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HTET Syllabus 2025 For Level 1, 2 and 3, Download PDF Subject Wise

The Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH) has officially released the HTET Syllabus along with the HTET Exam 2025, outlining the subjects and topics for candidates appearing at different levels: Level I (PRT), Level II (TGT), and Level III (PGT). Understanding the syllabus in detail, including the marking scheme and exam pattern, is crucial for aspirants to strategize their preparation effectively. To aid candidates in their studies, a comprehensive HTET syllabus PDF is provided below, ensuring easy access to all essential topics required for the examination.

Haryana TET Syllabus 2025

The Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH) has officially released the HTET 2025 syllabus for Primary Teacher (PRT), Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), and Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) levels. Notably, the syllabus for Level II (TGT) and Level III (PGT) has been updated for the upcoming examination, which will be held across multiple districts in Haryana. As per the latest guidelines, the Level II syllabus aligns with textbooks for Classes VI to X, while the Level III syllabus is based on textbooks for Classes IX to XII, following the 2019-20 academic session curriculum. Candidates can refer to the official notification below for a comprehensive overview of the revised syllabus.

BSEH HTET Syllabus 2025: Overview

The HTET 2025 syllabus serves as a vital guide for candidates preparing for the Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test, providing a detailed breakdown of key topics, section-wise weightage, and the marking scheme. Conducted by the Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH), the exam is scheduled to take place offline on 8th and 9th February 2025. It comprises 150 multiple-choice questions, with each correct response awarding one mark and no penalty for incorrect answers. The duration of the exam is 2 hours and 30 minutes, and candidates have the flexibility to attempt it in either English or Hindi. Successful candidates will be awarded an HTET certificate with lifetime validity, making this a significant credential for aspiring teachers in Haryana.

Name of Exam Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test
Exam Conducted by Board of School Education, Haryana
Exam Name Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test
Location Haryana
Paper Languages English/Hindi
Marking Scheme of HTET 1 Mark for Every Correct Answer
Negative Marking No negative marking
Duration of Exam 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes)
Mode of Exam Offline
Total Questions 150 Questions
HTET Exam Date 8 February and 9 February 2025

Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET) Syllabus For Levels 1, 2, 3

The HTET 2025 syllabus is systematically structured across three levels, each tailored to assess candidates aspiring for different teaching roles. Level 1 (PRT) is designed for teaching Classes I to V, focusing on primary education for children aged 6 to 11 years. Level 2 (TGT) is intended for middle school educators teaching Classes VI to VIII, covering students aged 11 to 16 years. Meanwhile, Level 3 (PGT) is meant for postgraduate teachers instructing Classes IX to XII, catering to students aged 14 to 17 years. Each level evaluates subject-specific knowledge, teaching aptitude, and pedagogical skills essential for the respective age groups. Candidates can access the detailed syllabus for all three levels in PDF format through the links provided below.

HTET Syllabus 2025 For PRT, TGT & PGT
Level Post Class Age Group
HTET Level 1 PRT Class I-V 6 to 11 Years old
HTET Level 2 TGT Class-VI-VIII 11 to 16 Years old
HTET Level 3 PGT Class IX-XII 14 to 17 Years old

HTET Exam Pattern For PRT

The HTET Primary Stage Level I exam is designed for candidates aspiring to teach Classes I to V. The exam is conducted over 2 hours and 30 minutes, comprising 150 multiple-choice questions, each carrying one mark. The exam pattern includes key subjects such as Child Development and Pedagogy (30 marks), Hindi and English language proficiency (15 marks each), and a combined section of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and Haryana GK (10 marks each). Additionally, subject-specific sections like Mathematics and Environmental Studies carry 30 marks each.
S. No. Subject Total Question Total Marks
1 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
2 Language-Hindi 15 15
Language-English 15 15
3 Quantitative aptitude 10 10
Reasoning 10 10
Haryana GK 10 10
4 Mathematics 30 30
5 Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150

HTET PRT Syllabus 2025

Candidate may access the HTET Primary Teacher (PRT)  Syllabus from the below-mentioned table Here is the HTET PRT Syllabus given in the following table.

