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Important International Boundary Lines in India & World PDF

Important International Boundary Lines in India & World PDF

Important International Boundary Lines & Teaching Exams

The candidates preparing for the Competitive Teaching Government Exam must have a vast knowledge of General Awareness. This enhances their chances to attempt these General Awareness Questions appearing in their Teaching Competitive Exam and eventually securing more marks. The General Awareness section is a common part of the Teaching Government Job Exams and therefore, the candidates must cover a variety of topics related to the General Awareness section. In the following article, we have covered one such very important and crucial topic- Important International Boundary Lines in India & World PDF.

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Important International Boundary Lines- Overview

There are various Important International Boundary Lines. These important international boundary lines are controversial or disputed lines of control between countries, states or regions. The International Boundary Lines are a result of disputes between the two countries, states or regions that have been involved in armed conflicts or wars. In some cases, these Important International Boundary Lines in India & World are shared amiably as well.

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Important International Boundary Lines List

In the following table, the candidates will find the Important International Boundary Lines in India & World. The candidates will find the names of the Important International Boundary Lines in India & World along with the countries or regions they are shared between and some descriptions to understand the conflicts a little better.

Important International Boundary Lines List
Name of Important Boundary Lines Between Features/ Description
17th Parallel South Vietnam and North Vietnam
  • As the 17th latitude from the equator divided erstwhile North and South Vietnam henceforth the name 17th Parallel.
  • It was demarcated based on the 1954 Geneva Accords.
  • After the unification of Vietnam in 1976, the 17th parallel became irrelevant.
20th Parallel Libya and Sudan
  • The 20th Parallel is located at the 20th Norther Latitude which also constitutes the border between Libya and Sudan.
22nd Parallel Egypt and Sudan
  • The 22nd latitude north of the equator marks a major portion of the Sudan-Egypt border.
25th Parallel Mauritania and Mali
  • The northernmost section of the Mali-Mauritania border is marked using this line.
31st Parallel Iran and Iraq
  • The 31st northern latitude marks the border between Iraq and Iran.
  • It also demarcates the border between the US states of Louisiana and Mississippi.
38th Parallel South Korea and North Korea
  • The 38th parallel is used to demarcate the central part of the Demilitarized zone between North and South Korea.
49th Parallel/ Medicine line The USA and Canada
  • It is located 49 degrees north of the equator.
  • Demarcated after the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 and the Oregon Treaty of 1846, it forms the international border between the northern USA (Excluding Alaska) and Canada.
Durand Line Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • Delimited by Sir Mortimer Durand with the agreement of the erstwhile Amir of Afghanistan in 1893.
  • Present-day Afghanistan does not recognize the Durand line.
  • India also shares the Durand Line with Afghanistan, however, the region falls in Pak-Occupied Kashmir. 
Hindenburg Line Poland and Germany
  • It was a German Defensive line in French territory during World War I
  • It was rendered irrelevant by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.
McMahon Line China and India
  • It was drawn by Sir Henry McMahon in consultation with Tibetan representatives in 1914.
  • China disputes the legal status of this line but it is the de facto border between India and China.
Maginot Line Germany and France
  • It was a defensive line at the French border towards Germany before World War II. The Maginot line was rendered obsolete following the successful invasion of France by Germany following the outbreak of World War II
Mannerheim Line Russia and Finland
  • Finland built this as a defensive line against the Soviet Union for the Winter War during World War II.
Oder-Neisse Line Poland and Germany
  • It runs along the rivers Oder and Lusatian Neisse rivers.
  • It demarcates the Polish-German border according to the Potsdam Conference. It was recognized by a unified Germany in 1990.
Radcliffe Line India and Pakistan
  • It was demarcated by Sir Cyril Radcliffe for the Partition of India and the formation of East and West Pakistan.
  • It includes present-day India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Siegfried Line France and Germany
  • It was built as an extension of the Hindenburg defensive line on the western front of World War I by the Weimar Republic and later the Third Reich of Germany in the 1930s.
Blue Line Lebanon and Israel
  • Border demarcation between Lebanon and Israel was published by the United Nations on 7 June 2000 for the purposes of determining whether Israel had fully withdrawn from Lebanon.
Green Line / Attila Line / UN Buffer Zone The Republic of Cyprus and Turkish Cyprus
  • A demilitarized zone, patrolled by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), that was established in 1964 and extended in 1974 after the ceasefire of 16 August 1974
Line of Control India and Pakistan
  • It is a cease-fire Line that cuts through the State of Jammu and Kashmir in India. The western side of the Line of Control is called Pak-Occupied Kashmir. 
Purple Line  Israel and Syria
  • After the Six-Day War between Syria/Jordan/Egypt & Israel in 1967, the cease-fire line became the new effective border under the observation of the UN.

Important International Boundary Lines

Having a strong grasp of General Awareness is paramount for candidates preparing for competitive teaching government exams. The General Awareness section is a vital component of these exams, and it covers a wide range of topics, including Important International Boundary Lines. This knowledge is not only useful for answering general awareness questions but also for gaining a broader perspective on international geopolitics and conflicts.

Understanding the significance and features of these boundary lines, as discussed in this article, can be beneficial in securing higher marks in teaching competitive exams. It is crucial for candidates to continue expanding their knowledge in General Awareness and stay updated on relevant topics.

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What is the name of the borderline between India and China?

McMahon Line is the name of the boundary line between India and China.

What is the name of the border between India and Afghanistan?

The Durand Line is the name of the border between India and Afghanistan. The Durand Line is 2,250-kilometre (1,400 mi) long.

What line separates France and Germany?

Maginot Line is the line that separates France and Germany.

Where is the 25th Parallel?

The 25th Parallel Line runs between Mauritania and Mali. The northernmost section of the Mali-Mauritania border is marked using this line.

Between which Countries does the Medicine line run?

the Medicine line runs between The USA and Canada. It was Demarcated after the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 and the Oregon Treaty of 1846, it forms the international border between the northern USA (Excluding Alaska) and Canada.