?
Ans: By setting different gender roles and duties
Maths Q. 1,9, 25,49, ?, 121 Ans: 81
Q. The area of the parallelograms ABCD and ABEF are equal, if their heights be h&p respectively then Ans: h=p
EVS Q. There is a place in our country called the cold desert. This area is high, dry and flat. This area is in Ans: Leh (Ladakh)
Q. Right to Education Act 2009, recommends
the learning through the mother tongue.
Ans: Up to VIII standard
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 23 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 23 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Which statement is not correct about the
theory of cognitive development by Piaget?
Ans: It believes that development is a continuous process
Q. Lev Vygotsky’s social-cultural perspective of learning emphasizes the importance of _______ in the learning process. Ans: Cultural tools
English Q. Which theory’s basic notion is that language has a social origin? Ans: Social interactionist theory
Q. Children develop their first language through Ans: Acquisition
Maths Q. If A and B together can complete a work in 18 days, A and C together in 12 days, and B
and C together in 9 days, then B alone can do
the work in –
Ans: 24 days
Q. Which of the following is the unit digit in the product of 835*452*226*1346 – Ans: 6
Science Q. The part of human alimentary canal where the complete digestion of fats takes place is Ans: Small intestine
Q. The temperature of a city is 23.50C at 9 pm. If the temperature drops by 0.70C every hour after that, then at what time the temperature will be 17.20C Ans: 6: am
Social Science Q. The state that comprises more number of
Buddhist Viharas is –
Ans: Bihar
Q. The official language of Pallavas was – Ans: Sanskrit
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 23 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 23 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. The ‘Tit-for-Tat’ lies in the stage Ans: Stage 2 – Individualism and Exchange
Q. Multilingualism in a classroom needs to be understood as _________ by the teachers. Ans: an asset and resource
English Q. Which of the following reforms was included in NEP 2020? Ans: Equitable and inclusive education, ensuring universal access at all levels, new curricular and pedagogical structure (5+3+3+4)
Q. Which stage of Krashen’s theory suggests learners acquire language by taking in and understanding a language that is “just beyond” their current level of competence? Ans: Comprehensible input
Maths Q. The number of boys and girls in a college are in the ratio of 3:2, if 20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are adults, the percentage of students, who are not adults, is – Ans: 78%
Q. If a:5 = b: 7= c:8 , then (a+b+c)/a is equal to – Ans: 4
EVS Q. Which one of the following statements on EVS is in accordance with NCF-2005? Ans: EVS to be taught as a composite area of study in classes I to V
Q. NCF-2005 views EVS in classes III to V as a subject that integrates the concepts and issues of Ans: Science, social science and environmental education
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 20 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 20 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Which of the following is the difficulty faced
by autistic children?
Ans: Social interaction
Q. Which of the following would be helpful for
an ADHD learner?
Ans: Use oral exams, Ask appropriate openended questions, and Give instructions one at a time
Maths Q. If south east becomes north and south becomes north east and all the rest directions are changed in the same manner, the what will be the direction for west? Ans: South -East
Q. A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days, if they work on it together for 4 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is Ans: 8/15
EVS Q. Children get lots of space to learn EVS through exploration. This indicates that Ans: EVS is child centred
Q. In which of the following parts of our country do people grow eatables such as tapioca and coconut in their courtyards and they find food prepared using these to be very tasty? Ans: Kerala
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 19 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 19 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Education Policy 2020 lays particular emphasis on the development of Ans: The creative potential of each individual
Q. Which of the following has been a guiding light for the National Education Policy 2020? Ans: The rich heritage of ancient and eternal Indian knowledge and thought
English Q. Error analysis is important when we have student suffering from: Ans: Learning disabilities, Low performance
Q. Peer assessment is a process by which Ans: learners assess their peers
Maths Q. Choose the correct sign6 ? 8 ? 9 ? 4 ? 20 = 4 Ans: +,×,÷, −
Q. ICT in teaching mathematics – Ans: Makes the learners free from phobia
Science Q. Industries like rubber, automobile and petrochemicals release harmful gases responsible for acid rains. Oxides of which elements make up these gases?
a. Hydrogen, Carbon
b. Carbon, Nitrogen
c. Nitrogen, Sulphur
d. Sulphur and Phosphorus
Ans: (c) Nitrogen and Sulphur
Q. Which of the following represents the increasing order of melting points of the metals?
a. Mercury < Copper < Iron < Aluminium
b. Aluminium < Mercury < Copper < Iron
c. Mercury < Aluminium < Copper < Iron
d. Copper < Aluminium < Iron < Mercury
Ans: (c) Mercury < Aluminium < Copper <
Social Science Q. ………was the 10th Sikh guru, whose father and 9th Sikh Guru Tegh bahadur, was executed by Aurangzeb Ans: Guru Gobind Singh
Q. Which of the following Article of the Indian constitution describe the duties of the chief Minister? Ans: Art 167