HTET Syllabus 2025 For PRT
S. No. Subject Syllabus Type of Questions
1 Child Development and Pedagogy Child Development: Growth & development and its relationship with learning, Heredity& Environment, Socialization processes, Piaget, Kohlberg, and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives, Concepts of child-centered and progressive education, Multi-Dimensional Intelligence, Language & Thought, Gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice, Individual differences among learners, Assessment & Evaluation, Formulating appropriate questions, critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement.

Inclusive education: understanding children with special needs, diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived & Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners
Learning and Motivation: Basic processes of teaching and learning, strategies of learning, understanding children’s ‘errors’, Cognition & Emotions, Motivation and learning

Educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years, Understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning
2 Language-Hindi संज्ञा,सर्वनाम ,विशेषण , क्रिया, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय, वाक्य निर्माण (सरल, संयुक्त एवं मिश्रित वाक्य), पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक, अनेकार्थक, समानार्थी शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, सन्धि, तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द, समास These sections will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction.
Language-English Articles, Modal, Narration, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Tenses, Punctuation, Voice, Vocabulary, Idioms & phrases, Antonym & Synonyms
3 Quantitative Aptitude Number System, Fractions, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D), Mensuration, Profit & loss, average, problem on age, speed distance &Time, Percentage, SI & CI, Time & Work This section will focus on the elements of Mental and Reasoning Ability and General Knowledge regarding Haryana State.
Reasoning analogies, similarities, Syllogism, space visualization, problem-solving, Blood Relation, arithmetical reasoning, figure classification, Logical Reasoning
Haryana GK Haryana districts, stadium, culture, folk dance, food, all historical places etc.
4 Mathematics Number Systems, Simplification, Decimals, Data Interpretation, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss
Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration
Time & Work, Time & Distance
Tables & Graphs, Geometry
Various concepts, problem-solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects & Topics taught in class I-V by the Education Department, Govt. of Haryana
5 Environment Studies Food: Sources, Components of food, Materials, The World of the Living, Moving Things People and Ideas, How things work, Electric current and circuits, Magnets, Natural Phenomena, Natural Resources

HTET Exam Pattern For TGT

The Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET) TGT Level II exam is specifically designed for candidates aiming to teach Classes VI to VIII and spans 2 hours and 30 minutes. It comprises 150 multiple-choice questions, with each correct answer awarding one mark and no penalty for incorrect responses. The exam structure includes essential sections such as Child Development and Pedagogy (30 marks), Hindi and English language proficiency (15 marks each), and a combined segment covering Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and Haryana General Knowledge (10 marks each). A significant portion, accounting for 60 marks, is dedicated to subject-specific content based on the candidate’s chosen teaching subject.
S. No. Subject Total Question Total Marks
1 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
2 Language-Hindi 15 15
Language-English 15 15
3 Quantitative aptitude 10 10
Reasoning 10 10
Haryana GK 10 10
4 Subject Specific 60 60
Total 150 150

HTET TGT Syllabus (Level II)

Check out the detailed HTET TGT Syllabus given in the following table. The candidates must read the HTET TGT Syllabus thoroughly for better understanding.

