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What Are The Qualifying Marks For MP TET Varg 2?

The Madhya Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test Varg 2 is an exam being conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB) for the recruitment of Primary and Secondary teachers in the Govt. Schools of Madhya Pradesh. Candidates might be well aware of the exam date scheduled from 15th April 2025 onward. The MP Secondary Teacher recruitment asks candidates to attain some specific eligibility for each post varied by distinct subjects.

Aside from the eligibility, the test that MPSEB conducts plays a major role in the selection of the candidates, which has raised a question in candidates’ minds about the minimum qualifying marks for the MP TET Varg 2 exam. This article will answer the query in detail.

What Are The Qualifying Marks For MP TET Varg 2?

As we know, alongside the eligibility, candidates are required to clear a 100-mark exam comprised of 100 Multiple-choice questions, each carrying 1 mark. So candidates! MPESB have set a benchmark, which is the least possible marks you must score to clear the MP Teacher exam. That implies that even if you are a top scorer and have not scored above the threshold, you are not qualified for the exam and need to appear for the next session if dedicated to the position. Now, let’s see, what are the minimum qualifying marks for MP TET Varg 2 exam:

Qualifying Marks For MP TET Varg 2
Category Minimum Qualifying Percentage
SC/ST/OBC/Other Backward Classes/Divyang (PwD)/Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 40%
Others 50%

MP TET Varg 2 Marking Scheme 2025

Alongside the qualifying marks, candidates are also entitled to check the complete marking scheme that the MP Scecondary Teacher exam follows to underdstand the exam better. The MP TET Varg 2 exam follows a clear and structured marking scheme. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark. Candidates will receive one mark for every correct answer, and there is no negative marking for incorrect responses. The total marks for the exam are 100, and candidates must aim to score above the qualifying percentage to proceed further in the recruitment process.

MP TET Varg 2 Marking Scheme 2025
Exam Component Details
Total Questions 100
Marks per Question 1 Mark
Total Marks 100 Marks
Negative Marking No Negative Marking
Exam Duration 2 Hours
MP TET Varg 2 Important Links
MP TET Varg 2 Recruitment 2025 MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus 2025
MP TET Application Form 2025 MP TET Varg 2 Eligibility Criteria 2025

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What Are The Qualifying Marks For MP TET Varg 2?_4.1

Qualifying Marks For MP TET Varg 2: FAQS

What are the qualifying marks for MP TET Varg 2 for General category candidates?

General category candidates must score at least 50% marks to qualify for the MP TET Varg 2 exam.

What is the qualifying percentage for SC/ST/OBC candidates in MP TET Varg 2?

Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Other Backward Classes/Divyang (PwD)/EWS categories must secure 40% marks to qualify.

Do qualifying marks guarantee selection for teaching posts?

No, securing qualifying marks makes you eligible, but final selection depends on merit, cut-off marks, and document verification.

Is there negative marking in the MP TET Varg 2 exam?

No, there is no negative marking in the MP TET Varg 2 exam.

Do qualifying marks guarantee selection for teaching posts?

No, securing qualifying marks makes you eligible, but final selection depends on merit, cut-off marks, and document verification.

About the Author

As a Content Writer, I specialize in crafting comprehensive and engaging articles for the Teaching-UGC domain, with a focus on National and State-level government exams. My work centers on delivering well-researched and reliable content that empowers aspirants with the knowledge and confidence to excel. Through my collaboration with Adda247, I contribute to creating impactful resources that effectively support students in achieving their academic and career goals.