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 19 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 19 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Whose theory is not based on behaviorism? Ans: Piaget
Q. The concept of ‘private speech’ of children as proposed by Vygotsky Ans: illustrates that children use speech to guide their own actions
English Q. Which two languages occupy a prominent position in India? Ans: Hindi and English
Q. Which one is not the correct difference
between language acquisition and language
Ans: Language acquisition requires effort while language learning is effortless
Maths Q. What is the full form of NCTM Ans: National council of teaching of
Q. What is the important aid used for giving
geometric conceptions?
Ans: Geoboard
EVS Q. When we celebrate World Water Day? Ans: 22 March
Q. Which instrument is used to measure
Ans: Rain gauge
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 18 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 18 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Which one of the following would be the most effective way to identify a creative child by the teacher? Ans: Detailed observation of the child especially when she solves problems
Q. Which of the following statements does not agree with the development of middle school-level students? Ans: Most children do not achieve rapid growth at this stage
Math Q. Four times the area of the curved surface of a cylinder is equal to 6 times the sum of the areas of its bases. If its height is 12 cm, then its volume, in ??3 , is – Ans: 768?
Q. If one angle of a triangle is 130°, then the angle between the bisectors of the other two angles is – Ans: 130°
English Q. Multilingualism is Ans: knowledge of more languages than a native language
Q. LSRW is the Ans: Process of acquiring a language
Science Q. Kaleidoscope is based on the principle of Ans: Multiple reflection from three inclined plane mirrors
Q. Which of the following statements is/are
true?A. All physical changes are reversible
B. All chemical changes are irreversible
Ans: Both A and B
Social Science Q. Which period is the longest in the human history? Ans: Paleolithic age
Q. Lakshadweep Islands are located in the Ans: Arabian Sea
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 18 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 18 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. According to Lev Vygotsky- Ans. language plays an important role in the cognitive development of children.
Q. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning has been criticized on several counts. Which of the following statements is correct in the context of this criticism? Ans. Kohlberg has based his study primarily on a male sample.
Math Q. The sum of place values of 5 in 6251, 6521 and 5621 is Ans. 5550
Q. On dividing 110111 by 11, the sum of the quotient and the remainder is Ans. 10011
English Q. The main objective of a diagnostic test is- Ans. To know the weakness of the student
Q. To enhance the performance of the students, govt. mentioned some objectives of assessment in NEP 2020, these are- Ans. Judgment towards the students should not be taken on the basis of marks
EVS Q. The pitcher plant which can trap and eat insects and even frogs also, is found in one of the eastern states of our country. The name of this state is Ans. Meghalaya
Q. ‘Z’ is a microorganism present in the alimentary canal of human beings and other animals aids in digestion of food. What is ‘Z’? Ans. Bacteria
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 17 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 17 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. In his theory of cognitive development, Jean Piaget explains cognitive structures in terms of __________. Ans: Schema
Q. A child-centered classroom is one in which Ans: the teacher is flexible and caters to the needs of individual children.
Math Q. Identify the pattern and find the next
number – 2,3,5,8,12,17,23………
Ans: 30
Q. The area of square plot is 1600 m2 , the side of the plot is – Ans: 40m
Science Q. The major reason for using Bakelite for handles of pressure cooker is that Ans: it is bad conductor of heat
Q. Increasing the consumption of which of the following would help you increase the level of carbohydrate in your body? Ans: maize
Social Studies Q. Where did Buddha attain enlightenment? Ans: Bodh Gaya
Q. Which dynasty ruled the Vijayanagara
Empire at the time of the Talikota war ?
Ans: The Tuluva
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 17 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 17 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. The primary agency of socialization Ans: Family
Q. Which of the following development is
related to Kohlberg?
Ans: Moral development
English Q. Which of the following is not important for language learning? Ans: Translation
Q. According to NCF 2005, which one is not an objective of language teaching learning? Ans: Effortless expression
Maths Q. How many lines of symmetry are there in the circle Ans: infinitely many
Q. The length of one diagonal of a rhombus is 10cm, if the side of the rhombus is 13cm, then what will be the length of the diagonal Ans: 24cm
EVS Q. Whole Moong or Chana seeds are dipped overnight in water and left a day/two. The part of the sprout which develops first is Ans: root
Q. Loss of water in the form of vapour from the aerial pats of the plant is called Ans: transpiration
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 13 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 13 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. According to Piaget, which stage of cognitive development displays “object permanence”? Ans: Sensory- Motor stage