HTET Syllabus for TGT
S.No. Subject Syllabus Type of Questions
1 Child Development and Pedagogy Child Development: Growth & development and its relationship with learning, Heredity& Environment, Socialization processes,
Piaget, Kohlberg, and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives, Concepts of child-centered and progressive education, Multi-Dimensional Intelligence, Language & Thought, Gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice, Individual differences among learners, Assessment & Evaluation, Formulating appropriate questions, critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement. Inclusive education: understanding children with special needs, and diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived & Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners Learning and Motivation: Basic processes of teaching and learning, strategies of learning, understanding children’s ‘errors’, Cognition & Emotions, Motivation and learning
Educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 11 – 16 years, Understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning
2 Language-Hindi संज्ञा,सर्वनाम ,विशेषण , क्रिया, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय, वाक्य निर्माण (सरल, संयुक्त एवं मिश्रित वाक्य), पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक, अनेकार्थक, समानार्थी शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, सन्धि, तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द, समास These sections will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction for the age group of 11- 16
Language-English Articles, Modal, Narration, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Tenses, Punctuation, Voice, Vocabulary, Idioms & phrases, Antonym & Synonyms
3 Quantitative aptitude Number System, Fractions, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D), Mensuration, Profit & loss, average, problem on age, speed distance & Time, Percentage, SI & CI, Time & Work This section will focus on the elements of Mental and Reasoning Ability and General Knowledge regarding Haryana State.
Reasoning analogies, similarities, Syllogism, space visualization, problem-solving, Blood Relation, arithmetical reasoning, figure classification, Logical Reasoning
Haryana GK Haryana districts, stadium, culture, folk dance, food, all historical places etc.
4 Subject Specific Detail Syllabus of concerned subject and Topics taught in class VI- X by the Education Department, Govt. of Haryana This section will deal with the specific subject chosen by the candidates and
Various concepts, problem-solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects

HTET TGT Concerned Subjects 2025

Here is the list of HTET TGT Concerned Subjects given in the following table. The candidates must ensure their concerned subject is on the following list.

HTET TGT Concerned Subjects List
Science Mathematics Music
Hindi English Home Science
Sanskrit Social Studies Art
Punjabi Physical Education Urdu

HTET PGT Exam Pattern 2025

The HTET PGT Level III exam is designed for candidates aspiring to become Lecturers in Haryana schools and follows a well-structured format to assess both teaching proficiency and subject expertise. Conducted over 2 hours and 30 minutes, the exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, with each correct answer carrying one mark and no negative marking. It is divided into four key sections: Child Development and Pedagogy (30 marks), Language Proficiency in Hindi and English (15 marks each), and a General section covering Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and Haryana General Knowledge (10 marks each). The largest section, comprising 60 marks, is dedicated to Subject-Specific content aligned with the candidate’s chosen discipline. This structured approach ensures a thorough evaluation of the candidate’s teaching abilities, subject knowledge, and general aptitude.

S. No. Subject Total Question Total Marks
1 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
2 Language-Hindi 15 15
Language-English 15 15
3 Quantitative aptitude 10 10
Reasoning 10 10
Haryana GK 10 10
4 Subject Specific 60 60
Total 150 150

HTET PGT Syllabus (Level III)

Here is the detailed HTET PGT Syllabus given in a tabular format for ease of understanding for the candidates.

HTET PGT Syllabus for PGT
S.no Subject Syllabus Type of Questions
1 Child Development and Pedagogy Child Development: Growth & development and its relationship with learning, Heredity & Environment, Socialization processes,
Piaget, Kohlberg, and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives, Concepts of child-centered and progressive education, Multi-Dimensional Intelligence, Language & Thought, Gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice, Individual differences among learners, Assessment & Evaluation, Formulating appropriate questions, critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement. Inclusive education: understanding children with special needs, and diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived & Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners Learning and Motivation: Basic processes of teaching and learning, strategies of learning, understanding children’s ‘errors’, Cognition & Emotions, Motivation and learning
Educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 14-17 years, Understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, Interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning
2 Language-Hindi संज्ञा,सर्वनाम ,विशेषण , क्रिया, वचन, लिंग, उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय, वाक्य निर्माण (सरल, संयुक्त एवं मिश्रित वाक्य), पर्यायवाची, विपरीपार्थक, अनेकार्थक, समानार्थी शब्द, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, अलंकार, सन्धि, तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज एवं विदेशी शब्द, समास These sections will focus on the proficiency related to the medium of instruction for the age group of 14-17
Language-English Articles, Modal, Narration, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Verb, Preposition, Tenses, Punctuation, Voice, Vocabulary, Idioms & phrases, Antonym & Synonyms
3 Quantitative aptitude Number System, Fractions, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D and 3-D), Mensuration, Profit & loss, average, problem on age, speed distance & Time, Percentage, SI & CI, Time & Work This section will focus on the elements of Mental and Reasoning Ability and General Knowledge regarding Haryana State.
Reasoning analogies, similarities, Syllogism, space visualization, problem-solving, Blood Relation, arithmetical reasoning, figure classification, Logical Reasoning
Haryana GK Haryana districts, stadium, culture, folk dance, food, all historical places etc.
4 Subject Specific Detail Syllabus of concerned subject and Topics taught in class IX-XII by the Education Department, Govt. of Haryana This section will deal with the specific subject chosen by the candidates and
Various concepts, problem-solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of the subjects

