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Thesis and Article Writing, Download UGC NET Study Notes PDF

Thesis and article writing are essential aspects of academic discourse, each serving unique roles within the scholarly community. Theses contribute new knowledge to a specific field through in-depth research, while articles disseminate information to a broader audience.

While the former demands a structured, comprehensive approach, the latter prioritizes brevity and accessibility. By understanding the nuances of each form, researchers, scholars, and students can effectively communicate their ideas, contribute to their respective fields, and engage with the broader academic community.

What is Thesis?

The thesis refers to a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification (PhD) proposing the author’s research and results of that research. It is important to distinguish between the terms “dissertation”  and “thesis” because they are used interchangeably. The major distinction between “dissertation”  and “thesis” is the length of dissertations and thesis,  where earlier is having shorter length as compared to the latter one. Moreover, dissertations are submitted in the fulfilment of the master’s degree and thesis for the grant of a PhD degree.

What is Article Writing?

Article writing refers to writing meant to deliver information to the masses with the help of media sources like newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. The structure of the research article is  simple and brief with compact organisation of different headings. In contrast, thesis and dissertation writing is detailed and hefty.

Thesis and Article Writing Format

The generally accepted format of thesis or report writing tends to be produced in the following way:

Headings of the format Subheadings and detail
Title of the thesis or article (title page)
  • Name of the researcher
  • Purpose of the research project
  • Date of Publication
Table of Contents This section includes the contents of the report, in the form of chapters or in subheadings.
List of Tables This section contains the title and page number of all tables.
List of Figures This section includes the page number of all graphs, pie charts etc
Acknowledgements In this section, the researcher may acknowledge Institute Principal, Faculty Guide, both research guide and research participants, friends etc
Introduction This section orients the research topic with its aims and objectives.
Review of Literature This section contains all your background research obtained from the literature review.
Research design This section includes all practical details followed for research. This includes reporting on data collection, how many people took part, how they were selected, what tools were used for data collection, how the data was analysed etc.
Data Analysis and Interpretation If you have conducted a large quantitative survey, this section may contain tables, graphs, pie charts, and associated statistics. If you have conducted a qualitative piece of research, this section may be descriptive prose.
Summary and Conclusion In this section, you sum up your findings and draw conclusions from them, perhaps in relation to other research or literature.
Recommendation A list of clear recommendations that have been developed from the research is included.
Suggestion for Further Research it shows that you are aware of the wider picture and that you are not trying to cover up something which you feel may be lacking in your own work
List of References/Bibliography
  • The list of references contains details only of those research sources cited in the text.
  • A bibliography includes sources not cited in the text, but which are relevant to the subject of dissertations or thesis.

Difference between Thesis and Article writing

The major differences between thesis writing and article writing are as follows:

Basis of difference  Thesis Article
Meaning  It is a document of academic nature and has more detailed content.  It is, however, a shorter document highlighting key points in a more concise format.
Need  It serves the academic purpose needs It serves journalistic needs and required standards.
Review  Reviewed by selected committee members Reviewed by a panel of blind reviewers
Division  This is divided into chapters It is divided into sections 
Length of literature reviewed Here, the literature review is lengthy. Here, the length is precise
Type of description  A detailed description of different tools and techniques used during the research  is required Only essential and succinct tools used
Presentation of findings All findings are presented  Selected findings are presented.

Hence, thesis and article writing are important aspects of the research field. The researcher needs to understand the core in order to frame these in an effective way. Following are the tips that need to be kept in mind while writing a thesis and articles:

  • Be as specific as possible
  • Start writing early, don’t wait for the deadline to come
  • Draft roughly before finalising the whole.
  • Use logical sentences and flow.

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Thesis and Article Writing: FAQs

What is the main difference between a thesis and an article?

A thesis is a comprehensive research document written to obtain a master's or doctoral degree, contributing new knowledge to a specific field. An article, on the other hand, is a shorter piece of writing published in academic journals, magazines, or newspapers, aiming to disseminate information or present research findings to a broader audience.

How long does it take to write a thesis?

The time required to complete a thesis varies depending on several factors, including the degree level, research topic, research methodology, and individual circumstances. Generally, it can take several months to a few years to complete a thesis.

What is the typical structure of a thesis?

A thesis typically consists of several chapters, including an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. However, the specific structure may vary based on the discipline and institution's guidelines.

About the Author

As a Team Leader at Adda247, I lead content creation efforts tailored to National and State-level government exams, with a specialized focus on the Teaching-UGC domain. Every article I develop is designed to inform, engage, and motivate aspirants on their path to success. At the heart of my role lies a commitment to ensuring our work reflects Adda247’s passion for educational excellence and serves as a stepping stone for students chasing their dreams.