Q. Lev Vygotsky’s social-cultural perspective of learning emphasizes the importance of ________ in the learning process. Ans: Cultural tools
Math Q. The sum of all possible values of a, for which the 4-digit number 547a is divisible by 3, is: Ans: 15
Q. A person marks his good 40% above the cost price and allows 40% discount on the
marked price. His loss/gain percent is:
Ans: loss, 16%
English Q. The following are productive skills
Ans: Speaking & writing
Q. In a language teaching classroom, the
primary skill to be developed in children
Ans: Listening and speaking
Science Q. A train starts from a station A on 06.10.2021 at 22.15 hrs and reaches the station B on 9.10.2021 at 04.15 hrs. If the distance between the two stations is 1890 km, the average speed of the train is Ans: 35 km/h
Q. According to the NCF-2005 position paper on teaching of science, which of the following is an important and transferable skill that helps the children in ‘learning to learn’ science? Ans: Ability to understand the process of
scientific inquiry
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 13 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 13 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q1. According to Piaget, which one of the following factors plays an important role in
influencing development?
Ans: Experience with the physical world.
Q. During a task, Saina is talking to herself
about ways she can proceed with the task. According to Lev Vygotsky’s ideas on language and thought, this kind of ‘private speech’ is a sign of
Ans: Self-regulation
English Q. Among the four language skills, which pair constitutes the reinforcement skills? Ans: Speaking and writing
Q. What are the other skills of language apart from- listening, speaking, reading, and
Ans: Thinking and reasoning
Maths Q. The sum of 1 – 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 – 1 … to even number of terms is – Ans: zero
Q. The difference of the place value and the face value of 5 in 35362 is Ans:4995
EVS Q. A group of three states having Bay of Bengal on one side is Ans: Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
Q. Pochampalli’ chapter 23 of NCERT EVS is based on Ans: Real places
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 12 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 12 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Which of the following is not developed during the sensorimotor stage of Piaget’s theory? Ans: The idea of object reality & Language and thought
Q. Which of the following is not true about development? Ans: Development proceeds from specific to general
Math Q. A 400 m long train is running at 72 kmph, how much time will it take to cross an electric pole. Ans: 20 sec
Q. Worker A takes 8hours to do a job, workers B takes 10 hours to do a job, how long should it take both A and B, working together to do the same job Ans: 4-4/9
English Q. Which of the following is related to proper speaking? Ans: fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
Q. “To read in between lines”, is used for Ans: Scanning
Science Q1. Copper is generally used for making
electrical wires because ____________.
Ans: It is ductile and a very good conductor of electricity
Q. Which of the following sets comprises
human diseases caused by a virus?
(a) Tuberculosis, measles, cholera, polio
(b) Hepatitis A, Measles, Polio, chicken pox
(c) Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Tuberculosis
(d) Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, measles
Ans: Hepatitis A, Measles, Polio, chicken pox
Social Studies Q. What causes days and nights? Ans: Earth’s rotation
Q. Who was the founder of the Slave dynasty ? Ans: Qutub-ud-din Aibak
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 12 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 12 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Which of the following is not developed during the sensorimotor stage of Piaget theory? Ans. The idea of object reality &amp; Language and thought
Q. Which of the following is the difficulty faced by autistic children? Ans. Social interaction
Math Q. At Time 3 :30 which angle become ? Ans: The angle between the hour hand and minute hand at 3:30 P.M. is 90o
Q. In given series 4,6,3,5,2,4.. Find next term ? Ans: 1
English Q. In the multilingual classroom, learners can interact – Ans: in their own language and can be a mix of words from more than one language
Q. It is the study of the meaning of words,
phrases, and sentences
Ans: Semantics
EVS Q. A farmer is growing paddy crop over and over again using excess of fertilizers and pesticides in his fields. This practice will make the soil of his fields: Ans: Barren
Q. Which one of the following birds can rotate its neck backwards to a large extent? Ans: Owl
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 11 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 11 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. According to Vygotsky, the zone of
proximal development is
Ans. the gap between the child can do independently and with assistance.
Q. Symbolic thought can be seen in the stage Ans. Preoperational stage
English Q. The process approach to writing involves Ans: Brainstorming, writing the first draft, and final writing
Q. In listening and speaking exercises, ______ is important for the meaning of speech. Ans: Intonation
Math Q. A rock with a volume of 15 cm3 and a mass of 45 g, What is it density ? Ans: 3 g/cm3
Q. A drainage tile is a cylindrical shell 21 cm long, the inside and outside diameters are 4.5 cm and 5.1 cm respectively, what s the volume of the clay required for the tile ? Ans: 30.24 πcm3
Science Q. Which of the following is true for
respiration in plants?
