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Hindi Language Study Notes for all Teaching Exams

Hindi Language Study Notes will help candidate in various TET and Recruitment Exam preparation. Hindi section comes in TET and teaching recruitment exam which always comes easy for candidates to score marks in exam. All the candidate who are preparing for CTET and TET exams, Hindi Vykaran section carries 30 marks weightage which is big section to score.

Hindi Vyakaran – हिंदी व्याकरण 

Hindi Vyakaran Study Notes Highlights

Hindi as a language is the main subject in both papers of CTET 2022. The students always choose Hindi as a language 1 or 2 in the CTET exam.

  • Examination Pattern and syllabus for Paper I: Hindi paragraph comprehension, Hindi Poem comprehension based on a primary level with grammar which contains 15 marks.
  • The other 15 marks contain Hindi pedagogy which is related to strategy and methods of teaching Hindi in the classroom.
  • Examination Pattern and syllabus for Paper II is the same as Paper I but it is based on an upper primary level.

Hindi Language Difficulty Level:

The difficulty level of Hindi Questions depends upon the exam & the post wise.

  • For PRT Post: Upto 8th Class
  • For TGT Post: Upto 10th Class
  • For PGT Post: Upto 12th Class

Adda247 is providing you with all study material and study notes for all teaching exams which are based on their latest exam pattern & syllabus. Here is the list of monthly Hindi Language study notes which can help you in upcoming exam preparation.

Hindi Vyakaran Notes

Hindi Vyakaran Section carries various topics i.e. विराम चिह्न,अव्यय,काल,धातु,अलंकार,उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय,वाक्य – शुद्धि,संधि which comes in TET exams. Here we are explaining each and every topic of Hindi Vyakaran for candidates who are preparing for TET Exams.

S.No Topics
1 विराम चिह्न
2 अव्यय
3 काल
4 धातु
5 अलंकार
6 उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय
7 वाक्य – शुद्धि
8 संधि
9 वाक्य परिचय
10 लिंग
11 वर्णों का उच्चारण स्थान
12 क्रिया
13 वचन
14 वाक्य
15 संज्ञा
16 पदबंध
17 एक शब्द का विभिन्न शब्द – भेदों में प्रयोग
18 वर्तनी-विचार
19 विशेषण
20 समास
21 कारक
22 मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
23 सर्वनाम
24 शब्द रचना
25 स्वर व व्यंजन
26 वाच्य

Hindi Pedagogy Notes

Hindi Vykaran section also contains Pedagogy questions. Hindi Pedagogy question comes in TET Exams which have application based question, classroom activity etc.

S.No Topics
1 हिंदी साहित्य की विधाएँ
2 कहानी शिक्षण
3 गद्य शिक्षण
4 लेखन कौशल
5 पठन कौशल
6 श्रवण कौशल , वाचन कौशल
7 उपचारात्मक शिक्षण
8 प्राथमिक स्तर पर हिंदी गद्य शिक्षण
9 भाषा का विकास: चौम्सकी, वाइगोत्सकी, पियाजे
10 प्राथमिक स्तर पर हिन्दी व्याकरण शिक्षण की विधियाँ

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About the Author

As a Team Leader at Adda247, I lead content creation efforts tailored to National and State-level government exams, with a specialized focus on the Teaching-UGC domain. Every article I develop is designed to inform, engage, and motivate aspirants on their path to success. At the heart of my role lies a commitment to ensuring our work reflects Adda247’s passion for educational excellence and serves as a stepping stone for students chasing their dreams.