HTET PGT Concerned Subjects

Candidates must check out the HTET PGT Concerned Subjects list to ensure their subject concern matches with the following list.

HTET PGT Concerned Subjects
Hindi Biology Political Science
Home Science Chemistry English
Sociology Mathematics Urdu
Psychology Commerce Computer Science
Punjabi Economics Physical Education
History Music Physics
Sanskrit Geography Fine Arts

HTET Syllabus 2025 PDF

The direct link to download the HTET Syllabus PDF for all levels is given below. Candidates can download the HTET Syllabus 2025 PDF for PRT, TGT, and PGT posts. All the PDFs have been provided below with the HTET Exam pattern and subject-wise syllabus.

Post Download the HTET Syllabus PDF
HTET PRT Syllabus 2025 Download HTET PRT Syllabus PDF
HTET TGT Syllabus 2025 Download HTET TGT Syllabus PDF
HTET PGT Syllabus 2025 Download the HTET PGT Syllabus PDF

Minimum Qualifying Marks for HTET 2025

The passing marks and percentages for the HTET exam differ by category. General and OBC candidates must score a minimum of 90 marks, representing a passing percentage of 60%. In contrast, SC/PH candidates from Haryana need to obtain at least 82 marks, which is equivalent to a passing percentage of 55%. However, SC/PH candidates from other states are required to achieve 90 marks, the same as General and OBC candidates, maintaining a passing percentage of 60%.

Category Passing Marks Passing percentage
General/OBC Category 90 marks 60%
SC/PH of Haryana states 82 marks 55%
SC/PH of Other states 90 marks 60%
HTET Exam 2025: Important Links
HTET Exam 2025 HTET Syllabus
HTET Previous Year papers HTET Exam Pattern
HTET: Haryana Gk Question HTET Cut Off Marks
HTET Online Application process HTET Certificate Validity
HTET Admit Card 2025


HTET Syllabus 2025 For Level 1, 2 and 3, Download PDF Subject Wise_3.1


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HTET Syllabus 2025 For Level 1, 2 and 3, Download PDF Subject Wise_4.1

HTET Syllabus 2025: FAQs

Is the syllabus the same for all Levels of the HTET exam?

No, the syllabus differs for primary teachers(class-1 to class-5), higher primary teachers (class-6 to class-8), and Postgraduate (class 9 to class 12).

How do solving previous year papers help in preparation?

Solving the HTET previous years’ paper will give candidates an idea about the types of questions asked in the HTET exam.

Is there any negative marking in the HTET exam?

No, there is no negative marking in the HTET exam for all the levels.

What types of questions are there in the HTET exam?

Objective type question asked in the HTET Exam.

What is HTET Syllabus ?

HTET Syllabus is the curriculum released for the Haryana Teachers Eligibility Test (HTET). It outlines the subjects, topics, and marking scheme for the Level I (PRT), Level II (TGT) and Level III (PGT) exams.

Who conducts the HTET Exam?

The HTET Exam is conducted by the Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) once a year.

What are the levels of the HTET Exam?

The HTET Exam consists of three levels- Level 1 (PRT), Level 2 (TGT), and Level 3 (PGT).

What is the HTET Exam Date 2025?

The HTET Exam Date 2025 is 8 February and 9 February 2025.

About the Author

I contribute as a content Manager at Adda247, focusing on National and State Level Competitive Government Exams for the Teaching Vertical. My role involves meticulous research and the creation of compelling articles, aimed at guiding and informing aspiring candidates, all in alignment with Adda247's commitment to educational excellence.