Ans: Respiration takes place both during day and night
Q. Seeing different objects at the same time in more than one place is possible for an
animal when
Ans: Eyes are on either side of head
Social Studies Q. Article 21 is related to – Ans: It declares that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.
Q. During which of the following movements was the British Raj shaken of its
foundations for the first time since the 1857 first war of independence
Ans: Non-cooperation movement
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 11 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 11 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Anu wants to join the Indian Air Force, but her friends make fun of her. The reason for making fun is: Ans: Gender discriminatory behavior
Q. Factors affecting learning are Ans: Level of aspiration and achievement motivation, Learner’s physical and mental health, the basic potential of the learner and willpower
Maths Q. Determine the area of a rectangle, if its
length is 11cm and breadth is 9cm
Ans: 99cm2
Q. 7/9 of the people present in a hall are sitting in 9/13 of the chairs available and the rest are standing, if there are 28 empty chairs,
how many chairs would have been still empty if everyone in the hall was sitting
Ans: 10
EVS Q. Jhoom farming is – Ans: Slash and burn farming
Q. Pochampally is a village which is famous for the special cloth which is also called Pochampally. This village is a part of Ans: Andhra Pradesh
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 10 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 10 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. What determines the individual difference in human beings? Ans: hereditary and environment
Q. Piaget proposes that preoperational children are unable to conserve. Which of the following factors attributes this inability? Ans: Irreversibility of thought
Maths Q. How many lines of symmetry are there in a regular pentagon – Ans: 5
Q. How many 1/12 kg pieces can be cut from 1/3 kg of cake Ans: 4
Science Q. Albumin is the most important protein in blood serum. It is produced by _________. Ans: Liver
Q. Gall bladder of a patient was surgically
removed. Which of the following dietary
advice would be helpful to him?
Ans: Avoid high-fat food
Social Science Q. Which crop is a Rabi Crop Ans: Gram
Q. The high court has the jurisdiction under Article 226 for the enforcement of – Ans: Fundamental rights
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 10 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 10 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. NCF 2005 talks of major shifts from Ans: Knowledge is given and fixed as it evolves and is created
Q. According to NCF, 2005, the role of a teacher has to be: Ans: Facilitative
Maths Q. According to Van Hiele Theory, Rigor
represents which level of Van Hiele Theory
Ans: 4th level
Q. 6+0.6+0.6+0.006+ ?= 8 Ans: 794
EVS Q. Which day is celebrated as World Yoga Day? Ans: 21 June
Q. Which festival is celebrated in South? Ans: Onam
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 9 January 2023 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 9 January 2023 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple
intelligence emphasize
Ans: Unique abilities of each individual
Q. In the context of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, under which stage would the given typical response of a child fall?
“Your parents will be proud of you if you are honest. So you should be honest”
Ans: Good Girl-Good boy orientation
English Q. Comprehensible input includes Ans: Uses a variety of techniques such as gestures, body language, pictures and objects
Q. What is meant by ‘i+1’? Ans: Materials should be just slightly above the learner’s current level of abilities
Maths Q. Which of the following is not used for
teaching Place value ?
Ans: Geo Board
Q. Find the compound interest if principle is
125000 /- and rate is 12 % for 3 years?
Ans: 3109
Science Q. How many images will be formed if you
stand between two mirrors positioned
parallel to each other in a trial room of a
garment shop?
Ans: Infinite
Q. Identify the pair of materials that burns with a flame Ans: Camphor, Magnesium
Social Studies Q. The tropic of cancer does not pass through which of the following states Ans: Odisha
Q. Indian standard times is ahead of Greenwich mean time by – Ans: 51/2 hours
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 9 January 2023 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 9 January 2023 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. According to NEP 2020, the ______ must be at the center of the fundamental reforms in the education system. Ans. Teachers
Q. The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects and events is known as – Ans. concrete operational stage
English Q. Stephen Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition does not consist of- Ans. The learnability hypothesis
Q. According to Krashen, if a learner is at stage ‘i’, then acquisition takes place when she is exposed to _______ that belongs to level ‘i+1’ Ans. Comprehensible input
Hindi Q. वाईगोत्सकी के अनुसार निम्न में से कौन सीखने के लिए केन्द्रीय होती है – Ans- संस्कृति और भाषा
Q. सदुपयोग का संधि विच्छेद – सत +उपयोग
Maths Q.  What is the sum of the place value of 9 and face value of 7  for the number 59672- Ans- 9007
Q. The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. what is the percentage change in area? Ans- 50 %
EVS Q. The head of a herd of elephants is Ans.. Oldest female elephant
Q. A group of three states having the Arabian Sea on one side is Ans. Kerala, Karnataka, and Maharashtra
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 29 December 2022 Shift 2

