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MP TET Varg 2 Cut Off 2025, Check Previous Years Cut Off, Expected Cut Off, Qualifying Marks

The Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board is on its way to conducting the highly anticipated secondary teacher exam released to recruit more than 10000+ aspirants. As the state-level teacher’s exam concludes, candidates need to wait for the official MP TET Varg 2 cut off, which will determine their selection possibilities. After clearing this threshold number, named the MP Teacher cut off, candidates are allowed to appear for further rounds such as document verification and interview. However, candidates might need a target they must be chasing over to attain a good probability of clearing the exam, and this is what we will be discussing here in this article in detail.

MP TET Varg 2 Cut Off 2025: Outline

The MP TET Varg 2 cut off is the number or percentage that the MPESB destines after determining several factors, such as the number of candidates, difficulty level, etc. Candidates who have scored above the determined score or percentage set against their category clear the Varg 2 written exam. Let’s check some particulars about the MP TET varg 2 cut off:

MP Varg 2 Cut Off 2025: Outline
Name of Recruitment MP Teacher Recruitment 2025
Conducting Body Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB)
Number of Vacancies 10758 posts
Posts Secondary Teacher (Subject, Sports and Music-Singing Playing), Primary Teacher (Sports, Music-Singing Playing and Dance) and Secondary Teacher (Subject), Primary Teacher (Sports and Music-Singing Playing and Dance)
Exam Date Starts from 15 April 2025
Mode of Examination Computer-Based Test (CBT)
Exam Duration 2 Hours (120 Minutes)
MP TET Varg 2 Cut off date 2-3 weeks after the exam
Examination Scheme 100 Questions: 1 Mark each
Official Website esb.mp.gov.in/

MP Teacher Qualifying Marks

To qualify for the Varg 2 exam, candidates need to achieve the minimum qualifying marks set by the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB). This benchmark is essential as it determines whether a candidate is eligible to proceed further in the selection process. This means you should note that even scoring high may not guarantee qualification unless you have attained the minimum qualifying percentage specified by MPESB. Therefore, you must strategically aim to surpass this benchmark to enhance your chances of selection. The following table specifies the category-wise minimum MP Teacher qualifying marks:

MP Teacher Qualifying Marks
Category Minimum Qualifying Percentage
SC/ST/OBC/Other Backward Classes/Divyang (PwD)/Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 40%
Others 50%

MP Teacher Expected Cut Off 2025

The MP Teacher expected cut off is the benchmark that aspirants can expect in the upcoming Varg Shikshak Bharti exam. The MP Teacher exam tests the candidate’s ability to be appointed as a secondary or primary teacher in various domains in Govt. schools of Madhya Pradesh. The Varg 2 exam comprises 100 questions on a particular subject that candidates appear for their graduation. As per the MPESB, the candidates can expect their minimum qualifying marks as per the following table:

MP Teacher Expected Cut Off Marks 2025
Category Cut Off
General/UR 75
SC/ST 57
Divyang (PwD) 52

Factors Affecting MP Teacher Cut Off

As the MP Teacher exam is being conducted on a huge scale, the cut off for the MP Teacher exam crosses over several factors in determining the MP Teacher cut off each year. As you understand these factors, it can help you to better analyze the chances of qualifying and then prepare for the exam better. Here are the key factors that influence the MP TET Varg 2 cut off:

  • Number of Candidates Appearing: The higher the number of candidates, the tougher the competition, which may result in a higher cut off.
  • Difficulty Level of the Exam: If the paper is tougher than in previous years, the cut off may decrease, while an easier paper may raise the cut off.
  • Number of Vacancies: A larger number of vacancies may lower the cut off, whereas fewer vacancies may increase it.
  • Category-wise Reservation: The cut off varies for different categories, with reserved categories generally having a lower qualifying threshold.
  • Previous Year Cut Off Trends: Examining past trends often gives a fair idea of the expected cut off range.
  • Candidate’s Performance: Ultimately, the overall performance of candidates in the exam heavily impacts the final cut off marks.
MP TET Varg 2 Important Links
MP Teacher Recruitment 2025 MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus 2025
MP TET Varg 2 Previous Year Question Papers MP TET Varg 2 Eligibility Criteria 2025
MP TET Application Form 2025

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MP TET Varg 2 Cut Off 2025, Check Previous Years Cut Off, Expected Cut Off, Qualifying Marks_4.1

MP TET Varg 2 Cut Off : FAQs

What if I score the qualifying marks but fail to meet the cut off?

Scoring qualifying marks ensures eligibility, but clearing the cut off is essential for further selection rounds.

What factors influence the MP TET Varg 2 Cut Off 2025?

Factors such as exam difficulty, number of vacancies, and total candidates affect the cut off.

Is there any sectional cut off in MP TET Varg 2 2025?

No, there is no sectional cut off. The overall score is considered for qualification.

What are the qualifying marks for MP TET Varg 2 2025?

The qualifying marks are 40% for reserved categories and 50% for others.

What should I do if I fail to meet the MP TET Varg 2 Cut Off 2025?

Candidates who do not meet the cut off can prepare better and attempt the exam in the next session.

About the Author

As a Content Writer, I specialize in crafting comprehensive and engaging articles for the Teaching-UGC domain, with a focus on National and State-level government exams. My work centers on delivering well-researched and reliable content that empowers aspirants with the knowledge and confidence to excel. Through my collaboration with Adda247, I contribute to creating impactful resources that effectively support students in achieving their academic and career goals.