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MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus, Download PDF

Candidates are now preparing for the MP TET Secondary teacher exam, but before embarking on their preparation journey, they must be aware of the syllabus first. Understanding the MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus 2025 is the foundation for a successful exam strategy. It will guide them in structuring their study plan efficiently, identifying key concepts that need more attention, and ultimately boosting their performance on the exam day. A well-rounded approach to studying the syllabus ensures that candidates are equipped with the knowledge required to clear the exam.

The syllabus covers a wide range of topics in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, and being familiar with it will help candidates focus on the right areas. As a Science Secondary Teacher, candidates will be responsible for imparting a comprehensive understanding of scientific concepts to students, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging practical application of knowledge. Their role demands mastery over the subject matter and the ability to engage students effectively in the learning process.

MPTET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus 2025

The MP TET Varg 2 Secondary Science Teacher Syllabus 2025 is designed to assess candidates’ subject knowledge in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, along with their ability to effectively teach these subjects at the secondary level. By thoroughly understanding the syllabus, candidates can create a focused study plan that targets key topics in each subject area. This structured approach ensures that all essential concepts are covered, enhancing performance and increasing the chances of clearing the MP TET Varg 2 Exam. With a well-organized study strategy based on the syllabus, candidates will be fully prepared for the challenges of teaching Science in Madhya Pradesh.

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Exam Pattern

The MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Exam Pattern assesses candidates’ knowledge and understanding of key scientific concepts, with a focus on Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, each carrying 1 mark, for a total of 100 marks. The total duration of the exam is 2 hours, and all questions are compulsory. The questions are designed to evaluate candidates’ grasp of the Science syllabus for classes 9 and 10 in Madhya Pradesh, with the difficulty level aligned to graduation standards. A strong grasp of scientific principles and problem-solving abilities is essential to perform well in this section.

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Exam Pattern
Exam Details Description
Subjects Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry)
Number of Questions 100
Marks per Question 1 mark per question
Total Marks 100
Duration 2 hours
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Compulsory Yes, all questions are compulsory
Difficulty Level Aligned to graduation standards
Focus Areas Biology, Physics, Chemistry (Class 9 and 10 syllabus)

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Detailed Syllabus

The MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus 2025 is designed to evaluate candidates’ depth of knowledge and teaching proficiency in subjects like Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. The syllabus covers essential concepts from classes 9 and 10, aligned with the graduation level. Candidates must familiarize themselves with the topics to ensure effective preparation. Below is the detailed breakdown of the syllabus for the Science section:

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Detailed Syllabus
Subject Unit Content
Biology Unit 1 Biological classification, Plant Kingdom, Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms
Unit 2 Morphology of Flowering Plants, Modification of root, stem, and leaf, Anatomy of monocot and dicot plants
Unit 3 Photosynthesis, Respiration in plants, Plant growth, Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
Unit 4 Animal Kingdom, Structural Organization, Circulatory system, Excretory system, Digestion and absorption
Unit 5 Locomotion, Neural control, Endocrine system
Unit 6 Human Reproduction, Reproductive health, Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
Unit 7 Structure and function of cell, Cell division, Tissue types, Biomolecules
Unit 8 Heredity, Mendelian inheritance, DNA and RNA structure, Genetic disorders
Unit 9 Environmental issues, Biodiversity, Pollution, Greenhouse effect, Conservation
Unit 10 Biotechnology, Human health, Pathogens, Immunology, Reproductive health
Physics Unit 11 Force and Mechanics, Laws of motion, Friction, Work, Energy, Power
Unit 12 Properties of Matter, Elasticity, Pressure, Buoyancy, Laws of thermodynamics
Unit 13 Magnetism, Electric current, Ohm’s law, Magnetic fields, Electromagnetic induction
Unit 14 Optics, Refraction, Reflection, Dispersion, Sound waves, Doppler effect
Unit 15 Dual nature of Light, Semiconductors, P-N junction, Photoelectric effect, Lasers
Chemistry Unit 16  State of Matter, Chemical kinetics, Thermodynamics, Gibbs Free Energy
Unit 17 Periodicity, Chemical Bonding, Molecular Structure, Electrovalent and covalent bonds
Unit 18 Solutions, Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s Principle
Unit 19 Organic Chemistry, Functional groups, Polymers, Biomolecules
Unit 20 Environmental Chemistry, Pollution, Green Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus Download PDF

Candidates preparing for the MP TET Varg 2 Teacher Exam must have a thorough understanding of the syllabus to ensure effective preparation. Understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme is crucial for scoring well. To assist with your preparation, we have provided a detailed PDF of the MP TET Varg 2 syllabus. Download it now to access all the information you need for your exam preparation.

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus Download PDF

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MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus, Download PDF_4.1

MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Syllabus

What is the marking scheme for the MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Exam?

Each question carries 1 mark, and there is no negative marking in the MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Exam. The total marks for the exam are 100.

What topics are included in the Physics section of the MP TET Varg 2 exam?

The Physics section includes topics such as Force and Mechanics, Magnetism, Optics, Dual Nature of Light, and Semiconductors.

What does the Chemistry section focus on in the MP TET Varg 2 Science Exam?

The Chemistry section focuses on topics like State of Matter, Chemical Bonding, Organic Chemistry, and Environmental Chemistry.

What is the difficulty level of the MP TET Varg 2 Science Exam?

The exam is designed to match the graduation level, focusing on the science topics from the Class 9 and 10 syllabus in Madhya Pradesh.

What is the exam pattern for the MP TET Varg 2 Science Secondary Teacher Exam?

The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, with each question carrying 1 mark. The total marks are 100, and the exam duration is 2 hours.

About the Author

As a Content Writer, I specialize in crafting comprehensive and engaging articles for the Teaching-UGC domain, with a focus on National and State-level government exams. My work centers on delivering well-researched and reliable content that empowers aspirants with the knowledge and confidence to excel. Through my collaboration with Adda247, I contribute to creating impactful resources that effectively support students in achieving their academic and career goals.