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 29 December 2022 Shift 2
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Which one of the following statements
cannot be attributed to Piaget’s theory?
Ans. Learning takes place through constant practice
Which of the following theorists while
viewing children as active seekers of knowledge emphasized the influence of
social and cultural content on their thinking?
Ans. Lev Vygotsky
English Stephen Krashen’s theory of second
language acquisition does not consist of:
Ans. The learnability hypothesis
Which of the following implications can’t be derived from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development? Ans. Need of verbal teaching
Science In plants and trees, water goes up high due to suction pull. Which of the following phenomena causes this suction pull? Ans. Transpiration
Which among the following is the most
important consideration for organizing
remedial teaching?
Ans. Paying attention to the individual rate of progress
Maths What is the number of diagonals of a regular polygon whose interior angle is 162° Ans. 170
What is the maximum number of obtuse angles that a quadrilateral can have ? Ans. 2
Social Studies When did Mahavir Swami die? Ans. 468 B.C bihar (pavapuri)
Which of the following is related to Article 74? Ans. There shall be council of ministers with the prime minister at the head to aid and advise the president .
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 29 December 2022 Shift 1

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in 29 December 2022 Shift 1
CTET Section CTET Questions CTET Answer
CDP Q. The principle of “tit–for–tat” is the characteristic of which stage of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? Ans. Pre-conventional Level, Stage 2- Personal reward orientation/Individualism and exchange
Q. The Linguist, Noam Chomsky maintains that every child has an innate- Ans. Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
English Q. Chomsky is related to- Ans. Universal grammar
Q. Language Acquisition Device is given by- Ans. Noam Chomsky
Hindi Q. सूर्योदय का संधि उत्तर – सूर्य + उदय
Q. बुद्धिमान में कैन सा प्रत्यय है Ans -मान
EVS Q. Pashmina variety of wool is obtained from which animal? Ans. – Goat
Q. A bird that makes a nest hanging from the branch of a small tree or shrub is Ans. – Sun Bird
Maths Q. LCM of 8,18 and 28 Ans- 504
Q. What is the sum of all factors of 99 Ans- 156
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CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Shift 1

CTET CDP Important Topics CTET CDP Questions CTET CDP Answer
Piaget Theory Q. Considering Piaget’s cognitive development theory, accommodation can best be described as-


Ans. Accommodation can best be described as bringing the required adjustments to the new ways of behaving and thinking by modifying present cognitive structures.
Kohlberg theory of Moral Development

Q. The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects and events is known as –

Ans. Concrete operational stage

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Child Pedagogy (CDP) Shift 2

CTET CDP Important Topics CTET CDP Questions CTET CDP Answer
Piaget Theory Q. Scaffolding in the context of learning theories refers to Ans. temporary support in learning by
Kohlberg theory of Moral Development

Q. The concept of ‘private speech’ of children as proposed by Vygotsky

Ans. illustrates that children use speech to guide their own actions

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Hindi Shift 1

CTET Hindi Important Topics CTET Hindi Questions
Language Skills Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition Hypothesis
Hindi Language in NEP 2020 Grammar Translation Method

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Hindi Shift 2

CTET Hindi Important Topics CTET Hindi Questions
Language Skills द्वन्द्व समास
Hindi Language in NEP 2020 आलोक के विलोम शब्द

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in English Shift 1

CTET English Important Topics CTET English Questions CTET English Answer
Multilingualism Q. Which of the following is the base of remedial teaching? Ans. Diagnostic test
Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition Hypothesis Q. Multilingualism is- Ans. Starting with the mother tongue or home language and moving on to add more languages in school

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in English Shift 2

CTET English Important Topics CTET English Questions CTET English Answer
Multilingualism Q. A student wants to learn a language, the teacher can help her by : Ans. Group work
Stephen Krashen and Language Acquisition Hypothesis Q. A collection of student’s work in an area showing growth, self reflection and
achievement is known as:
Ans. Portfolio

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Mathematics Shift 1

CTET Maths Important Topics CTET Maths Questions CTET Maths Answer
PYQ Q. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3:5:7, find the shortest angle? Ans- 36°
Number System Q. Find the sum of 50 natural numbers Ans- 1257

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Mathematics Shift 2

CTET Maths Important Topics CTET Maths Questions CTET Maths Answer
PYQ Q. TIf the number 5432 x 7 is divisible by 9, then the digit in place of x is Ans: 6
Number System Q. The maximum number of boxes, each of length 0.2m, breadth 0.4m and height 0.5m that can be placed in a box of length 2m, breadth 1m and height 0.5m is Ans- 25

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Environmental Studies

CTET EVS Important Topics CTET EVS Questions CTET EVS Answer
National Park Q.Which of the following insects does not live together in a colony like a honeybee? Ans: Spider
Maps Q.How many hours does an elephant sleep? Ans: In zoos an Elephants sleeps for 4 to 6 hours but in their natural surroundings the elephant rested for only 2 to 3 hours

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Science Shift 2

CTET Science Important Topics CTET Science Questions CTET Science Answer
Acid Base Q.The vitamins which also act as anti-oxidants are Ans: : A, C, E
Human Body Q.According to the NCF – 2005 Position on Teaching of Science, which of the following is an important and transferable skill that helps children in ‘learning to learn’ science? Ans: Ability to understand the process of scientific inquiry

CTET Exam 2022-23 Question Asked in Social Studies

CTET Social Studies Important Topics CTET Social Studies Questions CTET Social Studies Answer
1857 Revoluation Q.The international date line passes through which strait? Ans: Bering strait
Maps Q.The Parliament of India consist of Ans: President, the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.

Direct Link to Download CTET Memory Based Paper PDF

The direct link to download CTET Memory Based paper PDF has been given below. CTET Exam has been held today i.e. 28 December 2022. Candidate can download CTET Memory Based paper with detailed questions and answer subjection wise.

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CTET Main focus areas of questions

Go through the following table to understand the main focus area of the Paper-I and Paper-II of the CTET Exam 2022. In-depth knowledge and understanding of the exam pattern and its focus areas help the candidates to comprehend the standard of the exam and how to go about it.

Paper I Paper-II
Subject Focused Areas of Questions (age group -6-11 years) Subject Focused Areas of Questions (age group -11-14 years)
Child Development and Pedagogy educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years Child Development and Pedagogy educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 11-14 years
Language I proficiencies related to the medium of instruction. Language I proficiencies related to the medium of instruction.
Language II elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities. Language II elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.
Mathematics and Environmental Studies concepts, problem-solving abilities and pedagogical understanding and applications of the subject Mathematics and Science, and Social Studies/Social Science concepts, problem-solving abilities and pedagogical understanding and applications of the subject

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CTET Memory Based Paper 2022-23 : FAQ

Q. What is the difficulty level of CTET 2022?
Ans. CTET Paper 1 difficulty level upto Class 8th and CTET Paper 2 difficulty level upto Class 10th

Q.What is a good score, according to CTET exam analysis?
Ans. Candidates who achieve an aggregate cut-off score of 60% (90 points out of 150) will be eligible to qualify in the CTET exam. A total cut-off score of 55% (82 out of 150) is required to pass the exam for the reserved category.

Q.What was the level of the CTET Paper 2?
Ans. CTET Paper 1 difficulty level upto Class 10th

Q. What was the level of questions asked in Mathematics?
Ans. The level of questions asked in Mathematics was moderate.

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Q. What is the difficulty level of CTET 2022?

Ans. CTET Paper 1 difficulty level upto Class 8th and CTET Paper 2 difficulty level upto Class 10th

Q.What is a good score, according to CTET exam analysis?

Ans. Candidates who achieve an aggregate cut-off score of 60% (90 points out of 150) will be eligible to qualify in the CTET exam. A total cut-off score of 55% (82 out of 150) is required to pass the exam for the reserved category.

Q.What was the level of the CTET Paper 2?

Ans. CTET Paper 1 difficulty level upto Class 10th

Q. What was the level of questions asked in Mathematics?

Ans. The level of questions asked in Mathematics was moderate.

About the Author

I serve as a Team Leader at Adda247, specializing in National and State Level Competitive Government Exams within the Teaching Vertical. My responsibilities encompass thorough research and the development of informative and engaging articles designed to assist and guide aspiring candidates. This work is conducted in alignment with Adda247's dedication to educational excellence.

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